Is this a good deal?

Is this a good deal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me, the janny, it is. Fuck the game though.

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I'll be happy with just getting pizzas and the garlic bread. Fuck the game

not worth it.

anyone else think garlic bread is overrated?

should be enough for one tranny in a blue wig

spicy chicken > garlic bread

Where are the pizzas from?

Garlic bread is great.

Its ok.

That looks comfy.

First (and this is just an objectively bad feature): The registration process is an absolute nightmare. You have to set up and juggle multiple accounts through Square Enix and PlayOnline, a proto-"Steam" originally for PS2. One alone wouldn't be bad, but the way you have to toss account names and passwords back and forth is extremely confusing. I was lost and frustrated -- and I knew what I was getting into before registration! That alone almost made me want to give up, were it a completely free-to-try game, but I pushed on because of the dedication to experience this classic title.

Second: The game design and pacing is, in my opinion, pretty awful. I've heard some praise the story, and knowing it is a Final Fantasy title leads me to believe these evaluations are accurate, but after 17 hours I hardly feel like I've even brushed the tutorial. I started in the city of Bastok (which might be the problem) and the city missions have been boring fetch quests that take forever to complete. Want to unlock mounts? You start a quest where a Chocobo runs away, and you're told which region to explore, except that you must find Chocobo tracks in a tiny, TINY area of like one square foot out in a wilderness seemingly miles wide. I don't know how people did it back in the day, because I was playing with a guide and still was hardly able to locate the tracks.

Why would you buy the game again?

When WoL stop being a fucking cuck when he get his fucking dick wet he's a fucking virgin jobber rn

Third, and this is somewhat subjective: The game is almost unplayable without wiki guides open on a phone or second monitor. You could fumble blindly through the game and not figure out mechanics or goals for literally dozens of hours -- or indeed, until a player even told you such things exist. It feels like many mechanics (great mechanics) were added to the game throughout the years, but they weren't introduced very gracefully. As of the last update several years ago, FFXI is an overwhelming mess of mechanics and concepts decipherable only through constant and rigorous use of external guides, and man, that takes serious dedication to play. If you want to make progress in the game, you can't do so while relaxing at all. And this is coming from someone who adores the Monster Hunter series, which makes liberal use of external guides: In its current and final state, FFXI asks a lot from its players, especially new players.

Fourth, and to me this is the biggest: The vast majority of the game is spent running through empty spaces. I mean, I absolutely love exploration and appreciate the open nature of the game, but I feel like 15 of the 17 hours I've played have been running from point A to B with a map open on a second monitor, waiting for 10 minutes at a time just to cross vast expanses of nothing -- long, LONG stretches of the same three enemies and two tree models and four rock models. Some of these individual regions are larger than the entire maps of some games on the market, which is immediately impressive until you realize the great emptiness of most of the geography. Maybe this is mitigated by mounts; I don't know, because (ironically) I stopped from frustration after traveling through the missions to obtain mounts.

Its good but I ironically don't like it with pizza. Like I'd rather just eat more slices of pizza than have some and then eat some garlic bread on top of it.

The worst thing though is when they overcook it, that shit is the worst. Garlic bread should be soft mostly all around

Who cares? I just came here to shit on FFXIV trannies.

Is 11 main character a fucking cuck like 14 WoL

I understand this is a product of its time, and I certainly don't expect the detail of Skyrim or anything like that. In 2002 this would have been impressive, but I honestly feel I'd have been just as bored after I lost the initial shock of experiencing such large areas. I don't mind exploring for hours at a time. I don't mind repetitive grinding; the Dragon Quest games are some of my absolute favorites. I'm just...incredibly bored of holding W through the same rolling, empty wilderness for hours just to get an item. (And even then, this is supposed to be greatly improved over the original version of the game.) I wanted to experience the story! I STILL want to experience the story. But so far I have spent more time slogging through introductory quests than the entire lengths of other games, and that's greatly discouraging.

I will, one day, return to this game and give it another serious go. There's no doubt in my mind that the story is phenomenal and the mechanics open up to become much more interesting. But right now, in 2019, there are so many other games to play that don't require hours of holding the run button through leagues of nothing while glossing over mandatory wiki explanations -- and I definitely don't want to pay a subscription price for such an experience. I genuinely hope (and honestly believe) the game gets better, or else you wouldn't have players with like 10,000+ hours' playtime, but I just can't personally take any more uneventful running.

Have: PLD, DRG, WHM at 80
Choose: DRK, MNK, RDM, GNB

>both tanks in my Praetorium run are trying to do a full clear

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Well, I've tried 5 Titania farm groups today, and between them I've had a grand total of ZERO kills, because people keep fucking up tethers, or getting slapped by Phantom Rune and losing their puddle

Not with pizza. Carbs on top of carbs, what's the point here?

>tfw not only can I not use this because I already got Shadowbringers, I can't use it to get my mate back into FFXIV because he has the base game on steam and this is a windows version only offer
It's a damn shame.


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Looks like a pretty okay deal to me.

>Full clear
>In a main scenario dungeon
What the FUCK are they thinking?

Are you confusing xiv with xi


>do MSQ roulette
>wear toad uniform

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You Americans have it good, us Ausfags have to pay over $40 for 3 pizza's alone, you guys get a fucking game with it too

>until you realize the great emptiness of most of the geography
And yet people claim this is a good thing in botw

If for some reason you were interested enough in FFXIV to want to buy all of the expansions but haven't touched it before and want a bunch of shitty pizza on top of it, good deal.

As a palate cleanser between slices dumbass

This is an aussie deal you dumb fucker.

how do I play the new BLM change?
Blizzard for single
Freeze for mob?

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>Not doing Dying Gasp in Toad suit

>let me cleanse this greasy bread from my pallete with greasy bread

its great with spaghetti but pizza has plenty of bread as it is

No but THIS is

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I'm guessing this is domino's, in which case fuck no. Get a real pizza.

