Trained by the most well known shinobi in the province

>Trained by the most well known shinobi in the province
>Trained to be a shinobi since he was a child
>Given the honor of being the Shinobi for not only the king, but also the Divine Heir, who trusted him so much he gave him the power of ressurection
and yet...
>Can't take a hit to save his life
>Basic enemies have more posture then him
>Has no unblockable moves despite even basic spear enemies having them
>Wears no armor despite being a shinobi
>Barely knows how to swing a fucking sword to deal maximum damage to an enemy
>Deals literally like 5 HP damage to an enemy at any time
>Can't hit hard, thus everyones posture stays basically recharged at all times

Why is Wolf off screen such a god, yet on screen he's a pussy bitch who can get merced by a toddler with a toy sword?

Attached: wolf.jpg (640x360, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you suck at that game

Because it’s a videogame

I don't think Wolf is the problem.

Yeah but then that makes a disparity between the player and the character. Why not make Wolf someone who's picking up the sword for the first time who was born with divine blood instead, which gives a reason for him to grow as you level his shit up, and as the player gets better?

You can't have a character start out as the best thing since sliced bread then have him be a pussy bitch cause that creates a gap between the player and the character

He's the "I'll win because my speed is superior" pic but unironically

there is unblockable moves

>Has no unblockable moves despite even basic spear enemies having them
He has
>Basic enemies have more posture then him
They do not

He literally loses a limb in the first sequence of the game, that's not a good reason to be hot shit and then not?

then how come people like genichiro can hit harder and faster then him?

He loses a limb, but even before that all the things I mentioned were already in place, is it because he was doing that "moody brooding" shit for like 10 years that he forgot how to fight completely?
Also Raiden loses a limb in the first sequence of the game, yet is still god tier. Checkmate

How come they still die?

Probably because you suck ass. When I played it felt like he was too strong

Because being a know-nothing shitter isn't interesting.
Just git gud

because the game demands that the player character win, despite being worse then every boss you fight objectively. The only reason he wins is because every boss is stupid and has 10 minute long windup windows instead of just rapidly swinging and breaking wolfs posture and stabbing him in the chest

I have the feeling you killed boss fights by going for their hp.

Sounds like you have yet to learn just how overpowered you are in this game.

because the game wouldn't have been nearly as fun if he was some unbeatable god in gameplay
also, if you use him correctly you'll never take damage and absolutely destroy any enemy that crosses your path

>Breaking wolf's posture.

>Raiden loses a limb
no, by then raiden was only a skull and spine with the rest being synthetic shit

>Basic enemies have more posture then him
You have infinite posture as long as you keep deflecting.

there are plenty of enemies and bosses that go for rapid swings and the only other powerful shinobi you fight does go for deathblows after breaking your posture

Actually, Raidens arm was "the last piece of himself he had left" according to himself. That's why he was pretty pissed about losing it. Cause now he cant feel Sonny's warm cunny.

git gud

I forgot, whats the difference between a Parry and a Deflect again? I know it's some dumb bullshit but I can't remember what dumb bullshit it is.

I completely agree. I played through the game and thought it was decent but the problem is that your character always feels like an absolute weakling. He does practically no damage to anyone and other people do massive damage to him.

How does it make sense for the lore?

Attached: shweet cat pc.jpg (422x347, 24K)

>Basic enemies have more posture then him
literally false
>Has no unblockable moves despite even basic spear enemies having them
literally false
>Wears no armor despite being a shinobi
literally false
>everyones posture stays basically recharged at all times
literally false

Basically your entire post, even the stuff about the story, is just wrong. You may as well be talking about an imaginary game

he was trained wrong as a joke

You're a ninja not some heavily armored soldier. You kill by waiting for the precise moment (when you break their posture) and striking

parry is just the term the game uses for blocking

is that what you mean by "some dumb bullshit"?

>Snake enemy and Big enemies
>It's literally canon if you talk to Isshin he tells you, "Sekiro! You need to wear armor to protect yourself!" to which Wolf responds, "It'll only slow me down..."
>The only time enemies posture even gets to max is when they do retarded combo moves that they all have, otherwise the game would be a slog without them.

