Thanks Falcom I hate it
Thanks Falcom I hate it
Other urls found in this thread:
np gg ez
>those designs
who do i have to kill to bring not-retarded clothing back
Get rid of witch time and flash guard, fuck em
After Celceta I just don't know what to expect from this series. How could they ruin the perfection they had going with that sweet streak of 6 > Oath > Origin, goddamn.
Looks cool
flash guard sucks, witch time is cool
I've never seen a gameplay trailer show so little gameplay
literally entire cuts of running in a straight line with no enemies or even platforming
>game made for PS4 runs like shit
Now imagine those half-baked NISA ports.
imagine the switch port
Adol being an edgelord ruins it for me.
I never played the 3d ones, I feel that they got a little retarded and look like even cheaper tales games
Why does Adol's running animation look like he has a stick up his ass?
I really don't get why they turned a kino action RPG series into this ghetto budget-looking party-based games. They used to work around their limitations way better.
play 8 and regain your hope then
Though I believe 8 was a fluke, the game could have been shit due to a huge amounts of factors but they somehow managed to pull it off
And the poorly optimized PC port.
Gotta be inclusive user.
Inbefore retards come in saying Adol is gay because he shows no interest on women.
>get a single flash guard and it's possible to be completely invincible for the entirety of a fight
>the timing is actually pretty lenient and encourages you to purposely jump into attacks
It's pretty shite too, but I guess it was a step above other garbage like FF15
Just try to dodge away instead of facetanking and pressing the flash guard button
I know it's broken and poorly designed but as long as you don't go out of your way to use it then it doesn't hurt the gameplay that much and it's still fun unlike Celceta
the real problem is how shitty the bosses are
I dont mind the idea of having a party in action rpg, since it gives the game a little contrast.
What bothers me more is how easy ys used to become.
50 different heal items you can just spamm if you're to retarded to dodge, instant fullheal through party member switch etc. Even in inferno you can just get by with spamming items
Ys sucks
>the real problem is how shitty the bosses are
well no shit, because they were designed with flash mechanics in mind
>lol falcom graphics/animation
>wahhh bring back solo adol!
>Flash guard is broken!
Same shit every single thread. Fuck off.
nice rebuttal faggot
I heard 8 was pretty damn good compared to Celceta and here's hoping. I have a lot of love for this series, but I imagine anyone who started out with Celceta would probably drop this series without a second thought. It was just painfully mediocre and forgettable, not even the typically awesome Ys OST was there.
Based Falcom will come through and make you forgot about those frame drops completely. I really hope they fix up some of those animations, though. Been playing through Celceta for the first time and it's been less fun than the others I've played. Shit is ungodly easy and I had a hard time actually caring about the story until halfway through.
nice down syndrome, retard
Compared to Seven I'm actually enjoying Celceta.
I hope Reansama makes a cameo :)
I didn't like VIII as much as the Napishtim style games but it's way better than Celceta and Seven
7 only had flash guard thrown in and wasn't even mentioned ingame but the bosses were just as shit
The real reason behind the shit bosses is the change of perspective, the Ys 8 boss with the old felghana perspective was fun
It's pretty much Celceta but refined so much it somehow is good even if they didn't change much
>comabt is the same yet for some reason actually feels good
>can actually JUMP
>exploration is fun
>all party members are likeable characters with some degree of depth
>story is enjoyable
>music is 10/10 yet again
>free DLC has Adol wear his armor so no more faggy nuAdol model
Bros is V any good
Nice. And that music really is the good stuff, I think I'll just start this game tomorrow and check it out.
what kinda V are we talking about here
Easily the worst Ys. Wait for them to remake it, they've been interested in doing so for a while now.
Not particularly. It was developed by a bunch of newfags who had no experience with the series since all the old Ys developers left back in '89. Even Link to the Past shits all over that game and it's four years older than it.
Celceta is not a bad game it's just got a fucking loony toons plot with weak ass bosses. It's really just another Ys game. If you like Ys, you'll probably like it despite it probably being one of the lesser titles in the series (if not THE weakest).
for me, 8 was just a step in the right direction. 9 looks like a step in the wrong direction. huge cast, empty areas, verticality. I like the base building elements and the exploration of the island. But I wanted more side stuff, more interesting interactions with other characters, more building stuff up, more custom gear, etc.
