Goodnight Nintendo
They buy FROM and singlehandedly kill all PC players.
so the rumor about buying take two is real?
imagine if Sony bought Nintendo and started bringing smaller PlayStation games to the Switch and reviving old franchises like Jak and Ape Escape for the Nintendo console. Microsoft would be finished
Alright Sony bros, name your dream studio to be bought by sony
Platinum is basically a Nintendo property.
>TFW the absorb EPIC games
Hope you guys are ready for some story-driven, over-the-shoulder FORTNITE
>buy company
>provide funds to company
>take % of profits from said company
This is fine, even good.
This kills gaming.
Will have to wait and see how it shakes out.
NIS i guess. what else can they buy
take two could buy sony
This is literally all they've done since they entered the industry
>caring about the censorstation
This is 100% the scenario here, forget about any video games bankrolled by Snoy being anything other than walking simulators and movies with women wearing burkas and faggots and niggers everywhere
>buy studio that makes fun game
>fun game's sequel is now a 3rd person over the shoulder cinematic action game
>Platinum is basically a Nintendo property.
>sony planning to add to its worldwide studios?
>retards unironically namedroppoing self publishing niche studios and publishers alike
They couldn't afford any studios worth buying.
>taking fromsoftware away from Kadokawa
Literally impossible, kadokawa is a literal jew company, they'd never sell a money maker unless Sony was willing to overoveroverpay for them.
They are buying Remedy Entertainment
Yoshida was at their studio and Remedy was touring Sony studios
Why doesn't Microsoft buy exclusives like Sony does?
XBone didn't have a single interesting exclusive, it's not like Microsoft can't afford to buy something interesting.
They would probably go for western studios, since that's the only audience they care about these days.
>garbage movie game studio that has made games like Alan Wake and Quantum Break
checks out
they should bring SCE Studio Liverpool back from hell
the fuck, my computer fans just whirred up?!
Buy Konami and save MGS and Silent Hill please
Epic maymay
Sony lets their companies do what they want. Naughty dog took their own direction, santa monica did their own thing, polyphony literally does whatever the fuck they want lmao they aren't even forced to release a main stream game during a who generation. Just an enhanced demo version.
They've bought a whole bunch of studios recently. They're all lower end but the internet would have a collective shitfit if MS bought anybody worthwhile.
Japan and Europe are big gaming markets.
Nobody buys xbox in Japan.
Very few people buy xbox in Europe.
Microsoft would have to pay major bucks to get an exclusive since the studio knows that it will most certainly underperform sales wise in Japan and Europe.
Yeah since thats the audience thats buys games
>microsoft bought rare and turned it into a bitch kinect game maker
Oh yah sony is the bad one here.
They bought like ten studios. At least a couple of those have shit lined up for Project Scarlett.
>a game studio
>buying a mega conglomerate
heh sure
In the 360 era I only saw Xboxes here in Europe. But now there's mostly PS4 here.
Nintendo just aquired microsoft. Sony is on suicide watch, and it's aiming to take as many developers with them as possible.
>sony buys rockstar and only lets r* games release on playstation and steam/social club
Xbox would be completely dead if that happened.
sony is a dead company now. they only profit off games and more specifically ps+. they are going to sell off or eliminate all other divisions
>just bought EMI for 2 billion last year
>dead company
heh sure buddy
Sony fucking sucks lately please don't. Literally censoring fucking everything
it's well known that xbox was dominating in the first half of the ps360 gen, but they started losing ground after 2009 and by now Europe couldn't give less of a shit about xbox. Europe is sonyland now.
Name 1 (one) Platinum game that did well outside of a Nintendo console.
The playstation brand is still in the red over the course of it's life currently. The ps3 was such a monumental flop they offloaded more than half it's cost and were still in the red and still in the red trying to maek up for that colossal shitstain of a business decision.
>buying dead company for $2B
You're so far up microsoft's ass you literally can't do a simple google search to see how stupid what you said actually was. I'm not going to say sony is on microsoft level but its not a company thats on hard times at all. Sony is everywhere more than you think. I guarantee you see more sony related things through-out your day than microsoft.
Nier Automata
Small indie studios on bargain is all they can afford
shut up
Pretty much this, Sony only micro-manages and screws over studios working on smaller projects but leaves their AAA cash cows alone.
But Fortnite's Save the World paid gamemode is already a thing user
>moving goalpost
Bitch, I give you $600 to shut the fuck uo
>I demand to see anime 12 year old breasts!
