vidya PTSD
Vidya PTSD
Other urls found in this thread:
>deliberately post an easy section of a game for free responses
Threadly reminder that he lives a better life than all of you.
Imagine being this much of a disgusting newfag. Go back.
>easy section
Until taxman comes to fuck him in the ass
also the amoebas at the end of metro 2033, non redux
I remember one time I was stuck in an eternal war with Australia as England in Civ 6, started when we both first got gunpowder, they kept suing for peace after we passed an era but I wanted to burn down their production city. It all culminated in a massive D-day style invasion of the eastern coast of the continent which was a disaster for me, which resulted to me developing nukes 20 turns on and destroying an entire people.
Didn't they add a fucking auto crouch jump feature because of idiots like him?
>constantly begging for money
>probably gets by on loans, credit cards, and cash advances
Sure thing
the only memorable game i have is civ5 on a two giant continent map
i got into a war with everyone on my island and it was pretty much a standstill as we got stalled in tech, meanwhile ethiopia bloated and took over the other island and was steamrolling, only ghandi survived, barely
>thing about ghandi in civ5 is he rarely does shit due to peaceful nature until late game when he starts declaring on all the warmongrers around him, this has nothing to do with the popular joke about him having a stack overflow of aggression, he just likes to punish evildoers once he hits enough tech
eventually i got nukes and found a shitload of uranium, which i promptly gifted all to him for good relations
carried on with the game and slowly came out on top on my continent, then finally got to check out the other one
i'd noticed ethiopia had stagnated, turns out the entire island was pretty much nuclear fallout except ghandis small slice
was a good game because i had to fight for it through unusual circumstances
Yame! Yame!
To be fair its pretty retarded that you have to crouch mid jump, most games dont let you do this and as an outsider it would be very hard to learn on your own
Took me atleast 30 tries
It makes perfect sense though. It's basically pulling your feet up while jumping to gain more height.
Can't forget this one
Are you a Kotaku editor?
the first level with the lightsaber in jedi knight outcast 2
It's a Darksydephil reference. He was stuck at this part for a full half hour.
I still get the feeling of loneliness and anxiety when I hear that fucking soundtrack.
my man. good shit. i played mostly Sprint mode online tho
THERE'S A TUTORIAL PROMPT THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO FUCKING CROUCH JUMP. DSP even read it and asked "what the heck is a crouch jump?"
holy shit you got me
Gotta love that ego protecting cope logic. Game has a mechanic I'm not aware exists? Must be a "bug" right? Yeah, that totally makes sense. They designed this platform section to be traversable only by using a "glitch". Because that's what game developers do.
>for a full half
Why PTSD? If you couldn't drive MAKO you're probably in the single digit IQ range.
Why didn't the devs just make your jump higher?
Knowing this exists is why i have never played Okami
You're welcome.
I dreaded going to the sky every single time
more like you're the australian you cunt
>can't into obvious jokes
who was in the wrong here?
Fuck this.
>Game has a mechanic I'm not aware exists?
The best part is there's a tutorial for crouch jumping you're required to pass before you ever even reach that point.
Fuck this faggot, both the HW and SS versions
i always thought this part was comfy as fuck
>they decided to give that sequence whole DLC chapter
It was fucking great, dat ending was good too
WOW, man. DSP is in The Sims.
>playing the spider cave campaign in last light redux
>get right before the end
>game crashes every time i try and start up the last generator
>really dont want to have to start from the very beginning of this shit again
>manage to rush and activate the generator while being attacked by 20 of the cunts
Is Exodus a crashfest on PC too?
Fuck off m8, that part was one of my favorites of the whole trilogy.
>browses Yea Forums
>doesn't know about the king of hate
Base knowledge about the ChaDSP should be required to use this board.
>DSP's run of Mass Effect
>That moment he accidentally maxed out his relationship with a dude and had a sex scene with him
you know what he did!
The hard one is completely optional. The two required ones are laughably easy.
Not him but it got really tedious when replaying the game
>claims to know about the king of hate
>cant recognize his signature catchphrases
filtered by a lil ctrl+space action lmao
didn't expect LoG2 to be itt.
one day I'll do this without looking any of them up, I got through like all but 2 last time before I gave in
Used a spoon to beat it, but holy fuck it was infuriating.