I'm not seeing much of what I wanted in 9 atm. It'll probably be a decent game since Falcom rarely strays too far. so we'll see; hopes are not high atm
As SFC game it's kind of a technical marvel, as a Ys game it kinda sucks.
Why would you put out a trailer of your PS3 looking game running at 15 FPS?
Same problems, same complaints.
I still stand by the dragon fights in Seven being really cool, particularly the Earth and Wind dragons
It's "fine", but outside of a few moments it's really forgettable. Play it if you've played all of the other Ys games and need to complete the circuit, otherwise it's a safe pass
Celceta gets off to a rocky start and has the weakest bosses of any Ys game made after the year 2000, but the world design kicks ass and the second half of the game is paced amazingly well
Aside from the frame drops, really digging this. Music is cool as fuck, wonder if it's a boss theme
>yfw this plays
Only if adol dabs on him
>posting one of the most boring Ys 8 songs
come on now
the real shit is when
>Gameplay is as "generic SNES ARPG" as you can get. Like Soulblazer tier.
>Falcom opted to try some weird orchestral midi angle for the soundtrack instead of the rock everyone wants from them.
>Story is just a rehash of Ys1&2, but in a desert.
Falcom had a weird relationship with the SNES, they REALLY wanted to put games on it but every single one of them was shitty, or at least the worst port of the game
To be fair. Brandish 2 is actually a really okay port. But you still may as well play the original. Especially since it finally has a translation.
>As SFC game it's kind of a technical marvel
How and why would you possibly think this? Have you just not played many SNES games?
Where the FUCK is Adol's shield.
You know, I tried to play the PC-98 version, but the framerate and default control scheme are kind of a nightmare.
>Sony paid for a timed exclusive for a year
Great, that only guarantees that the PC port will be that much work because its now second thought. Why is Sony so insistent on ruining gaming?
That's pretty fair I admit. It ain't for everyone.
Falcom is not big enough to develop for more than one platform at the same time, just be patient and wait until NISA shits something out.
Falcom have been a Sony-centric market for over a decade. It kind of saved their business years ago and they developed a steady customer base on Sony platforms.
Did they? Is it confirmed to be coming over to other platforms?
What's wrong with Memories? I picked it up on the Steam sale along with 8 after beating 7. I knew that it was mediocre and a very iterative followup of 7, but I didn't know it was downright bad.
It's not too late for me to return it.
MoC is soulless.
It's not bad, just mediocre. A couple charming characters in there, combat is tolerable, plot has its high points. With a series this good, when a title ends up being mediocre it actually stands out.
It's still alright imo, just painfully easy and the story is kind of weak in comparison to previous releases. And for me personally, the soundtrack isn't that memorable
Personally I don't think it's bad, but it's the first game to have Flash Move in it which I feel really makes the game too easy. Basically if you dodge at just the right moment you become invincible for a few seconds. 8 has this mechanic too.
Still wanna play it, but holy shit fix that frame-rate.
>Best track was done by one of the contractor composers
Holy shit. This is really good, sorta sad if whoever made it doesn't even work for Falcom.
Official upload on Falcom's channel, framerate doesn't look terrible here.
>Celceta gets off to a rocky start
I think it picks up really well after you get Karna
>has the weakest bosses of any Ys game made after the year 2000
I don't think Seven bosses are anything to write home either, however that angler fish boss in Celceta is a special kind of garbage, so I'll give you that.
>but the world design kicks ass
Absolutely, really wasn't expecting that.
>and the second half of the game is paced amazingly well
I'm about halfway Eldeel's tower, how far am I?
The worst of flash move existing is the fact that it already has flash guard, doing both at the same time is really stupid. I'm actually glad I started playing party-based Ys on nightmare, I actually get to die here and there.
