TF2 update confirmed to drop between now and October.
TF2 update confirmed to drop between now and October
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horse fucker containment game
Is hoovey tim?
>tf2 in 2019
if you still play this you have serious abandonment issues, your parents got divorced 10 years ago bro let it go
>between now and October
so, next spring?
wow i can't wait to spend 200$ on community-made weapons and cosmetics so valve can sit on their ass
>added one new minigun and reskin of the GRU
>all bullet attacks from heavy now have -10% damage dropoff
>two new crates containing 37 community-created hats and an extremely rare chance to get a brand-new australiumifier!
Give the TF Team your energy, lads
wow a twitter screen cap from some mentally ill retard, it must really be true!
>updated localization files
Fix TF2 in 5 words or less
remove matchmaking
delete the spy, nerf sniper
i'm gonna work on a meme where the major update is focused on localization files
remove crits, matchmaking, bullet spread
Optimize code, listen to b4nny.
Remove crits
More Territorial Control maps, dammit.
Wonder if they'll fix real bugs like all the crashing or the uber pause bug that RGL had to make a server plugin for, or if they'll just add more cringy dogshit maps and cringe cosmetics and fucking cringe meme weapons.
Remove autobalance, directx9 Comp requirement
What's the point of this video?
Anyday now
fix the game yourself valve
Give the team more members
remove MyM from existence
revert matchmaking, remove paint/skins
that adding hats to the game ruined the art style because to make room for the new cosmetics on a Source engine that was already being pushed to its limits, they had to optimize and make the rest of the game look worse to compensate.
The Mannconomy Update was the beginning of the end.
>it's a hat update
>it's a "buy our new counter and earn a weapon skin" update
>it's a "casualizes joining servers even further because this game totally needs XP and arbitrary leveling" update
who cares
>all that fabricated hype for an updated localization files update
>heavy update comes out
>adds an actual fun to use minigun that rewards skill
>valve playtesters were too retarded so the weapon is stupid good when it comes out
>nerfed to the ground a few days later
>things go back to normal and nobody with over 200 hours plays heavy again
>30 more hats add even more bloat
>workshop maps only, valve didn't bother to make one
And you're gonna thank Valve and think that the tf team is back for good.
>there will never be another Love & War, Mann vs Machine, or SF2012 ever again
I want to go back
hello dane
strange, unusual, vintage, genuine only
Would you also defend if it they implemented a mechanic where a random player dies every 2 minutes because lol it's casual
Undo all patches since goldrush
>believing tyler
TF2 fans are despirate.
dead game
they already killed tf2 with matchmaking shit, nothing they do now will make a difference
>haha dude i'm a total fucking shitter random crits are epic because every so often me being awful at the game doesn't even matter because I get a free kill anyway haha epic :DDD xD
This is you.
revert balance to twenty twelve
Asshurt OW fan detected
It's time to come out of hiding
>haha dude i'm totally in tune with what people want despite this game functioning this way for 12 fucking years and only now am I complaining
This is you.
>only now am I complaining
Wasn't Random crits are fair and balanced a thing since 2010?
Literally fucking nothing.
That's a bit optimistic isn't it?
try "never"
Ban niggers, fags and brazilians
I remember Yea Forums having a tf2 server a few years back. It was called /vf2/ or something ran by some dude named Kenny or something. Is that still up or something?
Everybody used to say "fuckin crit" and that was the end of it.
Stopped TF2 in early 2016.
Finally a good time to return.
...Still no comic 7 though.
is it normal i still remember the death screams and quotes from all the merc, and some sounds, even if i didn't played TF2 for 3 years and a half?
the Party Van comes around on the weekends.
its either fun or shit depending on who's running it that day
add community servers back
it's not weird user, I have a lot of quotes stuck in my head so far that I use them in conversations without thinking
built a time machine
remove casual and ranked, just games like before, without any "level ranks".
i hate those shit in TF2, i only play in community servers now but most are dead.
They already tried that.
so people always hated it
remove all non default items
I hope this is true.
and while im hoping I also want at least one space-themed weapon per class, especially something for my boy.
Nope. When they get one it's "Fuckin CRIT!" And when they get hit it's "FUCKIN crit!"
DAY 630
fempyros big fat musky horsecock
People have been criticizing random crits since before the game was even really out you retard
In that case it's been 12 years. It's time to stop.
>you aren't allowed to complain if you didn't start 12 years ago
>you have to stop complaining if it's been 12 years since you started
which is it then you mongoloid
Both. I thought I made that clear.
>it's how we've always done things so that means it should never be changed
>im going to pretend nobody has complained about random crits since the very beginning
Fire the entire dev team
It's been 12 years. This is what TF2 is.
>meet the spy is 10 years old
>meet the medic and F2P is 8 years old
>meet the pyro is 7 years old
>MvM is 7 years old soon
>Expiration date is 5 years old
>No new voicelines were added since 2016, and 2015 for some classes.
>jungle inferno is soon 2 years old
>most TF2 classic Gmods and "remix songs" are between 8 and 11 years old.
>Team fabulous 2 is 7 years old
> Some voice actors probably will now not return because they are sick or too old.
