Why do chinks put more soul into Pokemon than the original creators?
Why do chinks put more soul into Pokemon than the original creators?
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Gamefreak are pathetic holy shit
Dose copyright not exist in china or something?
Because they're fans.
Did no one tell those dogs to try only going in a corner
>Dose copyright not exist in china
It does not
What game is that?
>keep spamming some shitty chinese knockoff with stolen animations
So whats the endgame? Whats wrong with you?
And yet joe merrick will continue to argue that we shouldn’t be upset about sword and shield
To make us demand more from Game Freak
Social media is doing it to shove it up Gamefreak’s ass that they are L-A-Z-Y
it does, but they have the backing of the government
Show him ORAS Wingull flying
Still waiting where those animations are stolen from.
I gotta know the story behind this image
Make me.
where the fuck were the owners?
>stolen animations
From where?
Fucking stop this, OP. Game freak is just a widdle indie company twying their best, stop.
I know you're trying to stir up shit, but the Chinese didn't put any effort into this lol.
They stole the fucking animations from Pokemon Ga-Ole.
Gamefreak hasn't kept up with the times since they exclusively made mobile games for 20 years.
Don't know if I should blame it on laziness or incompetence at this point,
OP, time to commit sudoku.
they dont even have 100 pokemon and only use a handful of moves
>game freak didnt do that
>used shit animation instead
No matter how often you keep on repeating it Joe, iot won't make it magically come true. It's time to accept just how lazy GF really is.
Back off.
>gamefreak didn't make that
>those models and animations were avcailable the whole time
>neither GF nor creatures ever tough about simply using them
No matter how you twist it around, it just makes them look worse.
seething shillémon fags
These threads keep getting spammed, and i still havent seen anyone actually get the game to work. None of the apks given work.
picrel is pokenigs right now
>make the first thread about this on Yea Forums today
>some other fag starts his thread with OHNONONONO a few hours later and it reaches bump limit while mine dies at 140 posts
fuck you
Both of you should kill yourselves for being soulless NPC subhumans.
They're not using them because there's only a select number of Pokemon in Ga-Ole and they're only using one move apiece.
>Developer:Takara Tomy A.R.T.S./Marvelous
Daaamn game freak should have outsourced their animations.
>soulless NPC subhumans.
sounds like pokefags
You realize this game only has 60 pokemon, while the arcade game had more than that released in sets over time right? Just the first series alone of the arcade has about 50 pokemon, and there are currently 16 series.
IIRC China does not recognize the copyright laws of foreign governments. It might have something to do with the Tiananmen Square Massacre June 4, 1989
I hate GF, I just hate this narrative that China did something original.
lol no
It works, check your bank account in a few days.
wtf i love china now