Is it really as good as people say?
Is it really as good as people say?
Yes. I would say so.
It's pretty good, yeah.
take a chance and find out
It's a fun game for mature gamers
Fc sounds hella gay
good riddance nigger
You're hella gay.
LA-HEE, o great serpent.
god damn bros just leveled scholar from lvl 15 to 52
Holy shit is he on crystal? I think ive seen that guy before
Hope you called him a retarded faggot on his way out of the discord.
Ok bro. Thanks for sharing.
>2.5 gcd
I just finished the MSQ and fuck yes i'd say its even better than people say.
post Ilberd
Is my game glitched or does gnb really not get anything at 66?
This is why I sit happily in my own FC by myself.
should i spend time leveling field and tradecraft?
So much shit is off gcd now you are almost never waiting for the gcd
only if you want to/like to do it. but its not needed for anything unless you really want money fast.
What the fuck was up with the two jester girls from Eulmore? Why did the small scene of one of them turning to look specifically at the WoL make it into trailers, whereas it seems to mean nothing in game? And why do they just get destroyed so easily by Alphy and us?
I'm just starting Stormblood. What am I in for lads?
If you enjoy doing them. Crafting is pretty fun in this game compared to most, with its own little mini game. But its real time intensive and you wont make money unless you level all of them.
king's honor friend
well its a trailer, its good that they dont put only spoilery things in.
Yeah, there are quite a few gaps in skills now. GNB also gets nothing at 74 and 78, DNC gets nothing at 64.
obviously tataru is an ascian and was just using the body as a puppet
They were qt as fuck, that's why they were in the trailers.
A lot of jobs have gaps from 50-80 not just GUK
It's not fucking good your character is a fucking cuckold bitch he doesn't fuck any thing he's a fucking virgin loser he lose every fucking fight because the devs are microdick jap cuckolds
hatred for your 'friend' and love for your frenemy.
Sin Eater Meltigemini trial in 5.3, please rook forward to it
I got too cocky bro... kill me before I fully turn...
go to balmung and fuck some trannies if you care so much
Get fucked
Revolution, getting beaten up by Zenos, and a hot Doman turbo bitch
I won't let you die bro! The Mhigger of Darkness will save us!
lillies are basically shittier aetherflow right? unless im missing something?
Fuck you I don't fuck trannies bitch that why it's fucking retarded Yoshi P focus on fucking tranny eb shit he fucking won't give WoL npc girls to fuck because he's a microdick trannyfucker
The story is absolute horseshit. WoL literally does nothing and the final boss is defeated by Thancred.
I fucking WISH I was kidding.
But the class overhauls have been fun for everything except SMN and WHM. So it depends what you play for, I guess.
waitwaitwaitwait hol up - if eulmorefags give up all their shit to be free citizens, how does reeq's parents have endless gil?
They just let you cast free versions of Cure II and Medica, and after doing it 3 times you can use a 900 potency damage nuke. So probably better than aetherflow since we don't even have a single damaging move from those.
You're right it's fucking bullshit
just play the job with a 1.7s GCD then.
what's wrong with WHM?
Why was Thordan such a joke?
>Forgiven Sloppiness
eh, all he did was shove the aethercite thing's shards in his face. and even when the scions did the whole spirit bomb thing that still wasnt enough until WoL+1 charged the kamehameha
what? they literally only changed lillies for the better the old shit was boring as fuck
Would they have the guts to let WoL EB their favorite NPC for XIV's final expansion?
thordan was built for level synced extremes
>old man thats never actually fought gains superpowers that does not extend to int
>expects to faceroll everything with his p2w powers
>panics when it doesnt immediately work and starts imitating his vague memory of swordfighting
Not really, he and the other scions helped after you brought him to desperation but then Hades ripped the auracyte out of himself anyway and you had to finish him off with the power of your bro's axe made light
get fucked parsetranny
imagine caring about parses this much, yikes my frog friend
what's the difference between dancers and bards?
dancers suck my dick better
That implies FFlogs were ever good
Bards can't buff others anymore and Dancer's DPS alone is shit.
You're actually a fucking idiot and I bet you're the same person who complains about Thancred almost killing himself to barely hold out against Ranjit before the WoL beats him 10 minutes later without breaking a sweat.
Thancred distracted Hades, which allowed the other Scions to restrain him, which allowed WoL to land the decisive blow with Ardbert's axe. The WoL can't and shouldn't be able to do everything on his own. That was one of the main themes of Shadowbringers. All that happened was the scions finally stepped up and earned their places at WoL's side. No one stole your thunder, you insecure faggot.
>Bards can't buff others anymore
what's the point then? they just buff themselves? what the fuck
i mean, isn't it just fetch quests until you can do a dungeon where you'll spam the same rotation over and over to get a hat that makes you strong enough to do the next fetch quests that unlock a dungeon that will give you another hat
i guess if you find that worth a full game price + monthly fee then sure
>what is battle voice
do you fuckin idiots even play the game?
Sounds like every video game ever
I've never played a mmo before, is it possible to enjoy this if I don't have any friends?
I mean, isn't [your favourite game] just pressing buttons until you reach milestone X so you can press some more buttons until you reach milestone X+1 to press more buttons to reach milestons X+2?
If you find that worth $60 then I guess it's worth it.
once you get to heavensward sure, everything before the first expansion is shit and dont let any of the retards here tell you otherwise. the game is a jrpg first and mmo second
>I've never played a mmo before
No problem, most casual friendly MMO out there
> is it possible to enjoy this if I don't have any friends?
Yes, it plays like a single player with a multiplayer flavour, but I suggest you to make some in game at least. it's an MMO not a single player
>the final boss is defeated by Thancred.
No. Everything the Scions do, Hades undoes. He's pulled all the Auracite shards out of himself and advancing on them unhindered. They might as well not have done anything, honestly. The WoL is the one who beats him by expelling the light they absorbed.
If you're going to give credit to someone other than WoL it would be Ardbert.
Yes, it's basically a single player game with forced multiplayer sections which you barely if ever need to talk to anyone during
They also removed Aero 3, meaning WHM only has 1 source of DoT, which is single-target. It's made the class a lot less involved at CC, and it wasn't complex to begin with.
I think he's right, find a videogame genre that's it not what you and he described
I made friends through the game who I now play other games with as well.
Just join a guild (preferably one with people with similar interests as yours) git gud and don't turn people down when they ask you to do shit. Statics fall apart and need to find replacements all the time, and eventually you'll find one that clicks.
you what? just spam holy until you get a blood lily and blow your load all over a pack of mobs
anyone on exodus know a freecompany like this i could get an invite too? everyone i get invited to is discord tranny teir
so for monk would you switch to fists of wind only during riddle of fire? or could you just stay in riddle of wind the entire time?
Wow I had no idea, ill give it a shot then. Thank you.
god i wish that were me
old and busted
Paladin or Warrior, bros? I have my WAR at 50, with my GLD at 26 (dungeon leveling is making the grind pretty fast). They're both super fun, and thematically cool. I just cant decide between them =(
Level both
Paladin is an actual final fantasy job
Warrior is shit
PLDs are chads
WARs are cucks
DRKs are patricians read: lolicons
GNBs are beta orbiters
It's your choice.
