Drank thred

Only anons that are drinking allowed.
Talk about vidya, what you're drinking, your current state, etc.

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I'm not even playing video games right now. I'm on /nba/.

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my favorite game is S3&K
I always find it funny how people are constantly clamoring for that nostalgic feeling of youth gaming to return. All you need to do to emulate being 10 again is have a few.

>he puts soda on his alcohol
I bet you put cocoa on your coffee you literal babby

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uh... huh


it's funny how the average sonic game varies from meh to awful but 3 and Knuckles is a top 5 game of all time
what the fuck happened?

drink water all day
work out
drink more water
then at night the booze pours

A couple shots and levels before bed.

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>Glenfiddich 15 year
>No mixer
>Ice since it's arm outside
Pretty mangled desu lads


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Is MM2 worth it if I already have 1?

George dickel gets me pickeld

>he puts his dick in his alcohol
buddy, you got cock on your breath

>meme whiskey
>child placemat
wheres your fedora bro

>drinking Bourbon
Fuck me cunt

Should I pull the trigger and just buy a switch?
I want to drunk play online with my friend
Also, can you choose any settings when you play online?
Can you play that 5-character game mode online?

Sipping on some Nikka all malt while playing FFXIV

Attached: WW-J-Nikka-All-Malt.jpg (1600x1600, 211K)

>genty Jack
very astute
it's smooth shit

I didn't play the first one, but I wanted to. I passed on the wii u and 3ds. I'm having a blast with it and I would say it is totally worth it. Lots of good levels too. I was expecting a lot of shit.

except the working out part
and by night I mean 1 PM

>Jap whisky
Prove it's not a meme to me lads. I love scotch

Currently drinking an irish coffee

I can't drink scotch
anything distilled more than once fucks me
It has to be American for me.
Scotch and Irish whiskey both fuck me

First explain how a meme alcohol tastes.

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I was just in Dublin for the first time
they put alcohol in everything
thinking of moving there

Best served straight of the freezer

I'm half Irish and half Scottish user. For me the game was fixed from the start. Give me that distilled shit

Cider and vodka with a lot of ice.

gotta make it brb

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i'm not drinking

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>Meme alcohol
That's the point user. It's hyped up but tastes of fuck all in the end

Home made apple cider moonshine

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texas fag, this is all I got at the moment

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>can’t drink because I saw the doctor last week and I have an ulcer because of it
Real no fun hours, who up

Mein negro. I have a 6 pack of Shiner Premium in my fridge

>I'm half Irish and half Scottish user
Imagine being you and not red heired

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Imagine drinking anything other than water.

Was playing Siege
Switching to Darkwood
Drinking Steel Reserve because its cheap strong and the low quality gives it flavor
Feeling slightly mad since my Siege party was me and 2 friends from where I used to live, then 4 of our/mostly their hoodrat friends joined the party despite not playing siege and it turned into talking about cars and saying "dude im so high lmao haha" as someone flashbanged themselves 3 times in a row and another laughed while teamkilling for literally no reason at all. Told them i was gonna hop off because work needed me but i just set it to appear offline and am about to play something by myself


I have brain cancer and will probably die within the next year. So I say fuck it, enjoy hedonism

im cutting

>Implying I'm not a soulless degenerate

Sorry bro

>Stop enjoying things!

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Darkwood and Steel Reserve don’t mix. You gonna get chomped even more than the game already chomps you

Why would someone drink water to relax and unwind? I'm pretty sure we all drink water user, no need to feel smug about a basic human need.

3 days sober and clean. I feel like absolute shit but I’m doing this, Yea Forums

I also drink coconut water.

>not enjoying a vodka on the cocks
What are you gay or something?

Drinking hot chocolate and watching this. Don't tease me.

I've been drinking gin martinis almost every day this week because my vermouth is getting old.

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I'm 27 and don't drink. No I don't think that makes me better than you, but I don't understand the appeal of alcohol. I get that it makes you calm and drunk, but a lot of it tastes bitter to me. I don't understand how you people drink it. Unless I mix it with soda or ginger ale then it doesn't taste good and even then it still taste funny. If I'm going to drink something I want to enjoy the way it taste, not just force myself to get past the awful taste so I can get drunk.

You can't sit there and tell me that vodka, whiskey, or rum taste good on their own. You're lying if you say they do, or you're an alcoholic. Unless you're buying some flavored alcohol that has a strong flavor that overpowers the alcohol then it isn't good. I tried straight tequila and it was so bitter. It burned my throat, just like most alcohol does. Not sure why people just drink straight liquor and shit, it tastes disgusting. I've also had sake and it's bitter as hell, literally like drinking cough syrup. You remember the shitty cough syrup you took as a kid? The one that was really bitter and made you wince when taking it? That's how sake taste to me. You're drinking bitter hot syrup. Nasty.