>finish this bullshit
>alright time to grab my DNC chicken from the achievement guy
>it's not achievement reward and it costs 350 gems
Are you fucking kidding me YoshiP?

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Just did my first trust dungeon, better than I expected but it's kinda annoying the NPCs respect the content like that. Also i'm already lvl 74, guess I should level up another job so I don't throw away the MSQ exp later on.

By the way, what's with the hard-on for Greek words? Started the role quest and I have to hunt "Dikaiosyne", was it like that in jap too?

I mean a game is usually 60 bucks anyway and with this you get a shit ton of food so yea I would say it’s a great deal

Ohh a "pallette"? Doing a little painting between slices faggot?
Face it, nothing cleanses the mouth of the previous slices flavor like a wad of fresh nutritious garlic knots

Is this a subtle jab at the fatass landwhales that dedicate their lives to these games? MMOs can only be played by one person at a time and it's not something you take turns playing so it's not like you have friends over for it. Who the hell is going to eat three large pizzas and a whole loaf of garlic bread all by themselves?

My worst experience with this game was doing the final MSQ dungeon for ARR, having the intro skipped because other people were queued in through roulette and have already done it, then having every cutscen skipped and not even participating in the final boss because it ended without me there

This was a couple years ago before they patched that stuff but damn I felt so depressed having to watch the cutscenes on youtube after

You weren't supposed to point that out...

>yeah bros nothing spells fun but having a pizza party at my house while playing the beginner leveling quests of FFXIV

why doesn't ARR come with a story skip now

Good luck sitting through ARR to ShB with only those pizzas.

I bet they blame each others too. It's like PF bingo.

Yoshi need us and our Fantasia shopping to live on, so I can go in whatever the heck I want. Suck it up normie you never respect the content in the first place.

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how fucking long is it gonna take you to get through 3 large pizzas? is anything worse than microwaved pizza?

Damn that's a really good idea, my retainer just gave me two pots of metallic gold dye too to make it even better.

The amount of shitty tanks in the df is insane

They now force everyone to watch the cutscenes as they became unskippable.
So now everyone shitpost in chat during most of it.

It's does for 10 bucks

Two hours

Wait what? Isn't $40 something you can get in "elite" pizzeria?

>Ordering pizza and garlic bread together
>Carrying about carbs and your weight

If you are that concerned about gaining weight and watching your weight than you shouldn't be eating pizza and garlic bread in the first place, retard.

Marco's Cheezy Bread > all

Same, had a similar experience. Then later, I was doing the Hildibrand questline and went to fight Greg in his second trial. Ended up getting locked out of both fights because it just so happened to be the day Triple Triad cards were added.

I like cheap handmade pizza. Not real one but good for breakfast

Why are healers so agitated? Had a healer die standing in aoe then went off on the party

sounds pretty based

You tell me, user

>Healing an expert dungeon
>I lag and the tank dies
>Cant say I lagged because he'll probably just think it's a shitty excuse

Takes me three days just to get through one large pizza.

It can be comfy at times, always someone shit talks Cid and makes fun of the bosses.

Chances are he lagged too. XIV's servers are garbage any time close to update releases.

That's a kangaroo ad

One large pizza is always enough for me. Maybe 2 per day. But really it's better to be fresh.

I mean there were always a couple of words here and there, but I barely started with ShB and I see a lot more. Is it Koji's fetish or something?

So pizza aside, is FFXIV any good? I really don't want to do an MMO but people have told me it has pretty decent solo content and Ivalice is cool. When can I play as a guy with a gunblade or Auron? I'd take Shadow, if that's an option.

Non-healers have been blaming healers for the littlest thing because some retards actually think healers are now "pure healers".
Like you're dpsing too much, why aren't you healing more, why am i not topped off. Not to mention seeing a GNB is a good way of ruining a healer day thanks to how retarded superbolide was made.

Add the above to retards not knowing how to tank at all due to new tank job and still trying to do muh big dick pulls and it's a recipe for disaster.

Is there anything worth getting from rank 3 fate achievements besides minions, mounts, and craft mats?

>Minimum wage in Australia is $19.49 per hour
yeah ok

Barding and orchestrion scrolls

>King's Longbow
>never played BRD
ugh this is worst feeling

>All these retards playing GNB
Stop giving my job a bad name please. If you are a shitty tank then stop trying, you will never be good at it. Tanking is easy as hell and if you cannot grasp it from the beginning then it is beyond you. Go back to DRG or SAM or whatever you played before, you can always tank the floor instead.

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You have to hit level 60 first
You have to hit level 50 first
You have to hit level 15 first

You have a few on the side while eating the pizza and save the rest for breakfast the next morning.

It's not fucking good your character is a fucking cuckold and you lose every fucking fight in cut scene

spaget is literally just bread

What's that, like $3 American?

Primal is meme lord central? This is a kotaku article btw.

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today i had a hrothgar pld who would whiff his circle of scorn on enemy packs every single time picking up nothing he pulled. just how do you get 80 levels doing that

The game is good but
>When can I play as a guy with a gunblade or Auron? I'd take Shadow, if that's an option.
Fuck off we don't want you.

>play GNB
>outdps everyone against bosses for a few levels spamming dungeons
>realize I didn't actually have the level 30 cartridge spender on a hotkey

When am I supposed to use No Mercy anyways, after 2nd GCD like PLD?

>No mention of Aether being trannyville and the official LGBT datacenter as a whole
Lol biased.


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pizzas are like $5 here so maybe

i've never encountered any meme lords, but the Brazilian thing is spot on for Behemoth.

Here is your tank for today

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We should've raped him in front of Tsuyu desu.

You should be using it immediately after Bloodfest and go into your Continuation combo. Don't forget to double weave Blasting Zone after Gnashing Fang.

what if you were about to hit level 50.... but your brain suddenly wanted to change classes...
im seriously struggling i dont know if i should just go for it or just keep plowing through the MSQ

WoL dick never been used because the devs are tiny cock jap cucks

No Mercy snapshots with the two DoTs, right?

