>Very high skill ceiling
>Deep gameplay
>Constant updates
>Big esport scene
>Huge playerbase
Explain to me why are't you playing Rainbow Six Siege?
>Very high skill ceiling
>Deep gameplay
>Constant updates
>Big esport scene
>Huge playerbase
Explain to me why are't you playing Rainbow Six Siege?
I dont find it enjoyable
>Call someone retarded
>Get banned
I did up until Velvet Shell. Then it turned into a shit hero ability shooter akin to Overwatch.
getting killed early and waiting for the last guys to finish their game of hide and seek is not very fun
there have been some fun games but not many
I got laughed at for being bad so I quit after my first game.
it's not Rainbow Six
even Lockdown is more of R6 than this trash
>gadget shit
Go tactical or go home
>clash exploits
>typing too fast in the game text will crash the game and get you banned
>Invincible when deploying shields
>ddos on almost all ranked games
>can make a western game mode, yet cannot make new weapons anymore thanks to DATA LIMITS
>smerf accounts on newcomer for "LE EBIC YOUTUBE GAMER MOMENTS-LOOK AT MY ACE ROUNDS"
>warden is almost useless
OP, I love the game myself but let's be real for a minute
I wish there was more porn of Jessie from Dead Rising.
Me and my buds just all lost interest in it and the last two or three new sets of operators just haven't been very interesting.
aye brother
>getting mad in video games to begin with
Because high level gameplay is full of sweaties pixel peeking and spawn peeking. Only enjoyable to play casually.
I'm not a faggot that pays for games, even if that means I don't get to play them.
teamkilling is the best part. ppl are so easy especially with the reverse friendly fire. other than that, i don't find the game as fun as i used to.
>Very high skill ceiling
If by that you mean abusing mechanics, then yes.
>Deep gameplay
The gameplay isn't deep, especially when maps are designed in ways to restrict how the players interact with it and how easy it is to abuse shit like peeker's advantage.
>Constant updates
Every update they break more than they fix. Literally took them 3 years to fix that after firing your first bullet the rest didn't hit where you were aiming.
>Big esport scene
Lmao, no.
>Huge playerbase
Nope and it's dying more and more. Small boosts of people trying out new ops for a few weeks does not mean it has any decent playerbase.
I like the game, I have a few hundred hours in it, but it is still mediocre and still plagued by a plethora of bugs that Ubi is too incompetent to fix. It has a lot of potential, but it will never be reached.
I'm sorry, zoomer, but your BABBYSFIRSTFPS is okay at best.
Glorified babysitter for children and unemployed rage queens.
but i am
You forgot to mention
>ridicolous peeker's advantage
>dodgy hit detection
>at least one game breaking glitch every season
>retarded balance changes
>kindergarten tier "toxicity" measures (teamkillers and griefers are fine though)
there might be more, but these are the main reasons I stopped playing
15 year olds with headsets
Still love it, recently got back in after I saw i had gotten 86% of the trophies (+the trophy changes from TH focus.), after a weekish of on & off play i'm at 97%. I only need to get 1 more trophy then I get a plat(Need 5 flawless, have 2. Not bad for 1st week of ranked play ever). But like others have said already the game gets dragged down by ubishits crap. I really could not give a single shit about ranked or esports when I'd like to see:
>More bug fixes
>More fun gadgets
>More guns for each operator
>Ground war (10v10)
>Deep gameplay
Nice fucking joke
hear hear
i want an operator that has a ladder
Literally just the biggest buzzkill in the entire game.
>out shoot the other team constantly no matter what op
>they pick a shield op
>now your defender pea shooter gun takes 10 years to kill them with leg shots
>haha should have picked a c4 op and slowly try to arc it over them despite it never actually working
Yeah you can still deal with it. But whenever I run into a team using shields my enjoyment of the game hits 0.
especially clash what even is she all about
the fact she can slow you down and has a shield where you cannot shoot her legs
>playing against someone named "horribleretard"
>kill him
>jokingly call him retard
>get a message saying my chat log is being reviewed for offensive content
>all I did was address someone by name
The game needed a single player mode
I'd be more okay with clash if they stopped fucking taking frags away from all the attackers. What's the fucking deal with that?
The devs thought it'd be funny to make everyone in Latin America play with Brazilians.
Always thought a grappling hook with climbable rope would be more interesting the a laddder for the defenders. But i'm glad somebody else gets the appeal of the vertical element.
>joking call him retard
>I-I was just saying his name!
Lol. Can't even keep your story straight for one post.