>reeee you can't complain about old things I won't let you
Find a flaw
And TF2 is a buggy unbalanced mess 12 years later. What is your point? If you think TF2 is perfect in its current state you are an actual retard.
>update is released october 31st
>it's a rehash of all prior halloween events again
>only new content is a (paid) crate with twelve new cosmetic items
>spent all my young years on TF2
>tfw while i'm a bitter old dude now, i still remember the good old days when everything was simple, and me having fun playing the game.
...A part of me want to return and miss the game a little...I stopped in 2015, should i?
Bracing for heartwrenching disappointment.
You can complain. Just understand that it's futile. And you're insufferable for always doing it.
Battle Royale
delete sniper, then nerf heavy-medics
thunda mountain is S tier I don't care what anyone says
>update is released october 31st
>its nothing but tournament medals
Whoa, where you going with those goalposts user? But yes, minor balance tweaks total equal removing a core component. Totally.
God, I'm so pumped for an update. I love this game, and I will be there when the final match is played.
community update patches
Easiest guess in the world considering october is scream fortress month
tyler once again showing he doesn't know shit
If it makes no-skill faggots like you upset then it's worth it, and it's not even futile since Valve already partially removed crits from the game in the form of competitive mode
I always got rushed by faggots on it but damn is a good map on every step.
>How do we fix TF2?
>Remove random crits
>yfw there will come a day that the final tf2 match is played
>you load up ctf_2fort for old time's sake, just to reminisce on the good times you spent on there
>you close your eyes as you can still see the memories faintly encapsulate the insides of your eyelids - all the humorous killcams, all the times you were autobalanced right before you were about to cap the point on pl_upward, the overused binds that people would spam when the match was over, the many conga lines that were started during pre-game, that one time you wiped out 7 people with a crocket on cp_dustbowl, it's all the ghosts of decades past now
>you can even hear the many sounds of tf2 - the micspam, Scout's death scream, the hit sound from the first time you killed an enemy you weren't even aiming at
>the feeling is so good that it makes your heart ache
>sitting back, you begin to digest the fact that you've been sitting in an empty server this whole time
>no one else is going to join you
>those days are long gone
>you put on
>it doesn't help you fight the tears forming in your eyes
>you disconnect for the final time
Soldiers voice actor is dead
this scream fortress can't be shit.
it's the 10 years of the event.
Playing the "it makes you upset" card is a losing game for you, user. Because crits make YOU upset. And guess what?
Fuck user i feel sad now, remind me of the last BFheroes game, but 10 times worse. this is not true r-right?
>i-i-i'm not mad you're mad
>Whoa, where you going with those goalposts user?
What goalposts you fucking retard? Your only argument is
>it's old so it's good
A literal fucking textbook fallacy.
>Core component
Right because the game became unplayable when random damage spread was turned off, an equally pointless mechanic that randomized how much damage you did that's been in the game since day one.
You literally, provably, are.
Make community servers relevant again
>How do we fix TF2
>anime reaction image
every time
>A dice rolling mechanic adds skill
Okay retard
>Just have amazing luck like me bro
Do it if there is ever a big tf2 update
So you can get the big community feel of everyone playing
Honestly, the game is still exceedingly fun (as long as you don't run into the rare no fun allowed faggot, or play comp), its just even more bitter, older dudes blowing its flaws out of proportion, just look at these dudes complaining not about meet your match, but about the fucking f2p update, a good place to start would be the Yea Forums party van on weekends, just don't engage with newfags larping as oldfags
>randomness adds depth
>complains about anime on an anime board
It's just a weird pattern how they always accompany the most braindead posts
No, that's wojack.
not sameanon, but i also stopped TF2 in 2016 because i hated the new system with the ranks. (i started the day the game was F2P, i was broke as fuck back then.)
Are the community servers still alive?
...I remember playing my first game with my old best friend, from my childhood, i lost contact with him by mistake, too much time have passed now, i probably lost him forever, and i will forever regret this choice...i hope he's living a good life.
[Kelly Thornton] Critical hits are one of the features that resulted from our focus on pacing. The Critical hits system attempts to slightly influence the highs and lows of the game by increasing the chance of a Critical hit based upon the player's recent performance. In summary, the better you're doing the more likely you'll continue to do well. This helps create those rare high moments where a single player goes on a rampage and gets three or four kills in rapid succession.
post rare shit you have that CAN'T be traded or bought, and that are not available anymore.
This is so irrelevant to the topic of depth that I think you must be baiting
*random crocket kills BLU medic as he was about to uber in and break the stalemate*
>defensive teams are more likely to get random crits
Great mechanic.
>"random crits dont add depth"
>post dev commentary confirming they do
>he thinks willful ignorance will win arguments
Oofta that's a doozy
Just make Team Fortress 3.
its been 12,000 years this is what human civilization is
Pretty much nothing about human society has remained unchanged in 12,000 years. Nice try though.
>random crits are only like 90% random
post your favorite renamed weapon
literally arguing against yourself and too retarded to even notice
More members on team
I agree with his idea but I think the mechanic should be flipped around, meaning players who are doing less damage are more likely to get crits, since giving people who are already doing well the ability to do even more damage makes it even harder for newer players to be effective and ends up ironically making it harder to break stalemates.
rollback everything to Christmas 2010
>90% random
How cavernous is your ass that you can pull such large made up numbers from it?
