Looking for a software developer for Magic The Gathering Arena
Looking for a software developer for Magic The Gathering Arena
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Hes right, why hire whites when you can hire dozens of pajeets for cheap
>Take the interview
>Ace it
>If they ask say you're gay
>Get the team aboard onf of your ideas, they'll praise it as groundbreaking and important
>When you're in and developing say you lied and you're straight as an arrow and laugh maniacally as they have to acknowledge you
>Patriarchy wins again
Maybe he's playing the long con, mentioned the "No White Dudes" so that if they don't hire another white dude, people can scream discrimination and then they get to hire the white dude they wanted.
>fired for falsifying information during an interview and being hired under false pretext.
do they only hire if yo uare from the US?
just never say you're not gay
you can get married and have children and live a successful life and if they EVER question if you were gay or not, even after you die, they'll literally be nazis
You look at this face and tell me he would actually do that
Shouldn't he quit then? I mean, his job could go to a female, or LBGTQBLTWO+, or poc.
Nah, WotC is really just full of kikes and SJWs that espouse this kind of shit.
cool so when is he quitting his job so an underprivileged poc can have it?
I mean yeah, i get it. Maybe he's hoping a delicious brown girl with big tiddies will apply so he can hold the camera while everyone else bangs her.
He's an "ally", one of the good guys who fights against the patriachy. It's the same kind of "logic" that whites apply when they scream fuck/kill all whites. It applies to everyone else except them since they#re on the "right" side.
>Go to the interview face painted in charcoal
>Say you're a transracial homo man from California
>Your spirit is actually the one of an ugandian warlord with the soul of a programmer
>If they decline you they're bigots and can't accept anyone, because you know who you are
Having worked in a few places that were dominated by straight white cis men, I can honestly say they create a toxic "bro" culture work environment. I don't blame him.
Is this even legal? Imagine if they said they had too many black people.
That sounds like "oh jesus our ratios are awful cause only fat white neckbeards memorize these rules. If we dont hire some brown folk we. Are. Fucked. Queers can let us slide for a bit but itll only keep the frothing sheboons away for so long"
That's illegal, you can't fire someone based on their race or sexuality. So if they do easy lawsuit
Oh I know, but lead by example and all.
If he is so willing to deny others a job based on sex or race, then he should hold himself to the same standards.
He doesn't outright say that whites are prevented from being chosen so it#s still legal. Only when a direct exclusion from any group is present, it violates the law.
You can counter sue for discrimination because you "felt gay" at the time of the interview but realized it was just a phase like most homos, and your sexual orientation doesn't disqualify you for the dev post
so........yeah, he JUST killed his job.
you can't do that shit, its against the fucking law.
you have to hire people, not excluding race or gender or color
>Hire pajeet to make the game
>Hire diversity blacks and women to market it which they do
>Game is a success
>Everyone wins except incels
>you're straight as an arrow
he JUST SAID "no white dudes" or whatever
fuck you, he's fucking DEAD
How can anyone "falsify" sexuality?
Will they ask you to stick a finger in your pooper? kiss the front guard?
You see Indians don't work that well. They're cheap but there quality isn't so high. So they need some 30 year old boomers like him to quality check their work.
Of course he doesn't outright say it, that's illegal, he ain't stupid.
Isn't it really fucking illegal to hire based on race?
that's discrimination feel free to report him, it's 100% illegal
Haha that won't work because maybe he's looking to fulfill the diversity quota
quotas are illegal
Isn’t this illegal? That’s blatant discrimination.
Only white dudes play Magic The Gathering what the fuck
Seriously who else would postulate for this
He's not said white hetero people can't apply, just that if there are people who are interested and aren't that they should apply.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes they mulch any huwite male apps
One just need to look at all the incredibly ugly angel negress to now this.
Is this even real? Don't doubt it from WotC but this is the only screenshot of this tweet I can find.
I’m pretty sure a case for discrimination can be made in court. If WotC is based in Texas, the could face a lawsuit for discrimination.
I don't get it. Isn't it the employees' job to qualify for the position, rather than make a position and trying to find someone who checks all your boxes? What kind of hiring precedent is this for a tech company of any kind?