>EU pf full of job locks
Is this same for US servers?

I saw them advertising this on the side of a fucking bus today.

>but that largely happens behind closed doors

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>tfw dragoonchad since I bought the game 3 years ago

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buy a skip potion lol

You'll likely end up maxing every class anyways.

Do what makes you happy, user. If you want to try a new class, just go for it. MSQ isn't going anywhere.

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Same here, I'm close to starting the Heavensword quests, but I started playing like a year ago and by the time I came back I felt like I needed to relearn the WAR even though I'm at level 55.
I'm just gonna wait until I can get Dark Knight and then probably switch.
I feel like I'd tank better if I started from scratch instead of trying to remember what all my buttons do in the middle of a fight.
That and I've been playing the same class since I started over a year ago and I want to spice things up.

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Fuck "Clear" PF groups.

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post a full album of these

>more raid content is cleared here
>~200 clears away from primal
>primal actually beat aether on BA clears
wow, great hardcore community.

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>DNC, NIN locks

BA is easier than 24 man content. Difficulty has nothing to do with clear rates there. Its about the kind of people willing to put up with Eureka's bullshit.

Once you have a kill, never ever ever join a group that doesn't have [Duty Complete] and doesn't say "farm".

Get on my level

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No that's what it used to be, Ultros and Yea Forums and /vg/ homeworld, and now all have scattered to Aether or because of the server change. Primal is congest with South American, but Ultros is comfy now, please get the fuck out of it.

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This makes me want to throw up.

Shadow it is.
Can you not read? I said I wanted solo stuff you ass bandit.

The only hard part of BA is wrangling your herd of retards. It's mechanically very simple.

Ultros was*

>never ever ever join a group that doesn't have [Duty Complete]

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I waited too long and now every party is retarded. I even got into a farm party and they had even less brain cells.
There isn't an album.

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>check blacklist
>almost half are from behemoth

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>BA is easier than 24 man content
I can't even get party for BA without discord sect
>shout in chart about BA run
>"BA pug lmao ahaha"
>"try discord"
>"use discord for BA"
If it so easy why everyone fears BA?

Fair price, wish the game was fucking discounted on steam, right now you get a 0% discount for buying the complete bundle, heck I'd be happy with a stupid mount or a maid outfit.

No idea. Outside of maybe Ozma, the first encounters are literally just dont stand in bad stuff.

>I said I wanted solo
Then why the flying fuck are you inquiring about an MMOrpg you absolute retard?

What is the best class to play through Stormblood? Samurai?

>tfw I got my 10 Titania EX clears via the Duty Finder

Farm parties are more cancerous.

When are skips allowed

>Game just launched a fucking week ago and is popular as all hell
>"wtf why can't I get a discount"
Fucking poorfags I swear to god.

Your favourite.

Your favourite.

I would unironically try the game if they had a similar offer for europoors

Because WoW babies its players mechanically

Getting your MNKey ass handed to you by Zenos and then picking up the superior Yanxian Blade is the way to go

Please stop reposting my character

Wait what happened to that Elezen chick in Ardbert's party?

I just want my fucking free pizza but I don't live where that promotion is available fucking richman.

Yeah. A couple meals worth of food is unironically a better value than most pre-order bonuses.

>Litres + Dollars

Play all the role quests.

i've missed vidya pizza threads
you have shit taste, garlic bread is great

>all this retarded talk about garlic bread

Have you dorks never heard of bread sticks?

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She's the barmaid

>*Pizza Subscription required

Play the fucking game and find out, stop asking for people to spoil shit or go look at a wiki

Infinitely inferior to delicious garlic bread.

Why hunt rewards sucks? What's the point in hunting besides tomes? OR you can unlock new rewards after beating S rank?

You made me check my party members from yesterday.
>tank is literally made of paper
>since he's newish give him some advice
>dps tells me to stop dpsing so much and heal instead and tank won't melt
Yep, it would.

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Well it's better than FF XIV thats for sure.

Hunting is literally just a minigame for autists

>mfw I've never played a healer and have to get one to 80
Is there a way to level one without having to heal other players?


on primal i only tend to see job locks for melee dps, usually drg/mnk and dnc

Titles, mounts, minions and it’s fun fighting raid bosses that can kill everyone with one hit. I fucking hate grassman. That fucker and his chest thump attack is dumb and no idea what you should do about it other than run away.

Bread sticks with cocktail sauce > all the garlic breads.

Your tongue is retarded

Just heal, you baby.

Here’s the real question

What alcohol pairs best with FFXIV

Just level SMN and then do role quests with SCH

so I sympathize with you about dps talking bullshit but objectively if the tank dies it is your fault

healers have so much excess healing that there is absolutely no excuse for tank dying

What the hell is this meme about South Americans being on Primal? I've been playing since 1.0 and ARR early access, been on Excalibur the whole time, and I have run into less South Americans than I could count on my hands.

Gorilla from Raktica? With 140 people I didn't even notice what he can do. Or this was different gorilla?

if WoW hardest content had a rating of "5" what rating would the hardest content in FFXIV get?

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Alcohol is for normies or the clinically depressed. Which are you?

7 at least. I played WoW for over a fucking decade and XIV is definitely less forgiving.

I can't do better than cure II spam to keep garbage alive.

>Tank gets six (6) vulnerability stacks

The Bard could tank more effectively


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Whatever you like dude
For me is rum

so for monk would you switch to fists of wind only during riddle of fire? or could you just stay in riddle of wind the entire time?

Holy fuck what is up with the leveling bots everywhere? cant SE do anything about this?

Just watch ultimates fights. It's designed to break your spirit.

He's posting on Yea Forums, of course it's the latter.

You're retarded.

bros i tried to play ff14 again after a year and i dont have my old phone with the one time key on it anymore. Am i fucked?. i tried making a new account but i cant use the code from the game i already bought

Why are you afraid of discord? It's not like you have to talk. Battle raises are up to RNGesus, and raises outside combat cost healers a few hundred thousand gil. If you wipe, you don't just try the boss again, you de-level and are are booted back to hydatos. Discord isn't a necessity, but it sure helps wrangle 70 retards.