>e-celeb is oldfaggotry now
Ugh. No save points. Have to go through that slog of a dungeon just to die to the final boss. Fuck that game.
genuine question: what does crouch jumping add? what value does the mechanic bring? all it is is a way to jump higher and it requires an extra button press-- it is devoid of meaning or risk.
This guy is made so frickin easy with the used of modern technology though. I use my smart phone to record his dot placement for easy wins.
>found it first try.
>wasn't even looking very hard
Morrowind was an interesting experience.
It was like being a drunk tourist in a country full of signs in a different language.
>dodges your 8 tackle zones
Doesn't it do some sort of bullshit where it matches how fast you tap the button so what you do is start out really slow and then speed up quickly?
>it's tolerable if you just record the game
I dont care how easy it is to do that, it just makes me want to play less.
I don't normally get mad at vidya, but for some reason this game makes my blood boil. I guess I can't do calculated risks and dice rolls in my strategy games.
fuck this
I win.
Need that screw attack ninpo.
>yo dog we heard you were tired of dying by any fault that was your own, so have jank geometry land with instant death pits everywhere
It's such a slog to get through but Quelaag is a cool boss.
>windows shatter
>room is now a total vacuum
>candles remain lit
Visceral deserved to die.
in his defense, do they teach you how to crouch jump? Pretty sure most casual gamers don't know crouch jumping is a thing
The amoebas are cancer. I don't know what it is with the Metro series and having missions where you have to sneak into a place with minimal animal and lots of dumb annoying enemies to shoot. Exodus had those stupid worm things that spit on you too.
>pirate game
>install and launch
>command prompt opens for 1 second
>tfw actually enjoy oblivion's lockpicking
I've played severely difficult games in my life. I've finished challenge 6 on Vanquish, I did DMD difficulties in DMC games, I've done plats on Bayo 1, I've done a no-hit run on DaS 1.
But this shit. These two fucking cats, along with that area, are the worst fucking things I have ever experienced. From respawning horses, to 2-cats that requires a 70+ on ADP and good luck doing that alone. Even with summons its difficult because the AI can't keep up with their speed so they're basically bait.
Worst fucking vidya difficulty and this game is riddled with shit like this, but it peaked here
They're also cancer because they'd make the framerate plummet when you needed it the most.
Does it tell you to crouch jump at this part? Serious question. I think I only knew to crouch jump because I saw the DSP TIHYDP.
Who is this?
Any rhythm game section, especially in the Oracle Zelda games. Also, Moosh's flying levels in Oracle games. Fuck both of those.
>get daedra ass scratcher
Yeah me too
Can I get a link?
I don't remember what happened here. Were you supposed to jump on the wooden post?
what was the story of this one? you were supposed to climb this one how?
I'm convinced GFWL was just an elaborate troll.
In Black Mesa when you're escaping the labs at the start of the game you come to some desks and I think a broken air vent blocking your path which pops up a crouch jump tutorial. You have to crouch jump twice in succession before you're allowed to progress.
Yea, you have to get on the post. Common sense would have you jump straight up or from the sides. To get up there you had to jump from the front on the ledge, there is no other jump like this in the game so it was a fuck you moment once you got it.
It's the only time in the entire game that you need to line yourself up under the post and do a manual jump.
I got the "updated" chip.
IIRC, it was positioned in such a way where you had to crouch underneath the post and jump up to reach it. Basically it was the only jump in the game that didn't function like any other. I believe it was near the end of the story as well.
The nights in Dying Light were pretty intense.
I forgot all about this fucking shit
I had my dad do it for me because he was better at mashing
Same thing when I finally got a ps2 I had dad mash for me on God of war
Go back faggot. I know you're trying hard to fit in but DSP has been talked about on this site for years
I didn't have a single crash on either 2033 or Last Light, I don't what the fuck you're talking about.
speaking of God of war
as if any of that matters when the game will throw 3 skulls on your initial roll and your reroll.
Yeah, if you tap slow initially and then speed up you can easily beat it.
This puzzle was fine but for whatever reason the zodiac puzzle is what stumped me.
>pull out grenade launcher
>unload 6 frags in his general direction
gg ez
map kino
I've never felt more justified about giving up on something than this desu, what a truly garbage area.