We live in a society...
It's very real, and still up on twitter. Guy is just blocking anyone who calls him out on it. I hope he sees some sort of negative fallout from it professionally. I love MtG, would love to work on MtG, but now I know that wont happen with virtual signalling assholes like him around.
He's encouraging other groups to apply, he didn't outright say "white straight men won't get accepted". I highly doubt there is any case for discrimination here.
>You can't fire someone based on their sexuality
Depends on the state. It's completely legal in a lot of states.
I looked it up myself, it's there.
Bonus points for his following tweet being fluff about "choosing to be kind"
OK how do I get into Yu-Gi-Oh again?
>wh*te ""people"" thinking they matter
It's 2019 sweaty.
Ah. Well good thing I'm bi and just happen to like girls more
You people are fucking retarded. He isn't saying "white men won't be hired," he's saying "if you're not a white man, we encourage you to apply."
Yeah I found it now, it was older than I expected, its from July 8th if anyone else wants to check for themselves.
no sorry i'm busy reacting
So states rights trump protected classes?
After all these years, I still don't know what "CIS" means
Just say you identify yourself as a Bedwalker
subtle discrimination is still discrimination
Except if the tweet were about any other demographic he'd of been run off the internet, fired from his job, and made a pariah
>what is context, implications, and reading between the lines
I'm lefty as fuck and even I think that tweet was a bad idea.
Sexuality isn't a federally protected class.
based, big brained opinion user solved it
I am a spic but white, would they consider me a whitetoid?
Except it wasn't that. Stop talking how society ought to be and realize how it is, then you start from there.
Probably because most of the applicants they get are white men. There is no reason for them to encourage white men to apply for the position when white men already ARE applying for the position.
>(non white) hispanic
Yes. These kind of people like to say skin color doesnt matter and we are all equal but if your skin is white regardless of ethnicity you will be labeled as a white male.
Of course he didn't say it. That's illegal, again, these people ain't stupid.
But the clear bias is there, and it will effect the hiring process.
Here, let me change two words:
>The gaming industry also has too many gay black men, and we could use more people who AREN'T that of that description, so if you're inclined at all, please apply!
Hmmmmm yes this is fine, not discriminatory at all.
How much longer until the whole staff is replaced by a "diverse rainbow"? How much longer until mr. sharpe there, is replaced by a "woman of color"?
Its shit like this thats turning people into "nazis".
Heil fucking hitler this shit does not happen in a healthy volksgemeinschaft nor is it understandable to anyone outside the hugbox west
I hope you get killed by a minority.
If you're in a state that wants to hire you only because you're gay then there's a good chance that state doesn't have those laws.
>playing magic in the year of our lord 2019 when you could play far better TCGs instead
It's MTG who else but white dudes would get into such nerdy stuff
That's not a true statement though, so it's pointless. You know that a lot of mostly female occupations actually do encourage male applicants, right?
where do I sign up to be a wet nurse
That's like if I was a manager at KFC and I posted on Twitter "Niggers need not apply"
Don't even like YGO but YGO all the fucking way over this shit.
Except that's exactly what he means.
Except they won't actually hire them which is why they're still mostly female.
Do they want to hire non-white men? Yes, they do. But they won't hire someone who is unqualified just because the person isn't a white man. That's why they are encouraging non-white men to apply, because the more applicants there are, the higher the chance of finding someone qualified.
You can encourage a group to apply without excluding other though
The wording was retarded as minimum
>The gaming industry also has too many black dudes, and we could use more people who AREN'T that of that description, so if you're inclined at all, please apply!
>If you're not a female, we encourage you to apply
>If you're not black, we encourage you to apply
>If you're not homosexual, we encourage you to apply
>No white males
>posted by a white male
Every time.
False equivalency, he didn't say "whitoids need not apply."
If you think you are fit for the job then you will apply either way, and if you want PoC then you will choose them from the applicants.
I feel like its denigrating for PoC and non cis people to basically say "here, I wont choose you for your talent, but for your skin/sexual orientation", do these people not find it offensive? Do they not realize they are being used for virtue signaling and fill a quota, instead of merit?