Who doesn't like a nice 'roni 'go 'za to go with their sin eater slaying?

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If you're a healer main, hard cold vodka or the strongest whisky you have. Anything strong even if it's drain cleaner.

All you want is to forget.

If you're a tank main, one of those fruity girly drinks it will go right with your masochist tranny role.

If you're a dps main, water, you're already bad enough sober.

Hey guys MUH HUNT!

no BA runs because of ShB

>Gigfishing in Yanxia
>Underwater music overwrites the dope Yanxian music
Why does it keep happening

I kinda want this

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WoW’s difficulty is just objectively different. WoW isn’t clearable for a good while because people need gear to pass it. FFXIV has crafted gear you can buy (for several million gil on the market boards because overmelded crafted gear is required and new mats are required) that makes new raids clearable day one.

WoW raids have a much nastier stat requirement. FFXIV’s DPS checks are still rough but entirely skill reliant, not gear reliant, making it easier to clear.

When a FFXIV raid takes days to clear, it is because the best people in the world lack not the gear but the mechanical skill to clear.

Also WoW had old content that was straight up impossible so that’s always harder

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is this real

>Dragon farm party for titania
>wipes to enrage at 7, 8%

not really

Savage. I never understand food critics tho. Why is it even legit job?

You need to call support, have your cd keys at hand if possible, and they'll ask you a bunch of questions like the name of your characters, when you bought the game, the last time you played etc and they'll give you back control of the account.

Are you sure youre not thinking of like....calamari, or something?

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Is Taco Bell any good these days? The delivery options in the neighborhood I recently moved to are a bunch of gross gook restaurants, McDicks, and the aforementioned so I usually just wind up eating whatever I can slap together from the stuff lying around in my fridge.

Sell me on why I should play FFXIV

Who are the other 7 people helping (you) in Titania/Innocence?

Adventurers from the first.

If you played any FF game over the past 10 years and somehow liked one of them, the latest expac is better than that.

You shouldn't force yourself to play games.

Well, the man's a chef for starters. Professional food critics are a mystery, but a chef critiquing another chef makes sense.

Glamored Pixies and people who got puked out by Sineaters.

can you pug the hardest content in FFXIV?

If you hate yourself sure.

We're not mind readers. We don't know your preferences.
It's story focused, and the producer would prefer that you only stay subscribed to play the content you enjoy and then come back later when more of what you like is added.
Do with that what you will.

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It's the best MMORPG on the market right now.
It's the best Final Fantasy game in recent years right now.


I only eat Meol.

I've never heard of a group managing to PUG ultimate.


Yes. Very easy to pug for the clear. Farming is the hard part.
Yes, but with significantly greater difficulty as you progress. As time goes on clearing with PUGs will get a little easier as the most PUG-friendly strats/trends become popular.
Not a fucking chance. Too many mechanics that need designated to individual people and not roles.

Normal content would be around a 3 or 4 (meaning savage), Ultimate would be around a 7 or 8.

Nope, they're just different. FFXIV is definetely more punishing individually and most of the time you're going to die if you stand in some shit while in WoW you're probably going to wipe your whole party making resurrection pretty useless.

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Alright bros, which is more fun, DRK or PLD? I'm trying to decide what my second tank should be

Look at the brightside, that's one way of eating pussy.

>BLM can just stand in frost rune AOE
Any BLMbros here? I want to know tricks for Innocence too.

Gunbreaker is the only fun tank. Enjoy it before they homogenise it into the same mold they've warped PLD/WAR/DRK into.

JP servers. But I suspect at this point your pug is like FC


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>recolored Fat Chocobo
>good deal
Lazier and lazier with every expansion.The first 2 promotions with the Eastern Set and the Butler/Maid sets were better than this.

>he doesn't use Bluespirit weapons
>he doesn't use wear Crystarium armor / Scion Traveler's armor
Reminder: the moment you stop playing dressup and immerse yourself just a bit in the actual game it becomes ten times better.

these fucks do more damage than tanks

Vampire detected

for me it's the ravel keepers set

To be fair, WHM's DPS kit is just stronger in every way, and all SCH has is awkwardly healing or spamming Broil.
They'd have to nerf WHM and tweak tanks to compensate.

>SCH player complaining about anyone being OP
That's funny, it was never a problem when they were on top

for me? the toad suit

I still have trouble targeting on PS4 especially switching between pt members and enemies, so I wouldn't want to condemn others that are just trying to run their roulettes.

Wouldn't i have to level SCH too?

Official forum is portal to different universe

Get up with the times gramps.

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SMN and SCH share levels, as they're both Arcanist.

This elezen is based af though.

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You dont have to play catch up with SCH or SMN, they level at the same time. Both of them take Arcanist XP.


All you niggers do is judge an entire job by the words of a few. There's only one job in the game guilty of being blanketly, ball-bustingly aggravating about being #1, and that's WAR.

>both gun jobs are the highest dps in their role
Good shit

I want to level up MCH. I heard new MCH is like ranged NIN (gamepaly/CPM wise). True?

Huh that's neat, thanks anons.


Slam hypercharge and start alternating Heatblast with Gauss Round/Ricochet and hope your connection doesn't fucking trip over its own balls, causing you to do one less heatblast than you should.

MCH is simpler than NIN, but it's about as fast

WAR and SCH have the most cancerous playerbases in this game, you can't talk shit of WAR without mentioning SCH because they both came from the same batch.

It's almost impressive how NIN is meta since it came out and yet they still manage to be nice people.

What do I do when I get a gatherer lvl 80

The pDPS difference between the tanks is the ideal for all jobs before factoring in rDPS contribution.
Except Black Mage, because they're not allowed to move if they want to do BIG NUMBUH

>It's almost impressive how NIN is meta since it came out and yet they still manage to be nice people.
Many of them grumble about being TA slaves though. Though most are content to just be saucegay oochyha in peace.