*door opens
This was a pain in the ass but i felt dumb after i figured it out.
those assassins creed loading screen things where u can walk around in like the void used to scare the shit out of me when i was a kid
Imagine being so retarded you chastise someone for "trying to fit in" while admitting to following e-celebs, pretty much the exact antithesis of Yea Forums culture.
what were they thinking?
The night times were so tense the first 5 days then became a chore to sit through
True PTSD, almost kept me from playing awesome games like 2 and black flag
With these as your partymembers
>they respawn
I will never not be angry
I hate ice levels
>almost kept me from playing awesome games like 2 and black flag
that's from 2 though
oh thanks i was pretty drunk when i played so that explains it
I know it seems silly but this tight, partially submerged area with rotting corpses unnerved my little 13-yo self back in the day.
Is this Bioshock infinite? I never got stuck in that game, played on hard so most difficult parts I remember we're combat-based, quick rundown on this puzzle?
>no sandbird
>the hardest part of the puzzle is the controls
it's a meme because it's braindead
Its the worst. First time i had to use a walkthrough.
Aaaaaah! aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Wait a minute, that card.
Whoops lol, seeing Altair messed my brain up, but I definitely remember getting stuck on this stupid jump and wanting to quit the series because of it
T. Didnt get the joke
hey man i just want to thank you for posting this, honestly. i hadn't read it in many fuckin years and had totally forgotten about it until this thread and it's just as good as i remember. cheers, bud
>All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ!
Lol you had to do it to the beat. Would've been nice if the game informed you on that
Couldn't you just wall run up the side and jump towards the post? Pretty sure that's what I did.
imagine being a newfag who thinks DSP is just some eceleb and not a staple of Yea Forums.
...I...I never was the same...ever again...
Lola Bunny in Space Jam is what sent me down that particular rabbit hole.
Aw shit. That's a blast from the past.
oh my god fuck you for making me remember this.
I'm a successful adult now if anyone ever found out I used to jack off to this....
There's just some things I'll take to my grave.
>fire blast
>blizzard and thunder
Sweet jesus I'm stopping there.
I don't play competitive pokemon but what the fuck is up with this shit. Fucking pokemon stadium
I haven't played this in like 18 years but I still remember the exact way he says it
i can tell you are a man of refined taste
Dont forget, the only pokemon on that fisher's team that doesn't have an insanely obscure way of getting it is also the Pika Cup equivalent to the fucking Death Star.
>what's up gamers today we're gonna go over the top 10 scariest enemies in gaming
>number 10: The Super Mario 64 eel. Mario games are known for their bright colors and cute art style, so why a dev decided to include this nightmare fuel is beyond me. All I know is that every kid who got Mario 64 for Christmas also got a phobia of the deep ocean
>number 9: the piano from Mario 64
was a surprisingly dark and difficult game that you would expect to be for kids
not even that bad
the slab they give you was a great fake out
The AI was absurd on this minigame, and the only time i've ever beaten it i looked like i just got nailed to the fucking cross.
>Your mom will never again walk into the living room and ask why you and all your friends are yelling so loud
Never post my wife again
this whole game is PTSD honestly
wtf the music immediately started playing in my head
It's only bad if you're playing on PC without a controller.
I remember back on GTAForums cira 2004, there was a sticky thread where PC users could upload their save file and someone with a controller would load their game, beat the mission and save their game.
This was before there were many good PC controllers and very few people had one.
To this day Tanya fills my loins with desire like no other.
Actually a really easy expansion.
They should have made the ghost people super resistant to limb damage for extra cancer.
everything in dark souls 2
These little shits
What fucking asshole was the brain behind this?
>Let's make walking jumpscares enemies!
>Yeah, and let's create a maze level that's impossible to navigate AND fill it with these guys!
Also fuck the chink bitch that turned into a snake monster.
Cant you just get the jet boots?
Vidya buyer's remorse was more like it
fucking hated every time I had to go down here
>Lt.Col. Kilgore
>the multi kick attack that shoots automatically each kick
>delete the motherfuckers
this one really isn't so bad once you realize you don't have to jackhammer or spam it, just push as often as you need to keep the lead and boost ahead at the end because she'll catch up to you no matter what
I never understood why so many people apparently are (were?) scared of the piano, it barely does anything at all!
I actually kind of liked that puzzle
I fucking died here more than against most of the bosses.
>implying it's not the best mission
I've had IP installed for months now, but every time I think about playing replaying it, I remember THIS fucking flashback and feel sick. Even the fucking rigmarole climax at the end is more fun to play than that shit.
