Post some good looking consoles

post some good looking consoles

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Based Nintenbrother

now looks more like a toy and i love it

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whats the enclosure on the bottom for?

The buttons are really awkward to hit on this but they are miles better than the PS4 Pros.

I think its called a PSU Shroud, so you can put your power supply there and cables.

Yea this I have one on my PC and it's mainly so you don't have to have a big block stick out for all to see in the window and so you can move most cables behind the main wall for better cable management

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>yu wrantu revorushion?

How did Nintendo go from this to a flat plastic slab? It's no wonder why the Wii U is hidden behind the gamepad in all of its marketing.

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The only mainstream console I don't care for aesthetically was the PS3 and maybe the 360. I do like the really late 360s though

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He's too big!

I'm being sincere, this switch lite looks cheap. It's still not as portable as the 3ds and there's no flip screen to protect it. those joysticks are gonna get messed up in your pocket. If you're gonna say any version of the switch looks good which is debatable it's the original

love the original Xbox and its variations

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i got the pink one

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all the consoles itt look like shit

this is undeniable, and not that this makes it a plus or is a trump card excuse, but it's supposed to be more cheaply made than the original
>not as portable as the 3ds
>no flip screen to protect it
the DS and 3DS lines are the only ones to consistently have a flip screen (except the 2DS) as well as the GBA SP if you want to count it. it isnt necessary and hasnt been for years but i see where youre coming from with the switch screen being somewhat infamously fragile.
>those joysticks are gonna get messed up in your pocket
i dont know how to respond to this except that Nintendo is clearly meaning for this to be a more bag-friendly console than a pocket-friendly one. again, not an excuse, because pocketable would be a major plus. but even if harming your joysticks is a possibility if you want to put it in your pocket, i doubt itll be much of an issue if youre just a bit careful
>If you're gonna say any version of the switch looks good which is debatable it's the original
this is just opinion. i like the look of the original and can see why people would think it looks better than the lite, especially if they think the lite looks cheap. but, personally, i like the stylization of the lite more than the original. i prefer the solid handheldness of the lite over the mishmash feel of the original

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Always liked the look of this one more than original design.

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post some good fag

I honestly hate the modern meme of practically all cases having a dumb window on the side. And don't even get me started on dumb shit like mobos and ram that are lit up like christmas trees.

it's a sleek design, but I hate the style of the PS3/360 and their variants all having weird curved cases. Sure, it looks cool, but in effect all it does is prevent me from being able to properly stack them in my AV setup in the way I can with other equipment. Kinda annoying tbqh.

Still Nintendo's best looking console to date.

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This, the original DS, the Famicom with FDS and the Wii Mini are the best looking systems ever.

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That's peak console design. Dreamcast looks very similar and I love it, too.

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Looks like a toy for toddlers. Not a fan of modern console design either but I think there must be a middle spot between two.

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>original DS
I don't really find it aesthetic at all. Very bulky. The DS lite looks a lot better, but granted isn't very unique looking either.

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Yeah, I'm thinking that's based.
However, Saturn is the superior design. It's so fucking aesthetic and also has terrific build quality.

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Oh man the Saturn is super appealing looking to me, peak 90s vaporwave aesthetic. I'm not saying that ironically, I really like it.

This model with the LCD screen attachment and car AC adapter

I really wish the (otherwise superior) DS Lite kept the really nice firm clicky buttons of the original DS. I'm not sure if all the buttons on the original were microswitched or something, but it was so much nicer to play than with every handheld ninty has made since, where the buttons all feel mushy.

the genesis is probably my favorite console design of all time. The original model, that is. It reminds me of looking under the hood of a suped up sports car or something, with that a e s t h e t i c that screams 80s outrun.

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Is that a picture for ants and console plebs?

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The original DS looks really weird but its design feels fitting for 2001-2006 Nintendo to me.

I hear ya. Weird blend of boxy 90s aesthetic and the 2000s iphone aesthetic, before iphone was a thing. Definitely fit the time period.

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the design reminds me of palm pilots and other chunky PDAs from that early 2000s time period. It's definitely indicative of its time.

