This is a no-talos thread, worship of talos is strictly forbidden in this thread

this is a no-talos thread, worship of talos is strictly forbidden in this thread

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FUCK the Summerset Isles and FUCK the Aldmer and FUCK the Aldmeri Dominion and FUCK the Empire and FUCK the White-Gold Concordant

Skyrim is for the Nords
Talos is real

>Portrait of some Nordic herder, vs a Consul.

Not cherry picked at all.

Where do western euros fit on this

>Skyrim is for the nords
your false god wasnt even born in skyrim, hick. he was born in the nordic continent atmora, where your weak shitty race should all be shipped back to

>le 42% face

Fuck I forgot the image

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>arabian and moor rapebabies pretending ancient southern europeans weren't white

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itt Yea Forums larps as racists against fictional races


Why were the nords so fucking racist and inbred?

imperials are literally just wannabe nords and they owe their entire existence to a nord

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More with the southern ones than the northern ones.

>implying you own the country because you migrated from atmora and spreaded like a fucking disease
not video games

>germs, bongs and frogs fit in more with sand niggers than nordicucks

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Off-topic threads are the only interesting threads here that contain real posts instead of the same bait shit being resposted for the hundredth time

imagine welcoming a bunch of dark elves who you've had massive wars throughout history and calling Nords racist bc they want to send them back to Mordor or whatever shithole they come from
you're one of those fucking cats, aren't you

>Yea Forums is boring to me so i have the right to derail threads into off topic /pol/ shit
go to another board if Yea Forums isn't interesting enough for you, rent free faggot

Stay mad nigger *dabs*

>we're not racist! there's history of tension between us and the dark elves!
>"you're one of those fucking cats, aren't you"
and there it is, friends

OP reeks of Thalmor scum.

>being racist is bad
yikes, go back to the Imperial City wineboy

But its fun tho

Coping with the fact that the Empire was dead when Martin sacrificed himself? The Medes Empire is not the real Empire. It is shadow of a once great era and it is time to euthanize that shit and build a Nord-led anti-Thalmor alliance.

Southern European often inherited their knowledge from other cultures and their distant ancestors. The Northern Europeans of the Bronze Age had the best lunar calendars and the Celts had the same geometric understandings that overlap with Pythagoras' Theorem despite not knowing who he was or having a Greek-style of education.

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>39% human
Skyrim is more Nordic than Cyrodiil is even human.

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>42% of the population of Skyrim are a bunch of thickheaded inbred weaklings that harbor ill-intent to anyone who is not one of their kind
>the other 58% are a mix of every other race with a wide variety of skillsets and all most likely pledge their allegiance to the empire due to the blatant anti-non-nordic attitude of the stormcloaks
no thanks, we'll stay right here and kick your sorry asses back to atmora
better than being a fucking milkdrinker

Cope more, you Pope-worshiping; Roman bootlicking slave.

Oh and funny how you bitch about Martin Luther (I don't identify as a Christian) yet you bitch about the sack of Constantinople since that city was sacked under the orders and blessing of the Catholic Church.

By the way, Rome brought it upon themselves and they fucked themselves up by allowing Christian doctrines fuck up public literacy and burn pagan writings.

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Milk makes you strong, being lactose intolerant is a sign of elven DNA

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>they slaughtered my ancestors
yeah tension might not fully capture the sentiment, not that a beast-kin such as yourself would understand the mental machinations of actual humans

Yeah but what benefit does it give you? Some retarded no name that goes autisticaly screaming thu'um everywhere with his personal snownigger dogs to do his bidding

this stinks of thalmor propaganda

>why won't you let us colonize your lands and subvert your culture you thickheaded inbred weaklings no you're not being fair

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>milk makes you strong
I'm sure that's what ulfric tells you when you're sucking his cock in his dirty shithole of a city
>>they slaughtered my ancestors
it's a shame that nords can't be proud of their heritage because it is constantly filled with tales of them getting cucked by superior races

>unashamed milkdrinkers
>slaughtered ancestors
the absolute state of nords

FUCK the Summerset Isles and FUCK the Aldmer and FUCK the Aldmeri Dominion and FUCK the Empire and FUCK the White-Gold Concordant and FUCK the Nords

Only the tri-angled truth is real praise be to Veloth and glory to all who pursue the Psijic Endeavour

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>looks at feet
checks out

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Gotta blame Rotheric and those jerks.

>be spic, son of spic
>have greek foot

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Just because you have a huge population there doesn't mean the territory is yours
imperials are born leaders of mankind, and nords are only able to maintain a stable government when their societies are Skaal-sized tribes. Take Windhelm for example, it is a city that spiraled into being the shittiest city in Skyrim due to it's entirely nord-only government

The nords are more akin to the barbarians from D3 while Imperials are like Warcraft humans.

>Counting Reachmen as Breton
So very wrong

Guy on the left looks like someone who would stab and rape you in a dark alley, while guy on the right looks like a fucking millennial hipster.

I think we know who the more badass guy is.

>snow ape mental gymnastics as usual

Vikings were the subhumans of their day. Get over it.

>pic related typical nordcuck genes

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Dna analysis shows otherwise

Cope nordfaggot

Lol the imperials are romans

Today they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then?

Do they take your homes?
Your businesses?
Your children!?



Jesus fucking Christ go fucking drink a half-gallon jug of White Out if you like being white so much because nobody here gives a fuck
get your retarded off topic shit off of this thread
where the fuck are the mods



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here, I don't consider myself white. I was just fucking around, and I think anyone who doesn't have autism could tell I wasn't taking this thread seriously.

>idiot Europeans don't know what a u is

we know u is gay

There's an alt-right group called Identity Evropa.
Talk about cringy. It makes James Cameron look unpretentious.


if you can't live in a swamp what are you retards good for anyway?

i said i was a spic. desu it's just bants.

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>Implying most imperials liked the fact that Talos worship was banned


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humans exist