>also the amoebas at the end of metro 2033, non redux
I always just did this.
>not final UC2 bossfight on Crushing
looks comfy
Was this the mission that introduced the crystalids? I thought that mission was easy.
Maybe it was their first real gaming spook. Those really stick with you, and everyone has one. Mine was Milla's room in Psychonauts.
>tfw watching comfy detractor videos after a long day
I love love love ffxii but I hate hate hate hate hate rabanastres theme and the entire beginning of the game
I don't know if they're introduced, but you're basically supposed to go to one side of the level then go back to the beginning. But on the way back like 20 of those fuckers spawn and you have a time limit.
I always remember trying for far too long attempting to get up to that fucking post using the usual methods, and always without success.
I believe I got to the point where I may have run a google query to see if there was something I was missing.
>oh I see, that one jump mechanic I never fucking use ever.
>we didn't listen
its shamu
>attacking bridge as germans
>easy cap
>attacking as russians
It's at roughly the halfway point
what gaem this?
fak, this literally stumped me for 10 minutes. I had never played asscreed before and got this free on 360.
Thanks DSP
The reason why I never finished the game but I didn't know you could actually kill the things producing those blobs. Wasn't too crazy about the at that point and think STALKER is leagues better.
>mfw spent two hours on it
>end up getting it right after mindlessly moving things around while watching tv
thanks user
Any gyro puzzle on BOTW. If you even shake a little, its all over
the fucking rain in that game is enough to qualify as ptsd
>nukes australia
You did nothing wrong.
t. Shitposter
It's not hard. But for whatever reason I just forget how to to this one part every single time I've played through the game.
and the fact that there are 900 korok seeds. It's pretty much a PTSD to whoever tries to 100% this
I will still never understand how people found this thing hard. Boost Guardian I can understand. Alpha Blogg, sure. But this? I don't get it.
How the fuck do you even get over that? Looks impossible. Glitch?
I've never felt so stupid. I still can't do it without a guide.
and he beat every fucking DS game + BB
no excuse faggots
how were you supposed to kill the flying geonosians while your squad mates fiddled with this control panel? shit was impossible and I haven't played since. The ammo constraints are just too much
Surprised you didn't post a pic of one of the hundred enemies with a rock bottom soul drop chance
>curse of the blind
>cursed eye
Holy shit this looks obnoxious as hell
>show up with the Expert's Ring
>completely break this sequence
What is that from? Is that the remake?
i unironically love blighttown now. it's not that bad
he did everything right it wasn't his fault. nothing he could do
Eh, I never really had any problems with the blockheads.
Now, those motherfucking digging minigames however... they are the sole reason I will never replay Okami.
you're not gonna know that on a first playthrough, though
The Dragun is pretty easy though. His worst part is challenge mode.
> childhood me too stupid to notice that the other tube had been broken
lost for days
Wasn't it also literally in the demo?
*shutters open*
Just end me
>He didn't skip it via the valley of drakes or the thief key
I can't believe the amount of retards that didn't knew the Mako had a cannon gun.
>those 2 praets that show up
>if you use your heavy ammo on one you won't have enough for the other so it zooms up next to you and buttfucks you
ME had some tough moments
my memory is fuzzy but I recall these cylinders on the walkway that would explode once shot and made sniper positions for your squad.
This is a lie, that barrel in Sonic 3 is a legit example of bad game design.
The fact that people think it's a puzzle is proof enough of this.
This area is burning into my mind but I can't remember why.
It'd be fine if it didn't have the technical issues, and if the bon fire at the base was easier to find. Your first time to the bottom of that area you can very easily end up running around that poison swamp and never find the thing until you die. It's some straight up bullshit and some really shit level design considering that aspect.
the music didn't helped.
Fuck that thing, I had to get my cousin to do this for us
>throw shit on myself
>immune to toxic niggas
obviously fallout, but what is this?
Vault 11
The Mako isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be, at least in the first game.
You're why nobody gives a shit about people with expectations and just market and pander to retarded casuals.
DSP has always been posted on Yea Forums. Quit trying to fit in on an anonymous board if you don't know the first thing about it.
>If you point out an oversight then you're a casual
People will call you a newfag for not understanding a reference to something that happened a week ago, and it's cuz the average user on Yea Forums is still in highschool now.
