Something that is cool, charming, and stylish? Has action but isn't over the top
Any games that are like pic related?
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yakuza 0
So you want some kind of space outlaw game with a touch of mystery to it? Hmmm, not sure what to suggest. I'm not too familiar with games that take place in space, except Dead Space, but that's a horror game. Some JRPG's take place in space, but they're more like futuristic stuff.
me on the left
Nah, just any game that will make me feel badass and suave. doesn't have to be setting specific.
Steamworld Heist
Ha, you wish you were half as cool and attractive as Spike. It's nice to have inspiration though.
Cowbow Bebop is overrated.
Only the Spike arc is interesting but this is only like 4 episodes. Most of the rest is kinda boring filler.
What an absolute brainlet opinion
Maybe you just don't like fun stuff.
>he thinks the Jet episode where he fights against the nigger in the spaceship is boring filler
Get a load of this poster cam.
>yfw there will never be a Cowboy Bebop game
Suda games
I can understand not enjoying the villain of the week style format, but to me that was the whole point of the show. For the most part it was just about these odd self contained sci fi stories that had alot of realism to them. Most laypeople only had access to older more outdated firearms like spike's jericho, and much of the tech felt weirdly believable to me. I couldnt give two shits about the backstory of any of the characters though, for me it was never about some overarching plot, just people catching criminals and sometimes there's a moral dilemma attacthed to it.
Fucking this honestly, any suda game oozes style and charm
>for me it was never about some overarching plot
because there isn't one
rebel galaxy, shame about the sequel.
Yeah its pretty sparse but im mainly talking about spike and his whole backstory that we get bits and pieces about. People always look at that aspect of the show as the best, but to me its always been the weakest. It was poorly explored through much of the show, only to have bombshells dropped like once or twice.
Gungrave. the game and the anime
Why not look at it as a whole? One of the major things I loved about it was that it felt so sprawling, just a wild ride from the first episode onwards, expanding by leaps every episode. And I'm not just talking about the globetrotting aspect, the plot seemed to want to go in all directions much of the time.
>because there isn't one
There is though. It's about Spike and the rest of the characters desperately trying to move on with their lives but eventually being drawn back to their past with the outcomes only having negative impacts. It's literally a show about life.
You missed a couple of games my guy
>the sequel
What's so bad about it?
I was about to post this. It's a bit over the top but it's the perfect game if you want to feel like a cool motherfucker.
scripted female 40 year old space trucker protagonist
Games that are like pic related?
Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell and Trigun are the holy trinity of Boomer anime.
katana zero
actual boomer
Idk what game is also a shitty knockoff of Lupin the third?
Sleeping Dogs
Didn't even know there was a sequel but damn did the music carry me through the grinding in this.
If you're looking for an actual game, and not shitposting, then check out Desert Child. Steam, Switch, etc. They even made a Cowboy Bebop styled trailer
I still can't believe Cowboy Bebop got into SRW
Esu messia ut, du me decantus
The new Beyond Good and Evil gives me those vibes but it doesn't have the nauance that Bebop has
persona 5
Skycralwers, Skybot Chronicles
I honestly just want more games that are like neo noir crime films like thief or night moves.
>old japanese cartoon for boomers
samurai champloo is better fight me
Outlaw Star is the superior cartoon
Nah, it's called being realistic. You shouldn't compare yourself to anime's unhealthy and disturbing.
>"user you shouldn't compare yourself to attractive people its unhealthy!!!"
Are you fucking stupid?
Lol you think any attractive real life person looks as good as an attractive anime character? Go see a therapist because you're delusional and probably have schizophrenia. I legit have no idea what your arguing for here? That it's okay for someone to say they're as attractive as an anime character? Real life women are not nearly as attractive as anime girls. Real life men are not as attractive as anime men. I don't care how you slice or what argument you make, it won't work.
They're fictional, user.
pretty sure user meant steambot chronicles, I dont think skybot is a thing
>Talks about having an anime character as inspiration for looks in first post
I think you need to be better at replying if you're going to get defensive user
If you even remotely think that anime character is more attractive than a hot woman, you're the one with mental problems mate
You people have terrible reading comprehension. I'm saying that you shouldn't as a person compare yourself to an anime character. You shouldn't look at a male anime character and compare yourself to him because he is fictional and doesn't exist. You will never look like that person. Using an anime character for inspiration is retarded in terms of appearance.
>saves gay images from facebook
>full damage control
>thinks anime is more attractive then real life women
I think the other user is right you might be delusional
I thought Aunt Juno was okay in the first game.
That image has so much photoshopping and effects added that it might as well be an anime character
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
Only thing i can think of is policenauts
There's a couple but neither are very good.
They're not bad tho and Spike shows up in Super Robot Wars T if that's your jam.
>entry level garbage
Nier automata
play Strike Vector and put on some bebop-style jazz. you'll feel cool as fuck