Why doesnt wolf just kill them when hes able to hit them and make them bleed directly? Seems like a shitty ninja to me.

Are you really going to tie gameplay mechanics to lore? Jesus nigga it's a game.

Jesus fucking christ did you actually play the game.

he can kill them by hitting them but attempting a death blow on a non-broken enemy would probably leave him very open to getting countered

I love it when shitty players take their incompetence and frustration out on the characters of the game. It's such advanced stupidity and pettiness, yet they somehow think it's gonna make them feel better about sucking at the game.

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sounds like a lot of pussies in this thread

Sorry I don't remember every game i've ever played and their mechanics you hostile faggot.

But you are fighting other ninjas too and they have better stats than you

>comes into a thread bitching about mechanics of a game when he doesnt remember how they work
yup, Yea Forums in a nutshell

Why set up Wolf to be a top tier shinobi when in reality he's a top tier bitch?

It's not

>Call the thing dumb bullshit
>Fromsoft fag has to come in the thread because his insult senses were tingling
>he sees someone calling a thing in the game dumb bullshit
>he has to execute "hostiledefense.exe" to engage in posting with another user

I literally asked how it worked because I didnt remember, and you had to go on a fucking tangent because you probably only read the last part because all your brain can comprehend is someone insulting your favorite game.
God you faggots are pathetic, go back to watching your favorite twitch streamer play this game instead because I know you didnt actually beat it.

It is only more hilarious then crying about broken mechanics. It's borderline absurdumism to blame the characters of the game for being weak compared to the canon of the game.

bro its literally just block/parry under slightly different names

you must not play a lot of video games because that shit is an incredibly common mechanic

dont imagine you made it far in sekiro either

Sounds like OP hesitated

>tfw can’t seem to run around sword saint and poke like everyone else does without getting hit

I guess I have no choice but to fight this fag one on one and pray he doesn’t posture break me at the wrong time

He's only as much as a bitch as the person playing him. He's top tier if you're top tier.

>getting hit
Wolf is lightning fast, deflects everything and kills everything but the absolute best in under 10 seconds.
You just suck, Sekiro is the ultimate pleb filter.

>sword saint
He is just like any other normal fight just in steroids, just parry him.

I don't remember parrying being mentioned in Sekiro, but if it is, it's the same as deflecting. If you hold L1, you block incoming attacks, if you time L1 presses, you deflect the attacks.

Umbrella shits all over him so bad it's embarassing.

Watch this vid and tell me Wolf isn't an unbeatable god.

He's not, the person playing him is. He still can't get hit or he loses most of his HP like a bitch


He's a fucking shinobi/ninja, not a samurai. He's not even supposed to have a katana to begin with but he has one, and he can not only beat fully trained samurai in formal combat, but also THE strongest and most skilled samurai in his prime. Sekiro's a Gary Stu.

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by that logic if youre getting hit that makes YOU the bitch, you dumb fucking bitch

I am a bitch, wanna pin me down and fuck me daddy?

>tfw after like 2 hours of trying to beat Isshin
>Put on this song
>Win it the next try
Thank you based Carlito

nobody wants to fuck a bitch who cant even get a posture kill on owl 2 ng+ with bell demon and kuros charm

>tfw beat every boss with base vitality and attack power because I didnt know you could upgrade them
>tfw played the entire game this way
>didnt think it was fair that enemies could 2 shot my posture near the end but shrugged it off as the game being hard
>tfw accidentally solidifed myself as being better then 90% of Yea Forums based off determination and retardation

if you go into ng+ with demon and charm thats basically how the game becomes anyways, deflect or die

which is actually DOPE because it makes moves like genichiros floating passage an actual threat, which means you have to change your tactics against certain enemies

>owl 2
I still don't get why people have such a hard time with him. Maybe it clicked just right for me but it's one of my favorites and didn't have any issues even on NG+3. Fuck DoH though, that one's just annoying.