>you a get a free level 80 when you level scholar or summoner
what the fuck bros? why is this a thing?
I can only speak for Paladin, but it's very fun as it gets higher level. Feels very magic sub-healer tanky
Their quests are both garbage so neither
lmao get a load of this guy
That's kind of the point
>why is this a thing?
Because they liked the idea of divergent class>job evolution back in 2.0 then realised it was a nightmare so never did it again
left over from 2.0
May as well take advantage of it while you can even though scholar is dead
>no Templar tank from Lancer class
Shield and Lance is kino. So many opportunities lost
It's canon, man, sorry
It comes with the territory of being so braindead frothing at the mouth retarded that it becomes a source of power
is Twintania a good server to start on? i want minimal/no trannies or furryfaggots
Any FC that sounds like a Yea Forums thread would be fucking obnoxious cringe. You people are the actual faggots.
Yes yes very good WoL, however...
Match 3 puzzle games
Reminder not to stick it in the twins if you're not a giraffe, halfbreeds like Hilda look terrible
>No quarterstaff job because DRGs get one from a shitty chink promo
>No hammer job because WARs got one
>No separate curved swords/straight swords jobs even though katanas and rapiers get to be distinct weapons
>No corsair because we already have jobs that use swords, guns, and knives
this sucks man
It's the only open server on Light which is the preferable EU datacenter (read: less french players)
I feel like GNB is kinda busted in PVP...
yfw [Call him by his name]
Why is all the FFXIV porn shit?
where the fuck is the good stuff?
I've never had this much fun with an mmo. I played wow from vanilla to mists and this is better than the best of any of that. Just did extreme Titania and innocence and look forward to farming them until the new raid. The story was also amazing.
>no ass
>not even hips
What a cute cat
What’s the best paid cosmetic?
I would buy Lightning’s gear but I made a male character
>Buying from the cash shop
what's an "open server"?
That's not what happened at all. Did you pay attention to ANY of the story?
Wailing Spirit
>People can't tell that you're making fun of the pajeet shitposter
You've earned this (You).
war is always the answer
I legit teared up when he did at the end after the last trial
if they ever add npc dating like they hinted at ages ago I hope they add him for female pcs
Yet you were ok with it when an AST would pad your ass, as with ninja too. Fuck off.
already have a PLD, DRK or WAR?
redpill me on tanking. im really dumb and i feel like i'd fuck up because i cant lead for shit and dont have enough memory to know the layout of the hundreds and hundreds of dungeons.
A server you can actually make characters on
drk because clone and its THE job of this expansion
also their bloodspiller is pretty much a fell cleave spam at this point
Do you have an aoe button?
Is there more than one enemy?
If yes Aoe, If no single target
Face enemies away from group, if enemy has attack that hits behind/side position enemy accordingly
Tanks being difficult is a meme
just be yourself bro
>for female pcs
Not when he's sharing those looks and "my inspiration"s with my melezen
its braindead easy at this point and for regular dungeons you just need to know one thing; pull everything to wall
There are like 3 dungeons you need to remember
>Dzemael Darkhold
>Aurum Vale
Every other dungeon is a straight line
Tanking is otherwise the same as DPSing
Now? When pulling a mob, use your ranged attack to pull the group and then use your AoE to lock it down. When doing big pulls, just keep going in a direction and if you keep finding mobs, you're going in the right direction. Also it is worth noting that all the faggotry you see from other players is cherry picked and by and large the community's pretty welcoming and helpful if you're making a genuine effort to improve. Yea Forums is not a good sample size to go by, so don't be afraid to ask in game.
total newbee here, when you level crafting jobs via leves, what do they request from you? you need to actually craft shit? since I'm on the trial I have no access to the marketplace, will that make the whole thing much more uncomfortable and difficult to grind crafting jobs?
They request items in your level range that are craftable. It's relatively painless early on since most of the ingredients you need can be bought from vendors.
Don't craft in FFXIV if you are sane.
Each leve has a set item it will request, turning in a HQ item will give much more xp. Early on most turn-ins can be bought from vendors so it's basically just buying xp.
Male Duskwight MNK main reporting for duty!
What was this about? I remember seeing her side eye us, but no one ever talked about it.
It's largely overated to hell and back. People called ARR the salvation of the game but its complete Ass, and now they're playing off Emet Selech as being some fantastic villain when he was just "You scum should all die so my people can live REEEEEEE" and the ham-fisted asspull of your player character being the super special 14th secret Ascian.
The story is well executed, but its pants on head retarded.
They were references to Zorn and Thorn from FF9, that's really it.
Pray, elucidate unto me thine belligerancy once more, youth...
Erstwhile, while thou hast frittered thine days away in indolence, mine own excellence hath soared higher than the peaks of Sohm Ahl, nay, to the very vaults of the heavens themselves!
From the collegiate of Baldesion, to the deepest reaches of Garlemald, fifteen-score men have I lain low, with the grace and skill of chirurgeons of legend, and all the rancor of the Primals and their beastmen subjugate.
Thou art yet but one more fetid soul to rend unto Oblivion.
Verily, the wrath I have yet to bear upon thine personage will be found even within the tomestones of ancient Allag, so great will thine suffrance be of mine ire, that even time itself will disobey its casual flow and rescribe history forthwith; Hearken to me, cur.
Thine words reach mine ears and they resolve into naught but coyness, replete of filth and ignorance.
Thine puissant scribework, as grotesque as an unmasked Goblin.
Pray, and speak true, dost thou truly believe thineself equal to mine own personage? Nay.
Ere long, mine compatriots shall away and arrive user to thine dwelling, fire and fury in their breasts, steel bared, and cantrip upon the ready.
Thou'rt doomed, wastrel; even The Mothercrystal weeps for what shall befall thee.
Nay, not even the Twelve themselves shall shelter thee from mine ardor, and even the Ascians will decry my cruelty whenceforth issued.
Such will be mine wrath, that it shall bring about the true Eighth Umbral Calamity.
Thy glibness hath only wrought ire and fury, and not even the Warrior of Light will be able to save you from mine.
For I hath drawn forth the cards of eld, and thine fortunes spelt plain.
Thou'rt fucked, churl.
nothing, it was just awkward timing
You forgot Haukke, and Dzemael doesn't really have much to remember
Good riddance retarded faggot
Most maps are simple, just remember to face the enemies away from the party, don't move the enemies unnecessarily, and use your cooldowns
Eh, either way it's a small handful of ARR dungeons
Except for Aurum Vale
When going for the new aethersands do I want to meld max gathering or the other one?
I never come across french players on Lich, the server is filled with fritz
Okay fellow Amaurots we should debate whether katanas are a weapon worthy to exist in creation.
>WoL is usually standing somewhere next to Urianger in cutscenes
>my character has the same hair and, I'm 99% sure, the same exact skin color so we just look like another set of twins
Yeah, I'm on Lich too, I'm saying Light is preferable to Chaos because all the baguettes are on Chaos. But out of the servers on Light, only Twintania is usually open, so it's the only option to avoid baguettes on EU atm
Isn't WAR the worst tank now?