Sony won't buy the debt of other companies.
me too bro, me too.
>what is MGR
Capcom my nigga
Rockstar is too big to be bought. They probably have more money laying around than Sony has.
>I guarantee you see more sony related things through-out your day than microsoft.
How delusional can one be?
it sony so it bad
I will not care for anythning besides konami
That's too old
Bayonetta made Platinum Games what they are today.
Nintendo taking them hostage ruined their reputation.
Kind of expected now that Microsoft is buying fucking everyone. Sony is likely respond to get a leg up on them but also to protect their third party studios. They'll likely get Insomniac first to protect them. The big fight is going to be over From Software.
Nintendo will probably jump in soon. Likely buy up Platinum since they can't afford losing them. I figure they'll be far more conservative but the bidding war will be between Sony and Microsoft. Expect way more exclusive games than the previous two generations.
Sony is the one who's going to be absorbed by Microsoft, dude.
MS is putting the X Cloud on everything even the next Playstation.
Give me anime breasts over Wojak's ugly mug any day of the week.
>Bayo 2 was Wii U exclusive/brought to switch
>Bayo 3 is switch exclusive
>Star Fox Zero was made by platinum (Shit game but shows Nintendo trusts them well enough to make a first party game)
>Astral Chain is Switch exclusive
>Rumors of that one game being resurrected as a Switch exclusive
Sony wouldn't be able to buy platinum with Nintendo around the corner.
They should totally buy Activision Blizzard, doubt they can afford EA though
That's not how contracts work, if Sony acquired PlatinumGames, they most likely would tell them to finish the games they are developing for Nintendo, similar what happened to Rare studio when they got acquired by MS
Also, Bayonetta and Starfox aren't big franchises to begin with
>now we can censor the games from the ground up!
Why would you represent yourself as a shitty wojak?
Matter of fact, Sony should buy as many of the companies that easily submits themselves to SJWs as possible. That way, when they start hemorrhaging money because of their retarded new policies, they'll change that shit and probably force the other companies to do so too.
They don't have the money to do that, they have barely enough money to keep red dead exclusive
That's not exactly a quality buy user
I figured they'd do something like this after saying the PS5 is going to target "hardcore gamers." Your console can't target "hardcore gamers" when so few developers even make "hardcore games." It was either this or they started dropping sacks of cash on everyone's desks like they did with SFV and Bloodborne. The downside to doing it this way is they're not going to get a Capcom or a FromSoft, so they're not going to get those guaranteed money-printing titles, but the upside is they'll have control over development and so they can censor games before anyone even knows they exist to be censored.
I really hope they buy Falcom or NIS. Just imagine falcom games with a better budget.
Microsoft already negotiated the ownership of PS5's network and servers.
Anything positive Sony does is money in M$'s pocket.
Yes cinematic SJW bullshit. Can't wait for that personally
While it's true that Remedy is probably on top consideration, the fact that MS returned them the Alan Wake IP makes me believe that it was done under the condition of not accepting any Sony's buy offer.
Sony is considering having games? Will these at least be fun?
Sorry but no, Calisonya dont need to aquire anything. They will just do EA level damage of PC and fucking up the series just to cater to SJWs.
I hope they don't buy any companies I like, I'd hate for them to start making derivative mass market trash with budgets so huge that they can't possibly succeed without millions of sales.
>They'll likely get Insomniac first to protect them.
God I hope not. I'd like to get some games worth playing from them again, not just Spiderman 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
>similar what happened to Rare studio when they got acquired by MS
Rare was acquired within a week of the release of their last Nintendo project.
>implying Sony will ever focus on japanese games ever again
The IP still belongs to Microsoft, they still have the power to approve Alan Wake 2. Remedy has only acquired publishing rights to the first game meaning they could pump out a remaster for extra cash.
Insomniac has already refused several offers from Sony and FromSoft is already owned by a Japanese megacorp that will neve let them leave. Platinum wants to stay independent and won't let anyone buy them. I've read rumors that Sony wants to buy Kojima's studio and lock him down. His name could easily sell millions of dollars especially if Death Stranding is good too.
At least Atlus doesn't have to bother with the billion questions on the pc port/switch port
There's no good studios left for Sony and friends to rape, pillage and eventually liquidate so I don't really care.
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are going to buy up studios but not compete. Their goal is to prevent the Stadia or any china made console snapping up developers.
Sony would probably destroy the games by making them inclusive to 3 year olds.