Okay, "Great Shinobi" Owl.

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I had a harder time on Genichiro 1 then I did on any boss in the game. I dont know why

How do I get passed Giant Snek in Poison Cavern?

puppeteer no jutsu

Use the raven/mist teleporter thingy for the very last part to get across the bridge
Or I think you can bait him with one of the items

Cause he's pretty much the first "serious" boss (if you don't count/cheese Butterfly) and you need a good grasp on the game mechanics, or else you end up just hit and running and he can easily punish that.

You can also use the raven prosthetic to escape the bite and move right into the temple.

>Yea Forums told me this game would make me git gud
>Literally every fight all I did was either run past them or spam my attack and occasionally block
It was a fun game, but Yea Forums lied to me and said i'd be a shinobi master by the end. I guess that was just weebs or people who died like 10,000 times

Did you fight all the bosses? Including DoH, Owl 2? And you actually beat isshin without cheesing?
I really doubt it user

Thanks, I used the poor monkey friend

I never saw DoH or Owl 2 I think, I just followed the iron code like a good shinobi, beat the fuck out of that one bitch then killed the old man. ezpz like

I thought it was bullshit too until I started deflecting everything like a ninja and killing everything like it was nothing.

Nothing better than deflecting everything the stupid ninja in the well throws at you while the camera is fucked up (and you can't see anything) out of pure rhythm.

Real talk, why the FUCK does the camera cause you to unlock your enemy? I died so many times to so many bosses this way, fuck the final boss being isshin, it's obviously the fucking camera.

You know that fight with lady butterfly? Well that was a dream sequence of a past event prior to receiving immortality so it's Canon that wolf was able to completely wreck lady butterfly without dying.

Infact take cutscenes, in reality of the situation sekiro is killing everyone on his first attempt. He's an extremely competent fighter and has killed basically everyone. If you think your gameplay reflects his strengtha you're mistaken. Also once you figure out how everything works you realize the game is really easy.

Playing as a nobody who isn't trained wouldn't be fun because then you wouldn't be able to do anything sekiro does.

>literally can kill anything without taking any damage
>hurr weak, durr no stronk
Google "Sekiro all bosses, no damage", filtered fag.
Shinobi were meant to be feudal intelegence and he delivered more than was expected from him.

I thought this thread was filtered, why are you coming in here if thats the case?
Not even OP, but Fromsoft fags will make any excuse to complain, also it's "intelligence" you retard.

why dont you try getting hit by a katana see how long you last bud

Attached: 1561763477689.webm (500x282, 2.92M)

Your right, so why can fleshy enemies wishstand WAY more hits then wolf can? Shouldn't half their HP go away the moment they get hit?

You are the filtered one tho.
Classic mad cuz bad.

sekiro has neither except some chainmail on one arm so i guess thats why you can take one hit or 2

Have you seen the size of Wolf?
Literally everyone is taller than him.
He's a puny little thing, but he's so skilled, he takes down literally everything in his way from demons to the most skilled people in the land.

So then why doesnt wolf just eat a fuckton? He'd be unstoppable then

stream it if you're so great

>uwaah Y can't I two shot everything buwaah

if owl wanted kuro why did he assign sekiro to protect him instead of just protecting him himself

He's stronger as a Shura. Though something that bothers me a little about that ending is that Genichiro still jobs to you off screen when it could've been a way to redeem himself.

>Can't take a hit to save his life
He can. Also, you're not supposed to eat hit, you are supposed to deflect and counter. They are the two most basic, essential facets of combat in Sekiro and you are being punished for not using them properly.
>Basic enemies have more posture then him
They don't.
>Has no unblockable moves despite even basic spear enemies having them
He does.
>Wears no armor despite being a shinobi
A lot of shinobi in the game don't. The Nightjar don't.
>Barely knows how to swing a fucking sword to deal maximum damage to an enemy
I don't even know what stupid shit you're trying to say here.
>Deals literally like 5 HP damage to an enemy at any time
Not true in any case. Also, deathblows.
>Can't hit hard, thus everyones posture stays basically recharged at all times
You can overwhelm almost any boss' posture in a matter of minutes by just attacking and deflecting relentlessly. Their posture does not recharge while they are blocking or attacking, so if it's always full, it's because you're running away. HP damage only makes it take longer for their posture to recharge and won't do you much good if you're playing so passively.