Worst damage, worst mitigation and all?
Did you forget this?
based midlander paladin
you can easily pull everything in that first room you just need to stagger your cds and have dps that know to spam aoe
in fact its probably much easier to do now since no tp to worry about
>tfw want to get into crafting/gathering but there still isn't a better way to level gatherers than just grinding leves until 50.
Fuck, guess I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet. It won't be that bad I'm sure.
>not ast
>not nin lining up his sneak attack to benefit a single person's rotation
>not adjusting your whole strat so 1 person can just fight a dummy while everyone else has mechanics
>no it's dancer that has made this stupid
Did you make sure to take a picture with Emet while you could?
Which DPS jobs are most fun in Shadowbringers? I want to take a break from Gunbreaker to level something else but I haven't played a DPS in so long
what's the matter with the frogs anyway ? May be because of their numbers but everytime I get shit it's a german
>A depressed single father and his autistic daughter
>Had the same tank glamour since 2.0 with some minor changes as time went on, started as MRD and WAR main ever since
>Used Bravura almost exclusively ever since I got it and could use glamour prisms
>Before the final showdown Ardbert hands you his atma version
>Manifest an aetherial Bravura to kill Hades
What's the deal with leveling bots and why cant SE do anything about them?
kinda tired of seeing 4 characters named skajhfdsgfhnj fskdjfksdjgsdklj teleporting everywhere at the same time
how do I get my camera to look like this?
Based troll taking horseshit
place it in the right spot, dingus
Change camera angle in character config.
>male dancer
this shit should not be allowed
>My best fucking friend got shattered to pieces and this is the result.
Don't genderlock dancer, instead automatically glamour on the frog suit while the job stone is equipped. It cannot be removed unless you change jobs.
take that shit to a fucking gook mmo you doublenigger
>Not being a male DNC chad
How are these acceptable textures in 2019?
Should I get WHM cane or BRD bow with my totems, I like both classes equally...
DRG is fun as long as you aren't trying to kill hunt targets that are a higher level
Because the game isn't meant to be some autistic visual feast, it's meant to run on toasters
>Amh Araeng BGM
>Rak'tika Greatwood BGM
>Titania theme
God damn I love this expansion
have you played WoW?
it's like that + anime
doest it really matters?....
each thank can tank anything without problems.
It can but when every other tank can do its job better there's no point to taking one.
You're just a liability.
Everyone should block WAR from their PF
Even WoW has better textures, and it runs on weaker toasters than FFXIV will.
What kind of mouthbreathing retards keep spouting that there is an "anime" side to this game?
Zone theme power rankings:
Tempest > Amh Araeng > Kholusia > Rak'tika >> Il Mheg >>>>> Lakeland
Bruh, I literally just watched a cutscene where a guy backflips over a building to avoid a woman jumping at him with a sword.
Zenos is really ruining Stormblood for me, would much rather have had Fordola or Yotsuyu fucking with us, and the resistance with their troops, instead of his combat fetish bullshit, and unwinnable battles
Why is he such a friend?
>implying WoW isn't anime
Those fucking textures, holy shit. xD
Nice graphics, FF14 fags
everyone should play whatever the fuck they enjoy
Should I do it, anons?
Manderville quests reek of gag manga writing, though I enjoy it for that.
The concept of gunblades is pretty anime.
Also seeing enough player characters naming themselves after anime characters might give people the idea that it's an anime game, though that's the fault of players, not SE.
A lot of people who play WoW have only ever played WoW so for them any game that isn't hyper aggressively western and looks like it was lifted straight out of a comic book like WoW then it's "anime". WoW players complained about how their expansion with light chinese aesthetics and pandas was too weeby.
ps1 rimitations prs undastando
at least it looks 10000x better than wow
I want to buck that funny so bad
Even chinks are aware of the tranny meme?
its ok
just go into it expecting a jrpg rather than an mmo
>ywn LA-HEE with Y'shtola
I had a horrible identity crisis until I eventually settled on femlala. I wouldn't dream of playing any other race/gender combo now.
WoW at least has clean textures. Not these muddy 32x32px shit that's in FFXIV.
what is there to actually do after you finish the main story?
>WoW at least has clean textures.
So is the LA-HEE meme taking a shot at that song or just referencing it? Because I actually really like the song.
You play as Isis
the story is the only good thing in FFXIV. Quit after that until more comes out.
its ok the first time but then every time you load out of a cutscene there you're met with wha HEEE and it just totally destroys the atmosphere
I wanna FUCK Hien desu.
I'm new should i be Dragoon, i fucking love dragon armor
dragoon is a reasonable choice for new players. If you like the aesthetic, go for it.
I'm level 32 and I just started On to Little Ala Mhigo.
Please tell me I'm almost done. I wanna play HW.
Lmao absolutely not. Wow is a much heavier game than ff14. Besides ff14 has godlike art direction in all its expansions so the low res textures don't even matter.
>no Assassin using both Bows and Daggers
i heard bad thing about it tho lol, is the class really hard ?
Its a nice song. But it just gets really grating and annoying if you spend a long time in the area.
EX trials, FATE rewards, gathering and crafting, sightseeing log, leveling other classes
Other than that, grinds introduced pre-ShB are all that's left. Relics you might want for glamor, chocobo racing, lord of verminion, PvP, etc.
My preference is getting deep into gathering and crafting and amassing ridiculous amounts of money and selling it to chinks to pay for my sub.
its one of the easier ones if anything
This, I resub a month before the expansion, do all prior patches than the expansion msq, and unsub.
>level 32
>almost done
Not even close lad, at least 100+ main story to go before you even reach heavensward
>you can easily pull everything in that first room
If your healer is not level synced, don't try it. If someone is leveling a healer and they haven't gotten their welfare AF 1.5 they could have trouble keeping up. I've seen a bunch of groups disintegrate in that first room because the tank and healer get pissy at each other after the first wipe.
No and the thought never occured to me. Now I'm sad.
Alright lads what are the classes in terms of difficulty from easiest to hardest
Literally every one of those munchkin shits.
Fuck it, when I reach 50 I'm buying a skip
What's the best way to level a side class? im level 4 right now and dont know what to do aside kill mobs outside of ul'dah but that would take ages?
I did this as well during Stormblood, got the feel of the job till 50 but didn't want to do the 100+ MSQ quests to get to HW.
never played XIV at all. Is there a class that can summon multiple minions?
How my DRG bros holding up? Shadowbringers been good to you?
Can someone gift me this game on steam? I'll be your healer bitch.
DRG is absolutely busted right now, nerfs are imminent
XIVs textures are sometimes good and sometime awful
Its best is better than WoW's best but the worst is on par with classic WoW's textures
Also WoW hasn't been toaster friendly since legion, for some reason the optimisation's been fucked since then
I like it
I don't mind the first 150 or so, but damn son. Another 100 post MSquests after you finish the ARR ones? Fuck no. The grind to 50 is slow enough. I ain't doing 100 more just to ERP. I got sissy threads on /gif/ for that
I'm new to parsing.
