Imagine thinking portal is as good as The Witness or Talos. Imagine liking portal.
Imagine thinking portal is as good as The Witness or Talos. Imagine liking portal
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imagine making a fun puzzle game that isn't pretentious shite
that's what valve did
How can you seethe so hard over 2 posts made by a 10 year old on 4channel? This is a level of faggotry I haven't seen outside of Facebook before.
admit portal is shit and inferior to those games.
The Witness is the least fun puzzle game in existence. Never played Talos.
Imagine making a thread about angrily supporting someone’s posts.
t.low iq
Sorry about the small brain, Jamal
Is The Witness good? Only puzzle games I've played were Portal and The Talos Principle. I enjoyed both.
Also stop shit flinging OP.
I've never played or heard of those other 2 gay games. So yeah, that automatically makes Portal better.
>I enjoyed both.
Talos is fun. Witness is fucking lame.
Portal is better than The Witness, worse than Talos
>i love portal puzzles
Yeah man imagine having personal opinions and not just parroting the hottest opinions on Yea Forums at the time. What losers having individual thought and taste lmao. Fuckin squares.
if you have portal as one of your puzzles games or games in general you should leave and then kys.
I liked Talos more then Portal, but the coop of Portal 2 was great. I wish there were more coop puzzle games.
*favorite puzzles games
oh boy, another rpgcodex thread
the barneyfag of valve
Not an argument. In fact, you haven't made a single argument this entire thread, other than saying that it's bad. WHY is it bad. You need to explain these sorts of things to be taken seriously.
>muh rpgcodex boogeyman
ebic deflecting
>why babby tier puzzles are bad?
i love underdeveloped mechanics xd
ebic i ignored the criticism again lmao. let the thread die xd.
who the fuck is ebic and why the fuck are you autistic?
prove the pics wrong.
lmao Yea Forums defend casual games now.
Are you trying to act like a schizo?
tell me why portal is as good as talos, zoomers
Why are you responding to him? Just let the thread die.
you cant defend the game lol
I can't help it
His autism is too much
I didnt care for it and I loved talos and found portal1&2 pretty damn fun
admit portal puzzles are inferior valve drones.
cmon valvedildos.
I love the witness simply because how beautiful it is. Fuck the puzzles though
The Witness is really shit. Never played Talos.
And yeah Portal is easy but that's because the levels are easy. Surprise, there are custom levels.
This is you portalcucks.
>41 replies
>17 posters
holy shit stop responding/bumping to this shit bait. OP is a faggot and has made this thread countless times already.
anyone who dosent like portal is a cuck
You walk around an open world and solve puzzles on tablets (with unspoken rules you have to figure out on the fly) and because it's a Jonathan Blow game, you occasionally find recordings of philosophical quotes that are supposed to mean something but who cares. It's a great game to play just before going to bed, and I don't mean that sarcastically. Also pirate it, because if it's not on sale it's stupidly expensive for what it is.
just admit portal is an embarrassment for puzzle gamers.
portal is good you contrarian faggot
>portal is good you contrarian faggot
Make better arguments first. "The mechanics are underdeveloped" is too vague to actually mean anything worthwhile. HOW are they underdeveloped, and how would YOU change them for the better? Once you start using things like logic, reason and evidence, you might get people to agree.
stop replying to this retards thread
make the puzzles harder and not for valvekiddies like you.
it should be like talos to be good.
i accept your concession portalcucks.
This. The Witness is a fart sniffing, navel gazing, art house fee fee Frou frou Frenchie pretentious turd of a "game". It may literally be the least fun puzzle game I've ever played. Jonathan Blow can Jonathan Blow Me.
kys casual
you're right. Imagine thinking that when portal is clearly the objectively superior game on literally every measureable aspect. stay mad OP
cope retard
Remember sage goes in all fields.
it's clearly you never played both games if you think portal is better.
>People who like The Witness
>The Witness
Its no Space Chem.
valve drones are too stupid for spacechem.
Isn't The Witness made by a massive faggot with an even massiver ego?
portalcucks deflecting again.
This is top kek. I never seen this.
What don't you actually reply to people? This is /tf2g/ levels of faggotry.
It doesnt matter The witness has more challenging puzzles.
Talos is shit don't bother
It's barely a game, but faggots who think games are art love it
They're also all angsty teens who cum chronic depression and think any game where you're entirely alone is the hottest shit
>playing puzzle games
if talos and witness are shit then portal must be beyond garbage.
The Witness is one of my absolute favorite games. I haven't played Talos yet (though I own it), and the Portal games are good for what they are ("pop" puzzle games), but The Witness is just such an experience. It gave me big cum after big cum. In particular the integration of the language of the puzzles with the design of the world is nuts
you are admitting defeat now portalcuck
see portalfags the witness is too smart for you
portal = 7.5/10
portal 2 = 9/10
portal 3/10
portal 2 2/10
The witness 10/10
Talos 9/10
deal with it valve drones
>Talos and the witness are miles ahead of portal
Your gay thread is about to go to Page 10 and be deleted. Good riddance.
mad because portal will never be as well regarded as those two games by puzzle gamers.
even qube is better than portal
enjoy your pop puzzles portalcucks
Refute it valve drones.
as someone who played the portal games and talos portal was good training for talos even then i am too brainlet tier to beat the game
So you admit portal is inferior.
it was a fun and well made game but the puzzles aren't as hard talos both are good but one easier
Easier are inferior. Thanks for you confession.
*and inferior
whatever autist
Why are you screencapping yourself? Why can't you just make your own fucking argument?
I don't even disagree that Portal is worse as a puzzle game than The Talos Principle, but you're being a faggot.
>It's barely a game
I must have imagined those hundreds of puzzles.
Casuals should know portal its not one of the best games ever or even a good one and play real masterpieces like talos, witness or space chem.
Pay more attention in your English classes and see a psychologist about your autism.
Portal still is inferior to these games.
I love how portalniggers cant defend the puzzles and mechanics of their game.
Portalcucks will never recover after this thread.
Shilling kike
Of course valve drones love to shill.
Mmm delicious portalcuck tears.
>the witness
40 dollars.
witness and talos are the best puzzle games since portal. there shouldn't be tribalism between puzzle game fanbases, puzzle games aren't for brainlet chimps, we are refined gentlemen
t. someone who got stuck in portal and had to look up youtube tutorials
the witness was a lot harder and required more thinking for me to complete, but i enjoyed portal more. it was more enjoyable to me to look at the environment to see what i can do than staring at a screen trying to decode the solution. also i didn't particularly enjoy some stretches of non-stop puzzling in the witness. that tree part with the bridges was pretty not fun especially when i needed to re-solve that same puzzle to change the bridge. the witness was still fun tho. i never beat that bonus challenge at the end.