this game is literally fucking anti-fun. the actual definition of artificial difficulty

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>having a good time in Ironman

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Convince me to reinstall this I've never gotten past the first blacksite

The timer isn't the issue at all. The Assassin is just fucking stupid as fuck

posting posters

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hunker down works on melee attacks user also she loses invisibility when seen. Rangers and Reapers can go into concealment and find her easy enough to light her up.

Warlock is way worse if you give him time to get going

mods and also a default option in WOTC to double timers

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>complaining about vanilla babby chosen when all you have to do to win the campaign is take 3 grenadiers and blow everything up

Play with Beagle's modset and you will know the true meaning of suffering

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Does he have a list of what he's using for his current run yet?

Just send a stealth unit ahead of the rest of your team, Einstein.
Jesus, when did Yea Forums get so casual?

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>in month two you start with 9 empty blocks that if you play all missions every month and stop all dark event cards that would increase it, the clock can only grow 2 blocks every several weeks
>when fully filled (so 7+ months of doing nothing to reduce it outside of dark events) you are given 22 to 27 day to clean off at least one block
>you can remove 15 blocks doing the story quests
>and between 5 to 25 additional blocks from the Project Facility side quests that pop up

>in wotc you are given quests that can remove 1 or 2 more blocks with covert actions
>also a resistance order that removes one block every month

it's just messing with your head user

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thanks retard. when im on a time mission ill be sure to send a stealth unit to just check out the area while i have a shit ton of lost ready to reveal my stealth unit at any moment

you're a fucking retarded illiterate moron. kill yourself, theres not a single person on this planet who would care if you died

LMAO imagine being this bad at video games. Do you even understand how to move your units properly?

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Yeah but Beagle is a faggot, why would I want to play like him?

good god yes
>goes into stasis and summons 6 ghost troopers with weapons to kick your ass
>that shredder cannon like daze attack

the timer stops once you get someone to the ViP








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>Beagle is a faggot
Do you have a single fact to back that up

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Kek, you really are that retarded. You can see the detection radius.

I'll spell out a simple strategy for you since you're too retarded to get it otherwise. Move to the end of your blue radius with your unit that's furthest back to gain more visibility, then move as far forward as you can (blue) with your scout. If all of their routes are blocked, then start lighting up the lost, starting with the closest ones so they don't blow the cover of your reaper/scout ranger. Or just accept that sometimes shit goes tits up and take the strategic loss. The game really isn't that hard.

>executed the archon on the first turn
felt good after getting buttfucked by the berserker queen

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Any post on his twitter account

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use a reaper. the detection radius means you need to be tickling their balls for them to detect reapers.

>it's an "OP gold moves into unexplored terrain with his last available soldier and complains about not being able to sneak past the lost" episode
Haven't seen this one in a hot minute


>weakness: melee
>strength: immune to melee
>weakness: explosives
>strength: immune to explosives
Chosen are really fun to fight though, definitely.

>going on twitter when you're not some sort of "content creator" with followers
It says here you're the faggot, sorry you had to find out this way user

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>recruit a skirmisher
>they come in as a sergeant with the code name 'Doom'
>they're armour has no sleeves
>on their first mission I get 'Rip & Tear' as a caption as I'm cycling through the photobooth


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You say this but his retardation also seeps into his twitch streams. I deleted my twitter long ago because of how common said retardation is on there.

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>the team porting Long War to War of the Chosen is a oack of fun-hating tryhards, they're disabling buying perks from already acquired ranks and nerfing heroes

Why, bros?

>long war

You are enjoying the sense of accomplishment that comes from an honest victory, right Yea Forums?

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Photobooth and workshop Day 1 support are mandatory for the next Xcom game

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thumbnail looked like an edited holocaust photo

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Photobooth is the best addition to XCOM, change my mind

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The assassin is really gamey. All the nothing personal kid shit. I did manage to fuck her up proper
>Ends turn on fire escape
>Reaper ied on her
>Grenadier blasts her with a made
It actually one shot her. I feel like all reapers come down to that though, you rig up a perfect combo to down them in a single turn.

>change my mind
I refuse, you are correct.