Mitsuo Singa is the contractor responsible for that track. Sound Team jdk is a shell of its former self.
because Adol is an edgylord now. with his chunni crew and hair over his eye. The one winged chick even called him King of Red
this feels like falcom tried to do a game the saw shit would tank and decided to turn it into a new Ys
>can actually JUMP
Jumping felt like an afterthought with the ungodly amount of invisible walls and there is 0 reason to use it during bosses on the 1 or 2 that have sweep/wave attacks when you can just flash move/guard through them. The Dana dungeon utilized it a bit better but then again the dana part is better on the whole.
Those environments make Tales of games look detailed
>want solo Adol
>get solo dana
>it's the best part of the game
Biggest twist in the game really
I thought stopped making PS2 games
Jumping felt especially good in Luminous form with how many hits you can get in combined with the dive.
You're like right at the tipping point. Once you get the Gale Boots it's all gravy from there baby
>Shadol the edge red
>Gay narration for almost a full minute
>Disjointed gameplay footage
>Cutscenes without voiceover except for the last one
What happened? Falcom used to make god tier trailers
>Remake Ys 4
>Omit a shitload of Ys 4 music
>The few tracks that were sounded weak as hell
>Besides a Kiss for Eldeel and arguably crater that's technically an unused track
I want this cun
Years back I picked up the CE for 8 for Vita, but it kind of found its way into my backlog instead. Should I pick up a copy for the Switch and give it a whirl?
Helps they could design everything around knowing you would always have all 3 forms available. Party design is a mistake and I'm certain at this point they continue it solely because waifu's sell.
Considering the PC port of VIII didn't have anything over the PS4 version there's nothing to lose over getting IX on PS4 too. As usual there's nothing to censor and you get the bonus of physical copies.
The Dana sections were a massive throwback to Origin and 6 and I loved it
Not to mention NISA will inevitably fuck up the port. Can always pirate the PC version later if I care that much about unlocked frame rate.
Did you enjoy it? If you're fine with 30 fps cap, get the Switch version since it's the only one that has both the Vita costumes and the additional PS4 content.
>unlocked frame rate
VIII didn't, what makes you think IX will? Like I said compared to PS4 PC has nothing over it. And before you call me a Sonyfag I'll let you know I only buy multiplats on PS4 if it's uncensored and the PC port doesn't offer anything extra.
9 looks like it won't be 60 on ps4
Sweet, guess I'll leave it at that for now and resume tomorrow.
I think one of the things Celceta did much better than Seven were the skills, they actually feel good to use here, you can see the effects of leveling skills up while not take a year to do it.
Though it makes no sense the kind of shit Adol pulls without magic in this game. Nigga shoots fucking tornadoes from his sword.
I was also very disappointed with Canlilica, her design is really damn cute but I wasn't expecting that voice, Ogura Yui is terribly miscast here. Her moveset is not being much better than the super forgettable not-Dogi doesn't help, either.
What about the Pro?
I was agreeing with you, but ok.
59.9, best I can do.
How's the switch version of 8? Heard it was kinda bad before, did they ever fix it?
Cold Steel 3/4 are both 60FPS, I'd be surprised if this isn't.
>3D Ys
>2D Ys
>tfw no more Oath/Origins/Ark gameplay ever again
>just molasses sticky gameplay
rad as fuck
cope weeb
that's literally a fluke though, singa is by far the worst composer who has ever worked on an ys game
Seething grandpa. YS 8 is the best game in the series easy and this one seem to have the same gameplay and sick music.
It's definitely the best overall game. Oath still has the best boss fights but too bad the games are more than just a boss rush. Origin is my favorite though.
>Complaining about bumpbros when Napishtim engine fags are the biggest crybabies in the fanbase.
tomba is fucking garbage
Genderbent Rean will steal Adol's heart
The problem is they tried to make a mana clone (since like you said none of them had made an ys game) and mana is garbage. It paved the way for Ark so it wasn't a complete waste.
ys bros, am I fucking up by getting VIII on PC?
No, it's alright now that it's patched up.
Oathfags are just dark soul zoomers who played it because of the memeimage.
It's mostly fine now with the fan made patch.