>keep crits
>game remains fun, the same it is now
>remove crits
>game becomes like comp, which nobody plays
>or nocrit servers, which all died
I hope you get in a car accident and then raped in that order
Make community matter once again
Remove all patches since goldrush
no look up ricky may
Congratulations you've turned the game into Overwatch.
Don't do that.
Don't give me hope.
>Commentary from the days where the most played maps were unbalanced shitfests like dustbowl, hydro, and 2fort
It better have gameplay content and not just be cosmetics or im gonna SCREAM
TF2 has remained largely the same in 12 years.
>B-but new weapons!
Fluff and sidegrades.
Community servers took a big hit during some of the updates, such as MyM, but there are many groups trying their hardest to keep them from being only 2Fort 24/7 instant respawn, such as Red sun over Paradise , who have things such as warioware and vs Saxton Hale in rotation in their servers
I hope that generates as much asspain as I think it would
Rick may actually beat cancer
engi voice actor probably will never return though, he's 66 years old.
This might be most retarded post in the entire thread, I'm not even going to bother arguing I just thought you should know
>Updated the localization files
"Guys, I think he's gonna beat cancer" is the most recurring epitaph in existence
user, soldier voice actor is 78 years old, he won't return...
I'm very proud of these two
>I lose: the post
I know it's shit but i don't have a good inspiration.
i didn't played TF2 for a while, the fuck does this gun do? for which class is it?
bonk atomic punch is green
Wish I had one of these. Fuckin market.
It's more like "you're so braindead all I can really do at this point is insult you"
If you can't be bothered, why do you keep taking his bait?
Anybody know what Gary Schwartz (Heavy's voice) is up to these days?
also i found pic related whilst searching his imdb
>game becomes like comp, which nobody plays
I'll do the liberty of spoonfeeding you why this was a stupid argument.
1) Removing crits won't make the game like comp
2) The reason people don't play Comp mode isn't because it's Comp, it's because of the DirectX 9.0 restriction.
It's a reskin of the stock Pistol that came out during the Invasion update
it's fun
This but unironically
It's like those retards who played runecape when they were like 8 years old and still play it
Sometimes you just have to let it go
I never took a screenshot, but when i was surfing orange servers, i kept getting almost killed by this guy who would only body-shot me with his rifle
He finally kills me, and it turns out the guy only bodyshot because he named his rifle the Circumciser
I let him kill me and sure enough, there was a bullet hole on my crotch
Wish I took screenshots
The reason people dont play comp is because it removes 5 classes, 98% of maps and 80% of weapons.
>game remains fun, the same it is now
It's not fun the game is boring as fuck and repetitive. All I do every fucking day is play soldier and demo with stock loadouts on the same maps over and over because doing anything else is even worse. The majority of unlocks in TF2 are dogshit and straight downgrades. Several of the core gamemodes are fundamentally broken and the map pools are atrocious. For players who are actually good at the fucking game there's nothing left to do, the only reason I boot up the game is to farm on pubs when I'm having a bad day.
>tfw almost all the TF2 actors are hitting the 60-70 years old, some soon are going to be 80 (at least it's confirmed for Heavy, Soldier, Engineer, Sniper, Demoman.)
>only exception is scout (VA is soon to be 40) and Medic (he's 42)
>only exception is spy who's unknown but he seem quite old.
If a TF2 happen, it will 100% only have Scout and maybe Medic who is now immortal as old characters, all the rest will be replaced.
I agree with you, but we're talking about Comp mode, which doesn't do that.
so its coming in november cool
maybe next november at that
oooo i hope its more hats!
>It's not fun the game is boring as fuck and repetitive
>All I do every fucking day is play soldier and demo with stock loadouts
That's because you are a bitter compfag. No wonder you want to remove random crits, next you'll want to remove random pellet spread and implement class limits too. Maybe implement a 6v6 limit to pubs and faster votekicks as well.
hire more people
>only exception is 3 exceptions
i mean the only exception as the voice actor who have an unknown age you maggot.
For what?
please do not use Beanbagsonic for baiting
Dont believe this niggas lies
you will only be hurt
most of the TF2 voice actors will die in the next 10 years, including Ellen McClain
wait that cannot be traded anymore? really?
god forbid tf2 actually be challenging to play and not a game where you farm newbies who have no idea what they're doing because tf2 makes no effort to teach them or encourage them to get better.
>tfw grant didn't do any engi voicelines for a long ass time
>randomly do some voiceline for a paladin skin in 2018 about tf2
Wait nolan north is dead?
You'd better start appreciating my originality this fucking instant
>crits are random RNG bullshit but also you can farm them
Terrible post. Good thing you will never have an effect on TF2, or indeed any other meaningful facet of your life.
it was linked to an achievement so nope. and now the game is dead so it's unobtainable, just like the monday night combat hats (unless you have the game registered on your steam account and probably you using a trainer.)
Actually, my mom stabbed my dad 3 times when he came at me with a knife.
He got 3 big gashes in his back, shoulder, and neck.
Didnt see him afterwards, heard he's on deaths door because he OD'd on heroine.
Good riddance
Why do you guys care about this dead game?