By some miracle of God I managed to beat this without realizing I could kill the spawn pods. Had to quit twice to chill out though.
Where I stopped playing after finally realizing I wasn't ever going to be playing the next gen Star Fox game I was hoping for and was going to be stuck with a shitty boring uninteresting Zelda knock off.
Fuck you. I spent two fucking hours on one of those duets and i actually started to get lightheaded because nothing would work
I thought this was funny as hell 10 years ago but now I just think this guy's a faggot.
Reread my comment until you understand it because that's the exact opposite of what I was saying.
Legends has such a good soundtrack.
I don't remember what was so hard about this, but it always kicked my ass as a kid.
>waltz in with a mag and a half for my uzi and no AK ammo on Crushing
stop family don't remind me
If that's really the opposite of what you meant, then I sincerely hope English isn't your first language.
>playing through this on hard
>get to this part
>they can destroy half the library before you even reach it
This shit is so hilariously poorly balanced.
The final mission is worse, were you have to capture Leah and can play as Darth Vader. I remember killing an enemy with every single blast from my engineer shotgun and it still wasn't enough to cut through all the rebels in front of me, I somehow had to just push through them and tag Leah before the rebels slaughtered all my soldiers.
Doesn't Black Mesa have a built in macro that always makes you crouch jump?
Man that whole game was kinda creepy especially with the lizard men and symbiotes.
As soon as you sit, many sentrybots and turrets come out and fuck your anus
It's not really even worth killing them because it's such a pain in the ass and they respawn the next day. You're supposed to escort two or three survivors through this area but if you take a really long round about way they don't see you iirc
You can repair them
Absolutely based
>game mechanic that isn't mentioned in the instructions and is never used prior to this or after it, across any single Sonic game
>the previous barrels you can get through by just jumping and using momentum
>people defend this
They're FUTURISTIC SPACE CANDLES you numbskull!
I have yet to beat it to this day. I don't even know how to use cheats, they literally don't work.
welcome to the boards, newfriend, i hope you'll enjoy your stay!
Mission is a nightmare going in blind. But replays of it are a total blast.
I never knew this.
Still, seems hard to do with Jedi's jumping around. I'll try it the next time I play the game.
Forgot my god damn pic
Seriously, I'm gonna redownload it and try again later tonight
The eel is way overblown, it's cartoony looking as hell and outside of when it first comes out of its tunnel it just swims around like you're not even there. I bet the people who exaggerate about the eel are the same people who think Clanker is terrifying, when he's the same kind of cartoon "scary" only he actively begs you for help and thanks you for it.
Oh shit, you too?
There's literally no game in existence more rage inducing than Blood Bowl.
I play the tabletop version with my gf and she's reduced to tears nearly every game
I think the red rc plane from gta4(?) Was harder
>Playing anything past blood money
You were supposed to escort these stupid ass walkers weren't you? They were fucking slow and died instantly.
Fuck you
What's wrong with this part, you can just throw a phoenix down or whatever on the president after he transforms and one shot him.
>playing blood money
>he doesn't like triple triad
honestly, the only challenging part are the blue coins and all you have to do is wait, other than that, grabbing the tail one first is instant easy mode
Your lack of reading comprehension isn't evidence that I'm ESL, ESL.
Is this black mesa? I remember that part from half-life but I don't recognize those graphics.
Why does this look so shitty, it looks like a PS2 game.
Didn't have any problem with any other part of the game. But this mother fucker, holy shit.
>alpha centauri
I see you are a man of culture as well.
weird that they never ask you to do that move anywhere else but I actually used it in other places before
>following the train like a busta
>not jumping onto the train and emptying your micro SMG into some Vagos like a true OG
double PTSD if trying to keep the captain alive
>I got the "updated" chip.
>He didn't listen to alex jones
It was open world fun at the time, like real contracting instead of say 2 where it's like a linear storyline.
I'm looking at it with nostalgia goggles though, honestly haven't thought about it in decades.
I was just so upset by how poorly done one of the last ones on 360 was and seeing this microtransaction tier episodic arcade stuff is just embarrassing imo.
The newer 360 game just crashed all the time and corrupted saves as if that were a feature!
I also died a lot, until I realized all you had to do was walk to them and roll. Fat fuck and Fast Fuck, got me hard tho.