>all these pathetic youtube cucks comment calling it a ps2 game
What the fuck do they expect from falcom? Cold Steel look like a ps2 game YS 8 look like a ps2 game. This is like the fucking retard saying fire emblem threehouse look like shit when did fucking fire emblem ever looked good? Anyway ps2 is the greatest console of all time with the greatest jrpg.
>shit when did fucking fire emblem ever looked good?
not counting the handhelds, on the gamecube
Is the guy on the right supposed to be Dogi?
Looks great, can't wait to buy it
shouldn't you be thanking me for beta testing or something? do you not like my leftovers?
Looks like shit as usual, hopefully it is not indicative of the actual game's quality again. Ys8 also looked like fucking garbage in PVs, and then it turned out to be a pretty decent game. I still have hope.
falcom doesn't do anything but PS. all ports are 3rd party and they're cheap af 3rd party. xsneed was the best because they actually tried giving custom options and support for the PC but they had some weebs on staff. Now we're left with arksys and nisa, and idk which one is worse. Arksys is probably the better choice for PC all in all but it's close.
Im playing 6 right now for and the hitboxes on some enemies and bosses attack are fucking bullshit. Is this what you oldfags love?
Doesn't make any of those complaints any less valid, faggot.
>close up of the map model literally look like day one ps1 games
still loads better than three houses given the time frame of release
I want to touch the cow!
that's what three houses looks like too except it's 14 years later on better hardware
A bit harsh there, pal.
I think you might be retarded. Too bad I can't post images to prove you wrong cause tranny mods blocked my IP.
If 8 PV's were to be believed using skills activated 5fps witch time.
That's mostly just a problem with Ark.
Where is my Ricotta cunny loli character
Removed due to SNOY standards.
Dark Fact is a manlet.
So ''snoy'' standard are big jiggling tits?
>yfw Adol is now the Crimson King instead of red haired adventurer
dont ruin my joke with logic please, snoy are evil poopyheads and that's that
Fuck the romun empire
t. Celceta nigger
>tfw enjoying Ys Seven
>everyone shits all over it
I want to fuck a Romun.
Yea Forums shits over everything, don't go here for real opinions
>long hair covering one eye
Are they aiming for the chuuni audience this time? Hoping for some Cold Steel bucks?
I want to Fug this Romun
Adol (Nox)
Man i really fucking this creator self-insert protagonist.
Ys Seven still has the best boss battle theme in the series
This is the ideal adventurer. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That 3d model is godawful though.
>Not this mountain of muscle himself
Does Falcom hate lolis now?
For me it's the doll
I've heard nothing but good things about Ys VIII, and I think Memories of Celceta was fairly well liked? But I've only played the first two games in the series, I still need to play more.
isnt that cat the mandatory loli this game?
That's a girl?
>not playable in VIII
Neither was Silvia. If you're going to keep making Ys party based at least let us play with the coolest characters, Falcom.
wait a minute are those MOTHER FUCKING HEELYS??
too old, she is likely 16
It killed the Ys series for half a decade..
which also mean this game's gender balance is rather... skewed
not that its matter tho
Enjoyed 8. Looking for another game in the series to pick up. Might try 7.
I literally won't get this game because all the designs look fucking terrible even adol. They let some edgy kid get on this huh? That's a no from me.
Cute boy
just noticed Whitecat's heels have cat prints on them
Try out 1&2 for a more primitive, yet really unique system later
and you will enjoy Oath - Ark - Origin too. nest battle system in the series
>Ryo Yonemitsu will never arrange a Falcom song ever again.
Feels bad man.
>Have 6 on psp
How bad is it compared to ps2 or pc?
It has voices.
IX will most likely be worse than MoC. Literally nobody has anything positive to say about it.
Ys Seven is a great game.
t. been a Ys fan since the 20th century
No voices
No blood
Lower quality graphics
Napishtim PSP has some of the worst slowdown and loading times I've ever seen in a game.
It's the PC port with some PS2 extras, but the load times suck so play it off of your memory stick. It's better than that shit PS2 port.
>listening to Yea Forums doomsayers brainlets
when are we getting a brandish steam port
You nigger would be saying
>haha lmao snes graphics shit game
if you were alive when OiF was releasing
Falcom's character design has been shit for years, they don't know how to keep things simple anymore.