>Want to play MCH,BLM and SAM

What's wrong with me bros..

yes, but it doesnt mean it isn't good. Rather fucking overpowering flavour wise, but i still enjoy

You just don't notice it because everyone speaks english


>carbs carbs carbs
Are you one of those people who obsess over like your perfect food ratios? That shit drives me up the walls. Used to work with a guy who would NEVER call food by what it’s normally called. He’d always say he wanted a protein on carbs with a slice of dairy or some shit like that. absolute fucking nutcase. Anyway I think you’re him and you need to kill yourself because I can’t stand you or your schlock.

>Pastel Pink dye prices has skyrocketed.
Gee I fucking wonder why.

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You're not alone.

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If we move to 99th percentile there's more people laughing at warkeks

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is this the return of /pizza?

>queue in normal toad suit
>post edgy macro like "heh, this one huh? guess I'll have to go all out, just this once...."
>switch to gold toad suit

Marcos cheezy bread sucks fat fucking ass. Their pizza and subs are really good but fuck their bread

You need to eat healthy high quality food, user. Think about your health!

it's great when soft but pizza hut has trash GB their breadsticks are much better


Jealous crystal and aether trannies trying to find a single fault with primal chads.

Hey let's how parses are in ma- WHAT

Now that's some mega padding going in here.

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Nothing wrong with wanting to have the biggest dps dick

>want to use the viera panties and thigh boots and hempen but literally everyone is

but there's only two of those

Sure but no one likes a preacher.

>the absolute STATE of AST

people can intentionally fail puddles to spawn adds to padd off of in titania

Fuck Carbs. Use your normal Egis you snowflake fucks, Im sick of fucking Carbs everywhere.

I get the feeling that looking at the max dps for a job is absolutely worthless

I see, no wonder it says war is doing 11k on max but there's no such parse on the list.

>finish MSQ and role quests
>care about ardbert and his gang more than the WoLs

It is because Dancer exists.

who the fuck cares you snowflake. you really care about some faggot's opinion on Yea Forums calling you a basic bitch for wanting to see your character in some hot clothes?

So Eulmore is definitely based on Lindblum from FFIX right

>no tzadziki

Attached: 1474125033082.jpg (357x379, 16K)

Now more than every since Dancer boosts a person's dps by a 1000 at least.

I'm joking.
>living in modern town
>using shit tons of dangerous products and tech outside food
>inhaling shit air
>still obsessively caring about health
>when everyone infected by tuberculosis

I don't care about that, I just prefer not running into clones of myself every 2 seconds. I'd never dye my shit pastel pink either.

No retard

here is your duty complete

Attached: Screenshot (277).png (893x100, 60K)

Im guilty of buying a few but for other stuff

based retard

Learn to read

Nigga what? It's just dumb. Would you eat a t-bone steak with a side of chicken tenders?

>3 healers 1 tank

Stupid question but why are there 2 different "stack" markers (one that points an arrow at you from above and another one where there are arrows on your sides, like the one Tsukuyomi uses)?

Name one thing they have in common besides
>hurr de durr they have airships!

>fucking GEMS as currency
Now I know for sure - this game is typical asian garbage. Why can't Asians make a good MMO?

One is line. You can stuck across entire line.

>kill for a friend

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Tell me about brynhildr

I wouldn't eat it with pizza but garlic bread is god-tier food, it always tastes so fucking good.

bro you just posted cringe

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This game has like 50 currencies. Gems just one more.

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Yes, Freeze, dump Foul/refresh Thunder, proceed back to Flares.

big large yikes

Gil is the currency, like in all the other FF games.
What was your reaction, Yea Forums?

Only if I can order it in game

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New BLM should be fucking illegal, no class should feel this good to play while shitting out this much damage. BLMchads win yet again.

>cutscene where WoL is disgusted upon seeing tomestones in the First

Attached: 1505285218919.jpg (524x454, 153K)

>me make big number and make healer babysit me entire fight
>me so good

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Jealous RDMfaga right on cue

Imagine playing a role for sissies and girlfriends.

They weren't tombstones. They were those dumb phone ones.

please stop being retarded

tombstones? You must be talking about stonetomes

Holy shit stop misspelling tomestombs.

>dude member game of thrones?

Attached: ladder.jpg (554x313, 49K)

Ah I see. Figured it was something like this but people always just stack on top of each other so I thought i'd ask just in case.

this isn't a wall of ice tho

Thancred just kicked me because he outparsed me. What the fuck?

Well, they do have that one GoT actor in the English dub

If you gold parse you actually unlock the secret Ryne dating questline.

Based retard who didn't play the game

Tomestone of poetics
Tomestone of goetica
Wolf marks
Allied seals
Centurio seals
Sack of nuts
Serpent seals
Storm seals
Flame seals
Yellow crafter scrips
White crafter scrips
Yellow gatherer scrips
White gatherer scrips
Amaljaa beast tribe tokens
sylph beast tribe tokens
sahagin beast tribe tokens
ixali beast tribe tokens
kobold beast tribe tokens
vanu vanu beast tribe tokens
vath beast tribe tokens
moogles beast tribe tokens
namazu beast tribe tokens
ananta beast tribe tokens
kojin beast tribe tokens
Achievement points
bicolor gemstones
Alex normal tokens multiplied by 3 tiers
Alex savage pages multiplied by 3 tiers
Omega normal tokens multiplied by 3 tiers
Omega savage pages multiplied by 3 tiers
Mhach coins (3x)
Ivalice coins (3x)

I think that covers all the most common currencies/tokens used by players.

Too bad that's not a town. It's just a crummy elevator up a cliff.

Ayooo which place is this?


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At least two, Gendry and Roose.

are you the retard who made the thread claiming that's supposed to be trump?