Bought WotC during the sale but I haven't had the time to dive deep into a campaign yet. The extra legacy missions are fun as fuck though, I really enjoyed going for gold on the first one. They're a very well done bite sized part of my favorite aspects of the main game, there's satisfying progression as the missions ramp up and the score adds a fun meta layer to it all
I messed around in photobooth a bit and liked it but I really wish there were more options. Any good mods that add more backgrounds/poses?

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its the only reason i keep going back, that and the character pool i've built up over several campaigns that must have like a 1000 characters in it by now

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But... he's wearing an XCOM lab coat

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This. Long war is the stupidest shit ever.

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Ironman on classic and things are going great. Rescue civilian mission comes up and my skirmisher is doing work. Warlock comes in and mind controls his ass. All the civies start cunning him down despite crysallids literally right behind them. Got fucked on that mission. Now playing Enemy Within again.

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Is that real? How do you get that?


Commander, why were your efforts so mediocre


what is that from

>executed all 3 rulers in 1 game
>2 of them it happened on the first shot

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Holy shit I didn't know it was actually voiced

It's a meme. It refrences gaming juro's cheating to beat Sekiro.

>nerds ITT pretending their dice rolling simulator takes skill

Modding made the game fun

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Alright I'm really digging these "posters"
gives me a real Starship Troopers vibe, gonna reinstall Xcom 2

Hmmm, somehow barafag isn't here. What gives

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I don't know if they're viable at higher difficulties but Templar are fun as fuck to use. Got one with Shadowstep and just yolo'd him into the alien ranks every turn.
>"This world is OURS!"

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the guy who voiced him is a massive cuck, voiced a lot of characters in a lot of media but he shills constantly and pretty much accepts any bone he can get
guarantee if you made a video with every line the councillor said and upload it to youtube, within a month you'd find a reply from the faggot talking himself up

The base game was the same, anti-fun describes it well.

>oh hey, I'm new enemy XY, I'm just going to pop off my new rule-breaking ability that you have no way of knowing about that will fuck up your entire team and force either a reload or a complete campaign restart since you literally can't lose even a single mission without entering a near unavoidable death spiral

one of my dudes from my most previous run. the character creation is so damn good once you overstuff the game with mods

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templar are overpowered with the right buyable abilities, and if you get them bladestorm they'll become immortal to hordes and capable of killing 20+ in a single turn easily
however they still die like a dog if they even think about meleeing a muton, and that includes the muton somehow countering them midsprint if they trigger bladestorm by running near him
templars are definitely the mvp of the factions you can pick, reapers are great too but for different reasons

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timers aren't bad at all. I used to hate them too but then I realized that overwatch turtling is the most efficient, safe and boring way to play, and timers address that and force you to push yourself. They're definitely a bitch to deal with when you have no experience but once you have a failed campaign or two under your belt you'll know things like what order to move your squad members in, the best order to attack to maximize the potential of weapons/abilities/items, and what constitutes a """"safe"""" move. Soon you'll find yourself completing missions with 4-5 turns to spare, and you can apply the lessons learned so facility/supply raid missions are even easier.

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>you literally can't lose even a single mission without entering a near unavoidable death spiral

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Chosen pause turn timers and make timed missions much easier.

Git gud scrub. You shouldn't have difficulty on a single mission after you recruit your first Reaper.

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>I bring the same five guys every mission
Skirmishers are definitely the weakest of the three, but they're still really solid units. I've won a few missions by setting up in a good spot and yoinking enemies into a firing squad while my reaper cheeses stealth to plant the bomb.

>needing anything other than your Reaper on bomb missions

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>He can only have fun if he's winning.
>He doesn't understand why being forced into do-or-die situations and managing to salvage them as best he can is fun.
You're playing the wrong genre, zoomer. Please go back to playing ego shooters on easy mode.

>missions on a timer

I can't believe people are actually defending this shit. It's like you enjoy getting deliberately fucked in the ass.

Do you just plant and dip or do you actually clear the mission? I've had their stealth fuck up on me a couple times so I wouldn't trust the latter to a lone reaper.

I want to try playing again but last time I quit towards the end as I was having more frustration then fun. I just played valkyria 1 and 4 should I try again?

