Hey there user, what'cha playing? Mind if I just sort of fly around your monitor for a little bit while you play...

>Hey there user, what'cha playing? Mind if I just sort of fly around your monitor for a little bit while you play? Thanks!


I set up a few hormone based sticky traps around the house, four days later they were filled with mites.
Fuck them, but fuck their larvae more than anything, looking up to a wall and seeing three of those fuckers climb up a wall only to realize there's 5 more on the ceiling is fucking aids.

>turn off light
>swarm my monitor
>turn on light
>reveal the creeping masses of bugs scuttling around my room
>turn light back off

Attached: yuan.png (703x717, 852K)

close your fucking window

>crawls up your leg while playing games

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nigga I save my ac for when I have to sleep.

step sister lapdance

>bug in room

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My fucking stepmother opens the front door which is next to my office every fucking night so that she can get some fresh air. She legitimately said that there aren't any bugs around the door before a huge ass beetle dove headfirst towards her face. It's mosquito season too so I have to deal with all these blood sucking jews every fucking night cause she can't be bothered to open her windows

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These stupid fuckers need to stay away from my pantry. I don't get it. You kill 5 and 5 more show up the next hour. Fuck moth worshipping niggers. These things aren't cute and leave horrible brown stains on everything.

>Laying in bed in the dark
>You hear it
>A fluttering of wings and a plunk from across the room
>It happens again
>You turn the lights on and look all over for the fucker
>Now you just wait for minutes standing in the middle of the room when the most retarded bug of the bug world decides to make its mayday flight again
>You see it slowly walking on your TV screen
>Grab it and run to the door to chuck it as far as you can

Fuck stinkbugs. At least they're not too bad. The idiocy is sort of endearing in a way.

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>tfw only cute moths and a tiny spider roam my room
Better luck next time faggots

*lies perfectly still until you go to kill it then runs away at 100mph*

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Where the fuck do you faggots live to have so many bug problems?

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Living in Georgia or the Carolinas must be hell having to deal with these fucking things. Even worse with shit like love bugs.

Had some weevils one time infest all my cereal and sugar. Was forced to start putting everything in tupperware. You get sort of paranoid after the first time you see one of those fuckers show up in your food.


oh i hope it stopped

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earwigs are good moms

God I love living in a cold country

Typically in the South or amywhere wiyh seasonal weather. Even places far up North like Alaska has swarms of mosquitos. Every single bug except for honeybees are niggers that don't know to stay the fuck out of our living space.

>Hope you don't mind if I take a chunk out of your leg
>You won't even notice it while playing vidya
>I need your blood for my babies, user

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Don't worry bro, I've got this.

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Good news anons, CRISPR was recently permitted to be used on Mosquitos which will eradicate them peremenantly in 25 years!

>love bugs
I still get war flash backs from my time dealing with those in Shreveport. You ever watch Prince of Egypt? Imagine that.

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Can we work on wasps first, PLEASE!

Their primitive brain is easy to figure out though. They always go for the closest dark area within their field of vision.

Don't you do it faggot


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Why can't they be eradicated? Having thousands and thousands of those niggers in every square inch of space certainly isn't healthy.

You have beautiful eyes.

No Wasps eat decaying carcasses which is much more efficient than nasty flies, which means we can use Crispr on disgusting nigger flies next!

>wake up with some small black insect in my ear a couple weeks ago
>now have rashes
Is there a correlation here?

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>every other animal on earth is wary of humans and stays away from civilization
>except these frail faggots who do nothing but eat each other and die
Why do bugs do this?

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See a doctor, may have laid some eggs in your canal.

>needing to save AC

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:( He just wants to REEEEEE

>Countless species go extinct
>Third world shithole population skyrocket even greater
No, no we shouldn't do this.

Shut up faggit

Are they destructive? I remember a swarm of them when I was younger but they didn't seem do do any harm.

>But user, think of my children!

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I was so afraid of those fuckers when I was younger, I didn't wear my glasses for 3 years just so I didn't have to look at them, every step outside making that blood curdling crack from there chitin shells tearing.

Central Europe. The summers get really hot, but temperatures throughout the year aren't high enough to make ACs common, so the solution to cool your room is to keep windows open. This does not mash well with browsing the internet/playing videogames well into the dead of the night.

Why are you faggots scared of bugs

traded these + wasps for a million cockroaches and endless spiderwebs in my face.. not much if an improvement desudesu

Literally every insect outside of bees can go extinct and we wouldn't miss em.

Did they look like this?

Attached: Kissing Bug.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

>apartment below you has flea infested animals which spread to the whole building
>get bit for a week until the whole building is nuked
>don't even own an animal

It was the worst

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You don't know torment until you get an infestation of Phorid flies. Those motherfuckers need to go extinct.

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