If your game doesn't have an optional yuri route where my female character gets to date, romance and make love to another female character, then I'm not buying your game.
If your game doesn't have an optional yuri route where my female character gets to date...
If your game doesn't have an option to change all female characters into lolis wearing white legwear, then I'm not buying your game
Here, but only because i pity how few games you can buy
I like pantyhose because it means the feet is extra stinky
cute tush
Fuck games that make you choose whether to be a cute girl or to romance a cute girl. It's 2019 Japan, let me do both.
Why would you want Yuri unless you're a girl who likes girls?
How are you supposed to self insert if you're male?
Based and P/u/repilled
fuck off
Yurifags are a special kind of delusional, either they're self-hating men or so far in the waifuhole they go into conniptions at the sight of another man in the same frame as their waifu.
only retards selfinsert in every game
though you are right and yurifags are actually insane most of the time
What is the point of the VR?
I absolutely self insert as girls. No I am not a tranny.
>self inserting
You are a bitch boy
if you want to be seen and treated as a girl: you are a girl, user
the longer you wait the harder it gets, user
>self inserting
have sex
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
>Yurifags are a special kind of delusional
Agreed. They will throw massive bitch fits when it turns out that their waifu swings straight.
you need to go to jail
>tfw very few games with good bondage in it
Based /u/ poster
that's an oxymoron
>Used to be a hardcore anti-yurifag
>Read hentai2read.com
>Literally get mind/dickbroken into being a yurifag, go on a binge reading yuri manga and watching yuri anime, wondering why the fuck I never read them in the first place, heart beating fast the entire time
The Y chromosone is dying, this is a fact. I can only hope there's an afterlife so I can look on from the heavens and weep as I bear witness to a perfect world of girls loving girls. Even better if there's reincarnation and I'm reborn as a cute girl.
Just know that if you're an anti-yurifag, you really need to get some taste. All women love yuri. Most men, even as dumb as we are, love yuri. You are a minority. You're completely alien to the human race and are quickly dying out as society becomes more and more advanced and of course naturally more feminized.
Grow up.
>t. cucked and bluepilled /y/ fujo
>Even better if there's reincarnation and I'm reborn as a cute girl.
>Grow up.
Grab yourself a reality check freakazoid.
That's a lot of effort to put into making such a painfully obvious falseflag post, but I'm sure it'll convince a bunch of the dumbass electionkids anyway.
What good games have yuri in them though?
>playing games that have romance options in them at all
fuck off faggot
Why are all the yuri games either VNs or mobage only?
>pedos making every thread about themselves
I like seeing two cute girls fuck
This concept wasn't difficult only a few years ago, I don't know why all of a sudden there's been an exponential increase in bitching lately
because you obsess over it every thread
Because there are baby eggs that need to be woken up
Because trannies start labeling themselves as lesbian and 90% of Yea Forums and /u/'s population are trannies. Another proof SJWs ruining vidya and yuri.
I just appreciate beautiful lolis in beautiful white leggings
what is she actually seeing
waiting for what? easier suicide methods?
debased, but i approve
No other fetishfags shit up threads as much as lolicons
>mentally-ill egg cuckold
>calling anyone else cucked and bluepilled
big oof
very cute
Calm your autism there fujoshit. Why don't you go schlick to your favorite OTP or whatever.
If your game does not have a male protagonist then I'm not buying your game
>yuritard fears the mighty fujoshi
This, but my character is an older male and every loli has a romance route.
>option to change all female characters into lolis
>only the females
Superior genre (not a fetish) coming through
Yea Forumstards will reeee at this
i dont care whether yuritards play my game or not
>implying I can't like video games, yuri, and traps all at once
maybe because we aren't faggots like you
>t slur
Trans women, or Trans girls
thank you
Reminder that cute lolis are only for muscular men.
you will never be a cute trap, filthy tranny
>if you want to be seen and treated as a girl
>you are a girl
>if you want to be seen and treated as batman
>you are batman
>if you want to be seen and treated as a millionaire
>you are a millionaire
They're not even the same thing. If you're gonna shitpost, at least make it believable, you stupid hack.
that detailed fabric makes me hard
get educated, it's mostly used as a transphobic slur
>implying traps have anything to do with trannies
desu most trannies would be happier if they just admitted they were men who like dressing up in girl clothing.
shut up Yea Forumstard
I prefer the term Yea Forumsirgin, thank you very much
>tells others to get educated
>incapable of using proper grammar
>can't even distinguish traps from trannies
Lurk more
not a rebuttal, the videos states that the term ''trap'' is dominantly used in a transphobic manner more then what you believe it's used to describe. 2M+ total views, sorry. You're the minority and most people believe it's a slur.
Only if one of the girls is aggressive
and why am I not surprised?
>I need a rebuttal to videos that mean absolutely fuckall
Go be butthurt on tumblr where somebody might care about your oversensitivities.
Actually the term "trap" is dominantly used to describe tools that entrap or hurt people or animals.
you mean lolis wearing crop tops and hotpants
who gives a shit?
Why is yuri so pure
trannies aren't human and don't deserve human rights
Is this shitposting or genuine mental illness? Or is it both?
If it's so pure, why does it attract trannies like flies on shit?
Why is it so hard to believe people actually regard the term as transphobic? I linked two videos with overwhelming support and 2M+ views total, outside of sites like this the term isnt viewed well.
t. gonna be on the wrong side of history in 10 years
because everything cute and pure attracts trannies
>could've done something with the whole Lara x Sam thing while they were already fucking with (up) Lara's character
>Sam basically gets disappeared by the second game, apparently
Can't tell. The real irony is that all of the trannies I've talked to on here were chill people who're just sad as fuck.
I have nothing against trannies, just obnoxious, SJW cunts who wanna bitch about nothing for the sake of bitching and/or social goodboy points. Fuck off, retard.
why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?
Seeing something so pure makes them want to corrupt it duh
Let me teach you through math
A girl is cute =1
Boys are not cute =0
Two girls equals 2, the greatest value
I see it's a bait after all. Gonna admit, you almost got me first.
i dunno but I wish i could talk about literally ANYTHING with some fucking retard coming in and shitting himself over trannies
>t. gonna slip his wrists in a few months
Why are trannies so obsessed with Yea Forums?
whatever staves off your inevitable suicide
>self inserting
Not all of us are as mentally deficient as you
Yeah, those two anti-trap videos were just made for bait haha
Weak attempt, try again.
>female protag
>take more than 5 minutes to take a shit
>be a manlet
>be a gay man
>delete my retarded frogpost
the first video had literally nothing to do with traps and the 2nd was disingenuous as fuck. Also trannies behind both videos, makes you think?
Then why are you getting annoyed people are using it correctly on a site that does?
Because he's a baiting retard, don't pay attention to him.