Adol's design gets worse with each new game
Should have stuck with 7 Adol it was his best look
yeah...haha simple haha...
Will Chadol ever come back
bruhs why wont falcom update their graphics to match resident evil 4!!!!!!!
>generic 80's anime sword man that you could literally copy paste out of any anime from the era
castlevania adol is better but
Compared to CS and Ys VIII/IX? Yeah, sure.
>inb4 characters can't wear a scarf or hat or they are overdesigned
>characters in napishtim have KH belts
>it's simple
>don't mind our world of warcraft clown suits
That's clearly Langrisser, user.
Please tell me that this doesn't have flash guard and flash move.
Ah yes perfect design how can nu-ys compete?
Ys cun hasn't been good since this one.
Do 5 seconds of research retard.
I've only played Y's Origin and everything in this thread is making me thankful for not getting invested in the series overall.
You're a retard, for many reasons.
>not playing a great series because a few spergs on Yea Forums
if you actually listen to Yea Forums you are retarded because you'd avoid every single game series in existence (except for smash)
That's ok, Origin is the best game in the series anyway.
>mfw I first played Oath back in like 2008 when the English patch first came out
You damn XSEED niggers should shush.
Ohnonono you are going to anger the oathtards
It always amaze me that there are people who take Yea Forums seriously.
Shut up nigger.
Well, the biggest piece of evidence is the trailer in the OP, which has nothing to do with Yea Forums. Like what the fuck is this shit?
The trailer is for the newest game and yeah, it doesn't really look great.
But VI and Oath are on the same engine as Origin, so if you enjoyed Origin is very likely you'd enjoy them too.
> Like what the fuck is this shit?
YS IX following the step of the most popular and best game in the series YS VIII
I beg to differ
Not a cunny
Ok bud
Yeah, I have heard this about Oath, I'll probably give it a shot at some point. But fuck, everything I've seen about the newer games looks irredeemable.
grahic bad game bad
Hm? I'm sorry, I don't follow. Can you post that again in English?
is it me or Ys 8 is way too long?
Stop being a graphics whore you complete mentally challenged retard. Better?
They should've removed Dana
>me no like ps2 graphics me angry look bad
Way, way longer than the previous games. It ended before I got tired of it though.
Dana's solo section should have been expanded and turned into it's own game.
but they did
I never said anything about graphics. Maybe you're mistaking me for someone else in the thread? Or maybe you just have poor reading comprehension. It's ok, I occasionally made such mistakes when I was underage too.
Dana should relieve the male survivors.
>mentally challenged retard
is still applicable whatever the case just for posting something as dumb as
Whats up with so many Jap stories doing the "world is some bitch's dream" plot device? SSSSGridman, Gravity Rush, now Ys does this shit
who wouldn't want to fuck some whore in their own dream
Because I don't find your favorite RPGs appealing? Dang, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek when I said you're underage, but I guess I hit the nail on the head! Well, how about that? Don't worry, you have plenty of time to mature, you won't get so worked up about things like this when you're 20 or so.
Padded with too much village defense missions and fishing
>it's okay when west does it
see: The Elder Scrolls
stop making fun of my favorite video game franchise
You dont get to fuck Maia, yet
>constantly rattling on about age and maturity
wow you are so mature must be like 21 now! did you consume your first beer at your birthday!?
The fact that flash guard into flash move exists ruins it for me
Also it made some pretty big mistakes in terms of game design. You can switch adol out of the party, they returned the multiple flash guards and the final bossfight is just another bossfight
Ys seven had it's flaws too, but the boss tracks are pretty good and the final bossfight there is one of the best and absolutely the most kino bossfight
I've played them one after the other and i would replay ys seven, but not celceta
It just works.
>padded with a completely optional and mostly optional side activies
If they do the raids and hunts again in IX, I hope they make them more like the Tokyo Xanadu dungeons since getting S rank in VIII was a massive pain in the ass with how stupid the way they were scored was.
Was there anything worthwhile even locked behind s-ranks?
