>this will never get a real sequel
Instead we got a shitty open world game that didn't need to be an open world game, with a bland futuristic art style that shat all over the original game. It's sad, and now the series is surely dead forever.
Fuck Catalyst
it hurts
It was never good to begin with. It was only liked by effeminate lgbtq incels.
this is really sad
both games are trash
faith is a straight family woman
Feels bad, man. It was a unique game and it didn't deserve its fate.
It's short, it has 0 replay value, it was SJW central, it had shitty flash animation cutscenes, and it did nothing new for gaming.
How about no?
You fucks didn't deserve a sequel
open world > linear movie game
Faith was named top female video game character in just about every major video game magazine the year Mirror's Edge came out. I'm sure that isn't worth much, but she was hot and I liked her. Has really nothing to do with SJW community or being a feminist.
don't forget the "instantly go max speed button" eliminating the entire fucking core gameplay
one fucking iota of level design > whatever that mess was
The design and graphics still hold up amazingly.
>I can't wait to be an Asian girl! My dream come true
>I LOVE to feel the air ath I pranth acroth the rooftopth!
>OoOoh~! Don't chathe me, you thilly boys! OoOooh~~!
>immediately jumps to MUH IDENTITY POLITICS
ea murdered the series as well as rushed the first game, not blue haired college chicks.
Now this is what I call projection
>it has 0 replay value
>what is speedrunning
It's gratifying to complete levels faster and faster each time. In MEC you got the collectathon you wanted.
Once I get my 4k monitor this game will become screenshot porn.
The world, setting, visuals, etc. were so fucking kino. One of the comfiest video game cities ever. I actually liked the cutscenes too.
This. Game sucks
I liked how it was just barely futuristic, and only in the sense that the culture has changed. As far as equipment and technology goes, it was all 2000's stuff. So a much more believable setting than Catalyst.
>0 replay value
try playing games before talking shit about them next time, kid
Worth a play at least once due to how unique it is.
Sequel should've had multiple ways to get to objective
With different challenges to face (more enemies on short ways, more riskier jumps on long ways, etc.)
Should've added tools to mix up the game, like climbing vertically/running short distances vertically.
tight planned level design > lazy ubisoft timewaster
Destroying it's art style by playing in ASCII.
Is it even worth hate-playing
goddamn you people are so fucking obnoxious
No but it's worth playing-playing
I take offense to that. Don't lump me in with them. They're americans.
why did they made it combat-focused anyways?
No. It's one of those "i-it gets good on your second playthrough, trust me" games. Mercifully it's pretty short, but it's not very much fun unless you exploit the shit out of it.
i liked catalyst but as a prequel the story made 0 sense. how the fuck did faith's sister turn into a regular cop that has good relations with her in mirror's edge ?
That one time in ME1 i tried getting the perfect action scene with them and after 10-15 restarts their AI started freaking out. They would bump into each others, jump to their death and run in circles.
No idea why but it was pretty funny at 2am
I haven't played this game in forever, but I remember hating the sniper levels.
This. Generic game with bad controls.
since when Yea Forums hates the first game?
Catalyst looked good in its own way.
catalyst is a reboot and has nothing to do with the first game
and it's possible that cops have family members that are criminals yet they're still on good terms, happened all the time during the prohibition
It's not, 1/3 of it is combat and 90% of it can be skipped completely
I'll agree with you about the cutscenes, they looked straight out of insurance commercial from the era, but no
I'm talking about catalyst
Because nuDICE are a bunch of incompetent retards
Be more subtle with your bait in the future.
Open world was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It didn’t really do anything good, but it didn’t ruin it either. I will say that towards the end of the game, I ran from one end of the map to the other. It took about 10-15 minutes, but it was surprisingly neat.
The games bigger main flaws are in the combat and the setting. Combat is improved, but not good, and the setting is far too generic “near future.” Overall it’s a mediocre 7/10 game that falls flat in a lot of ways but is absolutely carried by the parts where it all works. Just like 2008
Oh, and “Warning Call”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>”Still Alive”
Using guns in this game felt wrong.
>get used to counting shots from playing EYE
>Mirror's Edge guns have varying magazine sizes
Why the fuck would they remove guns entirely in Catalyst? I liked the one handed guns in Mirror's Edge, since you can still run at full speed you can pull of some Matrix-tier shit, and it's not overpowered since you're limited to one magazine.
Oh no no no no
I wish there was a creator mode to just fuck around and build stages/architecture in Mirrors edge.
so far only ray traced MC can get my fix.