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Why is his game so kino

nu-com is trash

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What makes it bad?
legendary ironman mode: actual arguments

Have xcom and xcom 2 in my library which one is better? Or should I just buy xenonauts


Absolutely false if you actually know how to play the game. You can hard counter the warlock making him easier than the Chosen Hunter. Here's how to do it:
>pick Templar as starting faction
>rush sectoid autopsy so you get it done before the end of the month (retaliation mission)
>save enough supplies to be able to craft the mindshield
>equip the mindshield to your Templar
>keep Templar in the front to completely negate mind control and scorch, once you get parry you can negate his rifle shots too

There you go. A completely disarmed warlock that will do 0 damage, guaranteed.

Only the assassin is pretty much guaranteed to do damage but she can also be countered with battle scanners. The hunter is easy because the ai is retarded with him but he can actually use his grapple to insta flank you which makes him hard to counter.

Boomers get the bullet first.

They realized pods are a problem but are completely unable or unwilling to do anything that actually solves the issue. So instead of inching forward one tile a turn and slamming overwatch in 1 in 2 you are instead encouraged to build a squad that is capable of alpha striking in one turn every pod you come across in order to mitigate as much risk as possible. Of course in story missions, which this shitty game still has and firaxis is in love with for some reason, you can still do overwatch crawl for some reason.

In short it's a strategy game with one strategy that you do over and over again because pods are cancer and firaxis won't do anything about them but bandaid changes like adding timers, to some missions.

This is just the biggest problem btw and doesn't get into things like the fucked up inverse difficult curve, class imbalance, how bad the story is in a strategy game they insist on having heavy emphasis on story, etc.

That plus no options to have more than one base, more than one skyranger, managing multiple base economy and shit, option to skip missions and complete the ones you want or need to do at the moment, ...

Post waifus.

Attached: x2waifu2.jpg (3840x2160, 773K)

Kys yourself with your weeb faggotry.

>not even anime mod
Have dysentery.

Post anime mods

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Dilate, you fucking tranny.

XCOM 2 needs more anime mods

Have sex, sweetums.

>makes a bunch of pixels in fucking xcom 2 his waifu
>tells others to have sex
Even Gandalf would be jealous of your wizard powers.

>Chosen stands anywhere near a car or gas tank
>cheeki breeki reaper blows them up so hard that they wake up in the zone and get told to find Strelok

Are there face mods that I'm just unable to find? The only one I found is Destroyer's face pack and it isn't compatible with WotC

desu that sounds just like the other dlc in the game with the recoloured boss enemies, retarded unfun shit

how did they go from making enemy within to the garbage xcom 2 dlcs????????

Let's try the short list
>no bullet physics in second decade of XXI century
>ability bloat on units making difficulty curve fall off the cliff in second half of the game and making rookies twice as useless
>board game design and simplicity
>RNG focus combined with Final Fantasy Tactics simplicity

classic ironman mode: refute those points without resorting to "git gud"

I love how those timers filtered all the casuals.

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586643354 -clothes
mediafire.com/file/4qjv0wen6h0h6c1/WOTC_LL_Pack.rar/file -lewd cloths
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471399748 -hairs
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471399748 -faces

go to town

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You fucked up the faces link dawg.


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How can one class be this fucking fun? Punching ayys in the face, sometimes pulling extra pods; it's like a whole new game.

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Have sex.

Pistols are useful

Is XCOM 2 better than the other one?


What does pulling extra pods mean

>month 4
>never had avatar progress go past half way
>sabotage resistance order
>preformed 3 sabotage ops
>bought me time to destroy research facilities halting progress significantly
>mag weapons with +1 dmg breakthrough and reusable attachments

I havent even lost anyone so far on commander, everyones hurt as fuck though. The chosen are chumps, aint shot compared to the alien rulers though. fuck pre wotc.

Generally, but the shift to guerrilla warfare and fighting largely against modified humans is much less interesting. If you really liked EU, you'll probably be missing UFO assaults and flying units.

pulling a pod means aggroing a group of aliens

oh god this.

They're fucking retarded.
>hunter grapples to the top of a elevated billboard
>"Is he fucking stupid"
>has reveals concealed trait
>somehow doesn't see my ranger with phantom
>lands a frag at his feet
>shred armor, fall damage, exposed
>deadeye reaper shot, crit.
>deadeye sniper shot, crit.
>dude just got perforated so hard I think advent felt it as a whole

They can be a pain in the ass but if you have your whole squad ready for their shit and handle their debuffs or summoning effects asap they're really not too hard. The assassin just popping up to stab someone in the face is a pain in the ass but otherwise no gripes.