Random crits don't stop me from curbstomping. Unlike you I'm not a shitter who can't get kills without them. it's just a dumb mechanic that detracts from the game and promotes the worst aspects of TF2. Namely chokepoint heavy maps and poor decision making.
>Why play smart when I can just run at a guy with my melee weapon out and have a good chance of one shotting him?
good gameplay
not opening it
let me guess its a rick roll
>Unlike you I'm not a shitter
I would fuck your boypussy so hard at this game it would be comical. Random crits are never going away and all you can do is cry about it.
only retards like random crits
>believing McVicker
>literally one primary and one secondary
>it's fucking real
The game now costs $15
Matchmaking was a mistake
nice one
>spy not delet
moving on
hot monkey sex
I agree actually, it's not healthy playing the same online game for 12 years. I always cringe at faggots begging Jerma to play tf2 again. They're absolutely insufferable.
im glad the procrits shitposting died down
most of you faggots always hated crits until the unbased and cringe youtuber said he didnt like crits so you all have to love crits now
Make a better game then
source 2 port
or sequel
I honestly feel bad for Tyler, he's lost all hope in Valve yet continues to make content because he has to
Give everyone one free key
Have you ever tried pocketing a complete newbie just to see what they do?
Based. If you're still playing TF2 after HATS, you're mentally fucked.
Fuck this class and everyone who plays him
nolan north is engineer's va
rick may is still alive afaik
Fucks sake just make a new game at this point
Cool mom, truly animal insticts in there in doing everything that's humanly possible to protect the life of their offsprings.
People beg Jerma to play TF2? Isn’t that very counter productive?
Who the fuck is jerma?
This. I tolerated cosmetics like hats and other misc items but skins made the game look so god damn ugly
wait no, nolan north is merasmus' va
No dumbass he's the bombinomicon
reminder that they changed the sandman for being stupid as fuck, despite it having that function for a long ass time.
Are you joking? Sandman changed fucking CONSTANTLY.
>It stuns from any range!
>OK no that's broken, it stuns at max range!
>Wait this ball spam isn't fun, and didn't we say not being able to move sucks?
>OK, it doesn't stun, you just can't shoot!
>Wait no, hold on I can fix it
he's both
it had the function to stun players and remove their ability to fight back for years.
things were tweaked yes, but that function remained until 2017.
It's still false equivalence to compare a mechanic involved in nearly every weapon to one weapon with a troubled history.
If the game is still fun to play and the gameplay still better than almost everything else, whats wrong with playing a game forever?
Most people that play TF2 play other shit and then comeback after a few weeks or days. Its the bread and butter of PC gaming.
who cares.
they removed the stun and it made the game more fun, so if they remove crits then the game will be double fun.
Hyped about Overwatch 2?
Don't bother with it now, casual matches have a hacker in them at least 1 out of every 5 matches and the game runs like dog shit and its really crash prone now even with a config
I still can't believe it's real, how do you even meaningfully iterate on that dumpster fire
TF2 isn't deep enough to benefit from its removal. Crits create momentum for players performing well and help break through stalemates. TF2 doesn't have mechanics like grenades or high speed conc jumping like old TF games where one player can break the barrier of the enemy team.
Just make TF3, TF2 is bloated shit at this point
>it's okay when CoD or FIFA does it
>eceleb fanboy interjecting spergery into a thread about ACTUAL VIDEO GAMES
fuck off
>delete sniper
>delete beggars bazooka
>delete natascha
>do something about hackers for once
>Fix the god awful bullet hitreg
>remove match making
>ban all russians and mexicans
>make spy viable with various buffs
I saved tf2 guys
Everyone plays as Scout only.
what's wrong with matchmaking
Post your most outrageous, unrealistic wishlists.
>Source 2 port
>Menu where you can partially or fully toggle cosmetics and/or unusual effects
>Valve maps that don't fucking end when one team scores 2 points
>Reverting some mistaken nerfs from the last 4 years like loose cannon or shortstop
>Single fire primary for heavy + another primary that embraces the fat scout
No because I know what their dumbass is going to do
They're going to walk into the enemy team, focus one person and then get murked instantly
If you want real entertainment go spy on 2fort and pester gibus engies
A lot of its problems were fixed since MyM launch, but it still has short games and is very slow to replenish quitters, leading to frequent snowballs.
I dont know why everyone hates hats. If someone on the enemy team is an annoying asshole I want to pick him out of a crowd immediately and shoot him first.
healing noobs is weird because they act all skittish when you finally have uber
based mom
>Remove Autobalance
>Remove DirectX 9 requirement for Comp
>Replace Comp with 12 vs 12 mode where winning team gets loot
>Delete Casual Mode
>Bring back old pubs
>Heavy gets Soldier's banners
remove matchmaking/quickplay and magically bring all the community servers back
>Heavy gets Soldier's banners
>heavy shitters actually believe this will happen
>help break through stalemates.
crits are too random to be a reliable solution to break through stalemates. they even have a good chance to prolong them since the defending team has a larger chance of getting them since they don't need to take as many risks as the attackers.
with the addition of a fuck ton of unlocks, and newer more open maps, good coordination becomes the go to thing to break through a stalemate.
The problem with Heavy banners is any sort of constant buff that doesnt rely on a squishy teammate will make him stupidly powerful. Just look at cart heavies.