>because the more applicants there are, the higher the chance of finding someone qualified
And non-white.
The first one actually does happen, and the second and third don't happen because there literally isn't a single occupation in the U.S. which is predominantly black or gay. 0/10, apply yourself.
>the paramount insult that darkies have been able to come up with is censoring themselves
It's not just white guilt, it's also a bit of special snowflakism that white people so much thrive for. Being surrounded by people they deem inferior to them gives them a sentiment of superiority.
>le logical fallacies
reality literally shits you in the face and you wanna argue about if it counts as shit since it was very liquid
Having worked in places composed 90% of straight women, i can honestly say they crate a toxic "womyn" culture work environment, where literally they do all they is bitch and moan about how men aren't good enough
It goes both ways, sweetie
>cis white dudes who are really passionate about our stuff, just fucking kill yourselves you've got no fucking chance
What did they mean by this?
Try to not use such a shitty analogy.
It's hard not to let that get to your head though. I was the smart white guy in my classes in college so all the brown people sorta looked up to me as some sorta super genius.
>be white male
>work on game predominantly played by white males
>not only do you not want white males working on game, you fucking BROADCAST IT online
I am just so dumbfounded by this asinine logic.
We knew theyd come for the hardcore shit eventually.
Itll be fun watching Magic die.
Its like being Sauron commanding the armies of mordor i know the feeling
Companies legally are not allowed to require a potential employee to state anything like their religious beliefs or sexuality.
Reminder it's OK to discriminate against white people because they deserve it.
This will keep happening in more and more "spaces" until we remove (((them))) and their underlings aka SJWs from power (or existance)
Why is this a false equivalency though? Just reiterating that something is fallacious is fallacious in of itself. Explain yourself or you've shut yourself out to further discussion. Why would his tweet not be problematic if the demographic were replaced to say African Americans? We're pointing out the double-standard that exists in the current Identity Politic fueled landscape.
you can not reprogram these people or allow the virus to spread again
>The Quartering's video on this tweet was uploaded an hour after OP's post
Funny that.
More proof that gays and women and trannies are all faking being "nerds" because its trendy and they are failures. You present them with something like Magic and you get idiots begging you to apply because they simply dont. Because they only involve themselves in shitty mainstream shit.
Giving the common man the gift of analogy has created more fallacies than any other mental exercise.
I like how none of these guys walk the walk and give up their positions. It's always other people who should be discriminated against, not themselves.
What a shocker
Just say you're bi or pick a gender that still wants to fuck females.
I work in HR and there is ZERO chance they would be fired for this reason. What would probably happen is in the next few weeks or months a bullshit reason would be came up with to fire them that would look legitimate on paper.
they are leeches they can not create something themselves they are eternal victims and everything big has to give them a handout or helping hand
Because white people have been constantly getting ten cards a week for years simply by virtue of being white. Because white people can't be disadvantaged or poor.
>we have too many white dudes
So why doesn't he quit then? Lead by example and surrender your salary to a non cis of color.
You cant be fired for not being a faggot lol
>CIS WHITE MALES need not apply
Not even LARPing, but fuck these corporate soibois. Also fuck WotC.
But race is.
I play Hearthstone and got pretty pissed at the recent SJW bullshit Blizzard has pulled, but good God Magic is at a whole other level.
I used to play the actual card game back in the day, so for me this is doubly sad.
How the fuck is this legal?
Isn't this discrimination of race?
Isn't that illegal?
I'm gonna have to send this to the government and get them involved.
You ever notice how its always the white men who have their higher up jobs secure they won't ever lose their status that say other white men should give jobs and oppurtunities to minorities?
i give the same advice to the lefties at my work telling them that if they want more diversity in the work place then they should just quit
Well, this guy looks pretty white to me. Maybe he should do the part himself, no?
>religious beliefs or sexuality
Race and gender is fine thou!
Zimmerman is a white male according to the SJWs so good luck.
During the interview, say you identify as a woman. The following day, say you now identify as a man.
>How the fuck is this legal?