I remember doing this as a kid, bouncing this and getting it to the beach instantly.
I can't believe I thought the gate of illusion was bad
I still ree every time I play and this happens
imagine doing this as tremere, and they don't give you any blood.
>in the year if our Lord 2019
>still hating dsp
why does it get everyone
>not even champion's covenant
How fucking normie can you get?
The dock mission in Jak 2
>he used the hover nozzle while jumping
>mfw me and my brother tried to beat this by passing to each other in the middle of the trial so the other could rest
how much am I missing out by not finishing this?
got to this underground cave section? and stopped.
Shit taste confirmed
Only thing in the thread that qualifies. I straight up has to restart the game from scratch because he just pushed my shit in in 2 turns regardless of what I did. I had to spend my entire game prior to that point preparing and planning specifically for Weigraf.
To this day I still, still, STILL max out Lancer asap just so I can get past Weigraf and have at least one jacked Ninja with ignore height for roof of Riovannes
and nearly had to do it again for Elmdor + Celia + Lede on the roof
It did in the first game at some point. I was privy to the move you’re supposed due to playing AC1, so I had no issue. It’s also a huge mechanic in the Prince of Persia games.
Reminder that the sequel, for some reason, is still under development, for almost a decade and half. I recently pirated a copy of it just out of curiosity since I found out it was still being developed. Holy hell 90% of the characters still have place holder text for their dialogue. The game even changed design a few times. Its still running in fucking flash. The UI is inconsistent as different scenes will have completely different interfaces and mechanics. Then I found out it actually makes money still on Patreon. Its shit like this that makes one really tempted to become a furry artist.
You run up the wall on the right and then wall jump left.
unoriginal but I still remember how much my hands were shaking when i finally completed it
In my opinion the red plane from gta4(?) Was harder
Furry art is probably the most lucrative business one can do and it doesn't even require that much talent. You don't have to be that good, or even particularly talented at all, and you could be charging 30 dollars for a shitty, uncleaned sketch that took you maybe an hour to do all while sitting in the comfort of your own home. The more ridiculous the fetishes you take for commissions the more you can charge for stuff that doesn't even take a whole lot of effort.
Of course you're basically selling your soul and turning yourself into a prostitute of sorts, but money is money.
this shit was straight up scary
Flying missions in the GTA series are guaranteed hell no matter what.
If you have ninja+counter its easy as shit. You attack him first turn, heal, then attack again. He goes down, you're almost dead and then you spend your free turn running away and healing.
realizing the cube was never going to have a good exclusive FPS game
How man? You can pick these with your eyes closed. It's all about the sound it makes when you hit one up.
Beating a dead horse here.
Yeah true
The one in San Andreas with the RC airplane was worse by miles
>walk over hill and talk to some dudes
>lmao bro watch out for blood suckers
>take 5 steps away from their camp
fuck those invisible rape goblins
>dude spend 3 scientists and loads of time for a meme story with a shit ending
Fucking hell what a letdown. Getting a black hole in your home system is kinda cool though
It should be criminal how hard this game is at times for a first play through.
My pp make yogurt
You deserved what you got to be honest. The con was pretty blatant.
>not just punching a bitch
What's with all the npcs complaining? Just lay down mines and you'll be based.
This fucking part of FFX, I don't care how easy it is to complete these days. Just the annoyance of having to do this when I was a kid still resonates with me today.
The only time I literally broke a controller in rage...
Jak 2 had a lot of these kinds of PTSD inducing missions.
Is this lego Dead Space on the Switch?
>get so into it that I completely forget to blink for a painful amount of time
>phase 3
I raise you 1 cat
>It is a cup for low level Pokémon between level 15 to level 20. The sum of the levels of the three Pokémon chosen cannot be more than 50. Technically, all Pokémon except for Mewtwo and Mew are eligible to enter. However, getting strong Pokémon at that low of a level can get quite complicated. While some are catchable at low levels in certain versions (e.g. level 15 Dragonair in Pokémon Yellow), others are more complex and involve trading with in-game Trainers, then trading these Pokémon to different in-game Trainers in different games. Coincidentally, many of these involve Pokémon Yellow.
Yeah that's a fair deal of bullshit to jump through to truly optimize, especially when considering in RBY's effort value equivalent. Interesting workarounds if someone really wants to beat it though, especially with GSC tradebacks.
