Is Red Dead Redemption in your top 10 games Yea Forums?
Is Red Dead Redemption in your top 10 games Yea Forums?
aged like milk
It would be if it was on PC
Maybe top 20 and only because I like westerns
The ride>shoot enemies>ride formula for every single mission gets old fast and the side content becomes irrelevant way before you even hit Mexico
Looks like the (N)PCfags are already here.
Movement in rockstar games is too fucking shit for me to have any of them in my top games.
Movement is really important to me and if its clunky heavy momentum bullshit I just can't bring myself to enjoy it.
uh huh...
Nah. Top 50 probably.
Pfft. OP, it is not in my Top 10 of all time. It's a game I was hyped to play in 2010 because it was a Rockstar game and Rockstar games were a big deal. I played it and moved on.
Is Batman begins by Christopher nolan in your top 10 video games?
This is how retarded you sound
Why can't Anons on Yea Forums make good analogies? To be more clear, one is a movie, a passive entertainment medium, the other is a video game, an interactive entertainment medium. Your analogy just doesn't hold water. Now you can try to be all cute and call it a "movie game", but that doesn't change the fact that in reality, it is not a movie.
How much control of your character do you nee for it to be a videogame to you?
You really thought you were saying something there, huh? That was quite possibly worse than a food analogy. Anyway, yes it is in my top 10.
I don't know, but real talk I just finished playing Uncharted 4 for the first time, and the entire time I kept waiting for the gameplay to start. It never did. It was one big fucking interactive cutscene, and I hate it.
It's a perfect analogy as BB was made irrelevant by TDK
You'll forget all about that when RDR2 comes to PC.
fuck no because RDR1 was better.
Can't wait to see it fully maxed out in 8 years
i like how the grass looks suitably dry and parched, in RDR2 its just super green grass everywhere
nah its number 50
Jokes on you, I'm far too indecisive to have lists of my favorite *insert subject*
okay retard
If you can see the max potential of a game's graphics on your toaster the same year it comes, then the devs did a shitty job.
ok, you still cant get the max potential of gtav today
it's in my list of top 10 most mediocre games that I got bored of and stopped playing half way through
Not into the whole brokeback mountain sodomy setting.
Why would you fucking putting a game in a desert. A desert is a lack of interesting thing by definition.
I also mentioned it before but I just want to emphasize how gay cowboys are
Just going to say, if that was your biggest issue with 1 you may still want to consider 2. Also 1 doesn't become kino until the last act
damn these screens are making me want to replay rdr2. what a game.
Last good Rockstar game was Bully.
My PC doesn't get a red ring of death preventing me from playing the game.
Really hope you don't think you're interesting by saying this or thinking this way. It actually makes you a huge faggot
yeah ofc, same with rdr2
youre right instead it gets a bsod and fries your mother board and gpu and processor making you pay another 2000 dollars to fix it instead of 300 bucks, nice try pcfag
Morons like this should never get near a PC anyway, so it's a win win.
who should we like? Some small dick Nipponese studio?
If that's your experience with PCs, maybe you should stay away from them.
But I'm not gonna buy another whole console to play one game.
>its okay when pc does it
fatsos like you will never learn, eh?
I don't even like japanese games, but Rockstar is fucking cancer.
WOAH You're so fucking cool and unique for hating them young man lol lmao XD
It's painfully obvious you've never used an actual pc, dumb zoomer.
The Batman begins 6th gen game is actually good
hell no.
Did I hit a nerve there filthy weeb?
It's okay, but R* sucks ass. Every game of theirs is pretty much the same thing. I liked it for the plot and western setting.
>but Rockstar is fucking cancer.
Yeah a developer who only releases a game once every five years and makes sure that it's extremely polish and well-crafted experience is totally cancer my friend. Hate devs too that give the player 100+ hours of single player content and give fans what they want.
>u no use pc u no no nuffin
this is what an actual fangay looks like
No. It's not very good.
Yes. It's very good
>extremely polish and well-crafted experience
Sure, a huge open world with literally nothing to do but busy work and shoot things is absolutely engaging and fun.
Hell, they even managed to ruin fucking Max Payne of all things with their shitty cutscene simulator. Fuck Rockstar.
Haven't you noticed how Bully became a meme game in like the last 8 months or so? I've never seen more people talk about Bully online, or make videos about Bully Scholarship Edition, or suddenly casually mention Bully while talking about other games. Somehow this game has memed it's way into a collective conscious recently. I don't get it, I'll be honest.
Not everything has to be tailor made for you. For the games that they offer, they are the best in the industry without a doubt.
It was until 2 came out, it’s even better and I don’t want 2 games from the same franchise in my top 10
is that when you came over from reddit?