>fighting game has assists
Fighting game has assists
>starts shit
>hides behind woman
>gets juked
>gets shit pushed in
You saved it right from that Yea Forums thread, didn't you.
>kid throws something and immediately hides for cover
>guy hides behind women
>that tackle
>kid out of no where with a stick
>that tackle
Pretty kekked
world superpower in respecting womyn by 2020
nice fucking tackle
What the FUCK was his problem?
>That rock dodge INTO the fucking tackle
Dude was one of those open world bosses that Loo shouldn't have messed with
WWE irl
based poo kid
he just wanted to watch the world burn
pajeet rage at being born in lower caste
Also what a monkeys.
fucking kids are always annoying in fights, and if you deck them white knights always jump in.
like you've never tried to get laid, jackass
>kid tries to hit him with a stick
>steals the stick and immediately starts hitting the women with it
Caste system is fuckin whack
>fucking kids
I cast big flood on India so that garbage would off. Die you Indians and India you are don't belong in this world.
Caste system is fine, you have never met members of the lower caste.
Aren't Pakis just Muslim Indians?
maybe try educating the lower caste with less access to education and infrastructure
the caste system is why India will always be a shit tier country
Indians are such Chads
that was a legit tackle
the caste system is based, it's literally based on skin color which is why the higher castes are naturally better people
>looks at South Africa, comparing what it was then and what it is now post-Apartheid
Yeah, I'm going to need some evidence that leaving a caste system in anyway advances a society.
That was a pro tackle ducking underneath the thrown brick tbfh
>not destroying your opponent in one move
South Africa had a horrible transition and is a terrible place to live, but the overall QoL is still better than it was.
>tfw last fighting game I enjoyed playing was USF4
>tfw every other fighting game has been mediocre
>tfw DBFZ is a shitty fighting game and i fell for the meme
Actually I'm a Jew but that doesn't make you not an inbred who can't get laid lmao
Is that why India is a shitty place to live? Retards don't understand catering to a small elite makes the country fall apart
>mfw they are cooking alive as we speak.
LOL, actual delusions. Anti-castefags, everyone.
>when your slave driver genes kick in
why is it okay when a white ape starts violence, but not okay with colored people do?
wanna taste them?... haha asking for fun
based poo, bitch needs to be put to her place.
enjoy hell kike
Double standards exist for a reason user.
don't. they taste like shit.
amazing hitboxes.
it was a primitive attempt at eugenics which backfired because for some reason people in poverty have kids by the dozens
context ? I need some story.
The ape started it, the white girl just finished it
when the only thing that brings joy is sex and you can't afford contraception you're going to have kids
desu, she got really lucky and took advantage of the situation.
Your Messiah is pretty cool but the rules your people put in place are nonsensical
oh right it was the white who started the fight not the black bitch getting in her face menacingly
>character goes berzerk hitting both enemies and allies
why is it that free speech shouldn't be reciprocated with violence when a white ape is talking shit, but okay if it's a colored person?
why girls gotta fight? why they don't just frolic naked in a bubble bath while I watch?
why should you wait to get hit when someone is clearly intending to hit you?
you don't know what free speech is, stfu
gandhi was a terrorist
who touched who faggot? who initiated physical contact? go tell me it was the white girl
The nigger clearly touched the person first.
Colored "person"
God I wish that was me.
a tap doesn't validate white monkey violence
>that fucking arm bar
>followed by that choke hold
This guy is BASED
that's the street
>speedrun race
Jesus she got fucking planted in the soil
In America is does.
Lesson learned in not fucking with strangers whom you can't predict the actions of. :^)
I never got into a street fight, give me tips so I don't end up with my skull on the street.
>his kid hands him a weapon
Based and cutepilled
Gandhi realized niggers were below everyone.
yeah you should just wait to get hit when someone is escalating a fight with you and your back is against the wall and they got a bunch of friends with them and you are alone.
>das duh street
What do apes mean with these statements/catch phrases?
Holy fuck
That chick at shit.
there were three taps
walk away unless physically you can't, then go berzerk, no rules.
Be white, stay in white areas.
Imagine the smell
you don't need to be a nigger to know this kind of stuff, NIGGA.
Why would you argue with /pol/tards, they have no logic. They just hate people
>Be white, stay in white areas.
Keep in mind that the black girl touched the white girl before the "altercation" began, meaning the white girl was legally defending herself against an assault.
The white girl stopped fighting as soon as her assailant was incapacitated and unable to continue assaulting her. She used only the amount of force that was absolutely necessary to end the conflict.
Okay, you talk aggressively, i'll fucking kill you
don't get into a fight
carry a gun or a knife in case some meathead tries to escalate shit and hit you first
there's no reason to get into one.
