More than a decade later and still fun as fuck

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It's happening

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Expect the opposite of whatever he claims


>new update coming sometime in the past or anytime after october

>sometimes between now and october
heavy update confirmed for april 2020

un aging, unchanging, never ending, never stopping

always playing and lost in time

team fortress 2

Thinking of playing TF2, can it be played in 4k?

okay, retard

It works so well because, for one, it doesn't sell on gimmicks. It doesn't draw you in with waifus or cinematic storytelling, which is the critical failure of other shooters like splatoon or Overwatch. TF2 actually has to sell on good gameplay, and good gameplay alone. Every single thing about the game contributes to the good gameplay.

Makes it easier to see maps and locations. Less realism also means better optimization. The fact that the game continues surviving despite being 10 years of Valve brand spaghetti code taped together, that is a big achievement. If it was a demanding realistic game, it wouldn't even reach 30 FPS. Guaranteed.

>character designs
Again, another element of gameplay. You see the character from a distance, so you know who you're fighting. The silhouettes are so good that you can even pick them out regardless of color or aesthetics. Someone even did an experiment with the character silhouettes wearing every single cosmetic in the game simultaneously, and you could STILL tell them apart.

>voice acting
Another element of gameplay. You hear a scottish accent, you can expect stickybombs. Hear a doktor say "i am fully charged"? expect an uber.

this, is a bucket

Attached: bucket.jpg (1280x720, 38K)


ITT poorfags

I promise 99% of you would not care for this game if it wasnt free

Nigger, I bought it when it was new.

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Team fortress and team fortress classic are better games.

play team fortress forever


Excuse me you little faggot

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>Make America Great Again
>Yiff To Hell
truly patrician

There's more.

It's good knowing that teamfortress 2 will always be there for me in dark times. Litteraly the only game I ever need and it's free.


You know what else is fun? Shooting your shotgun point blank is somebody's face only for it to deal 40 damage then have the next shot not register at all before they kill you.

>the best fps ever made is a buggy piece of shit with terrible anti cheat and rarely gets updated anymore
absolute state

not that I disagree tho
>It doesn't draw you in with waifus or cinematic storytelling, which is the critical failure of other shooters like splatoon or Overwatch.
critical failure of splatoon is the shitty netcode and the fact you're playing with/against children in a team of 4

never played overwatch so idk about that one

Implying we cannot hack games easily anyway

>But hacking is bad

(Heavy's voice): No!

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Based Kiwi

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>ability to deal guaranteed critical hits with a headshot
>with some exceptions


Uncle Dane unironically has a good look. I just wish beard cosmetics weren't perpetually linked with shitty TF2 youtubers now.

I unboxed the unusual, but yeah I agree that most beards are linked with shit ot stale tf2tubers

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