I'd rather they just drop them, I liked them in 8 but I don't see a place for them as a series staple.
I can't help but aim for the highest rank when a ranking system is in place, I think there was a couple unique accessories and some stat boosters but nothing necessary. I don't care whether they're there or not but if they're going to put them in they at least make doing them fun. In comparison the Tokyo Xanadu dungeons were a lot of fun to S rank since the ranking actually forces you to play better there.
>Doing one of the tower defense missions in Ys 8
>The fucking 9 months preggo gonna go into labor any minute now lady somehow scores more points than every other NPC.
I don't even know why the NPC scoring was a thing, shit made no sense.
>the nun tops
>the loli tops
>the fucking parrot tops
Why does everything still look so stiff, choppy and unpolished when this is nearly the release version? Ys VIII had none of those issues.
Because Falcom is working on three games at once
Theyre optional, if you dont want to see true ending
Ys, Sen probably but what's the third one?
Another Kiseki
That reminds me that I need to complete Ys II.
Whoa. Completely new or are they finally porting Calvard?
Fuck. I meant Crossbell.
how the fuck are you gonna play origins but not book 1 and 2?
Calvard when?
When Falcom can come up with a good excuse to send Rean there.
>played 7 2 weeks ago
>enjoyed it even though the bosses were easy and the characters were cardboard cutouts
>play celceta a week after that
>really enjoyed, even more so that 7 because it had one of the better OSTs in the series, the exploration was the focus and it felt satisfying charting out the map so i can overlook the even easier than 7's bosses
>see people shitting on it in the first proper Ys thread in weeks
I can't get into VIII because of an ass..
Why did MoC have to get someone as perfect as Calilica?
Pick one.
>a normal girl
>the catharsis of drowning all filthy knife-ears with a massive flood
Easiest right of my life.
That weather machine is pretty sexy, you can't lie.
She's cute and funny
Dana had soul this looks generic.
Say what you want about Dana, but the castaway aesthetic was fantastic.
It hurts I'll never see any of the characters in Dana in any other game ever again.
Why does it run at like 20fps?
>start 8
>exploring for the sake of survival
>tower defense minigames
>a fucking murder mystery 10 hours in
I'm still having a blast with it, but it does feel radically different tone-wise to the other games. I just wanted to explore cool lands and kill stuff without worrying about anything since Adol is the chosen one and it'll all work out in the end. Dana is so fucking small holy shit. How can she be so manhandle-able?
>Dana is so fucking small holy shit.
One thing that always puts me off at rpgs is too much unused open space.
Reeks of laziness an uncreativity.
>Dana is so fucking small holy shit. How can she be so manhandle-able?
Only if you're a dino man.
>Didn't like that Adol lost the armor but the character designs in recent games were still pretty simple and straighforward for the most part compared to some other overdesigned JRPGs
>Monstrum Nox's party goes full chuuni with a k-pop outfit catgirl, dolljoints, and a hucow.
jesus christ
Another massive victory for Cold Steel bros. New Ys looks like utter shit.
>implying the blacksmith won't come back for the Romun game
>implying Euron won't come back for the Romun game
>implying grown up Ricotta won't be a thing in the Afroca game
>Adol's black-haired disguise makes him look like Rean
Yskeks will get destroyed in /fg/ once again when CS3 gets english release. Nobody cares about Ys over there.
Ernst is the biggest faggot in the series for abandoning Freida
Duren is an even bigger faggot for not taking advantage of the situation.
Dana is like 5'7 though? She's a midget among her people.
>Romun game
Wut. Another one? Wait this new game is it set after Dana?
Shit taste
This. Ernst at least still wanted to put his dick in a weather machine. Duren is too scared to put his dick into anything at all.
So Adol forms a merry bad of edgelords and decides to LARP as a villain?
I'm pretty excited for the game but holy shit that guitar track sounds rough. None of the parts in that song sound like they fit together. I hope that's the opening and I don't have to hear it during the final boss or something.
Cloaca Maxima from the mini ost sounds cool, so I still have hope...
Adol's alter ego, Badol
Is this the Adol that isn't asexual?