99% of the time it's two guys rolling on the ground
nobody will think it's cool
thank god he saved the bike
anyone got the gif of the perfect jerk and step from the guy on the left? it's a true gem
all my street fights were with whites. shirtless toothless mulletheaded whites.
if you feel like you're about to get in a fight, fucking run. ignore all taunts. i've seen too many cases of guys basically falling backwards onto asphalt and fucking bleeding out from the impact.
it's not worth it.
>Swing a baseball bat at two men armed with pistols after being told you will be fired upon if you do so
>Get shot
Wow it's almost as though walking away and calling the police was the better option.
If somebody is fucking with you they've already decided they are going to fight. Don't waste your time trying to talk to them.
Go full negro on your foes with the effectiveness of a white man.
Attack sensory organs, gut shots, low blows, biting, choking and smashing their head off the pavement
just fucking kidding. Learn to run 5K at a decent speed
if she went unconscious everyone of the black girls friends would of took a swing
Wow, its amazing how genetically less intelligent you are. You actually think that's a logical argument. Are anti-/pol/ tards just inherently stupid?
A blow to the head is lethal.
It doesn't take much. A punch to the noggin, falling and hitting your head on the sidewalk?
Fucking dead.
It's not worth it. Try to deescalate and walk away.
Or fucking shoot them user I'm fucking serious if you live in the United States you need to live somewhere you can own a firearm and you need to let anyone who confronts you know that you are armed and that you will be removing yourself from the situation before violence escalated.
Pakis are rapeier apparently but they're fancier and lighter skinned.
literally go for the jugular, bite them in the fucking neck.
nobody will fuck with you after that.
>“He had what’s called IED (intermittent explosive disorder), but he was getting help for it," his fiancee said.
>had bullshit medical disorder that lets him be a jackass
>dies like a jackass
day got me fucked up
>Boxing vs martial arts
Martial arts always wins
I guess this also applies to when you are about to get mugged, should I just try punching the guy?
if I invade your personal space, start putting my hands on you agressively with your back against the wall and refusing to relent? yeah you better fucking start attacking me because I sure as hell am about to hit you
whats the story behind this? Did shirtless guy just do a bunch of meth and decide to push everyones shit in?
>one nigger punches you
>rest of their troop gets in on it
Fucking apes need to be euthanized
>Fiancee did literally nothing to deescalate
>Egged on the dude who she apparently knew had a psychological disorder
Bitch should be in jail.
Looks like it smells terrible.
That girl is the real life Tifa
Dont turn your back until you have sufficient distance to respond to aggression. Some people haven't evolved past prey instinct.
I haven't made any argument, you didn't either, i just told that you don't have logic and this thread just proves it. If it's nigger hitting someone , you call him barbarian, if it's a whitey doing that - he's fighting for his race or some shit. There is no logic to that, you retarded mutt.
>Killing people over words
Saucy user, very saucy.
the other guy threw a rock at him user, his shit pushing was justified
>black girl
That girl has European features, and no Negroid ones.
but boxing is a martial art...
Are the words: "I'm going to attack.shoot you?"
A lot of fights end up like that, you hit a person with full force to the head - they die.
I'll attack you, but i'm from Russia, we are savage people.
My apologies
Should we start saying
>European Blackoid
She has black skin. We use identifying terms to point out who's who in the video.
It's not like I went
Fuck faggot, go neck yerself m8
mugger wants your money. if you cant run, give money. someone who wants to fight you and you can't run, what DO you suggest faggot?
The guy cut in front of him in line to the shutting street
>hated niggers
>hated kikes
>supported nazis and wrote letters to hitler
he was a good poo
>that slam at the end
>Russians are like black people but wrong color
Japan is always right.
>very late
>tired and returning to my house
>street is a bit dark
>some random guy in a bike starts to follow me
>says something to me but I can't really hear him
>oh boy here we go..
>he literally blocks my path with his bike
what should I do on this situation?
Tell him you're armed and you will not hesitate to defend yourself with lethal force.
You are armed, aren't you user? If not, you shouldn't be out at night. Call a taxi next time.
>poor people owned slaves
For a moment, those rubes became garbage men and they have my respect
Kick his ass
Hit him with the bike
Take the bike
If some fuck thinks they can get away with shit they aren't going to stop unless you give them a reason to stop.
Am I a pedo if I would fuck the both of them and cum deep inside them?
Use flashlight to blind him. Then take his bike and ride.
bullshit. in that particular video the black girl is fucking starting it. and we calling the other one white, but lets be honest. she fights like a Rican.
you would have a point if it was white people starting shit and everyone defended them, but that's not what happened.
walk around the bike
They told him they were going to shoot him, he didn't give a fuck and now hes dead.
anyone got the full vid
you're a stupid faggot that can't keep cringe facebook opinions to yourself
Live in a first world country. Don't associate with niggers of any kind.
"he's coming right for us!"
He had a shitload of felonies and was a lunatic. Those fellas did a public service.