I like model 2 a lot better, too bad they gutted the sound chip. Looking at the model 2 makes me think of 90s Batman.

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I'm biased for the Indigo colored GBC instead, because I have it.

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Not aesthetic by virtue of how ridiculously fucking huge that thing is. I've seen VCRs that are more aesthetic. And smaller too.

This image reminded me just how beautiful all the PSPs were (even the Go), even though they're pretty big devices they still manage to look sleek and they came in a ton of different colours (with Lilac and the Miku version being the best ones).

I had the PSP-2000 which seems to be the favorite since it's the thin one without the ghosting of the PSP-3000.

Got a few bucks flashing other peoples PSPs and found my second GF that way as well.

what the screen on the controller for?

beat me to the punch

It displays info in certain games and you can download little games to it to take with you (it's a removable memory card with a watch battery) , probably the best example is how with Sonic Adventure you can transfer your Chao to it to use it like a Tamagotchi.

Felt so nice, they made it twice.

This revision had an internal power supply.

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the memory cards went in the controllers. They also looked like little tamagachi units and had screens on them for mobile minigames and also were used similarly to the Wii U to have a special display for items or health status or whatever the game programmed it for. It was pretty neat.

Og Ps3 is good the rest meeeeeeeh

whats the cutoff point for zoomer as far as consoles go?
my first was a ps2

I feel bad for selling my PS2 U-Slim.
It measured 7W while in the loading screen on FFX.
7W fucking watts.

Well if you don't remember anything about dreamcast, that's definitely zoomer territory. DC was the hottest shit for a whole 5 minutes back when I was in school. So good, but burned brightly and burned out quickly, and then the PS2 released and completely annihilated it.

I'll never get why people chimp out over external power supply
I get it being a hassle for a portable device but if it's gonna be plugged to the same socket forever what difference does it make

huh, didn't know they made an internal revision that included a built-in power supply. Mine has a brick.

Guess that explains why even though it's slim, when I opened mine up there was still a ton of empty space where it looked like something else could've gone.
and naturally the reason for opening it was to do the tape trick to do hot swapping and playing burned PS1 games as a kid. That was great

I've always thought the white Saturn was amazing to look at. I was enjoying my N64 and video game magazines would always have token stories about how the Saturn wasnt an abject failure in japan and show that glorious white model.

Dont suppose there is any reason to get one nowadays?

Thats not the best case though

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It's not a big deal, it's just a neat little bonus when a console has the elegance of just having a standard universal power cord rather than some brick. I constantly moved around my consoles taking them places, so it also made that little bit of extra difference to me.

And also it annoys me when companies have PROPRIETARY external power supplies. What's really cool about older consoles like Genesis, SNES, NES, etc is that they just use a generic power plug. So you can use any universal AC power adapter so long as you make sure to match the polarity and the voltage/amperage are acceptable.

Get a region free saturn that can play backups, emulation is STILL awful for it 25 years later and backups/burned games play perfectly.

It looks very cheap but it's also cute like a baby toy
I like it

Yeah, Saturn was very popular over there, even beating N64 in the jap market. Personally I'm not that big a fan of the white model. Not because it wasn't sexy, but because the white plastic yellows really badly, and many of the units around today are look all yellowed and disgusting.

FWIW I bought a saturn back around like 2012 or so for fairly cheap. I love the damn thing and playing lots of shmups and fighting games with friends. Really great controllers too. I also bought and soldered a mod chip, because fuck paying for expensive saturn games, but nowadays I think there are easier alternatives to that if you want to play burned games.

I love the full glass pc trend so techy so aestethic and futuristic

Everytime I'd go over my friends house when I was younger and always was a little jealous of him having an N64 but I didn't, lel. I don't know what it was about the console but it just - I really wanted one. Especially Mario Kart 64. Had so much fun with that as a kid

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N64 was a fun console but man was it ugly

This is their best looking console.

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The best choice

Gotta love they grey block

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same. I looked so hard for a good motherboard and case without LEDs and a window. had to settle for minimal LED.

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To give an answer that's not just "console I had as a kid".