Keep your shitty low brow Yea Forumstier jokes on Yea Forums you dumb autist.
It's surprisingly popular here. Better turnout than the csgo tournaments
Rumor has it, that one of the new operators will be able to go up/down floors
That was literally his name retard
Basically full of shitters and team killers. People throw matches all the way up to gold 4, even plats sometimes act like huge fucking cry baby cunts and bring down the entire team with their whining and shitty calls. Casual is unironically fun 50% of the time at least but even then you never know when you’re going to run into a bunch of goons. I guess it’s my fault for putting about 200 hrs into this game solo queuing only.
>Breach room
>everyone stands outside peaking back and forth, waiting for an instakill headshot
>if you try to go inside like a realistic breech, your team will never follow you
Every fucking round
this is why i don't play ranked
i don't have a team i can trust to not make me want to kill myself and also 9/10 im playing the game drunk
>walk in
>keel walking
>defenders still jacking around in spawn
>kill 4 of them
>they call you a sweaty try hard for not camping windows for an hour
>step on a frost mat
>team spends the rest of the match slowly pushing
>frost aces
Literally 90% of my games.
I didnt get gud and my friends did and got some tryhards to join. Well i was usually drunk when i played so no help there. I tried to make a comeback a while ago and its just gone full anime and i lost interest
>If by that you mean abusing mechanics, then yes.
What does this even mean?
>The gameplay isn't deep, especially when maps are designed in ways to restrict how the players interact with it and how easy it is to abuse shit like peeker's advantage.
The maps are really well designed to enable smart playing, also peekers advantage is nearly non-existent after they upped the server tickrate.
You're delusional and you're blaming the game for being bad at it.
I haven't seen a hacker in a long time, and I've never seen a DDOS on PC.
The community does suck though. Even in casual people will get mad salty and start TKing/throwing over real minor shit. Beyond that it's a solid ass game.
sounds like you played yourself, retard
Nope. No consequences. Only ever got that warning, retard.
I like it, but I just don't have the time to put into it anymore to keep up to date on all the new ops and metas and map changes and whatnot. I realize this is my own fault. My friend group also goes through peaks and valleys with the game so it's either four or five of us who play it to death for a few weeks or nobody touches it.
I also find the community pretty AIDS.
>playing casual
>on consulate
>shoot at piano window after spawning up front, break a board and see a Doc sitting behind it
>burst fire at him, secure a headshot
>see a Rook trying to do the same from a different window
>get lit to 30 health but headshot him too
>instantly lose 3 teammates randomly
>die trying to push inside
I feel like despite casual having a hidden MMR it's still weirdly imbalanced almost all the time.
I got like 5 warnings in a single night once, still nothing happened from it. You probably need to trip it a ton of get reported for it to actually do anything.
Casual mmr fluctuates a lot more because people are more willing to do stupid shit.
Here’s how this certain retardation follows:
>competitive scene is always fast plays
>defender meta adopts a wire meta to slow the game down
>attacker meta adopts frag meta so they can safely blow the shit out of wire and any other traps
>only op that can stop frags is jager and he can only potentially stop up to 6 frags
>not guaranteed, potentially 6
>ubi eventually uproots the wire meta by shifting gadgets around but also begins the fucking of the frag grenades
>makes sure attackers can never have more than 6 frags no matter how big the roster grows so defenders can always technically counter the frags
>all because jager is still the only op that can deny them
>meanwhile ubi moves frags off IQ (who could really use them) and passing them to finka (who just released and no one was giving a shit about)
>smoke+flash meta starts to replace old meta
>ubi adds new things here and there (all gadgets) to counter new meta
>again, all gadgets so they just get fucked anyway
>ubi starts to hear a demand for a new jager to deal with attacker throwables
>ubi goes full retard, result misses the point
>yep you guessed it
>end up with fucking warden
Clash on the other hand
>after wire meta and the soon-after addition of lion/finka rushdown meta also becomes a huge deal
>also pick/ban is revealed a little later
>ubi is also thinking how to be particularly extra epic with the new ops by the end of the year
>with the above points in mind they get the bright idea to counter rushdown with a shield defender, despite attacker options against the implementation being fairly obtuse
>end up with the most retarded op to engage with since she both sucks ass but is also the pinnacle of exploiting mechanics to get the upperhand
Tldr ubi is retarded.
The lack of frags still pisses me off constantly. Especially taking it off IQ and even Finka. I dont care about finka, but it was literally a necessity to make IQ even work. Now IQs gadget is just a noob supporter and a minor counter to lesion.
why is noone talking about the waifus that siege offers?