Random mega-crits and mini-crits
You are looking at the micro. Random crits benefit the macro. Over the course of a 20 minute match crits can immediately turn the tide of particular fights and influence the end result of the match immensely, especially since they most benefit players doing well in the first place (i.e. the ones who can aim or secure kills.)
>fps goes from 210-80fps within 2 seconds
>Medic said they weren't full of tumors
>He was lying
Also if every weapon always did the same amount of damage every time you could quantify it regularly, making the game shallow and boring
I'm a soldier main
I honestly feel bad for ValveNewsNetwork
Did you know he actually started his channel the very minute Valve was going to shit?
the point should randomly switch sides every once in a while or the game is boring
Great post disingenuous cretin, adopt a tripfag so I know not to waste my time with your phony ass
>I'm a soldier main
>believing tyler
He never had cancer that was just a rumor
oh yeah sorry it's also shallow if the game doesn't just randomly decide who will win sometimes
I don;t doubt that if HL3 was EVER going to come out, it would have been during that generation
worse is tf2 had such a pretty art style too and its ruined by faggots looking this stupid running around
You have to be over 18 to play TF2
I will eat your reflects, I will eat them up!
You have to be over 18 to post on Yea Forums too but from the looks of it, you have no respect for the rules you little shit
Just watch the world burn
>tfw used SAM to get this because the game it was a promo for was both unavailable in my region AND had a rootkit.
TF2 threads are so comfy. I love you guys.
this. And probably it's going to be all community maps and stuff.. again.
TF2 may have had the most unique and pleasant art style of any game I played. It still shocks me to see just how far Valve sank in their quest for loot box cosmetic profits. They made TF2 look like your pic, and it's not even an exaggeration. I wish it was.
Valve is truly creatively bankrupt. Just shameful, absolutely shameful what Valve became. But people worship them because Gabe Newell is a meme with a huge beard who says "open" a lot.
the only people who say "yikes" are in r/rainbow6seige or r/overwatch. You're in the wrong place user
Remove cosmetics
Remove matchmaking
Remove trading
Remove skins
Revert graphical downgrades
hes a guy who beat dark souls on stream
Return the old weapon stats and fuck competitive.
Rather have tf2 than overwatch though
No way, THE Dark Souls, hardest game of our generation?
>Entire TF2 team sacked
>Ported to Source 2
>Community servers only for casual
>Option to disable cosmetics altogether
>Comp is 6v6 limit of 2 of each class
>No locked settings and matches ESEA ruleset/config
>Community maps rotated in and out for comp
>Remove all the dogshit stock maps
>New wearable medals each season to match your rank
>A proper fucking tutorial and coaching fixed
>TF2 beta brought back with an actual bug tracker
>Significantly lower time limit on 5CP
>Intel returns on touch on CTF
>Cart moves on its own when touched on PL/PLR
>Make PD an official gamemode
>Bring back Arena and experiment with TC again
>Add the community campaigns to official MVM
>Fix all the garbage unlocks in the game
>More frequent smaller updates and more communication
>Actual LAN tournaments supported by Valve and watchable ingame
>Make PD an official gamemode
I wish, but not gonna happen. Every time I play PD, there are several people confused about what's happening in chat.
>Cart moves on its own when touched on PL/PLR
>Intel returns on touch on CTF
It's been a while since I've played this game but what? Do they not do that naturally?
They've never done that
>tfw I don't really like random crits either but will get called out for being an uncle dane fan just for saying it
I don't even know why people defend it 'that' vehemently. I have been playing since 2008 and sure they can lead to some legitimately funny moments I will admit, but would the game really change for you THAT much without them? You're still mowing people down like you always have, just without the occasional freebie thrown in. And for that matter, why are people so obsessed with that guy anyway? Is it really just cause he made a video on it? I don't know sometimes. I don't want the game turning into comp or something either, but I don't know, I guess I want kills to be a little more deserved sometimes? Maybe?
I'm so confused
You just... stand next to the payload and it moves forward right? And to return your intel to your base you just walk over it, right?
What the fuck are you guys on about?
>would the game really change for you THAT much without them?
Yeah, why should my pub stomping go interrupted because pablo.gonzales.2009 managed to hit me with a melee crit across the map
You have to put yourselves in the shoes of your average Yea Forums tf2 player
>Soldier/demo main
>Only plays dustbowl and goldrush
One random crit and you wipe half the enemy team. Of course they want their crutch to stay.
And my favorite class is the spy
>sold all my unusuals and stranges except my burly beast
>teetering on that uninstall button to free up 30 gigs
its like putting down a family dog, i've never been more sad about not playing a game anymore.
pablo worked for that.
he hooked up his computer, turned on his monitor and spent 5 hours figuring out how to make a steam account just to play this masterpiece.
But we already have a dedicated crits gun to do just that but even better
>You just... stand next to the payload and it moves forward right?
You have to stay on it for it to keep moving. This change would make it so you can leave the cart after touching it and it will keep rolling until the enemy team touches it.
>And to return your intel to your base you just walk over it, right?
That has never been the case at any point in time.
Just don't get hit bro
The intel is on a goddamn timer, if enemy team doesn't touch it within that time, it resets.