Who is Gendry voicing

I don't actually know who they are, I never watched GoT, I just know people kept saying Gaius' actor was in it


Did you guys know you can flip dominos leftovers into a frying pan and use the grease to heat it up for breakfast? try it! So good

>Game of thrones invented walls made of rock/ice with an elevator that goes up to the top of it



Shame its only fun 60/70+.

BLM is the most fun job at 50, not that that's saying much

What is the omega lyrics actually saying?

What the fuck

Gaius was easy to spot as Roose but I didn't realize you're right until now

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Fresh pizza > cold pizza > reheated pizza.

I want to remind you guys that Australian food sizes are smaller than us Americans. Seems Americans know how to feed people and Europe/other countries gets these dinky ass pizzas. They sell a large as a small/med.

No, but I honestly never eat it with pizza, pasta only.


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This is unexpected.

The same as the old one.


But then you still have to use Transpose with AoE and its gross

Yeah but people usually reheat pizza wrong and use a microwave or oven. This is the real way to reheat. Recook even.

>did you guys know you can cook
wow thanks

fucking FotM GNB shits, go back to playing your dps, STOP TAKING MY SPOT IN PFS

>American ""food""
Lmao lad, travel.

I think the guy who voices Vauthry was also in GoT

>ran a dungeon with a Lala named "Bagel Boss" today
you fuckers are fast

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i need cheese cheddar
i'm willing to fly
the mayo slithers
all over the fries
now i need ketchup
on the other side

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Care to explain to the rest of the class, grandson?

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imagine changing your character's name for a fotm meme

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>Y'Shtola and Titania are the same VA
Oh, neat--
>Also Sera in Dragon Age
Fucking kill me

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It was the top story on Reddit for a day. Good luck with that super sekret club mentally, it's all the same bullshit.

Lodestone is slow to update you summerfag

>start playing this for the first time yesterday
>pick arcanist
>fighting enemies
>carbuncle uses gust
>aoe hits big lad
Amusing, but also [PANIC]

nobody gives a shit you tranny



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Sera's VA was fine, especially given the garbage they had to work with.


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Are the /vg/ guilds actually anti trans? I'm pretty sure transgender people are a large majority of ERPers on balmung and what not. Not cool to bully.


go back to resetera

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Wish Yoshi put more efforts into cutscene animation. WoW has pretty good cutscenes. Not even wowtard

I wish Yoshi put more effort into anything that's not marketing.

So rn I'm leveling NIN for the main story, gonna try and get to the end of SHB but i'm only at the start of StB

How long should this take? and is BLM hard? or do all the big numbers come easy? because I might level BLM next

I jumped to GNB from DRK tho

Yea no fuck right off with that waste of resources.

BLM is one of the easiest jobs in the game.

BLM is the easiest DPS class in the game mate.

>waste of resources.
They can do this. Easily.

How can you modify settings to make the moves and shiny explosions look less like eye cancer?

>Subscription game
>Still have to buy it

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>Being a poorfag

Ahh, seems like the choice of class if you don't care about people crying about how hard the class is then

But what are the hardest classes?

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Go back to WoW

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sorry guys I'm playing BFA right now I can't subscribe to FFXIV

I just about reached max level in the trial. I guess I have to buy the game now. I really don't want to pay 60 bucks plus the monthly fee but this game is too good. And everyone keeps saying it only gets better and better.

Haha, nice one dude

you can tone them down in the character config

damn fuck I want to buy a pizza now, but all the restaurants in my city closed at 10PM.

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>join meme clear for a friend
>get 6 totems in a row

Funny how that works when it's legit.

BLM is pretty hard to play if you want big dick damage because you don't want to move at all, but you forced to move and you have ticking clocks. Rotation itself is very simple

I don't get it. Are you implying Emet goes commando under that giant robe?

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No class is hard to play. If you find any of them difficult your IQ is legit single digits.

Sup bro. No worries, have fun.

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the complete collection goes on sale all the time. just wait a little longer

ff14 marketing has been really out of touch for a while now.
that ad with hannibal buress and some other faggot nobody cares about makes the game sound like some sort of dark souls like experience.

Next time go to the grocery store and buy 10 pizzas to put in your freezer for this moment

Yea, you can also stand on your head and eat your own shit retard, doesn't mean it's good to do it.

He actually wears tights, so kinda.

I thought that was the case oh well i'll keep enjoying NIN I guess since all the classes are more fun than NU-WoW classes anyway

RIP Mrhappy

>tfw bullied healer out of the dungeon
god i love playing tank

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what did he do now

they are closed too. Fuck Leafistan.

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don't do this

Why are you so aggressive over nothing? Summer? This is 18+ website

None are particularly hard and SE has completely gutted any class that used to have some semblance of difficulty. In ARR I'd tell you to play Scholar as they had the most buttons to press and resources to manage in addition to microing a pet and frequently switching stances.

Now though? Pet micro is dead, pet diversity removed, stance toggling was gone last expansion, over half your dps skills are removed and your resources no longer require management at all.

Summoner still has a good number of buttons to press but it feels really basic to use.

And now waiting on queue and facing a possible 3day ban. Good job user.

He dared to make a guide but he took advantage of the video length and plastered it with ads. So to atone, I ordered him to diet from pizzas. When that was too much for him, I ordered him to not skip soar!

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Damn that sucks. Make sure you post the in-store prices when they open again, I need to see them

This is not okay

>MMOs can only be played by one person at a time so it's not like you have friends over for it
user... I feel so sorry for you, but it's quite common for friends to hang out and play not unlike old LAN parties.

I feel like NIN allows me to pretend my class is hard while I press lots of buttons and look cool so I guess i'll stick with it

They deliver the download code? So you eat all your food while it’s installing?

Look I might be a tranny but I'm keeping my penis because it's pretty big and fun to play with

Come on bro don't be like that, we are all brothers here.

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The delivery driver has to come in and install it for you while you eat pizza.

Irony. In more ways than one.


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Eat your Meol bro.

Saw a lalafell wearing this the other day in Castrum, unironically made the run for me

>Tank is being a bitch
>Ditch dungeon and have a better one in less than 30 seconds
>Tank is still waiting for a healer for 10+ more minutes
Wew lad, you sure showed them!