Goolge Kalergi Plan
It isn't.
no he didn’t
Not even /tg/ likes Wizards of the Coast.
>mention it by name when it doesn't need to be mentioned at all
technically it only says "PoC, please apply" rather than the obviously implied "no whites allowed" so I guess it skates by legally speaking. That or WotC could disassociate themselves with this random twitter post and claim it isn't their wording or something.
WoTC is the EA of /tg/. Ignore them.
>sue them for an easy case
Affirmative action is the law, user
What a sexist and racist he is.
WOTC probably told him to say that. They're deep in the heart of Seattle and live and breathe that lifestyle.
Also explains why MTGA is so shit because they refuse to pay comparable salaries for the same position
Imagine being white in 2019. Your own kin actively working against you from all sides literally handing everything to foreigners
He should quit then
>You know that a lot of mostly female occupations actually do encourage male applicants, right?
But that's for completely different reasons. They encourage male elementary school teachers because kids should have male authority figures to look up to, not just female ones - misbehaving kids especially will often just not give a fuck when the female teacher threatens them with detention, but the male teacher can stop them with a glance. They encourage male nurses and shit because men are stronger and that's fucking important when there's a 250 pound man seizing hard enough to break the 120 pound female nurse's neck if he gets in an unlucky hit. They encourage male counselors because that works better for some people.
Nobody just goes "oh there are too many women, we need more male perspectives" or whatever, men are specifically sought out for those types of jobs because there's something specific they can accomplish.
probably but if that can't be legally proven it can't be held against them in a case
Still, a good lawyer might could fuck his world up for a while and make him rethink his cocksuckery
>Having worked in a few places that were dominated by straight white cis men, I can honestly say they create a toxic "bro" culture work environment
That's not "toxic", that's comfortable. That's how men get shit done. You're the one who's toxic by disrupting the workplace with your periods.
>t. white straight cis dude
Also at my last job I literally just said I was Syrian and was a diversity hire because of it, even though I can't trace my family outside of the British isles and have no non-European features. What are they gonna do, ask for my family history?
I'm pretty glad I live in a southern flyover state so I only ever have to deal with this dumbfuckery online.
But only straight white males play magic
The only case in which race or sex discrimination is allowed to take place is in educational institutions for the purpose of creating diverse learning environments. There are logistical reasons as to why a business would need to know your ethnicity or sex, there is far less functionality in the specific ideologies an individual may hold. The presumption is that businesses should hire on merit, as they often do, for the risk of losing out on potential profit. The benefit of non profit educational environments, is that the racial discrimination that applicants undergo does not pose a potential risk for the institution as it would if it were for profit.
>said by a white dude
Why wont he fire himself to make a spece for niggers and co?
in germany jobs are advertised for male/female/"diverse" applicants since last year
me and two of my friends (same qualifications) applied for the same job. they applied as men while i applied as diverse just for the lulz. I got the interview while they didnt even hear back from them
I'll apply I'm not white and can code but I know nothing about magic
Affirmative action is one of the best arguments against democracy ever, the two main supporters of it are minorities who benefit from it and rich white liberals who have no fear of not getting a job or into their college of choice, the people who it affects middle and low class whites are labelled racist for being mad about two groups voting to fuck them over.
>Tell them i'm straight
>Get denied
>Sue for discrimination
>Tell them i meant straight as a circle because i like sucking dick
only applies to government institutions, corps just get tax breaks
>During the interview, say you identify as a woman. The following day, say you now identify as a man.
Unironically this. They have no defense against this because their retarded values force them to accept blatant lies as long as they sound like something an "oppressed minority" would say.
Sounds perfect. You're hired.
The job is for coding cards that have already been designed. You won't have any ideas.
This logic is retarded. You don't need a period of "catch up". There's such a thing as asymptotes. If you wait long enough, Pat and Chris will be within 0.00001% of each other in terms of deck power because there's only so many fucking good cards you can put in a deck. Deck power doesn't just grow forever. Economic power doesn't just grow forever.