>Yea Forums having friends to pocket them
>make the flag even easier to defend
Ah okay that makes sense it's been a while since I've played
>This change would make it so you can leave the cart after touching it and it will keep rolling until the enemy team touches it.
That's some dumb shit
i wish my friends still played.
at most i can get one to play with me, but it's like a once every 4 months thing.
>That's some dumb shit
Of course it is, Uncle Dane said it.
This but seriously.
>>Cart moves on its own when touched on PL/PLR
>>Intel returns on touch on CTF
Also no, but make it so spies coming out of cloak and scouts coming out of bonk have to wait like 3 seconds before they can reset the intel.
CTF stalemates because there's no round timer and the map pool is fucking atrocious. The intel timer has nothing to do with it.
>That's some dumb shit
In what way? It's not fun for one player to be the cart bitch all game.
it actually forces defence players to not play like retards and actually pay attention to the objective, so it seems like a pretty good change.
only thing is that you should change the speed to half the speed of 1 person touching the cart.
Man, the devs didn't even do anything for the tenth anniversary of the game's release.
>TF2 team will have at least twice the amount of people working on it, mainly of community members who know how the fuck the game works and should be designed
>First order of business is a Source 2 port, announced immediately after the team's expansion
>Weekly updates on said Source 2 port progress, until its release
>Huge optimization and code rewrites come with the Source 2 port
>Released final comic alongside Source 2 port's release
>Matchmaking/Casual/Comp is completely redone; quickplay is more promoted, and playing vanilla games allows you to keep earning medals/contracts
>Arena is entered into the quickplay rotation, Player Destruction is now a main gamemode (plr_hightower now has a pd version).
>Cactus Canyon and Asteroid are finished
>VSH is made into an official gamemode
>Timer in CTF; intel returns upon being touched
>Stopwatch added as a separate Payload mode; cart moves automatically
>Competitive mode still exists and offers incentive for playing it; item drop rates are multiplied slightly by an amount based on your competitive rank
>No more Comp default configs; can use whatever you wish
>VAC actually fucking works and can easily detect hackers/cheaters
>Tutorial fixed and expanded to include all 9 classes
>All cosmetics that appear in cases can be craftable after a certain amount of time passes since release
>Metal sink: five refined can be redeemed for a Tour of Duty ticket
>Devs add content at least biweekly, in the form of maps/modes/MVM campaigns/cosmetics and occasionally weapons (from the community primarily) and communicate via blog regularly
>New maps for TC, PD, Arena
>Contracts are now daily, and rewards completing them daily
>Huge balance changes for classes and unlocks alike
>Random crits can now be selected as a play specification in Quickplay
>Heavy gets Soldier's banners
>Sniper has reverse damage falloff and charged damage only goes up to 300
>Spy gets a disguise speed toggle
Stop posting this retarded shit in every TF2 thread dumbass
I have never posted that chunk of text in any other TF2 thread. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Valve, unironically hire this man.
You do know people aren't all the same and can still like something for longer than you.. right?
lol you gay bro
You're thinking of
>A large chunk of the playerbase occupied CTF specifically because games are laid back and never end
Nah it's the same retard spouting his retarded balances changes like giving Heavy soldier's banners in every TF2 thread
go play in a trade server then
honestly putting any classes weapons on any class would be a fun custom game mode
>content biweekly
That's a bit much, I'd take monthly.
How is it retarded? It's genius.
>inb4 it'd be OP
yeah but keep it on a custom game mode where balance isn't an issue
PD exists if you want a TDM fest while still playing around the objective. Community servers exist if you want to idle in spawn and stare at the wall.
>want to play the objective in one of TF2's great gamemodes
>Redditors and Soundsmith fanboys: REEEEEEEE, YOU'RE RUINING TF2
It already is.
>getting a black box scout in randomizers.
Wait, first these threads were bitching about Uncle Dane, and now SoundSmith? What'd he even do?
>just go elsewhere
YOU go elsewhere, mr minority opinion.
Soundsmith has probably the worst content I've ever seen from a TF2ber
Could be as something as tiny as a ported community map or a hat or two. Monthly would probably be better for more sizable updates.
But it's still THE best fps available anywhere. Which is sad, since it means nearly every fps made after 2007 is forgotten.
People just fixate on minicrit lasers being an issue, but fail to take into account that Heavy has to build up 600 damage on his own with no secondary, refill his health prior to popping the banner so he doesn't die right away, and still position himself correctly to take full advantage of it. Meanwhile, Soldier can do a slightly better job at all 3 of these right now, yet no one complains about the banners being OP on him.
All you retards should be purged for the sake of the game's future. Not my fault you're too fucking poor to buy garrysmod. If you don't want to shoot people in a first person shooter then you can go suck a dick. It's time all you dipshits on your toasters who only play this game to dance and play dressup and throw sandwiches at each other to get the boot because you're no better than a fucking bot. You have dragged this game for too long with your collective stupidity. Any other FPS you'd get instakicked for being a retarded shitter who throws every game for DA MEMES XDDD
>Any other FPS you'd
Well then, sounds like it's a good idea for you to move to "any other FPS" rather than trying to bring TF2 to their level.
based, fuck """friendlies"""
but you can't do funneh dances and taunts in jerry's mod
TF2 WAS at that level until community servers died and Valve pooled all the mouthbreathers who used to stay in trade and orange servers with everyone else.
go back to your containment servers
Ohhh i'm gonna stick ME DIICK in your arse.