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i got absolutetly bored of playing BLM

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Only if it's made of forgiven obscenity.

This is a good post

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This giraffelet drives my peepee crazy

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You can't requeue if you leave a dungeon, 30min penalty.

you and me both brother

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Do I get to fuck him though?

You weren't supposed to point that out...

>pulling hard
>feel like isnt there
>so does dps
>he spergs and leaves
>new heal insta poping
Healsluts memes were true all along

Attached: Screenshot (281).png (451x195, 90K)

I'm in Omega, can you give me the name? I won't bully, just want to avoid.

>He doesn't know how to abandon without penalty
How long have you played this game for?

Based Biran

>do your job or change it

user that's not a healer that's just a bitch, why did you lie?

It's hilarious because that's the exact same thing I tell tanks who don't pull wall to wall, that or it's "do your job or I'll do it for you" and rescue them into the next pack.

Should I level WHM? Never healed any serious content, wanna see what all the fuss is about.

>bullying little kids

Why are SCHs so uppity now?

The entire job got reworked to be shit.

>Get Amarout for Expert Roulette
>DPS and Healer both run around like headless chickens whenever the bomb or sprites tether to them

It's not like I can take them off you what do you want me to do about it

Considering this is the second expansion in a row where the class is absolutely fucked (albeit for completely different reasons this time) can you really blame them?

I mean I just want these "hurrr durrr why u so complain??" WHM faggots to lose the stun from Holy and the damage from assize while also completely removing tetragammon and giving every ability 100 less potency and see how it suits them.

But of course WHM is the designated shitter class so they need all those crutches to do even the most basic shit so that'll never happen.

It depends on the brand of pizza.

Probably more than you. Though I know what you're talking about.

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Earlier I had a healer rescue me out of trying to wall pull then tell me no big pulls. I pulled big after anyway and healed myself.

Made for segs

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>Pick class because arcanist core package was cool and fun
>Stance dancing was an interesting mechanic
>Having to choose between buffs and heals with fairies allowed you to min-max your performance
>Using your heals well allowed you to spend resources on damage instead, rewarding skillful play

>It all gets removed completely
>Class has none of the things that made me want to play it in the first place
Gee user, I wonder why SCH mains are upset.

does it come with a month of free subscription to the game?

>SCHfag pretending like SB SCH didn't get immediately buffed before any actual content came out and spitefully wanting WHMs to be nerfed despite WHM spending almost half a fucking decade in the trashcan

Truly the worst playerbase

>all that food
>1.25L drink

what the fuck

>Titania EX
>got hit by aoe
>healer rescue me from the edge of arena
>I forgot to thank him
Feels bad. This was so cool.

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Europe and Australia don't have freedom 2Ls

Imagine the 2 jesters pleasuring each other in front of Vauthry

I rescue people to pull them down the bottomless pit in the Ozma fight.

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just gonna ask here because i just got the game and it's my first mmo experience since maplestory in like 2005. it seems pretty straightforward but can I get some basic do's/don'ts as a tank in dungeons? it seems like I control the pace of the dungeon and I'm not sure if I should try to hit more rooms or just rush through

>>Having to choose between buffs and heals with fairies allowed you to min-max your performance

You must've been playing a different game then because SCH was never that.
Even when cleric stance WAS a stance SCH had the easiest time stance dancing because lustrate healed a fixed % and wasn't affected by mind.

Does the digital upgrade service and other Mog station items ever go on sale? People keep taunting me with that coeurl mount but I'm not paying 20 dollars for it.

At least that's better than what I usually get, rescue the tank towards the next pack and the brainless moron just runs right back to where he was pulled from.... like nigger what the fuck do you think is going on? I then either just pull the pack myself or stand where I was and watch him die, telling him he ran out of range for heals so he died :^)

Best place for this is Amaurot, as you don't need a tank for the final boss at all and you can just rescue him off the platform repeatedly.

Sir, it's not legal to be that fucking based.

Just wait for not-Eureka and dye it.

First time, take it slow, subsequent attempts pull 2 if decent geared or pull 3 if overgeared.
It's just practice and experience, no one is going to mind if it's your first time and taking it slow.

then throw in another 1.25, ffs

>His Home Point isn't set to Eulmore
What are you: Poor?

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How do I level MIN? I just don't know how to level my classes once I hit 50. Levequests seems slow as shit and I'm only getting like 10k XP from collectables.

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No one fucking cares. Stop being a dick.

What's the point of leveling up trust units?

In ARR you would always have Selene out for the buffs and managing them for optimal uptime, unless your retarded WHM peon died and you replaced him with Eos.

Since then they completely gutted Selene and have now just straight up removed her.

>I-it was fine that it was a dysfunctional mess that was completely unplayable at launch, they fixed it! Also it's not like WHM's have been insufferable whiners throughout the process doing the exact same thing they're doing now, it's all SCH fault for being spiteful!
Why are WHM's always so trash?

Wrong game

You can run the dungeons by yourself to ensure you get the songs and pets. If you get them to 80 you get the ability to put them in their old outfits.

Probably something to come in future patches where they can be used at level 80.

Just keep cool, if people want to go faster they usually will, just do your job and wrangle everything that tries to attack your party and you'll be fine.

Especially in early content tanks aren't really needed, it's not until you get to 30+ that healers stop being able to solo dungeons, you have plenty of time to practice.

Yes, they fixed it immediately; whereas classes like WHM, MCH, and DRK had to spend the entire goddamn expansion in the states they were in and didnt complain half as hard as you SCHfags have been. Fuck off.

Dungeons are best source of exp alongside with new Fates. In XIV you really don't have options for solo leveling. So dungeons with trusts are great. But they fucked them up.

You don’t really need to though. I just eat whatever I want and every time I have a health checkup the doctors tell me I’m in pristine condition. I drink bubble tea and Coca Cola every day and eat heaps of shit like pizza and crisps that are bad for my health. Supposedly my BMI is perfect - the doctor told me not to gain or lose any weight.