Why is that a good thing

I really like XCOM on a conceptual level but gosh

>grenade spam
>overwatch spam
>inch along to trigger a pod, then burst it x100
>combat becomes stale at around the mid part when you get 6 dude squads and good gear, and it's more tedious and time-consuming than anything
>easy filler missions that you can't avoid without being heavily punished
>time limit makes sense in a way, but is more of a band-aid solution for the greater problem that is overwatch

The basic gameplay mechanics of a free movement and 1 action is rock-solid, and combined with the odds calculation, high weapon damage and risk management, it makes for simple yet challenging turn-based gameplay. But a bunch of mechanics like pod triggering and grenades actually just work to undermine those aspects entirely and turn the game more about gaming the mechanics than actually playing the game. I actually ended up getting into amateur game dev and am now making a game that is similar to XCOM in a lot of ways, except with more focus on melee and RPG gameplay with abilities and stuff

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>pod triggering issue
>what are battlescanners, phantom rangers, squadsight, and reapers

I dont get why everyone screams about grenades, They're only useful for destroying cover and armor. Its almost like nobody remembers original xcom where terror missions we're literally DESTROY. THE. WHOLE. CITY. EVERY. STRUCTURE. It was like oprah but you're giving out rockets, fuck the civilian casualties.

>They're only useful for destroying cover and armor

the fact that you can destroy cover and it's guaranteed fucking damage is what makes them so broken. flanking and calculating hit chances is what forms the foundation of the gameplay, and grenades remove those aspects from the game entirely. not to mention they're pretty strong in terms of damage and you can field a ton of them onto a mission, so you can just spam spam spam your way with no real repercussions. i think the grenade-launching class was an especially horrible mistake since you no longer have to get close to use the grenades either.

Is XCOM worth playing unmodded on a console? I currently only have a PS4 and can't justify getting a gaming PC at the moment since I don't have much time to play and I'm still working through my PS4 backlog. I'm itching for some turn-based games though and I love sci-fi settings. If not XCOM then are there any other comparable games on the PS4?

yeah it isn't, it's one of the drawbacks of the templar, they can do a lot of guaranteed damage, but if you're not smart about it they might end up revealing more aliens on the map

XCOM Enemy Unknown or 2? Either way, yes you'll probably have a fun time

This whole "pod" thing sounds really stupid. I'm going to install the game and give it a try

Absolutely not. The save corruption and freezing issues alone make it a horrible idea.

Ayylmaos wander in squads, and if you aggro anyone in the squad you aggro the whole thing. I guess it's to stop you from cheesing the aliens out one by one.

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Should I ironman my first playthrough? It has been ages since ive played xcom and it was EU.

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Ironman is the only way to play.

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What if I suck and lose important squad members? Or are they randomized

You will suck and lose important squad members. You will loose the game a couple times maybe. The loss makes you better.

sorry but you acting like the lost are hard to deal with makes me think youre just shit at the game.
that being said, the assassin is garbage. it can oneshot a guy and the only thing you can possibly do to defend yourself from it is having a reaper with you and killing it in one turn.
meanwhile, theres an achievement to finish the game on commander or legend without losing a soldier

I don't know why they fucked over people who did the tutorial so much with the assassin being locked into always having the most OP combo of explosive resistance and teleportation. That shit is fucking impossible to deal with early game:

>You have to flank her
>Flanking means likely pulling another pod
>If you damage her she ports somewhere else so all your guys have to get a perfect shot on her.
>her weakness is shitty ass height vulnerability.
>She gets an unavoidable extreme damage 2 shot kill blow that stuns your unit and she gets to disappear and do the exact same attack next round.

Compare it to the sniper where you can dodge him all day. The warlock is a threat until you get mind shields then he can become ludicrously easy because he never uses his assault rifle. So you can park an assault with a MS right next to him and just wail on him all day. When he summons the 2 or more spawns while he is invisible is trickier.

They could fix it just by making grenades do less environmental damage or have it make sense IE wood and light structures are blown up but concrete and solid advent buildings aren't. Or only the initial 8 squares around the epicenter are blown up.

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>first time assassin in the story mission
>she literally one shots the reaper I have to protect so I lose and have to reload a save

>you will loose the game

Can't a campaign take over 10 hours to complete? You lose all that progress?