How did they get away with this?
Fun games don't die.
You're outliers. You were left behind years ago. Adapt or leave.
When will Valve apologize for their blatant misogyny?
It was always just a rumor, there was never any confirmation. Valve simply doesn't hire anyone that isn't Nathan.
>You were left behind years ago
Lol and TF2 has been doing SO WELL lately. Reminder Valve doesn't give a shit about this game anymore because it didn't take off competitively like Dota and CSGO did.
>Ms Pauling knows how to defend herself
Best girl
>this amount of cope
>doesn't even try and prove him wrong
Prove what wrong? Valve abandoned this game.
>'knows how to defend herself'
>loses a molar in a boxing class
She's trying and failing to learn to defend herself.
imagine still playing tf2 lmao, almost as pathetic as still playing overwatch
Valve rarely gives a fuck about special dates, the dust2 update not too long ago was a really rare occurrence.
>who the fuck is jerma?
Nerf soldier class into oblivion
does this game still switch you to the other team when you are about to win
>still caring for Hat Fortress 2
Just play the better game, aka Overwatch lol
I never wanted to though
Dude, you are arguing with a hatdrone. Facts don't get through their skulls.
Even ESEA is getting rid of tf2 it’s time to stop playing bros
It must be hard living with retardation, I feel sorry for your mom.
Oh it's this autismo again.
Why do these threads always devolve into falseflagging later on? Is it just some ploy to reach the bump limit? Wouldn't be the first time I've seen it happen to a thread
Yep, and if you want it removed you're a compfag who hates fun. Cause getting separated from your friend the teammates you coordinated with for the past 10 minutes is fun and wacky.
>people who liked TF2 in the past are fed up with Valve and the delusion of the fanboys who still play and pretend everything is fine
Buff spy, gas sniper mains
Stop responding to the Blizzard drone, it's not even good bait.
way to prove you're getting upset by getting called out.
Seasonal missions offering untradeable rewards.
way to prove you are a deluded drone
Because I don't share some rando's twisted memories of a lost childhood that he projects onto his game? Lmao
No, because you keep clinging to a dead game and shilling Valve for free.
There were new voice lines added in Halloween though. Think it was just soldier and scout, but still
pretty much everyone I heal
TF2 is one the very few games I boot up every once in a while. It's just that good
Oh, what are you gonna do if I don't play Overwatch? Shitpost me to death? Oh my god how will I ever be able to recover, I'll never be able to move on with my life or have fun ever again because some guy on Yea Forums poked and prodded us. I seriously can't believe people try and act like they have some sort of power on an anonymous image board. Cause you know what we do once we're done with a thread? We go back to doing what we always do with nothing to block the way.
Next thing you know, you're gonna start telling us that Half Life and Counterstrike ruined shooters, right?
lol nice coping faggot but it's clear that he fucking wrecked you.
>complaining about crits in casual
Stop playing in maps like barnblitz
Didn't that mod die over 9 years ago ... why would they ever?
>cope as the only response
Make demoman more skill based.
lol what are you raving about?
you are free to keep eating shit, im here to laugh at you
seethe harder, hatboy
Demo is the hardest class in TF2
Stop playing dustbowl and you'll stop getting shit on by him
demoman is objectively the most skill based AND most fun.
all other classes are just easier versions of the demonman, and are also less fun to play.
Laughing behind a monitor? I don't get what that really gains doing that to him
Best answers
>Demo is the hardest class in TF2
>not Spy
spy is just demoknight without the charge and the ability to not be seen.
>come to me irl not online see what happens!
go buy some crates and keys to calm down, fag.
They already did, just use the shields and swords senpai
>also Yea Forums: random crits shouldn't be removed, nice try dane, go cry somewhere else
Spy is pretty difficult but it doesn't really matter when even the most skilled spies rarely accomplish anything.
I just don't get your goal with coming to these threads, you only tend to focus on one or two people while everyone else just keeps on discussing in the background, what's the point?
>punish success
>reward failiure
we get enough of that IRL, thanks.
A lesser girl wouldn't be in a boxing class at all
>Give demoman non demolition expert weapons
I still don't get what they were thinking, and while I know some people "main" it, I still feel ripped off that instead of a trip mine layer or some other cool sticky launcher sidegrade, we got a shield and sword.
>players who are doing less damage are more likely to get crits
>ubersaw medics become even more of a problem
It's almost like there's no good solution and this dumb mechanic should be done away with entirely.
I simply state my grievances with the game. Just because OW proved to be the better game doesn't mean I didn't enjoy TF when it was still good, a long time ago.
It irritates me that hatfags are still deluded about their game, but I get quite the enjoyment from seeing them paranoid about "Blizzard shills" and how they genuinely believe Blizz is dying but has OW2 in the works.
Why is it such a bother to be killed by a crit in casual when you can easily respawn and try again
>Get autobalanced
>Carry new team to victory
sounds like you're just a shitter, user.