Like fuck this is just a basic related rates / mixing problem. If people are entering the workforce at a 50/50 rate, eventually the ratio between those people IN the workforce will become 50/50, because people aren't fucking immortal, people leave their jobs, and they're being replaced by a 50/50 split. It's just basic fucking math. How the fuck is this guy a designer if he doesn't understand that?
Honestly I'm surprised hasbro hasn't clamped down on them.
You might want a product that works.
Why aren't you playing Yu-Gi-Oh Yea Forums?
Heh, wish you were born with brown skin now don't cha
hasbro aint to happy about sjw after it tanked star wars and toy sales lmao
Notice his careful wording.
>You know that a lot of mostly female occupations actually do encourage male applicants, right?
You do know you can encourage a group to apply without disparaging another group to somehow make yourself look like a hero, right?
Whites ARE unstable.
poor quality, office hygiene and sexual harassment might come to mind
>there literally isn't a single occupation in the U.S. which is predominantly black or gay
what are basketball and hockey?
This is sound logic.
Ask him why he doesn't give his job to a black lesbian trans girl then. Ask him why his job isn't up for grabs. Tell him to put his money where his mouth is.
Seriously, at the end of the day, this guy's just an empty, virtue-signalling shithead. He would absolutely not give up what he has for someone else, even if that person had less. He's perfectly willing to let OTHERS be disadvantaged, but never himself.
Seriously, how fucking shitty does that sound to you? "I won't give up my job for my beliefs, but you can give up your job for my beliefs." Fucking jackass.
Well hopefuly they give wotc a kick in the ass soon
At least sjw shit mostly hasn't affected card art besides an overabundance of blacks.
It's hard to believe there's no Asian in their team.
I thought all gaming/IT-related companies at least have one Asian in them.
he's saying "if you're not a black man, we encourage you to apply”
How does that sound?
If it were any other group no one would be buying this excuse. You and I both know that he did say "white straight men won't get accepted".
But how can they tell?
Do they have Gaydars ro something? If so, how gay you have to be to pass the test?
In a scale of Curious to OP?
Maybe they're killing themselves because minorities keep stealing their jobs.
I'm a light-skinned North Indian and fucking Canadians call me white, so yeah. I can't be considered black unless I'm on welfare and have a dozen kids and live in government housing.
I can endure that if I only need to pay them in naan bread
The fashion industry also has too many trans gay black dudes, and we could use more people who AREN'T that of that description, so if you're inclined at all, please apply! #FishDixStaff
Don't you mean because virtue signalling "woke" companies keep giving their jobs to minorities?
His entire tweet would be fine if it wasn't the whole "too many straight white dudes." You'd have to be being obtuse on purpose to not be able to read between the lines of his statement.
Anyone who uses the term "cis" unironically should be shot.
The Instagram cam whore industry that makes 100,000 a year on Patreon for selling soiled panties has too many cis straight white women, and we could use more people who AREN'T that of of that description to sell underwear they shit in, so if you're inclined at all, please apply!
>At least sjw shit mostly hasn't affected card art besides an overabundance of blacks
The niggerfication of western media is shit that goes back to the third reich and the little media that they had back then. Dont tolerate the normalization of it
>Playing MTG created by (((Wizards of the Coast))) who is also owned by (((Hasbro)))
With Jews, you lose. Find a game that's actually made by a white man.
Why do they think it's okay to say something that if it was literally any other race/sexuality combo, would be considered unacceptable?
>if we could get a white cis male that would be great, too many gay niggers here
Calm down, you're becoming too self aware.
gay isn't a race you mongoloid
He looks like a slimy blacked cuck, so yeah he's probably playing the long con.
Vicious cycle, stop killing yourselves and being dead and maybe you will get more jobs?
please come in for a emergency vaccination
- dr goldberg
Might as well be. Being gay might give you more government protection than being Jewish, or Native American.
This a million times this!
Of course the faggot onions master likes boros
can you califaggots just leave the us and make your own damn state
>Anyone who uses the term "cis" unironically should be shot.
Fuck you CIS rules
I wish I could go on twitter and this soiboi """"whitoid"""" a faggot.
Don't leave me alone with these people.