Can you restart missions on ironman or are you stuck

>being a timer apologist
Fuck off

The game autosaves every turn. You may be able to savescum if you manually copy the saves or something. The campaign can take longer than that if you dick around alot.

It should be a mix of mini-pods (half as many) and solo aliens who can gang up on you, itchy trigger tentacles cast as a snap-shot and limited 1-4 tile movements, instead of fucking 14-20 tile movements.

>Rush an assault into a house instead of checking the window
Currently you check the window pod activates get a full turn move to reposition.
New system would have maybe 1 soldier in that room who snap-shots the assault. You are punished for rushing ahead not in cover and not checking the room from a window. Or you check the window, soldier snap-shots but has a low hit chance because you are in cover.
Or the alien makes a brief reposition, enough to put an object in between you and the soldier he saw but not to get a free full move.

You'd need to test this system as people would find out a way to abuse it. Clearly use one scout to spot enemies and then drop grenades on them would have to be dealt with. You'd also be able to bring in more surprises from off the map. Instead of 'pod walks in on your turn, gets a move but doesn't get an attack', you'd have: 1 unit or a mini pod move into the AO and do a snap-shot. Or you'd position on your turn to take out the mini pod you encountered, then on their turn an enemy would appear out of the fog of war and join them.

It's not something that is without problems but I want to see them try something new than the Firaxcom pod system.

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>user is bad at vidya

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I'll just give it a try. Hopefully I don't get enraged and suck. If I was going to savesxum like that I just wouldnt pick ironman

This game has some shittiest DLC I ever seen.
>every second character generated with some retarded punk armor with no way to turn it off
>some retarded 18th century weapons and throwing axes
>pic related
>pic related also has absolutely insane stats that made me feel like an underage that using donut steel mods.
I wish I knew what I'm getting into before installing the game with them included.

Attached: XCom2_2019_07_08_16_17_00_165.jpg (1920x1080, 928K)

This fucker has died in each and every single one of my playthroughs. Goddamnit, Armstrong

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What the fuck is this gay shit? I have the fitgirl version hope I don't see this trash

>love code red
>they only sell 2 dollar 16 ounce bottles nearby
>not only is it sometimes out of stock on Amazon but it's usually twice the price for cans as other soda


alien hunter dlc iirc.

actually fuck it, does anyone know of a soda that tastes similar to either code red or fruit punch kickstart? I just want some delicious red drank

but what if i dont like this kind of gameplay ?
why is it forced on me ? i dont want to force myself to constantly guess the most efficient plan of action, run into the wrong situation and then fail. repeat the shit but this time the situation is in my favor and i win. its fkn retardet. why can i loose and win with the same strategy !? how is this excusable ?
also fk that they turned it into this "guerillia warfare" autism. one of the biggest appeal of xcom was that you defend the earth against an unknown threat. they win in xcom 1 and they decide to become shadow politicians !? wtf !? get oudda here you fkn retards. for such design decisions people should be shot. disgusting,

well, yes, getting fucked in the ass is the fun part of the game
if you just steamroll everything there's no point in playing

Depends on the mission. You can chew through pretty much anything with some well placed remote start/claymore/banish and if you get good rolls on your other skills, unless you get multiple gatekeepers on a or something, but by the time that happens you'll know it's coming.

git gud
if anything the chosen are underwhelmingly weak jobbers
the rulers on the other hand are legit fucking you in the ass when they show up in a mission

>that includes the muton somehow countering them midsprint if they trigger bladestorm by running near him
Are you sure? I thought the mutons couldn't counter if they acted first. I think I actually had some success fighting them with melee units, by just walking up next to them and ending the turn there, letting them get hit by Bladestorms when they tried to attack.

>every second character generated with some retarded punk armor with no way to turn it off

Actually there IS a slider in options for how frequent DLC bits should be in generated characters

Try running a solo reaper on a facility mission. That shit is just perfect.

Actually, it doesn't turn it off completely even when adjusted to minimum and you can't change it after character already generated.

>parries your sectopod
nuthin personnel ayys

>whSn xcom wiPs, wS Dll wiD!
>riss up DPd fight!
>"I don't know Greek letters, I thought it would look cool xD"

It's just a font mad-friend.