>losing soldier duel
>splat him with a crocket
>"guess you need crits to kill me user"
>"not my fault the game is shit"
>"it's not shit..."
jej, everytime.
Because respawns can be 20s plus another 20s of walking to the front and we might lose the game if I happen to die while playing medic, engineer, or heavy and this mechanic adds nothing of value to the game other than making shitters feel good occasionally.
Jerma is not videogames, I know who he is you shit for brains.
>Dies to random crit at a crucial point where he could have saved the game for his team and a non crit hit wouldn't have ruined everything
>Ahhh so this is the power of random crits
>It's just a game bro, maybe next time, oh now allow me to complain about people not doing the objectives, while also telling you that you shouldn't be bothered by RNG making you fail at doing the objective, because you don't expect every shot to be a crit.
Y E, T H A T S E E M S A B O U T R I G H T!
> october
He didnt specify what year.
calling it now
>update is mostly hats
>only new weapon is new skin for huo-long heater
calling it now
>updated localization files
calling it now
>It's a glorious comeback to form, with a blog post written by Heavy himself
>All of Valve is fully backing TF2
or more realistically
>added medals
>trusting tyler mcnigger
Do people even still play that old shit?
I wish got got this because I wanna make a karate kid loadout
I fucking loved TF2 and it was a fun few years but I agree with this post. The game is beyond shit now and as much as I want to go back every day, I know it'll never be the same. All I can do now is hope TF3 gets made some day and is actually good.
Kike consumerism killed TF2 in the first place you fucking faggot
>could've easily used the community to make updates at least once a year and make a ton of money
>spend a ton of money developing Artifact instead which was DOA
I doubt they spent a lot of money on Artifact. Richard Garfield was likely the most expensive part of the whole thing.
all those artwork and models were probably expensive
a few question and opinions:
>whats vsh
>random crit and payload split:
either do it that way or leave it be. no point in splitting stuff even further
>tutorials should have a reward for completing them
>heavy gets soldier banners
disagree he needs something for himself
every few months is ok. community needs time to adapt too
everything else good
I'm sure most people didn't even get the reference.
user, don't you know that it's ok when Valve does it?
Obviously they spent some money on it but I wouldn't even be surprised if they ended up reusing a lot of stuff they already had laying around. It's not like these were original characters. For all we know there's an entire vault of Dota 2 artwork that hasn't been released just because the artist had nothing else to work on.
>tyler gets shit for doing speculations and talking about rumors for a company that barely talks to it's fucking community
>>whats vsh
Vs Saxton Hale.
Femscout but with bigger tits
Is tea time.
I bet you money that sniper and soldier will either get buffs or remain untouched even though they haven't gotten fucked by any nerf at all weapon wise, mechanic wise, etc.
Quite literally what the fuck else are we supposed to play? Every other game is either Cod/muh feelings Hero shooter/Fortnite
Never now that telltales went under
Valve, show TF2 some love.
This game died when it went F2P
Boomer game for manchildren, grow up.
Remove hats, matchmaking and trading
Make 6s the only option for valve matchmaking and leave 24 man pubs to community servers
>ip count didn't go up
Uncle dane is kinda popular, so Yea Forums despises him above all else. And they're also shitters who think their random crits are earned because "YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING A CRIT SLIGHTLY INCREASES IF U DO DAMAGE :("
I've been playing since tf2 came out. People complained about crits before the game even fucking released, Theres always been defenders but they've gone apeshit recently because its the opposite of what the e-celeb they hate says
Prove me wrong
He's the guy who died to pinwheel
How do you die to pinwheel, he's weaker than mobs before him.
boomerang sniper weapon when
>Sometimes you just have to let it go
10th class
boomerang sniper weapon when
>newfag who doesn't know who jerma is
>why no know my epic eceleb??? he stream and did request and was reall good!!!
Absolute fucking cringe. Kill yourself, nigger.
he never really was on your side
and dick
>I don't care if I die as long as my hats will live on forever :)
>A TF2 thread is now the most replied thread on Yea Forums in 2019
I'd like this
as it should be
new heavy guns, REMOVE matchmaking
so whats this guys problem? he got fired from valve like ten years ago and he only worked their for like two weeks right?
Probably some gay e-celeb. Who gives a fuck.
Jerma was insanely influential to TF2's popularity. Stop trying to fit in, zoomer.
Perhaps it's the same old routine of
>I'm on Yea Forums so surely I must be obligated to be a dickhead
I started playing TF2 during the Pyro update.
regular actual game play updates
In that case, here's some Jerma kino
>Star and Jerma will never make another TF2 video again
>never specified the year for october
You know, don't say s-swears
threads almost dead
I used to work for scraptf
have a (you) and kill yourself you doble nigger
It's pretty much guaranteed autobalance will be disabled and team switching will be enabled again.
big if true
About time. Fuck Valve for ever listening to b4nny and leddit.
We need a metal sink
And then please let Valve servers go on indefinitely and only change maps if a vote is actively started for it.
I'm tired of all people leaving after 1 attack and 1 defense.
I bet my ass that the TF2 community is one of the most patient/zen community ever that I've ever seen
limit 1 sniper per team
New weapons, maps, gamemodes, buffs.
minigun that destroys rockets
tf2 is unironically great game