I Need Some Opinions

So, this is not a leak, I'm just curious. I'm a firm believer that we're going to get a Capcom rep as one of the final two DLCs in Smash Ultimate. I think that the character is either going to be Dante from Devil May Cry or Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil. Who do you think it will be? Do you think it will be one of these two, somebody else, or no Capcom rep at all? I personally believe it will be Dante.

Attached: DanteForSmash!.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

I thought Megaman was the Capcom rep.

There is no evidence to point towards it being a Capcom rep or any particular character at all

Bayonetta and Joker completely invalidate Dante

>Dante from Devil May Cry or Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil
Or Monster Hunter.
Personally, I want Dante. But I think the next DLCs are balls to the wall unexpected shit, coming from companies that haven't been in Smash yet.

it's going to be the hunter from monster hunter.
will build more hype for iceborne and a new MH game on switch

I’m still baffled why pic related is not in Smash yet

>One of the most famous hack&slash protagonists
>Series starts on a Nintendo console
>Nintendo and KT have a really good relationship with each other, with KT having done several collab games for Nintendo

He’s so obviously the best choice for the final 2, but that’s so retardedly obvious, I think he won’t make it in.

Attached: F056E0BC-0F98-498C-A30F-F135AE59CF06.jpg (599x442, 30K)

Ryu and Megaman are already the Capcom reps my dude

not really. Have you ever played Marvel 3 or infinite? He just has a ton of moves with a bunch of weapons. Joker has one of his gun moves and Bayonetta has "combos" but that's all they have in common.


Attached: ryu hayaboomer.png (1172x1172, 3.93M)

SNK rep: Metal Slug crew. Like The Hero, it's Marco, Tarma, Fio and Eri, with a color alt of each. They play like Megaman because they shoot and use weapons and shit.
As much as I agree with you, I wouldn't want KT getting in the hall of game brawler known as Smash, they don't deserve anything. Sadly they're the owners of NG and Atelier.

Oh boy Bayonetta with a sword, how riveting of a character. Cope sweetie

Itsuno talking about Dante the way he did makes me feel like he's not happening

>I'm a firm believer that we're going to get a Capcom rep as one of the final two DLCs in Smash Ultimate
Why? There is already two of them.

Phoenix is the Capcom rep

Attached: B93ACB69-E19B-4913-838A-A695AACBF094.gif (220x274, 302K)

Old Mii costumes

I mean Sega techically has 3 reps.

Unless Dante can switch weapons, no thanks. There just aren't enough buttons to accommodate his moveset.

I think both are fairly likely. Maybe Jill instead of Leon though.

His odds are pretty high up there.

Doesn't mean shit considering that Capcom has a ton of characters who'd fit right in.

Imagine being such a normie

Go back

if i remenber KT wants to put kasumi so ryu is fuked
the hero magic mechanic can be a way to put
dantes weapons and moves in the game


>not "Dante Pulls the Trigger"