You're probably an alcoholic.

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Hang in there bro

It does wonders to warm you up on cold days.

>still live at home
>only have weak beer left
>thinking about raiding my parents liquor
doesn't anyone still do this in their 20s or am I a shitty person

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Hope it means you don't like gin and not that you think martinis are supposed to be made with vodka.

>posting that pic ironically but it turns out to be accurate

Fugg :DD

Control yourself, you addict.

I only drink beer anymore after one too many bad experiences with whiskey otherwise id probably have some Buffalo Trace or Monkey Shoulder. Either way my tolerance is stupid high enough that at this point i only drink for the taste anyway, im used to being 3 or 4 deep and winning CTR online

Gin is vile gutrot and a woman's drink, prove me wrong.

I'm gonna say it

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It's okay, user. Most people on Yea Forums look like that but won't admit it.

I'm a fan of scotch but Buffalo Trace is probably my favourite Bourbon. Shit's good man

dank pasta friend

Almost all women I know hate Gin unless it's only a drop of it in a strawberry gin and tonic.

>Knew some skinny Asian dude in college that bragged about his high tolerance to alcohol.

I hate people like this, and sadly I knew quite a few in college. They were so proud of it and all they did was brag about how they had tried "every alcohol possible" and had "refined taste" and never got hangovers. Just as bad as a stoner who brags about weed and talks about it all day. I had one guy tell me he could drink straight Everclear and not get drunk.

They got on my nerves, but I also pitied them if anything. I just find it sad that they had to brag about their drinking skills and high tolerance, like I was suppose to be impressed by that or something.

Not him, but I make martinis with both. If its a dirty martini, I prefer vodka and 1888

>he's too much of a pussy to even handle what he considers a "woman's drink"

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I enjoy 3/4 rootbeer mixed with 1/4 Fireball Whiskey

He actually thinks 90% of alcohol doesnt taste like absolute shit on its own

>No no gotta do my part.jpg

>He's that much of a faggot he drinks a woman's drink and thinks he can flex on cunts with it

>Fireball Whiskey

Ah, yes. The meme whiskey that is very popular with high schoolers and college freshman. Just kidding, user. I like Fireball too.

In Bongland gin is MASSIVE with women. It;s totally considered a woman's drink here.

> it tastes bitter to me
You know you're allowed to enjoy flavors other than sweet and savory?

Buffalo Trace and Wild Turkey 101 used to be my go tos for bourbon. I dont know why but cheap alcohol always tastes way better to me than more expensive stuff. I absolutely hated Angels Envy bourbon i got as a gift one year and a $25 bottle of Monkey Shoulder or even Crown Royal blew something like Glennfiddich or Highland Park out of the water in my eyes. The only more expensive alcohol ive ever really liked was Victory Storm King but since i moved down south i havent been able to find any good stouts or porters and all bars have is $7 Guinness

you're not at a good point and it's going to keep getting worse for you

Drinking honey Jim Beam. Just started because I saw this thread, I took like three big gulps.
Favorite games to play drunk? Mine is Dark Souls even though I keep dying


Just finished my diet coke. Am currently on a train. Still 1 hour to go. I have my 3DS but I don't feel like playing right now

>hes such a cunt that people can flex on him by drinking faggot drinks

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As long as you let them know and then replace it I don't see the problem

Are proper martinis too dry for you, user?

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Guinness is good shit user.
I was about to le epic trolle you for insulting Glenfiddich but you made it bro

>High schoolers and college freshmen

I'm 22, so more or less. But i dont really like it on its own either, it's good mixed into stuff. I also only really like girly drinks as far as singular alcoholic drinka go

>weeb with shit taste

nothing because my doctor told me to not drink for a year while my livers first damaged node repairs itself

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Drinking a Brain Bleach
1/3oz goldschlager
1/3oz rumpleminze
1/3oz midori
Mix on ice and strain into a whiskey glass. Top with a layer of Bacardi 151

>Anime pics
As if I'm meant to take you absolute cockwashers seriously

>He enjoys things that are bitter

Why? Why would you purposely drink something that taste bitter? That's so weird to me. Bitter is not naturally a gratifying taste. Sweet is, and sour can be enjoyable if it's mixed with something sweet. Something that is bitter on it's own is not enjoyable. Why do you think most people mix alcohol with soda or some other beverage? On it's own it's gross. The same principle applies to coffee. Most people don't drink black coffee because it's bitter, so they add sugar and creamer to it. Only people with something to prove will drink coffee black and brag about it. "Oh look at me I'm so cool because I drink my coffee black like a real badass haha."

Insecurity at it's finest.

I have some hundred dollar rum Ill have a sip out of every now and then but for actual drank I have tequila and blue curacao or vodka and clamato

>He gets flexed on by women's drinks and projects about it on Yea Forums