Neo Geo AES, this thing was too expensive for most people to own at the time and they knew it, it resembles a piece of Hi-Fi equipment or other such more upscale consumer electronics more than it does a chintzy console.

Everything about it is tasteful and restrained.

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Steampunk as fuck.

Why so contrarian cmon see trough cases with easily removable panels!!
I can understand you dont like leds but these cases are every pc Gamer dream since ever

I get cramps in my hands when I look at this pic.

Full glass isnt good aesthetics, only one side can be glass. You need solid walls to hide the cables and ugly looking stuff.

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Bottom top and one side

Black was also nice.

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>see thread on the catalog
>think "I bet someone's gonna post the ugly fisher price tablet within the first 5 posts"
>open thread
>it's actually the very first post

I fucking hate this board

Not him, but come on dude. All I want is a box to store the chips and gizmos to run the machine that displays my vidya and porn. I don't want some ricer bullshit with tacky glowing lights being displayed through a window in the side, that's just distracting.

Luckily I still have my trusty case from my 2012 build that's no-frills and without any dumb windows. Plenty sturdy, and the sides can be easily unscrewed and slid off for easy access to parts when needed.

It looks like net yaroze

>can't take a joke
get off it dude

I fucking wish

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Dude I have one and its perfect to know when to clean it also replacing componentes is even faster, all advantages
+ you can see your pretty expensive shit I side the case

>stacking av equipment directly on each other
nice housefire

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pics obviously unrelated

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>if you don't remember anything about dreamcast, that's definitely zoomer territory.
i wouldave thought the xbox 360 would be the zoomer core console. after all alot of boomer games like ff battlefront and jack and daxter were on ps2

He gets it

I never owned an Odeysey and I never will. It's aged so much that it has no entertainment value at all. That said, I love the design. It's like an exaggeration of itself and it has such an unashamed look of retro futurism. I could see Alex DeLarge owning one.

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VCRs get much hotter than consoles ever have or will, and they were literally designed for it. Never had any issues.

the console fine. The candy colored autism buttons aren't

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for you

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>VCR gets hot

now that's what I'm talking about. To quote Chad Warden, that shit is SLICK

>reload on triangle

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This. PS1 was the perfect

It seems like every time someone does a mock up for the next generation playstation they always without fail make the controller a boomerang.

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>i wouldave thought the xbox 360 would be the zoomer core console. after all alot of boomer games like ff battlefront and jack and daxter were on ps2
>boomer games
They're late millennial games, stop being a memeing rhyme fuck and use the proper term

Nobody was jealous of the N64 because it didn't have Metal Gear Solid, stay mad Nintards

based chunk bro

You’re right.
The PS2 development kit also looked great.

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I'd say the 7th gen (360, ps3, wii) was the first fully zoomer consoles.

But on this board you've also got people screaming that 6th gen (gamecube, xbox, ps2) is zoomer, heck there's even people who insist 5th gen is zoomer and that Serious sam, MGS, and Half life were "zoomer trash" that ruined gaming. So it's a loose buzzword.

>pink one
I don't know why I never thought of getting a pink PS2 but now I need to gather all the NEETbux I can for one.

The wii embodies zoomer console imo.

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>sony did nintendo switch 18 years ago

the original PS3 boomerang was unfairly maligned and misunderstood. If people realized it's more natural and comfortable to hold objects with their wrists out instead of awkwardly tucked in, it starts to make a ton more sense. That thing would've been super comfy

Is microsoft gonna make a handheld yet?

that's some 2001: a space odyssey shit wow

I came here to post this you beautiful bastard.

Second place.

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I agree but like I said before there's people on Yea Forums who even call MGS, Serious sam, Half life, and Ocarina of time zoomer, showing that it's a buzzword with a flexible meaning

The Super Slim PS3 is great aside from the awful sliding plastic top. You're bound to break it within weeks of use.

The One S isn't that big you dolt

maybe if you are a neanderthal, I've had mine since it came out and had young kids using it often and still slides perfectly

Best console designs. Too bad Sony hired a gaijin to do the PS3 and PS4 designs.