Meanwhile in PBR you're fucked on the final fight if you had Diamond version since it's basically an Ubers Drizzle team.
Thats when I stopped playing that game.
What the fuck are you supposed to do about this niggers? They harm you just because they get near to you and are bullet sponges.
>I've finished challenge 6 on Vanquish, I did DMD difficulties in DMC games, I've done plats on Bayo 1, I've done a no-hit run on DaS 1.
Those are all easy though? Except the ds no hit run. That takes autism.
>The developers are STILL trying to make an actual sequel and keep reiterating
most fun haunted mansion in a vidya
>uses Latios in both versions
This is triggering me.
Mewtwo could also be replaced with Deoxys or something on one version.
A lot of it is also crouch jumping just being a thing that was ingrained in PC player's muscle memory. It was hardly ever explained because you just did it. It's fallen out of style thanks to consoles mostly so there's a clear devide between old fags who do it automatically and newfags who've never heard of the concept.
these fuckers are the reason you can't really go full speech on VTMB, you need to allocate some points to weapons otherwise it's fucking hell
This is really evil game design
>can't exit worlds until you reach funky
>funky is 5 levels in
>can't save until you reach candy
>candy is 4 levels in
And then the levels themselves
>barrel gimmick stage with snow obscuring the screen (shortcut is well hidden)
>sliding rope gimmick stage
>relatively normal level with a complete asshole guarding the final jump
>underwater level with enemies that chase you
I have no trouble with it no but as a kid is was quite a barrier
>le NPC meme
also, nobody expected a wall of securitrons you dong
>Vanquish challenge 6
didn't his viewers invade his games and drop end game items since he was unable to progress multiple times?
hello I am the worst thing about my game.
fuck you for making me remember this shit asshole
I'm surprised pic related hasn't been said as a recent PTSD trip
How is Black Mesa?
Path of Pain is an optional, hidden area. You don't have to go there, and only people who like ridiculous challenges choose to attempt it.
Neat as a complete overhaul of HL but only a fool would treat it as a replacement for the original.
Path of pain is easy as fuck
I'm easy as fuck
>stealth DSP thread turns into genuine discussion
ok well here's this guy that got me at midnight with my headphones turned up all the way
But Xen is fucking garbage in the original and Black Mesa's looks like a direct upgrade
not really, I seen many threads called vidya PTSD end up the same.
>enemy agro range is farther than their render range
>enemies are ranged and hit like trucks
>player is stuck in water that slows them down
>ranged enemies are backed up by melee units that rush the player and aren't effected by the water
The shrine was legit straight up bullshit.
Lakebed Temple from Twilight Princess
>dull water level
>slow underwater movement
>boring music
More boring than ptsd
Back when the fucking Soul Dew was basically a free Calm Mind, too. Deoxys is seen once in an earlier set.
No but there's a notorious save bug with exodus. My first time playing it I got 6 hours in before realizing I couldn't save, nor had the game saved at all in the time I've been playing it. And I had to start over.
Basically as long as you have the ability to recognize black mesa doesn't erase half life from existence you're good.
It's a skill that most of Yea Forums seems to lack when it comes to remakes and remasters.
isn't it the only hold item that's flat out banned ingame?
haven't played this game, but 2A + B?
Yes, easy. You would know that if you've played the game.
It's non-functional in Battle Tower, Gen V pretty sure had some similar limitations.
Damn you suck lol
Is this mem or what? Shrine was hard but definitely not harder than many other areas. The only really hard thing about it was the last part before the boss but you still can just pass it off without fighting.
>Most humans can only memorise 6 points of data in 3 seconds, but Blockhead Grande requires 8. The feeling like gears slipping in one's head while trying to remember the points is a result of attempting something the brain physically cannot do. Most people will only be able to beat Blockhead Grande when a significant number of the early points form a distinct shape.
Honey, I have news for you-
>have nothing but good memories of DaS1, even of some of the bullshit parts
>having nothing but bad memories of 2
Shrine got nerfed in like the first patch
Fuck you, I am stuck on this.
Most encounters in this game seem to be "CHEESE AND BULLSHIT HARDER THAN THE GAME TO WIN"
Fuck me, one encounter I kept taking characters outside the combat area by a free ladder to heal them.