>area of expertise: gay
They can't legally ask you if you are gay. Basically the second they ask you that and if you don't get the job regardless of your answer you instantly get to sue the everloving shit out of them. They aren't even legally allowed to ask how old you are.
Just fire him then
sexuality is fluid sweaty :)
it has to be this way, godspeed user
Actually had an interviewee introduce himself with "My name is ____ and I'M GAY."
Not saying it disqualified him but it sure didn't help his chances.
This is literally illegal.
>white people need to die off
>said by a white person
why is this always the case, do they not realize it or what?
The kind that produces the buggy shitty games we get now out of the west. Don't worry though they have enough people with the right skin color and genitalia so you should just suck it up and pay them.
>just let me close the door behind me
Well no. You're thinking "Right to Work" states, which can fire you for any reason they want as long as they dont "officially" give a reason that violates the EEOC
go drink some bleach, shit for brains
Neo-liberalism is a disease
Alot of the time it's (((white))) people doing that
He has likely raped and abused some women or kids in his past, this kind of self-flagellating behavior indicates a strong amount of shame or guilt he is desperately trying to cover up. Never trust someone who so quickly betrays his race and gender.
>why is this always the case
American education
Did you make him sick your dick to get the job.
They mean everybody else except themselves. Someone should ask him on twitter when he's quitting to make room for a gay space whale.
Whew, glad I got out of MtG hobby when I did. Seems like its about to be hit hard by the California Patrol.
Made out like a bandit too
This is illegal. If you report this they can get slapped with a heavy fine.
Resetera here, dabbing on all the butthurt cishets
stay mad shitlords
>tweet clearly says it'd be nice to have a non-white male work for the company
This is why liberals are brainwashed drones. They cannibalize themselves in politics because Democraps are actually evil. They are frauds and opportunist.
Well duh.
the worst thing you can be is gay when you're not gay
If the company were mostly made of black people and the person said "it'd be nice if a white person worked for us" would you say the same? Fucking retard
Trump 2020 cannot come soon enough.
yeah im sure thats what happened user
What other way are you supposed to interpret it, oh mighty master of the English language?
fire this self=hating white trash!
>forum of pedos supports discrimination
what a shock
"white" people aren't even a thing. it's an arbitary designation for people with light skin who come from numerous different countries. when people say "whiteness needs to end" they mean as a concept. we can still be german, italian, english, etc.
Its the same fucking hypocrisy everytime. Is it deliberate or are they really this unaware?
>gets stabbed and robbed by feral nigs
Oh shit, guess I wasn't kind enough!
>heres a link to apply to our company
>replies to his own post
>i hate (sex) (race) (sexuality)
No user, what hes doing is actually illegal.
can't, he's an "ally"
This is one of the reasons I play Eternal instead
>Trump 2020 cannot come soon enough.
for more years of media bitching cant wait!
But Yea Forums is also full of pedos.
its not. discrimination is federally illegal
It is so satisfying seeing shitholes like R*dd*t, Neofag, and RetardEra trying to pretend they are above places like Yea Forums(nel).
Where did he say he hated anything? I don't see that in the tweet
Sure it is, it's a general classification that sub ethnicities belong to. Are you going to say black people aren't a thing?
Cant be illegal against whites cause muh privilege shit. Nothing will come out of this like always because americans are loudmouths on the net but cucks in real life
i fucking hate allies!
fucking stupid tribal shit!
The best part is all the comments that are hidden and the users saying they’ve been blocked. Little pussy’s on full damage control.
God it will be glorious again.
Its 4 less years of Democrats in power.
If you're going to bring Stoicism into it, you also have the choice to react differently when people are unkind to you. You can choose to smile when you're upset, and not let it ruin your day. You can choose to not be offended.
Instead, you choose to block them on Twitter and act like they're everything wrong with the world.
my mother worked with someone who whenever got in trouble would always play the "you're doing this to me because i'm gay" card and the shit actually worked.. Until he kept using it and they just eventually Canned his ass anyway
>Remember, I'm the victim here because nazis can't handle the truth!
Yea Forums doesnt claim to have a high ground or morals
stay mad whiteboi : ^)
This but unironically.
People like this should not be allowed to vote anyway.