This. I really liked the VIII designs except for Ricotta. This looks worse than Celceta's hoody Adol all around.
>every female child in Ys 2 wants to marry Adol
how does he do it, bros?
No, that's Rance.
It’s only “unique” because it’s shit, and nobody else would use it in their games
Adol, the slayer of demons, dragons, gods and cunny.
Falcom should start recruiting additional animators.
It was kinda okay for Ys8 because it's a vita game, but the animations and movements are still locked in PS2 era levels of quality.
I’m taking a break after 25 hours or so. It is too long.
I'd marry Adol too.
Badol is a virgin with rage.
>Adol will never wash ashore near your hometown, explore the nearby land, slay an ancient evil, and win your heart only to leave as suddenly as he appeared.
Fuck this gay earth.
Try dying your hair blue.
>Mfw went into that without the silver sword
God I wish I was a big fucking mountain so Adol would notice me.
what if they don't want to die
It looks like they're putting more effort into the cutscene animations than in VIII. Wish they'd hash out the run cycles
Looks pretty awesome though.
This post was brought to you by /fg/.
Tarf > Feena
Reah a shit, she doesn't deserve someone as good as Toal.
man the costumes in this game are so edgy and so overdone that the artist really needs to hang himself or just quit dude, because you're so fucking awful.
The old Ys VIII trailers were dogs hit and made it look like the game ran at 15 fps. I don't think Falcom has ever released a good trailer
I played 1+2 Chronicles and now I don’t think I can enjoy the other games. I like the bump system too much.
I played some of Origins and it’s good for what it is, but I kept thinking how much more fun I’d have with bump system and an early-to-mid game level cap.
The grind isn’t bad but it’s still annoying. And before you tell me to just get gud, dealing 2 damage to a boss with thousands of hp is so fucking tedious. Then one level up later you deal like 30-40 per hit. I’m glad levels are significant but it’s kinda lame to have to run in circles spamming fire magic on bad guys.
Stopped playing just after the sand area I think, I might pick it up again. But man do I miss the bump system.
I played 1+2 Chronicles and now I don’t think I can enjoy the other games. I like the bump system too much.
I played some of Origins and it’s good for what it is, but I kept thinking how much more fun I’d have with bump system and an early-to-mid game level cap.
The grind isn’t bad but it’s still annoying. And before you tell me to just get gud, dealing 2 damage to a boss with thousands of hp is so fucking tedious. Then one level up later you deal like 30-40 per hit. I’m glad levels are significant but it’s kinda lame to have to run in circles spamming fire magic on bad guys.
Stopped playing just after the sand area I think, I might pick it up again. But man do I miss the bump system.
Would she take Adol as her husband? For political reasons of course!
>was basically irrelevant to the whole game except for giving out mapping rewards
Fuck Falcom, someone so perfect shouldn't have been a glorified NPC.
Got this game for free, DRM free, from Groupon, like a decade or something ago. Good times.
>political reasons
What political value does Adol hold? He's literally a country bumpkin.
At least Dogi looks like Dogi again.
Maybe if he shaved the stupid goatee he'd look normal again.
Celceta was shit, it took 7 and made everything about it worse.
the goatee is stupid as fuck
I put a lot of effort into this post could somebody pleasw respond to me?
This graphics engine really isn't made for city environments. They look almost as horrible as Tales of Zestirias cities. And I don't feel like running through brown low res dungeons for 60 hours.
it's funny because tales was already a budget series to begin with, even at the beginning
just rips shit from everywhere else and doesn't even try to fucking hide it
comparing lufia 2, chrono trigger, and tales of phantasia is fucking DISGUSTING
Adol is a nuke. Wherever he goes is blessed to be busted up by dark gods and then torn to shreds by his sword
Are they still using the shitty sony phyre engine?
I just hope Falcom stops being afraid of making games long and Ys IX actually has time to tell the story it wants to tell. Ys VIII was the first Ys with decent gameplay, now it's time for decent story.
Look at the trailer. Does this look like a new engine to you?
But nobody plays Ys for the story.
>Ys VIII was the first Ys with decent gameplay, now it's time for decent story.