Buu Fury was especially hard to me because I didn't knew you could level up the character stats
Probably too late to post this now but here it is.
i thought crouching was pushing your torso down
Fuck the frame rate holy Christ it was horrible. Mosquitoes are a bitch too
For me it was W4rd3n, fuck constructors in general
>jumps once
>shield gone, health at 0.05%
Have you played the newest one. Its basically like blood money and its really good. This coming from a guy who has played a shit ton of blood money.
That was easy tho
i never beat baldur's gate because i got stuck on the dwarven doom guards in the expansion. i did everything else except the end of the main quest and expansion.
got used to him after a while, always looked for a green jakobs sniper rifle at the start and kept corner peeking him for free crits and huge damage
>be me, playing Metroid Prime in its prime
>progressing fairly quickly
>finally get to Phendrana Drifts
>area is fucky and I don't know how to navigate it
>finally start making my way around
>first encounter with the baby sheegoth
Yeah I learned to do that too after he DROPPED A THOUSAND HOMING MISSILES ON ME
Thank god you can boost to 30 now and start TVHM with some decent guns
ME1 music was peak sci-fi music
>Reach this part
>One of my characters had exclusively fire and earth spells
Scared the shit out of me when I was 5. It’s not scary now. However Mario Odyssey’s eel is truly nightmare fuel
I downloaded a mod to turn off the collar and gas otherwise I would have never finished it. What a dogshit expansion
eh no, they are saying buu-urns, buu-urns
I fucking love Half Life.
>Wrap + Toxic team on Round 2
HAL must have had a field day doing some of these.
So let's hit up some real fucking ball torture.
European extreme MGS2 was the thinking man's suicide note, causing mental symptoms and I've never gone back, why?
>Easy enough: If you get spotted out of specific sequences where you're supposed to be spotted: You die.
>You have an extremely limited supply of healing and ammunition items. This essentially chalks down to "You have maybe one chance to fuck up and sometimes you don't even have that" But honestly these days that's normal fare in a lot of games and in older games it's practically generous.
>Boss fights:
>Fortune now double-taps a fucking railgun. Spend the entire sequence in tightly controlled cartwheels or instantly die, also the timer is longer.
>Fatman is a fucking nightmare. You MUST start the process of defusing his bombs before the fucking timer for them is started or you will simply have no hope of avoiding explosions because the globular ball of EOD suit has slinky-skated his way up your snake eater and filled it with fucking lead.
>Sometimes fatman will deploy so many bombs it is essentially a doomed run unless you place yourself in exteremely precarious positions where there's a high chance you will just die from diabetes by extreme proximity proxy.
>The harrier fight is actually alright.
>The Vamp fight is not alright. Nothing about it is alright.
>The escorting of emma over the pontoon is so not alright I actually have a mental block and can't remember ANY of it in my head. I did it, I know I did it because I know the next horrible parts of this fucking difficulty level, but I can't tell you SHIT about it.
>Join up with the legendary solid snake in metal gear arsenal and discover this has turned from a buddy battle into a terrifying escort mission for a paper snake magnetically and tragically attracted to bullets and swords.
>35 metal gear ray battle and they simply do not care to fight you one at a time. They will literally get in each other's way to drop knee-rockets. Fuck me.
Ah, I thought he was referring to how Kid Buu always seems to be an SNK boss in DBZ games
I thought i was the only one who played this game. Nice!
it's gen 1 so if they out speed you or use thunder wave, wrap/fire spin is infinite and you can't do shit unless they miss somehow.
I refuse to believe this is real. That's just his internet persona, right? Right?
Is Solidus harder too?
In Stadium you can still switch out during Fire Spin/Wrap/Clamp can't you?
So funny story, I don't remember. My brother came in and found me laughing while doing it so maybe?
That's not for effect, I spent the better part of a day just dying to fatman, this shit damaged me. I know have a pathological distaste for going past my comfort zone of difficulty.
Looks like a frog showing you its asshole from the thumbnail.
you got a nipple stand!
Fuck almost everything about this game, but this part in particular
My 10 year old brain couldn't handle it
>those symbols tho
I dread every playthrough of God Hand because this guy. not even Tiger Joe fucks me so bad. Every time I face this dude he completely tears me a new asshole.
I've never watched DSP before this. Suddenly, all the memes about him make sense.
I played vanilla on release and I don't really remember much difference. Projectiles surely hit hard but they were slow as fuck and also could be easily deflected with a shield.