I've checked my stats on FFLog, and I'm trying to do better. I see I'm doing 1-2k DPS off of what the main team does and I'm scratching my head really why I'm doing so much lower.
I'm not using food/potions or have max level gear, but surely it can't be 1-2k much of a difference, can it?
DRK here.
I'm also stupid and don't understand the graphs. Is this technically good? Is this against my own personal median or everyone elses?
At once? No. Summoner can summon miniature primals and Scholar has a fairy, but they only get one at a time.
Beastmaster is a rumored future class that may have what you want, but they've historically only used one pet at a time as well.
for tanks, you can spam the highest level dungeon you can do for fastest xp, same for healers too. Also daily roulettes (leveling, alliance, trials, normal raids etc)
just get to 15 with side/job quests and FATES then spam dungeons
There's Leves too
I actually don't know what its like leveling from 1 in ARR since all of my shit was 50 coming from 1.x other than acn and that was ages ago
>Cherrypicks literally the worst, most infamous texture in XIV and the WoW equivalent of XIV 1.0s HD flowerpots, textures that are so needlessly clean and don't get worse on lower settings that they rape toaster GPUs
Supposedly at some conference/thing recently (as in this month) Yoshida asked what classes people wanted and healers, chemist and beastmaster were raised. I feel like hammer has to be added, it's such an obvious option and keep in mind paladins had big swords and katanas and that didn't stop DRK Or SAM.
I feel like Judges would be a nice option, using DRG gear and having double-headed weapons that split into two weapons as they did in FF12.
ask the balance discord and you can steep yourself in parse autism to your heart's content
The worst story. Unironically worse then Realm Reborns starting slogfest. The only good part is once you get through it you can start Shadowbringers.
PLD literally never had a single katana or rapier.
They were saving them for SAM and RDM from the start
the guys with top dps in everything pad it , nothing more too it. They specifically have their static members boost their dps for the orange parse. That is all.
I spent way too much time obsessing over it and dealing with retards who obsess over it before realizing it doesn't fucking matter as long as you're not fucking up and still doing above average
I really really want to avoid using the discord and avoiding contact with the mainstream raid crowd. They just have way too much drama on there.
I'm just looking to improve myself and see what I can do better.
These are primal fights; You can start worrying about food/pots when you're trying to push the last few percentages in orange. Other than that, you can forget they exist.
are tank ques really that fast or is it a meme
That's dumb, you're dumv
Alright, post an example of good textures in FFXIV.
Is 5.9k DPS good for DRK?
I've seen one guy with 11k at the very top and usually 7-8k avg once I go down the list.
Honestly, I'm a bit confused because I can't be doing that much worse. Can I?
Tank queues are decently fast. They aren’t as fast as healers but ofc it’s more fun to play a Tank anyways
>being such an autist you care about fflogs at all
just fucking off yourself, fag.
>SMN rotates through several pets, but only has one at any time.
>SCH sticks with a fairy or a bigger fairy.
>MCH temporarily summons a turret or a robot at max level.
>DRK summons a clone at max level.
Your best bet is to roll summoner and just always keep your chocobo and a minion (cosmetic pet) out so you're walking around with 4 characters at once.
its changed a bit since the release of shadowbringers because of gunblade and how they made tanking easier but I imagine lower level queues are still very fast and that it will level back out in the coming weeks. But yeah at 70+ content its healers with near insta queues because they didn't make a new healer and they made healing slightly more painful
How would I know if I'm doing better than average?
aim for 6.5 to 7k, meld skill speed
Yes, there's no skill involved whatsoever. In fact, everyone plays exactly the same and has the same exact level of skill, the only difference is how much a person gets padded over the other.
Got it. Do you know the magic number for it? I've noticed if I delay the GCD for delirium I can usually get 5 bloodsplitters. So I wasn't sure if that's how people were getting 5 bloodsplitters or if they're activating it right off the bat.
Having a certain weapon on a current job doesn't dismiss the possibility of a job that traditionally uses that weapon to appear.
Case in point, MCH's gunblade.
yeah from what I've seen the 7-8k should be average so check your rotation melds and gear
then again those guys might already have titania weapon and are being boosted with dancer so idk
Tank queues before Shadowbringers were instant to
2.35 i think
>tfw just got done with Titania EX for the first time
Feels good and it was a pretty enjoyable fight. Is Innocence easier or harder than her?
from my experience on primal its less than 5 minutes. not instant but not long.
I have Titania Weapon as well. I guess I'll recheck everything. It's just weird I'm finding that I'm doing 1-2k less. I thought I was at least doing 500 max below avg. I'm not fully melded however and that might be it.
when it comes to looking at the top parsers, yes it literally is. there is a ceiling where skill doesn't really mean dick unless you mean skill of other party members to use just the right buffs at the right time for you to get max deeps. there's only so many buttons to push after all
100 quests from level 50 to heavensward, a lot more from level 32 to 50
Oh, I meant how much skill speed will I need to get to 2.35. Has there been a BiS right now for materia?
Thanks again btw.
How long is it between HW and STB
Is it good?
Who told me GNB Job quests were bad?
Honestly it was just the Sylph idol that was bad. The rest of the questline was pretty good.
Way better than WAR/PLD/SMN 60-70/MNK
Is swimming still totally fucking useless in this expansion outside of spearfishing?
>Screenshot from a touched up pre-rendered cutscene
Are blizzdrones the most delusional and disingenuous people on the planet? I'd say yes.
Ultra settings btw
about 44 quests, I did it this week
It's pretty good shit don't skip in fact I'd say it's some of my favourite stuff in the game so far
>Warriors of darkness
>Dragonsong war climax
Absolutely kino
Well good to know that I play exactly the same and possess the same precise level of skill as the top 1 BLM in Titania even though I only have a 99% and there's probably hundreds of people in between me and him. Appreciate you letting me know.
That isn't the picture I posted, I don't even have that picture saved
What the h*ck gookmoot
mfw skipped all of HW because I was so used to skipping ARR story.
I'm a fucking dumbass. I didn't even mind ARR story when I did it on an alt. Got too lazy to finish it up. At least I'll be able to do it in NG+ mode.
>oh no no no no
>red gloves are literally painted on
Well then
they mainly added it for quality of life sake. like can't do seiryu trial if nobody had swimming animations.
Hrothgars don't fit the GNB aesthetic no matter how much they try to cram the two together.
>Ackshually our unga bunga-looking people are super advanced and have been making gunblades for over 5000 years since the time of the allagans, and they actually predate the concept of "guns" and in fact guns are named after our gunblades which is just a shortened form of "gunnhildr's blades" and nothing to do with firearms at all :^)
It's so hamfisted
Was she in the right?
>the Sylph idol that was bad
no idea, just meld 8s on all your slots
well, I just got into the expansion pack stuff 2 days ago and now I'm hooked enough to need to know how the story ends
I'd say that's pretty good for an MMORPG
>haven't gotten around to unlocking GNB yet
>this post
tell your buddies to boost harder next time and I'm sure you can get up there user
I can't believe this game is pushing alt right ideologies UGH so gross, can we petition to get it shut down?
