Why does Japan insist on making a mockery of historical figures?
Why does Japan insist on making a mockery of historical figures?
Why would that in any way be unique to japan?
you just wanna post cunny dont you?
>huh duh my game has historical figure if you are a history fan you should give it a try
Free marketing.
Is there anything better than loli doms?
for the record, fateshit is garbage, but if you care about preserving the integrity of historical figures as if they're erased from history because of fateshit, you're literally unironically autistic
Nips are sour that their own historical figures never rose to global, or even regional prominence without outside intervention, they try to shit on everyone else.
What appears to be the problem, OP?
because with that mockery it brings in a lot of money from those losers that enjoy loli and throw money at a really bad gatcha game.
The highest honor I can ever imagine achieving with my life is being well remembered enough by the world to be turned into a sexy little girl in a Japanese game.
Fate designs are hot but it is genuinely the laziest thing to rip off random cultural icons and attach an unrelated moeblob to make your entire series. Whenever I see someone go "lol it's that concubine from one thousand and one nights, but she's an anime girl now!!" I internally cringe.
>really bad gatcha game.
Are you implying that a good gacha game exists or did you just feel like being redundant?
Literally you
yes, gbf is a good gatcha game which doesnt rely on pedo fanservicing to make sales.
>doesnt rely on pedo fanservicing
do I need to whip out my potato folder?
Im talking about ingame, harvins arent overly sexualised like a lot of other gatcha games. Your potato folder is probably just full of FAN art and not official.
this aint loli
Oppai loli is still loli
Japan is full of hypocrites. "Insult other cultures is free speech, but make fun of Japan and the Emporer and you're a racist monster."
Japan is full of faggots
Philosophia is hella sexualized and she isn't even wearing revealing clothing
because history is a joke.
all that these faggots fought and tried to build in the end amounted to nothing.
you re in the final days of humanity so its obvious that cynicism and uncontrolled greed would make mockery of those that actually tried to build something for a civilization that was doomed to non existence the moment it was born.
Because its okay when Japan does it. Even my Japanese girlfriend agrees with this phrase. She said that she knows that if another country turned Japanese historical figures into fan service characters Japan would be outraged
It's taboo to make fun of the Emporer
Are they as tight as they say?
Is this a Wu-chu thread?
Wu? more like Who.
>draw a shortstack
>call it a loli (but with boobies and big hips haha)
Because Clown World.
Nips are the ultimate trolls, believe it or not. Just take a look at Kojima for example.
If I were a historical figure, I would be honored to have a loli version of myself
I dunno, I kinda like what they did with cao cao.
They did blackbeard well. Even the part where he married a twelve year old.
So? America nuked Jap land twice and they get tsunamis and earthquakes like once a month so none of this matters, Japan can do whatever they want they're just annoying little pest at this point
Real Wu was a bitch, I prefer the loli F/GO version. Fuck history (literally)
Niggas will do anything to fit in. It's embarrassing.
Nothing would be a bigger honor to me than to have a spacefaring civilization in 1000 years make a holo game version of me as a sadistic lewd loli. Unfortunately I’m not important enough.
it's fun
As opposed to westerners inserting blacks and women into places they have no business because modern whites are offended?
Shortstacks don't exist in Japan only oppai Loli.
Also just having atractive lolis characters is already fanservice for lolicons.
a bunch of historic figures nobody gives a shit about are now slightly more interesting, how horrible
I dont know why people freak out about Fate doing that when fiction has been doing that for years
Because fuck you, that's why
I'll take that over loli inserts anyday.
No you waifu fag, if you want to make historical figures more interesting you do it like how SMT is doing it by giving them sorta bizarre upgraded designs, not just turn everything into some loli that completely ruins the reputation of the thing is based on. You have to specifically search for Astolfo (history) now thanks to that retarded trap character that takes over all search results of the historical figure
U better not do that
It's OK when Japan does it.
...or so appears to be the logic.
Yeah, what the fuck were they thinking?
>king arthur
>historical figure
A country that denies its own war crimes in Korea and China will have no problem bastardizing history with retarded anime shit.
Truly /ourguy/
>hating japan
>on a japanese image board
>dedicated originally to mostly japanese media
Go back to wherever you came from
Something along the lines of "yeah, this makes my penis happy"?
>war crimes
never happened
There's the jap land apologist. There's a different between liking anime and then worshipping every single thing Japan does and going ape shit about Redditors when people get annoyed of you spamming loli porn in threads
lmao imagine how pathetic it would feel to be a chink who would be offended by this
Nobody even cares about these historical figures. If anything, FGO brings light to three rarely mentioned figures.
t. Shinzo Abe
What FGO is doing is bastardizing it by basically rewriting the character's history and just turning it into a anime girl, like Jack the Ripper isn't female but hey let's make it female, King Arthur isn't female but whatever, they don't even try. I'm saying just take the SMT approach and base the design off of stuff from their history and make it badass or something
/his/ said it happened though :^)
N(ot) on your life
>Why does Japan insist on making a mockery of historical figures?
Why does America?
Hallessena's 16, bro.
You want Ardora, Camieux and especially Yaia if you want to scream about Oppai loli. Also if you want to really blow out you'd be linking Sara. She actually has doujins too. Halle's pretty unpopular for a Draph bitch.
You're not supposed to take the interpretation of Loli King Arthur or whatever as literal you dumb fucks. It's just a stylistic choice driven by otaku
>China character is a smug evil loli who likes torture
I'm sure they're honored
>an infamous British serial killer is a little girl with thick thighs and a fat bum
Historically accurate.
Lu Bu?
Charles Babbage?
Even more reasons to drive the incel-manlets into concentration camps.
As it should be.
Of all the bullshit explanations Fate has put out, loli Jack is actually one of the more reasonable ones.
Why do they keep making lolis sexy?