I just ran like a motherfucker before he was able to do or say something, pretty sure he didn't saw that coming.
When you know someone is going to harm you or do something, is there any point in "waiting" for them to draw something or say something? is there such thing as being too cautious on the street?
This is the curse of third world countries I guess...
but slept with naked children.
That was a compliment, I suppose considering this days.
Hi brett.
India in a nutshell. The whole country is pedophiles. Why single Gandhi out?
extend adamantium claws and say "outa my way, bub"
Sup mark
>for some reason
More kids = more hands
You can send six children out to work fields and clean up sewage-clogged rivers for recyclables and beg for change on the streets, but if you only had one child which you could "Afford", they could only bring in 1/6th of the helping income. It's been like this since the dawn of agriculture, but only retards in 2019 still fail to understand this aeons-old concept.
That's because they're both spic mutts from Brazil
he was a pedo like every other Nazi lover
But you are as well, cause you have the same argumentation to attack first or just start a fight to begin with
hey if they want to tax billionaires and give the money to niggas I can't think of a better way to boost an economy. niggas aint gonna sit on that shit hoarding it. they gonna spend it all by friday.
Hey man if you can't fight then learn how to run
if someone gets in your face don't even hesitate to use your full retard strength
then you get brazil, or worse, the USA
Do you know what Ethiopid is and that it's feature all around West and East Africa?
>No ones posted the black family free for all chimpout at disneyland webm yet
Nah he's was a shitskin poo. India is the child rape capital of the world and has the highest number of underage girl prostitutes. Pakistan is the same way.
Holy shit lmao, he has Shortround come give him a weapon to go on a thot patrol with.
Excellent use of 'faggot' and 'cringe', 8/10 post. However, I would have appended 'Reddit' to 'facebook' and closed with 'kys' were I attempting to make the quintessential Yea Forums-esque post. All in all, I'd say your an official 4channeler now friend, well done! Or should I say, 'Thanks doc'!
Ohohoho, my sides! I think I may have 'dun goofed'! Nay, I say, nay! Consequences will never be the same! Long cat is long and so forth. Dear me, I miss m00t, or m00tykins as we love to say here.
Damn I wish that was me
what the fuck are you talking about
>dat spear at the end
I fucking lol'd!
those get deleted rather quickly. Indians fighting is A OK
how do I know I have that inner strength in me?
I'm not sure if I want to rely in some autistic inner potential
reparations. pay attention
Sounds pretty based to me
>"what are you going to do? shoot me?"
dey done thing it be like it do mup zappa da beep boop bix nood, mofugga
Honestly running is the correct choice. Also you kept your distance so you made running a more viable option.
Well, if he was drawing a gun and you didn't run, you better have been prepared to push his bike over, disarm him and beat him senseless before he could arm and shoot. That means quick reflexes, the moment you see part of a gun. But its not impossible to cover the distance.
grapplers are op
As a black man that lived in the hood for most of my life running is literally the best option 9 times out of 10. Unless you have numbers on the mugger/s. If they have you corned just hand over the money they will always escalate if given the option.
Bite and always kick nuts. Poking the eyes and pulling hair if available works too.
Unironically kill yourself bitch nigger
i just laugh and smile and dont throw my hands up and that usually defuses it after i make it known i aint fightin. worst case scenario run
It's like watching a GTAV fight scene
carry a gun
>grapplers are o-
What exactly is the value of India as a country?
glad it worked out for him, but running from someone on a bike who wants to fight you just means now you gotta fight tired
no u
Man, why do all these cool threads happens when I'm about to go to sleep?
I have to wake up in like 6 hours
Imagine having to live near people like this
Imagine living in a country full of people like this
Imagine being someone like this
Know that if you injure or kill your opponent your future job situation is fucked. Walk away asap.
my heart
I'll never understand this shit. Kneeing and kicking in the face seems so dirty. Why not just throw out all the rules if they're gonna pull this?
>see the hammer
>expect the worst
>seal petting session instead
Fuck man. Scaried me for a second
why I have to worry about this shit and not the other guy?
do the people that start shit on the street have literally nothing to lose?
The UFC is for animals. This is not a sport and shouldn't been seen as such.
That girl either watches a lot of UFC or has some training.
That take down.
Arm bar
And rear naked choke, were all on point.
kneeing isn't dirty at all and is extremely risky
No because he's a retard.
Hold on, aren't knees to the head illegal in MMA?
jesus you're dumb
Well duh, that's how it works
lol no, UFC is a sport and Yea Forums is for animals
its fate was seal-
shit no it wasnt
You can tell thay thing is heavy.
Probably what, 60kg?
that fucking kid out of nowhere with the stick
Stay away from redneck areas.
They are just as bad a blacks.
Shit, no mercy. LOL
Because it's extremely telegraphed and punishable.
This. I was ready to close it if he went for the hammer.