And what does that have to do with the GNB job quests?
Oh come on, she was total shit.
>that filename
>actually paying for battle for azeroth
>actual gear from the most recent expansion
literally food analogy, imagine the lack of choices you would have if we were all the same
There's a lot wrong with this but the textures aren't as pixelated.
Aren't GNB gunblades super simple though? Like all it is is igniting crystal cartridges for simple spells and nothing lake the laser sword the lvl 70 garlean dude had.
Based and redpilled.
>Role Waiting List Number: After #50
I just wanted to blow things up
The story is pretty amazing. Gameplay wise there are some issues with class design but it’s fine overall.
Ironic, considering she died erecting a wall
>tfw never used a fantasia, perfectly happy with my brown cat girl
most armour in WoW is painted on, not just some pieces. All chest/leg gear is painted on, as well as a fair amount of gloves, boots, and belts, and even then there are only about 10 unique models each for them.
The ONLY unique gear is helmets, weapons, and shoulderpads. It's kinda incredible.
>yfw the WoL coughing up sin eater goop
Don't be a fag people can play what they want
Is Bard fun?
Yes I'll be sure to let the random PF clowns I've never seen before and will likely never see again know. I'll tell them according to this person on Yea Forums, everyone has the same skill so if I don't tie with the top 1 BLM in the world it is their fault.
the etymology for "gun" in the real world also comes from a queen gunhilda lol
Is the main scenario roulette worth it for xp?
If I have a damage buff and while I'm in the middle of casting a spell the buff falls off, do I still get the damage bonus?
>Only used fantasia to switch from midlander to highlander to make my dude look older
>Will probably switch back if we get more face options for midlanders
FFXIV's models with WoW's texturing ability would be pretty amazing.
Shame japs are too incompetent to make decent textures, or "MUH CONSOLE LIMITATIONS!!"
Yeah. Just go on your phone user.
You have a phone, right?
Yes, despite how long it takes it's amazing for xp.
Yeah, they're blurry as fuck instead. Real improvement.
No, it's a MMO therefore garbage. But by MMO standards, yes.
I havent played in a year or so and am not even halfway done with the vanilla game as it is. Dont even own any of the dlcs. Would it be worth to finish vanilla then work my way through dlcs?
I feel like every area and dungeon will be dead because the new expansion came out and everyones playing that.
is there any autistic collection things to do after the story? like collecting mounts / pets / glamours / whatever else
Can you do the story through solo play only or is there a bunch of mmo grind to be able to get through it
Yes, you can literally just watch a movie or play something else while you semi-AFK through it and the cutscenes play out. It gives like 50% of a full level for very little effort, which is useful when you hit 70+. It's just time consuming.
>and they actually predate the concept of "guns" and in fact guns are named after our gunblades which is just a shortened form of "gunnhildr's blades" and nothing to do with firearms at all :^)
"mid-14c., gunne "an engine of war that throws rocks, arrows or other missiles from a tube by the force of explosive powder or other substance," apparently a shortening of woman's name Gunilda, found in Middle English gonnilde "cannon" and in an Anglo-Latin reference to a specific gun from a 1330 munitions inventory of Windsor Castle ("... una magna balista de cornu quae Domina Gunilda ..."). Also compare gonnilde gnoste "spark or flame used to fire a cannon" (early 14c.)"
The actual etymology of the word "gun" for you.
refugees welcome
all that and trading cards
Alright thanks
You can do old EX trials for mounts, a lot of dungeons have minions, only thing stopping you from glamour farming is inventory space (so look up items you want first)
I swear to fucking god triple triad NPCs have some bullshit drop rates. I've must have won 100 games against that one NPC in the Doman Enclave and he still won't drop his card. There's only so much I can tolerate chaos.
Blur is literally higher resolution than pixelation. So, yes. It is an improvement.
Yes, everything you mentioned is in the game for you to grind for.
The main story forces you to queue for dungeons and trials throughout so you will have to interact with other players in order to complete it. I never had to grind to keep up with levels though, just my roulettes daily and a few side quests here and there.
>stopped skipping cutscenes a few levels into heavensward
>actually start enjoying the game
Literally every tank has the same mitigation now: Tank Mastery, Rampart, a big cooldown, a short cooldown, an ally cooldown, a raid cooldown and an invulnerability
What's more fun, DRK or GNB?
What's more useful?
yeah, switch to borderless windowed mode and then do something else
I browse Yea Forums and shit while waiting out the cutscenes
>its a logrun
>1 DPS job + NIN/DRG/DNC nothing else
Do people do these for clout? Does it really feel satisfying to cheese your way? I got a 99% parse with AST and DNC padding and its more embrassing than anything.
>34 & Back to Square One
There can be moments much later on where the story can end up getting gated if you ONLY do the main story quest, but there's plenty of side shit to do that isn't really much of a grind. Run the best dungeon you can a couple times, do some fates, some sidequests, some roulettes, etc.
>Beast tribes for beast costumes
>triple triad card collecting
>Chocobo breeding
>MGP grinding
>Housing autism
>sightseeing log
>crafter/gatherer classes
>Relics, for each expac
>minion collecting
>Glamours in general
>Fate level grinding
>mentor status if you want that
>Achievements in general
I'm sure im missing a bunch more but theres a ton of shit to do
Would it be easier to learn Innocence Ex as a BLM or SMN?
Just fuckin listen to music until you get to level 50, then as soon as they start talking about the crystal braves stop skipping and start paying attention it'll only take a couple days of being a NEET
Yes, though Castrum can be a pain since it requires some effort be put into it, versus Praetorium being something anyone could do half dead
whats the fastest way to level a class to from 1-50 PoTD? or spam dungeons/dailies. is spamming daily roulette a thing or once you claim the rewards the exp is next to none?
I REALLY hope they do this. Please.
GNB is more busy of a job than DRK but all tanks produce roughly the same output. Their cooldowns are different but superbolide and living dead are both just as annoying.
GNB is "more fun", I prefer DRK more just because of TBN. You can pop that shit on you or the other tank and when it lands it's fucking satisfying as all hell.
You always had required classes for the best parses, idiot.
Still have my fanta, don't think I'll be changing my catboy desu.
PotD if it's a DPS job
Daily Roulette once then highest level dungeon spam is probably faster for tanks and healers
So, was the Shared FATE system a good addition? I like that there's a decent way to get monster drop materials now.
Probably SMN, innocence can easily bully a caster and make them move all the time.
my character literally looks like Chai-Nuzz if he was an adventurer
That's incredibly retarded, the 2.x patch series introduces plenty of important concepts for later
PotD for DPS due to wait times
Tank and healers always in high demand, so you spam highest dungeon/roulette for them
Haven't gotten BLM to 80 yet but SMN is completely braindead now and has plenty of mobility, so probably SMN. Innocence EX is easy as fuck though, so you can do whatever
BLM is always easiest for learning fights since your party is always expected to adjust around you.