>gets BTFO by a girl
>scrambles over the railing to commit sudoku in order to preserve some honor
Well done.
>combat is the worst part of both games
Don't know why they haven't realized that dropping it is the best course of action. It's a game about keeping up your momentum. Anything that is contrary to that should be axed. (i.e. forced vents, forced combat, elevators)
indeed. at least 83% of this site is americans.
The sequel? Because Mirror's Edge is a fucking 10/10 after you unlock the time trials.
It would work if they scaled your damage done with your momentum. If you kept your momentum all the way up you could instantly KO enemies, but the caveat is that the AI actually does a lot of damage and aims well, and has a lot of momentum-stopping gadgets like tasers or gas grenades
Combat should be like a puzzle, not a button-mashing chore
I wonder what the meeting looked like.
>we finally have a good, distinct, unique and innovative product
>why don't we remove everything that made it a thing and turn it into the most generic schlock imaginable while chasing mass appeal
>It's a game about keeping up your momentum
Good news, now you've got a button to instantly bring you up to top speed. Don't worry about fucking up ever again, it doesn't matter. None of the gameplay matters.
>momentum-stopping gadgets
Don't be a retard. The first game came out before I ever even started hearing the term LGBT in common culture. It had a female protagonist because it could, not because it was trying to push some message.
Also, running like a bat out of hell in the first game was fucking amazing. I still remember the first time I fell off a building in that game.
That's basically exactly what happened
From another thread:
>As Jansson and her team looked at the various failed pitches for Mirror’s Edge sequels, they realized that many of them shared one thing in common: They were, like the first game, linear and level-based in structure. Odeldahl had the breakthrough idea of turning the game that would become Mirror’s Edge Catalyst into an open-world game. This move would set it apart from the first game while also creating an outlet to better explore the unique world.
>"We wanted missions," says Odeldahl. "We wanted side missions. We wanted more characters to interact with. We wanted secrets hidden everywhere."
>As with the first game, Söderlund’s first sign that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was the one was concern over whether or not DICE could pull it off, he says.
>"My immediate reaction to the idea of making Mirror’s Edge open-world was, ‘Whoa, that sounds difficult, and it’s going to take a lot of time,’" he says, laughing. "At the same time, you can look at an open-world game like Grand Theft Auto, which is gigantic and where it truly is a sandbox, and you can more or less do whatever you want. Or you can describe an open-world game like one of the Batman: Arkham Asylum games. Maybe those are a little more confined. It’s still seen as an open-world game, but not as expansive as GTA."ys.
Not him, but why not? In a game where the objective is to go fast, having to be careful of enemies who can fuck that up would be great. They'd have to make sure it wasn't aggravating, constant, or terribly difficult to avoid though.
Then how the fuck is combat supposed to be fun if you just want it to be exactly like catalyst
Feels like shit anywhere and when the objective is going fast it's mindblowingly fucking stupid.
>They'd have to make sure it wasn't aggravating
Good fucking luck with that. Never played CS? TF2?
you do know in the original game you could skip combat entirely, why would that be any different in this case
Not if you've got a chubby fuck with a natascha, suddenly.
Loved the ascetic of the first one. Usually dont like those sterilized future settings but the varied colour pallet and the ambience was really nice and comfy in a way.
come on, mate
and yeah, it's fucking gorgeous while still being as impersonal as possible, it's great
I hated Catalyst's aesthetic shift at first but after playing through it once it really grew on me. It still has plenty of problems, mainly the lifeless NPCs that hang out on the rooftops and out-of-bounds areas, and the lack of street-level gameplay and derelict areas like that one warehouse in the introductory mission. Ultimately I still much prefer the original game's setting.
Still a noob and I'm making a point to not use any exploits, how did I do?
>that pic
I fucking hated how the entire marketing campaign implied that the game would have multiplayer/co-op, the trailers showed Faith freerunning with 3 other runners beside her, multiple images showed other runners fighting and doing takedown animations, and DICE kept boasting about their new "social" play system.
Turns out it was just fucking leaderboards lol, that's DICE's definition of multiplayer
Cutscenes were shite, who cares.
How is it SJW related in the slightest? Stop watching faggot Youtube skeptics.
Probably a memory leak
This game was so fucking legendary man, I remember how Yea Forums had dozens of threads about it everyday and the soundtrack being so excellent.
I'm not even mad about Catalyst, I'm just thankful that the original exists at all.