Waifus are for fags and trannies
The game went to shit around the time they added the Japanese operators.
why are the map designs so counter-intuitive? every map except for the family house feels weird due to the unrealistic architecture and incoherent design/structure of rooms. Especially the big maps just seem like they just threw together some rooms and decided randomly if its a kitchen, living room, storage or whatever. am i the only one? i know they have to build maps around the way the game works but holy shit every floor of a map should have a coherent concept, with house you have garage/gym, kitchen/living room, and bedrooms/bathroom and all the other maps just puke different rooms next to each other
theres a dedicated “report toxic behaviour” tab in pause menu. i shouldnt have to say more
I completely agree.
>random fucking security checkpoint room on the side, far away from entrances and with a hallway you can walk around it
House is a garbage map though. So I guess that's reason enough
Siege is easily the best shooter out right now and has been for years. If you disagree, you either are very naive and inexperienced with the game or plain bad.
Runs like fucking shit on my computer and my friends who play it with are always assholes when playing with them but not in any other games except maybe CSGO
They went to 100% shit once they started to balance against metas/strategies.
Tower is a de facto example of this.
Because I am the worst player ever. A friend gifted the game to me and I didn't kill a single human enemy in the 20 hours I've played
>*the only counter to lesion
ok retard
>Very high skill ceiling
Twitch counters him to an extent as does jackal. Iirc Thatcher does too, because thatcher.
They do try to hard to make them as confusing as possible. The first floor of Fortress still confuses me, as does the first floor of the Italy map.
They all feel made to counter the fact that attackers have drones, if they were more simple then defenders would have a much harder time roaming.
I honestly love it, despite being pretty shit at it a lot of the time. It's not a flawless game but as of right now it's really solid, if you lose you only have yourself to blame and the game has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling to it. All the people going "umm, no it doesn't" are clearly upset and are pseuds trying be internet game designers.
Not an argument.
Where do I start with this game and learning the maps/strategies/metas?
Games just ridiculously imbalanced and full of shitty attempts at fixing meta.
It's the league of legends of FPS games.
>very high skill ceiling
>deep gameplay
call of duty with gadgets it still comes down to pre-fire peaking and abusing pixel angles
Play casual, be mindful of the maps and try to figure them out by memorizing which rooms are connected to which. Be mindful of what rooms are above too, and if they have hatches or soft roofs above. Learning the maps is ultimately more important than learning gadgets and meta stuff.
There's a playlist specifically for new players too.
>CoD has 1.4x damage for headshots and 0 recoil
>Siege has 1 shot headshots and some minor recoil
The headshot difference alone separates it hard from CoD. git gud dude.
Corner camping whole answering my cellphone isn't interesting to me.
Latest Wild West event is pay to play, you get 1 free pack and thats all for 2 weeks
anybody wanna play casual?
I just love the 5v5 round-based format as I grew up on cod SnD starting with cod4. R6 fills this need now.
The newcomer playlist waittime is way too long
When I first started I wast waiting nearly half an hour and still no match
I'm burnt out.
i wish i was Polish
What should I change my name to in order to piss off the reddit normies playing the game?
Don't make it too obvious.
>constantly get shit teammates
>top of my team for a few games
>the stress of having an absolute shit team I'm trying to carry gets to me and I start doing shit
>decide to drop it and have fun in single player games instead
This happened a year and a half ago and I've enjoyed my game time much more since then.
those are all actual soft counters,
jackal just counters roamers
twitch CAN counter him, but the taking out one or two lesions instead of cams/ bigger tools is good for lesion, he can also see you pop them.
thatcher counters him at random, since hell never see them and only pop than on a throw for something else,
IQ is his only hard counter. being able to SEE them, and shoot them from a distance
>Gunplay is basically COD-tier
>A lot of the operators are just outright not fun to play against, even if they're not good, like Blackbeard with his shield or Ela with her mines that fuck with your sensitivity
>Ubisoft is clearly running out of ideas for new operators and maps but keeps shoehorning them in anyway
>Sound system is complete shit where you can literally go from tracking someone perfectly to hearing them through a doorway because you moved one foot closer to the doorway
>Several maps have frustrating design like tiny bulletproof railings on staircases or bars on windows that make firefights feel awkward and random along with a shit-ton of ambient noise
>Every new update has some retarded ass bug
>Trying to balance 1x sights and give each one tradeoffs is fucking retarded
It's also impressive how a supposedly competitive shooter still has their sensitivity scaling fucked up so much that you literally can't get more than one sight 1:1 and how there's still no colorblind mode or ability to change the color of your scope after over four years since launch, even PUBG got that shit right while it was still in early access. Siege just feels poorly designed in a lot of ways and it seems to be getting worse with every update. It's fun for awhile but the more you play the more the flaws start setting in.