The rewards aren't nearly good enough for the effort and aren't going to keep people doing them past the first month. The best thing you maxing all the zones is a chocobo barding. They could have at least had a new fucking mount.
I'm so confused, people are saying SMN is the hardest class but it has the least amount of buttons for me.
Isn't it just literally Dots -> Trance -> Bahamut -> Phoenix > Repeat
Run for the purpose of padding/parsing is shitty but so long as you were just farming normally and people happened to buff you then there shouldn't be a big deal.
I mean, if you're that autistic you can deliberately ask them to not buff you, tell them you have autism.
tfw thinking about going on an autistic alt leveling spree where I make Hauchefaunt's twin and RP to myself in my head about why they grew up apart from each other and how Not-Haucherfaunt would feel about his twin's death
I’m doing ARR right now. 5-7 min queue times on everything.
I think they fucked up by making the Viera super slut outfit a starter item, they should have made a not so good looking version, and make you grind some end game shit to get the actual Fran clothes, it's way too good and way too common, I don't even feel like grinding a Viera if it already looks that good at base creation.
>want to fantasia back into a male character
>gave myself a feminine name
>don't want to pay the extra money to name change
fuck bros
It's easy lad, just be a reverse trap
Yeah, my ass is just gonna wait until 50, story skip and I'll get the important shit off YouTube.
>FSH quest
>guy causing trouble is, naturally, a highlander
Even in the First, there's no escaping mhiggers.
>I don't even feel like grinding a Viera if it already looks that good at base creation.
So don't? This might legitimately be the stupidest complaint I've ever heard. "This race looks too good".
t. huge faggot with a dildo in his ass rn
it's not the race, it's the stupid outfit, it makes visual progression meaningless
How's White Mage in current patch?
Decent idea but they need to add to the rewards with each patch. Give us minions, mounts or special armor designs.
Eden is about the mhiggers of the 1st demanding you go save their homeland. So they summon a primal that kills Thancred so naturally you go help them.
I'm still kinda mad, Fran's outfit is a little too unique to be starter gear, there's actual generic starter gear for viera that could be ripped straight from 12, but nope. Fran's outfit.
I don't get it.
>Doing GNB Job Quests
>Some random Garlean thinks he can take WoL down.
Why? Is he literally braindead fucking retarded?
the best healer? do you live under a rock?
Currently, the best healer and actually really damn good.
God how I hate FSH.
The best healer atm, expecting nerfs.
It was made much easier compared to before but I kinda like what they did to it overall. Being able to use titan-egi in groups is nice.
>people are saying SMN is the hardest class
I'd argue it was probably the hardest magic DPS job in previous versions of the game but Shadowbringers version of SMN is completely braindead. The only complexity comes from Ruin IV weaving and making sure Aetherflow lines up with Bahamut/Phoneix. If you want to get golden parses it's a bit more advanced than just Dots > Trance > Bahamut > Phoenix > Repeat but in general you're right, that's pretty much it.
That's what ya get fer playing girls
Easy to play and the best healer by far. The only problem now is that, people have high expectation for you as WHM, so the gap between a shitty non DPSing WHM and a good one is larger. Also up there in possible nerfs along with DRG.
Is it necessary to buy the other expansions? Like is my character going to suck
Jokes on you, bub. I don't even play... until now.
Elzen female look like fucking tranny good god
It's the least shitty healer
SCH is good but it feels like ass to play
AST is trash but it feels okay to play
WHM is decent and feels good to play
Garleans always become retarded when they spot the WoL.
What kinda person likes a beansprout twig body with massive milkers like it. It looks so weird. Not saying I wouldn't, but still.
You're right user. I deserve this
Make a character with your main's current name on a preferred world
Transfer your main to that world (world transfers from a congested world to a preferred world are currently free)
You'll get prompted to change your name for free since you made an alt that already has that name on that world
every race is trannybait anyway
>I feel like every area and dungeon will be dead because the new expansion came out and everyones playing that.
you'd be mistaken
What did he mean by this?
What are these parse colors people keep talking about?
Lalafel is cute
It's worse for Viera in my opinion, they have blatant manface.
what the fuck does that actually work
Her left leg is fucking huge.
What should i be casting while bahamut is out
Fucking racist
shadowbringers includes the previous 2 expansions, so thats the only one you need to buy
unless you meant are you ok with just the base game in which case no the base game is the worst part
>Alisaie will never look like this
>She will always look like a 10 year old
It's not fair bros
why the fuck have i not met cid
lvl 35 ass tryna do 20 something MSQ
You have, you just didn't realize it
fucking zoomers
People are just high on that ending, the power of Kino.
Gameplay wise it's the same shit but 60% of the jobs got dumbed down, Primals are too easy and AST, SCH, MCH, MNK and WAR are fucked now, either bad or just awful to play.
Fix Anatman you retards
help me bros
does anyone know the track that plays in shb sometimes with the bagpipe-like sounds? Best example is the scene after clearing qitana just as the group is about to go back to crystarium. ive been all over the playlists and its not a classic nobuo from 1.0 or in any of the soken ones
Is it a new ShB addition?
which is why they're one of the most prone to being trannybait
What is the cutest race, niggas ?
AW HELL did i just level up 5 levels i didnt need to
my ass forgot to switch from conjurer to white mage
Yes, the only downsides are that you'll need to transfer world's (so goodbye friends if you have any there), you need to currently be on a congested world, and using the free world transfer service bars you from world transferring again for 90 days.
If you link a youtube video with a clip of it I might be able to tell you.
What's MCH's problem? I've only heard praise for its strength and new playstyle.
what do you even mean
lmao keep seething
>buy XIV 2 days ago
>get to level 10 without ever losing more than 5% of my health at any given time
>no resources to manage, just a simple 2 attack combo that doesn't deplete any of the MP I have (lancer)
>nobody ever fucking says anything at all in chat
>just running around effortlessly killing monsters that pose no threat and don't even aggro unless attacked
It's so boring, it's like modern WoW. What is the appeal? Why are there so many threads? I don't get it.
Their levels are linked.
Is MNK fun?
They kept the same problem of needing to weave while having short gcds so if you have a bad connection you're still fucked.
That poster is retarded, MCH is the best it's ever been and plays fine.
>MCH is fucked now
its actually fucking fun to play now you mean
>Trying to do MSQ to make it up to Shadowbringers
>Have to level in-between to continue
This is such fucking tedious bullshit.
It was still a great expansion even if the job balance is a little shit right now, and I say that as someone who mains SCH.
That being said, what job balance looks like at Savage release will definitely change where this falls between 8/10 and 10/10 for me.
>Dont even own any of the dlcs
This isnt ESO
The fuck kind of men are you hanging out with
They're linked, so it doesn't matter
You're still a dumbass though for not equipping your jobstone asap
>bars you from world transferring again for 90 days.
Fuck forgot about that. Was gonna transfer to a friend's server once the congestion ends so I guess I can't do that. Thanks anyways user.