I’ve always fucking hated going to the gym so I normally go a couple of times a year then give up. Recently my muscles seems to have just started getting bigger on their own. I’m 24.

No. Learn to do your job properly and maybe you won't suffer someone else not doing their job properly out of boredom

We have 1.75L bottles for coca cola and pepsi in EU, pretty sure i've bought 2L bottles before but i can't say for sure. Personally I prefer to buy 2 1L bottles or cans instead of a 1 2L bottle because coke without fizz sucks and large bottles tend to lose gas halfway through.

If you're bored then fuck off.


>Didn't complain
Nigger the chorus of WHM complaints is only echoed by their pathetic "it's not so bad" both at the start of SB and now..

Is there no way to get their hats WITH visors?

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No, I'll use the person boring me for entertainment instead. It's only fair.
>N-no I want to go s-slow so j-just sit there and s-spam broil for each i-individual pack w-while the dungeon a-also takes t-twice as l-long
Who the fuck would put up with your bullshit, faggot?

>comparing dissipate to lilies and WHM being 1k raid dps behind SCH and AST for 2 years
For fucking real mate?

Oh wow one bad button how will Scholar ever recover

Meanwhile WHM's entire new job gimmick was complete fucking ass one and never got fixed

We have 2.5l in slavlands. But yeah cans are better. Most expensive one is cola in glass bottles because "it's real"

Imagine waking G'raha Tia up and having adventures while Exarch watches from this mirror.

Garlic bread is fine, but when you make it garlic cheese bread that's stepping over the line. It literally just becomes pizza without the sauce.

Nevermind I hadn't look at all the jester cap variations yet.
There's a visor on the Harlequin's cap.

>Yse & Lyda

>G'raha dies to AoE
>Exarch dies

collectables and leves, that's about as fast as you can go
you can use the squadron and scrip manuals to grind it out a bit but i wouldn't recommend going hard into that unless you need the mats for leveling crafters as well

Based mentality. I'm ectomorph and literally can't become fat so eating junk food is not even problem

>B-but WHM's didn't/don't whine!
So easy. So fucking easy.

Bitch all you want about lilies, at least it did something. Dissipate was literally just not on your hotbar, Fairy mechanics have been gutted for longer than you've even HAD lillies.
>B-but muh raid dps
So I imagine you're pleased that the situation is now reversed and WHM do well over 1k more dps than other healers, you wouldn't even be slightly discomforted by the massive hypocricy involved either eh? Typical WHM faggotry.

It's been almost a year since I did any fishing in this game, forgot how comfy this shit is.

Wow, he's actually trying to spin Dissipate (one fucking skill) to somehow be more of an injustice than the entire lily system being useless in Stormblood. Holy shit the absolute lack of self awareness.

>2 threads up over 490+ replies

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welcome home, fishy friend

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It's comfy until you get to endgame, at least in ARR... fuck me that just killed it for me, fish in a very specific remote spot for a very specific time of day for a 1/5 chance to get a fish, that you need to get high quality with at best a 20% chance, all to get a 1/3 chance to get an even rarer fish that you also need high quality of...

Further proof that the afternoon threads getting deleted on sight is the work of a single assumed WoWfag janny

he's waiting for it to hit like 520 posts before he moves it to /vg/ for some reason

>Max level skill being literally useless
>"errrrmaghurd lilies aren't as good as I'd like them to be"
Useless my ass, what kind of a shitter are you? Lilies had more impact than the fucking fairy gauge too you absolute retard.

That shit doesn't give you anything, why even bother

>Fishwheel three times within the time and weather window to get a chance at catching the big fish

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You just know that he's here and he's fuming.

Attached: 1539621233623.png (1920x1058, 1.6M)

Those who follow Mitron are the true chads of XIV.

Since xivg is ignoring the question il ask here
I feel retarded for asking this but I just don't get it. I am trying to unlock The Swallow's Compass. To do so I need to do the quest Tortoise in Time. I am standing at the quest giver according to the wiki but there is no quest. Its not in my log, and I do not have the duty unlocked.

Attached: wtfdoido.png (1910x1077, 3.93M)

We really need to edit those text boxes.

It used to be the only way to get high end gear lad.

have you looked in the volcano


what volcano
Did you do this and clear the dungeon?

I didnt join the crafting and gathering scene till Heavensward. Now THAT was an endgame. And absolute clusterfuck of an endgame.

How far into the SB MSQ are you?

the volcano to enter the shrine
if you don't know what I'm talking about then you didn't help Tataru recoup the losses

i actually switched my retainer over to miner since you need the hidden ores to make shit now and i'd honestly rather spend the time leveling them up instead of dealing with that shit again


no i didnt. thank you user

Is fishing profitable right now in ShB?
>those prices for food
fucking jews

>Lilies had more impact than the fucking fairy gauge too you absolute retard.
Hey bro, just blow up 3 cure I/IIs for -15 seconds on assize and asylum. It's totally better than aetherpact, one of the strongest single target sustain heals in the game, which i charge just by blowing up aetherflow stacks on energy drain and a occasional indom/excog.

Are you fucking retarded mate?
Why would anyone blow up 3 THREE gcds to get -15seconds on a skill that doesn't even cover the dps loss OR heals more than a gcd like cure III or medica II. How is that better than aetherpact? Are you fucking out of your mind mate?

don't go to /xivg/

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You can't dye it the way they've dyed their hats. Glamour ruined.

Honeslty HW killed crafting and gathering for me, they took the worst parts about ARR crafting and gathering and applied it everywhere.

In ARR the fucking endgame was all running timers and hoping for HQ rare drops, for most of which you needed buff food and/or company buffs in addition to overmelded gear to even stand a chance, it was retarded.

Then HW comes and brings us more fucking timer nonsense and I just quit, fuck that, fuck crafting, I'm fucking done.

wow fuck you then