It's a good game because it doesnt normalize terrorism or Nazism
>Silent sprinting
>Crouch spamming
>Reload bug
>Shitty servers
>Shields in general
>Broken sound
>Clientside destruction
>No solo queue
>Awful ruleset
>Awful map pool
>Night maps
>30 GB of ugly limited time cosmetics
>No replay system
>Pointless meme event gamemodes
>Have to grind for everything
>Recruit and tachanka will never get buffed because memes
>Retarded chat filter
>DDOS in ranked games
>Recycling content
>Skipping content
>High rank gunfights come down to who can smash their lean keys harder
>Gunskill matters far more than strategy
I still love this game but these last few seasons have been awful
>Gunplay is basically COD-tier
It's legit amazing how few people actually understand game mechanics on this board.
>*blocks your path*
Need a static to get anywhere
because it's full of annoying 14 year olds
>beyond dead
>hitscan automatics with low TTK in a game that's trying to be a movement based shooter
Even Tribes Ascend got this shit right dude.
>you can die in one bullet and somehow this makes the game harder not easier
even CS has the concept of helmet armor, siege should follow suite
>>beyond dead
2000 players a night isn't dead to me. Look at Neotokyo to see a dead game.
>>hitscan automatics with low TTK in a game that's trying to be a movement based shooter
lmao git gud
Bandit didn't have to peak the window.
>night maps
What is wrong with this if it's excluded from the ranked map pool?
>gunskill matters far more than strategy
I disagree
>crouch spamming
Everything else I can somewhat agree with. Siege has been on a downward spiral for the past few seasons.
>~~ has been banned due to toxic personality
They drank the SJW coolaid.
Because Siege was unironically better without them and the waifufags. Having said that they did you see what they did to Mira's face?
>What is wrong with this if it's excluded from the ranked map pool?
I actually didn't realize they were gone from the ranked map pool. That is good to know. Ruleset is still awful though.
>I disagree
Pro players say otherwise. Ranked is a dm fest where retards peek over and over. Competitive matches and scrims are the only place where having a brain actually matters.
Crouch spamming and dropshotting came back with phantom sight because of ubi's dogshit programming.
I prefer CS's damage model, but games like this need high headshot damage to actually reward aim. In CoD headshot damage is so low that it's better to just go for consecutive body shots, which lowers its skill ceiling considerably.
Just under half the guns in CS still 1 shot headshot even if the enemy has head armor.
It went to shit as soon as it started getting popular. I had a lot of fun when I got the game on the first season of y1, played for a while. Had less fun in y2 but it was still somewhat good. Then it just became total trash. I never played ranked because there's no point without a full team. Only have one friend who plays it, sometimes he asks me to play with him so I do, those are the only times I play siege nowadays, I fucking hate what it became.
What the fuck even are the responses in this thread. Just goes to show the casuals that infest this shitty board now
I had my fill of PvP shooters back when Quake 3 and CoD4 were a thing.
>on the downward spiral
I swear every person that says this must have not played the game long. I remember going into ranked and running into constant Brazilians that had high as fuck ping and would 3 armor rush and drop shot and be almost completely unkillable due to how low the tickrate was and how shit the game's engine is.
Shit was fucking infuriating. All the global abilities got nerfed to shit recently and no one operator stands out as particularly OP. It's like everyone forgot Blackbeard and Ela pre nerf.
>burnt out
The two best*
Because it's fucking impossible to get into now as a new player because you get murdered through walls 20 seconds into every match with no counter play. The longer the game's been out, the better the playerbase gets at it and the more characters you have to learn what they do and the more maps you have to memorize so you know where to x-ray beam people.
Let me introduce you to the average R6 Siege player:
>burh I aced last night fucking noobs didn't know I was coming. I watched Macy Jay like 500 times.
>The I teabagged the last noob I killed.
>Bruh did you see my "Ela thicc" drawing on r/rainbowsixsiege? I made it during study hall.
>dude.. I'm soooo high right now. I literally smoked like 10 bowls.. oh you want call outs? Sorry bro I'm toooooo hiiiiiiigh….
I used to bash amine games, but now I kinda get it. The human trash that plays FPS PVP... yeah.
This shit is just Overwatch but gay and dead. Miss me with that gay shit, cuz. I got adblock I ain't here for your shill hour
this shit is for overwatch players who can't stand tittys or ass