Repetitive Rotation
Queen doesn't interact with anything else you do
Wildfire is completely cucked
Cooldowns are a disjointed mess
That sounds like a connection problem on your end rather than a design problem on SE's end.
you can use external programs to parse your performance during EX/Savage encounters and upload it to a community site called fflogs. Your parses are compared to all other players of the same job on the same fight that have also uploaded and they're ranked in percentilew. A golden parse means you're in the top 5% of all players on that job on that encounter. Basically, getting a golden parse on a fight is proof you're not a shitter and will up your chances of being recruited by good statics, if you care about organized raiding. It's also a great tool to check yourself and see if you're playing properly and executing your rotation. You can check high parses from other players of the same job and see exactly how they played it and learn from that.
Standard rotation plus as many Ruins IV as humanly possible plus 2x Festers. Bahamut/Phoenix summons have a built auto-attack that goes off whenever you execute actions and its on a 1.5s cooldown, which basically means you want to be executing as many actions as possible in the window they're summoned. That's why you want to line up Aetherflow with Bahamut/Phoenix. More festers = more actions = more damage from summons.
>line up a perfect combo for 2 lines
>last 2 stickers don't hit it
it's going to be a while before omega-f minion comes back, huh
well thats the problem no one's got it uploaded yet. I know someone's uploaded the new maker's ruin arrange during arbert scenes but none of that particular track I mentioned.
All the other emotional tracks (like the one during the crystal exarch reveal where he talks to urianger) are accounted for from as early as 1.0, except for the bagpipe-like one
No, Shadowbringers ruined it
t. 4-year Monk main
You figured us out user, we're all only pretending to have fun
It mostly just comes down to being a different flavor of magitek, Garlean gunweapons just shoot ceruleum-infused projectiles and hrothgar gunblades shoot spells from enchanted cartridges.
MCHs major problem now is that its one filled with the most ecelebs because of its horribleness in 4.x and growing 'personalities' based on those that hardcore stuck with a clunky job. Now these eceleb's opinions will be parrtoted regardless of if they're wrong are from a disengenious place.
>Play MMO
>Don't get to endgame
>Complain it's boring
Fucking shitposters I swear
>dps is barely better than what BRD offers
>more 'difficult' than BRD too
They're not in the shed, but they're waiting outside.
i don't even know what a jobstone is, nigga.
ah cool
Then you shouldn't be playing most DPS classes to begin with.
cringe and erp pilled
i guarantee im older than you faggot, its literally a dlc and i didnt feel like typing out the world expansion twice
are you trying to say that 1.7s gcd is any better than 2.5 ? one action every 2 fucking seconds. Actually disgusting.
Not him but even though I'm liking the rework in general but I don't really like the new overheat. Weaving cooldown gauss cooldown ricochet is kinda funky, but auto crossbow is just spreadshot but faster. IMO it'd feel a lot better if autocrossbow was channeled like flamethrower even if it did the exact same damage it does now.
But yeah, still a massive step up from old MCH
Not all of these look that bad. But some of them really do.
Reeks of /vg/
Yugiri is cute! Cute!!
Same, user. I've left my fantasia in storage for so long, I'm fine with being my boring Hyur Bard.
I want Sadu to step on my dick
But yeah most of those look awful
monks are shit anyways, I almost never see them in instances and they're trash in PvP. Go play either Sam/RDM/anything else DPS base
what are the requirements to remove the sprout now? cause it said 168 hours and a lv60 main quest but im level 50 with 90 hours and just removed it
I never OT'd Titania as DRK.
For the Tethers, what should I use? Rampart + TBN and Living Dead?
I hope you're still here but you can easily reach 80th percentile or more without padding on DRK speaking from experience. Get your clone out right away by popping blood weapon before or after your first hit. After getting your clone jump into delirium bloodspiller spam and spam all of your ogcds, other than that use everything off of CD and make sure you have TBN up for tankbusters. Try your best to line up with buff windows though if you can but don't hold stuff. In Titania your delirium should be back of for the big version adds, use quietus inbetween two of them for a boost and more efficient dps. In innocence your delirium will come up before a jump, make sure to hold it. Stay on the boss also. Other than that it's all practice, you'll eventually get it.
The base game is garbage that drives most players away. The story doesn't get good until Heavensward, the gameplay not until level 60.
But buying a skip is a terrible idea as ARR is necessary for setting up the game's story. Ignore that and you're just left with an ERP hub that releases a few raids beaten in a few days once every few months.
just living dead through 3 of them
Ngl. How do I know what percentile I'm at?
don't kill me but what even is a percentile?
aren't they magic? have you considered dark mind?
what race do i play if i am a straight white male
Why are Y'shtola and Thancred so bitchy this expansion?
female lalafell
you're better than that percentage of people
You wouldnn't know what percentile you're at unless you compared data. You can look at ff logs for that. A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations fall. For example, the 20th percentile is the value below which 20% of the observations may be found.
Male hyur midlander, cat boy with non-fag clothing, Potato either gender.
Lmao take the first hit then pop living dead, heals should get you after the third strike? There's no need for CDs for the tether unless you want to take 4 or some shit idk. If you mean Fae Light and you end up having to share, you can use rampart+DRK mind+TBN and should be fine unless the healers are shit, if that's the case use your 30% CD instead of rampart.
as a straight white male myself, these are correct
Got it. Do OT have any other mechanic? I saw people dying to stack on the adds and I was wondering if I fucked up.
I was thinking if I could take all Tethers but I don't know if it's possible.
>a bunch of cute lizards and ugly face 4
Also, turret feels pretty lackluster (visually) for how long it takes to build battery. Maybe the robot will change that but even still it feels like something you just toss out.
Maybe incorporate wildfire into the turret itself? Like have an icon appear over whatever enemy the turret is targeting and if you attack the same target you build up potency for the final attack the same way you do for wildfire. It'd make the turret/robot feel a lot more important/impactful and it would work pretty much the same way it does now.
Which melee class is the most fun?
dont wanna play a midget
giraffe man
>Got rid of Tackle Mastery and nerfed Perfect Balance
It's just pre 4.2 MNK but faster and with the benefit of the new True North. I don't see the problem here.
The one I play
Old man lalafel.
god i wish that was Gosetsu on top of me
Y'shtola's always bitchy and Thancred is asshurt about the Source's Minfilia
PLD by far
You literally can't make a wrong call with melee DPS. They're all pretty good. It just comes down to personal preference at this point.
Thanks bros for helping a dumb nigga like me.
On FFlogs when I get my name, how would I find which percentile I'm at?
sorry, youre trans now
>need metallic green dye for my frog suit
>open marketboard
>10+ listings in a row
>99 stacks each at 70k gil per pot
What the fuck, how did this dude even manage this
How do you people stomach leveling in this game?
Spamming these boring leveling dungeons is killing me inside, I can barely even motivate myself to log in anymore because that's all I have left to do now that my crafter's are 80...