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the disc tray ruins this

og ps2 is the best

by the same token it's not particularly uncomfortable to have your hands in the normal controller position, I don't think I've ever been like "man I want to keep playing but my wrists hurt too much", plus it accommodates playing with your elbows in which the boomerang doesn't.

I'd say grip width and therefore the amount of contortion your thumb has to do is a bigger deal for comfort, usually when something goes while playing a game it'll be my thumb (and usually only when playing something like a fighting game).

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To be fair, this is the only good looking console Nintendo has ever made, and the only comfortable controller with a logical layout they've ever made (not counting the pro controller that is just a copy of the xbox 360 controller).

Based handheld user

Peak handheld design

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the white, 1st gen XBOX ONE is actually the best looking console since the original NES

deal with it, neogaf-tards

>best backlight AND headphone support
Ladies and gentlemen we have our winner!

compared to now the PSP is pretty small, well the 2000 and 3000 were tiny.

Layer it on top of the GBC and you'd be surprised, they kind of appear to be larger than they really are.

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looks like cheap trash to me

that aint no console. that's either a toaster or stereo equipment

too bad the games mostly sucked

I love the color of this, wish other consoles followed the same.

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There's not enough transparent consoles in the world, especially not now.

wow. a shitty pc

No joke this is the most beautiful console.

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the neo geo library is almost entirely classics, the problem was lack of variety and they were expensive, not quality.

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I grew up with the Wii and DS but I also grew up with the N64, GBA, Gamecube games via Wii and New Super Mario Bros U. because it was the only game around when the Wii U was launched (I was 12 back then and yes it has been that long) and a bunch of Wii/Wii U VC games. I now own every Nintendo home console minus the NES.

best HUEG coming thru

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Only the PS4 is sexy, the others are ugly, especially the original PS3 that big ass ugly bulky mother fucker

What I said may sound "ZOOM ZOOM" to everyone but honestly I had a lot of variety in game generations as a kid and the first game I ever played was Mario 64. So if anything I have the most nostalgia for N64. I can admit some things haven't aged the most gracefully but for the most part the N64 is still a system of super great games.

Nice smartphone fag

weaboo fag

im considering picking up a used PS3. can't confirm that it's in working order other than the guy saying it works. anything I should be mindful of before I buy? it's a slim model.

Based. For me it's Ice Blue & Noble Pink DSlite.

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why don't they make transparent cases anymore?
was it just a passing fad like wood-grain finishes?

I wish they would make a comeback, I would buy them over the others in every instance.

Best PSP for PSP games coming through. Gos are also nice, but they're more useful as PS1 emulators than as PSPs.

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The Fat PS3 is literally my favorite console design. Especially the white one bundled with a Yakuza game in japan.

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>no analog sticks
my actual sides

has there ever been a system milked so hard with 5902304 variations like the genesis?

Nintendo handhelds, 3DS especially.

Last thing known were 2DS japan only when pokemon GB were relesased at the e-shop. Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.

Are we forgetting one of the best PSP models? It's actually pocketable compared to other stuff like a 3DS or Vita.

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its been a thing since early 2000s

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PC Engine/TG16

i just dont like the sticks and they cuould had removed that awful border around the screen.

you have no fucking idea what steampunk looks like.

This look like shit onestly.

It look too cheap to look good.

something about sunlight damaging the electronic components, or some other shit i heard.

>VCRs get much hotter than consoles ever have
Then your VCR has a BIG problem.

This is the best looking non-special edition Playstation ever made.
Essential and with a simple but unique and recognizable design.

I had to get a flip top so I could play imports but I decided to pay extra for this beauty. God transparent plastic is bliss

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ahead of its time.

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But it also swapped the PS1 CPU out with a clone, so it's not as accurate with B/C and a few PS2 games like Ratchet and Clank

I agree

The xbone is a piece of shit but I really like the way the S looks.

bitch that thing is pointlessly lopsided and having anything hang over the edge like that is shit.

I like the cube thing, but I always thought the handle bar looked out of place. It was usually in the way too

based ResetEra

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