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Can't you uninstall DLC?

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Posting my shitty posters

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>its hard!!!!

Not nearly hard enough

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I just started and already lost a soldier on a mission to destroy some kind of com device. Damn

That's the ideal xcom opertive loadout, you may not like it but this is what peek performance looks like

>I have the miner version

Any porn/nude mods anyone recommends?

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mfw I preordered this shit game with season pass then they released fucking clown costumes and rulers

I tried. Didn't make a screenshot but it makes character parts that are "corrupted" by dlc to not appear which makes they look like flying heads with rayman hands holding the gun.

The one where you can breed supersoldiers.

we /warphoto/ now

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>you either have piss easy vanilla game made for brainlets, or mods made by bunch of autists who thinks UFO and enemy spam is fun.

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>piss easy
>meanwhile I just start and mox died on the first chosen encounter


I talk about UFO Defence, I assumed user referred to XCOM 2\EW\EU

Attached: wyou.png (710x1070, 1.22M)

Also I just realized the game takes a randomized mission photo even if you don't.

Attached: wstarted.png (692x722, 546K)

Attached: what.png (627x679, 644K)

>Civ 5 = 10/10
>XCOM: EU = 10/10
>XCOM: EW = 10/10
>Civ 6 = 10/10
>XCOM 2 = 10/10
>XCOM 2: WOTC = 10/10

We don't deserve Firaxis

>civ 6

Attached: ff.png (258x249, 68K)

>civ 6

Attached: 1562862553198.png (368x417, 153K)

The OST alone should make it 11/10. It is a little weird how Civ 6 gets all of the good music while XCOM 2 gets jack shit.

Your post was so dumb that even a nigger and a human could see it.

Timers are the least of your worries.

Didn't XCOM 2 get the classic soundtrack from XCOM: Ufo Defense?

this 100%, best way to kill all the fun in a run is to not enable ironman and mod timers off

I'm never going to play ironman in XCOM2 simply because of how often the game crashes for me and other assorted glitches and bullshit you have to put up with during the course of a regular playthrough. I don't give a fuck about triggering pods accidentally or losing soldiers

I disabled anarchy pack as soon as I got it with other dlcs and none of it's items appears for me. Why they decided to go for such stupid cosmetics when workshop is flooded with tacticool stuff which shows what playerbase wants I don't understand.
and this armor is not that bad when you disable helmet on it and recolor it

Attached: dlcs.jpg (991x166, 29K)

I just got a guy with a fucking lip ring and stupid ass ripped up shirt. Is that what I disable to rid this monstrosity? Can I do it mid campaign?

so uh, now we got an active x-com thread, what was all that "death of agent 7" stuff I saw a few months back?

I think you can because those are only cosmetics, but after loading your guys that have stuff from this dlc equipped will have invisible parts and you will have to redress them. Ruler stuff like this King Viper costume needs to stay though as it is actual item.
You can always reload. If you are playing on ironman copy save files just in case that are in Documents\My Games\XCOM2 War of the Chosen\XComGame\SaveData

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>copy save files

What's the point if I'm reloading? I dont get it?

Can I just redress them and leave the mod on? I didnt know that. One of my guy has ugly ass dreads too

>get katana and one xcom with bladestorm

>What's the point if I'm reloading? I dont get it?
If you are playing on ironman you can't reload, if you are not on Ironman just reload if something breaks.

>Can I just redress them and leave the mod on?
Well you can redress them but new guys you will recruit will show up with punk cosmetics as long as Anarchy Children dlc is enabled.

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I guess as long as I can change out the ones I'm using its not a huge deal.

>Enemy Within will not get update that adds this amount of mod support

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>tfw no dark fantasy conan/frazettaesque xcom clone named hexcom

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More Xcom posters.

Attached: Poster_032.png (800x1200, 931K)

Isn't there Divinity Original Sin xcom like game coming? I always thought that this series would be better as turn based tactics games rather than crpg, since it sucks in story, characters and roleplaying but I enjoyed combat. it will not be dark unfortunately.
Also there are those Battle Brothers though I haven't played that.

Attached: 1485180623035.jpg (3648x2088, 786K)

I wish that EW would get a port or something to XC2. The character pool, modability, and the posters are what keep me on WotC, but I've been wanting to return to EW for a while.

Battle Brothers is shallow