FATEs are a bit better but those are also slow as fuck and barely anyone does them on my server
Don't skip cutscenes and tutorials then
yshtola has been living in a cave like matoya and is turning into a crotchety old lady too
game sucks shit until you hit 50 and get into HW. the pre HW stuff is commonly considered a massive issue that the devs need to fix by virtually all players. Ive heard they are looking into readjusting the ARR content, thank god. Once you hit 50 though, youve got your full skillset and are treated to arguably the best FF story in years, then a slight drop off with Stormblood, then back to pure kino with Shadowbringers. Just grind through the content, find an FC,some good friends, and a case of beer.
Expansion was kino but what happened with the "It's time, for once and for all, to face the Garlean empire"?
Literally false advertising
>Tried those new trust AI companions for my first time into Holminister Switch
>Brought Alisae in
>MFW second boss
I really really didn't need that
Hyur and Lalafell. You'll be a walking joke if you pick the latter. Male Elezen are one of the best looking options but you can be mistaken for a lonely woman if you aren't careful with how you design one. Roes, Hrothgar and male cats attract the gays even when it's clear you're not interested in them.
says the stinky miqote
>Hating Sadu
>or Yugiri
>blonde up and to the right of Yugiri is nice too, maybe just be the angle
>Fucking darth maul bottom right
Minus half your ogcds.
Do you get something special out of running ShB as a DRK
a set of roulettes a day is enough to get you atleast a level. Even at 70+. Either grind some fates for bicolour stones if youre already 70+, or play another game and wait tomorrow.
I've never felt so bad for a character I've spent 10 minutes with
I wish that Au Ra kid got skewered instead
Hello, fresh PLD hot off the shitter pile here. I had some questions for anyone with a robust knowledge of PLD (or tanking) in general, if you'd be inclined to grace me with your wisdom.
Should I weave Sheltron and Ramparts together for tank busters? Furthermore, how often should I actually use Sheltron? Can I pop it every chance I get when I dealing with trash? I can only assume that it's primary use is to help shoulder tank busters, but I could be wrong.
When is a good time to Hallowed Ground? I seem to confuse healers when I pop it when they get me low and I believe it may hurt some of their feelings.
Is it fair to Clemency in the midst of a Requiscat if I dip too low? Does it help healers?
Is it better to Cover party members or use Intervention on them?
Thank you for your time and words, friends.
When did they advertise that?
Is it possible to enjoy anything in this life if you dont have any frineds?
Y'sthola's always been a cranky cat, while Thancred has to deal with his little sister figure being sort of dead, and that she's either going to die for good, or possess and replace his new daughteru
OC Donut lizards are horrible
NPC lizards like Yugiri, Sadu,Cirina, and Kurenai are top cute.
>all these long legged, chesty bunny beauties running around in skimpy clothing
fuck, how do you get anything done in this game
during the add phase OT's only job is to tank peaseblossom where he spawns and grab big pease (then start on mustard) so he hits you and not the healers. As for the stack there probably weren't enough people in or they had vuln.
If the MT is a paladin (maybe a gunbreaker too) you'll have to share one of the two Fae Lights with him (shared tankbuster) because Hallowed Ground (and maybe Superbolide) has too long of a cooldown
They were going to kill him anyway. Hence why they got his favourite fruit.
I'm still confused on why he's still alive though.
Isn't he going to die from that illness or turn into a sin water or whatever?
Y'shtola is always bitchy. She's a christmas cake who takes after Matoya.
Thancred is full of guilt over his repeated failures to protect the original Minfilia.
I think the fanfest they said that it was either for the 4.5 MSQ, or blatant misleading. Which they did a lot before the release.
Remember when Uriangier called Y'shtola "Matoya" in the trailer and no one had any idea what the fuck that was about?
It was in one of their presentations at one of the fan festivals, i'm 100% sure i read that
That transformation scene was an edgy cheap shot and I hate that it got me so hard
I literally just did my daily roulettes while skipping the MSQ one and did nothing both fate grind and the occasional side quest and it didn't take long at all.
Okay good. So I wasn't fucking up mechanics. I was scratching my head what the fuck was going on and I notice sometimes when I MT an OT will come to stack.
hell naw
It should say per fight what your highest percentile parse is with the thin bar and the fat bar is your average percentile. Don't worry too much about average because people fuck things up and things get mixed and it potentially ruins your parse.
If you click a bosses name it will show all the parses of yours uploaded for that fight and you can click on those to review the fight, timeline, and your party members.
I feel the need to mention that it's good to look at FFlogs and strive to parse higher and be better, just make sure you don't obsess and use it to improve.
Good luck user.
>want to play latest EXs with FC
>everyone is a tank including me or a whm
god damn it I want to tank but I guess I have to level up my SCH quick
same bullshit happened to me brother... well make it
>get to lvl 10
>i am an expert game journalist now
If this archives I'll be in the next thread. But say when I highlight the bar and it says best 60. Does that mean I'm doing more DPS than 60% of DRK on that fight?
I think you mean:
Tempest > Rak'tika > Amh Areang = Lakeland >> Kholusia >>>>>>>> ll Mheg
EVERYONE talked about it summerfriend.
one time you did better than 60% of DRKs who uploaded their parses
watch this
Tempest final zone > Lakeland > Tempest first zone > Amh Araeng > Rak'tika = Il Mheg > Kholusia but they're all great zones and I never wanna go back to Ala Mhigo!!!
It's just fun to reference, it's one of my favorite songs in the game overall
>I don't get it
lazyness, publicity stunt, without a care for the lasting appeal and just blow everything on the initial release to make people boost the launch numbers.
I mean if there was something better I wouldn't even mention it, but viera is a fan service race, and you got all they have to offer at the start so it gets old rather fast.
Please don't lump in NPC lizards with those tie-dye monstrosities.
What is it about Au Ra that attracts all the snowflakes? They don't seem to realize they would be much better off playing a cat or Midlander if they want a character meant to look "unique"
Complaining about this game before endgame is warranted because before endgame is 15,000 hours long.
Yeah, it's designed to appeal to Wowfags.
Sadly the days of FFXI are over. Games have to cater to absolute retards these days.
Ah. Great. Thanks user. Honestly, I didn't know about the blood weapon trick in the beginning. Hoping to at least get to 75th!
Honestly it'd be a fixed job if they brought back Internal Release. Because with the Chakra rng buff you'd pressing Forbidden Chakra as much if not more than the ogcds that were gone.
>i guarantee im older than you faggot
you need to get the fuck off Yea Forums then cuz it's pathetic for me to still be here at my age
There is literally nothing wrong with hair highlights
i only made an au ra because i thought they were cute
miqote faces look weird to me and midlanders were too lanky
I can get behind that spoiler. I had to go back to rhaelger's reach recently and instantly wanted to die.
I still hum the instrumental of the Ala Mhigo anthem to myself after how long I've had to spend in that piece of shit zone
It's especially depressing when you know there's like 200lb guys behind these.
Just remove everything else from the job and have it press Forbidden Chakra every 0.5 seconds then. Wow totally fixed, it's fun because I'm pressing buttons a lot!
I'm loving MCH and it's up there in terms of DPS.
Bahamut and Phoenix only do damage based on your spells, IE: your GCDs. They no longer do their damage when you use oGCDs.
One more thing, don't overcap mana, and get the damage buff from your 3k mp spender right away