>Why is Wolf off screen such a god, yet on screen he's a pussy bitch who can get merced by a toddler with a toy sword?
Off-screen he's not being controlled by an actual retard.

if fromsoft wanted to make a good game why didnt they just make a dark souls?

What fucking part of shinobi don't you understand?

Ninjas tend to jump over you causing the camera to unlock when they're directly above you. Since ninjas, including the bosses are the only one who do this I guess they turned a wonky bug into an actual gameplay mechanic.

This. Ninjas aren't strong. They gain the upper hand by being crafty and fighting dirty.

>he doesn't know
Owl came in holding Genichiro's head in the Shura ending but they decided to censor it by having it off camera. PCbros managed to unlock the camera during cutscenes to reveal that.

>tell everyone on Yea Forums I cheated in sekiro
>They call me a fag and a nigger
>realize that they're just mad that im the ultimate shinobi who played dirty enough to win

He had a dementia.
Literally everyone saw that Sekiro is close to becoming Asura but he somehow didn't figure it out.

That's kinda how shinobis are unless your family name is Hayabusa or Musashi.

Canon Wolf is a bad motherfucker. You're only controlling him for the purpose of gameplay. So regardless of your lack of skill at the game, Wolf is a badass. This is like complaining that Solid Snake sucks ass because you dont know how to play the game.

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I simply can’t beat sword saint, every time I try to take a breath he whips across the map and fucking takes off half my health bar. Sometimes he he’ll do three jump slams in a fucking row, pistol shots, sweeps, AOE, how the fuck what is this Some sort of fucking Nippon endurance test.

without the gun fort key and bell to fight folding screen monkeys, you can't progress any further in the game right? Wanted to see how much I could complete without fighting Genichiro but most of sunken valley seems cut off right now.

Attached: OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg (477x620, 61K)

>every time I try to take a breath he whips across the map

Makes sense, the sword that Wolf took from his father looked like the second Mortal Blade. That would explain it.
Poor Genichiro, he jobbed to Owl off screen while you were fighting the other 2 bosses.

emma dosent like chonk

Maybe you can try jumping down from where you deathblow big snek. I know he's not available for deathblowing there until you trigger him by going across the bridge from gun fort, but I didn't try jumping down to sequence break myself.

I tried that a few times in NG (didn't know the snake would show up there eventually) and there weren't any grapple points I could reach

ops confirmed retard

I quit at the giant gorilla boss. Ask me anything.

A Gorilla? What's an African ape doing in a top secret Japanese castle?

How big is this fucking bird?

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First part or second? The first is weak to flame and firecrackers and the second to deflecting and the spear's pull.
It's actually a rather easy boss with the right tools.

I quit for a week at the gorilla.
Having to take off HP damage only is fucking tedious, the second part is fast as fuck but if you fuck it it makes the first part legitimately awful.
It made me wish that they had a feature where if you got to the second phase, you could skip the first phase entirely cause that boss just aint fun the 20th time.

imagine how bad owl's hair must smell
how does he sneak around and do shinobi stuff when he's 10 feet tall and stinks

Wolf isn't going against random mooks and whenever he does he tears through them.

He's a big guy and actually a lightweight according to Isshin. It would've been a cool cheese if you could've given him a drink before the fight.

>Having to take off HP damage only is fucking tedious
Good thing you don't have to.

Except in the first phase you do.

what's a good order to do the endings in without savescumming? Save Shura for last?

The Guardian Ape? Absolutely not.

I haven't finished the game yet, I'm against Owl, but I'd really like to go deeper into characters like Owl, Isshin and the sculptor. They look really interesting. Perhaps the hermetic transmission plays against this game.

Everything you wrote is basically a lie, why do you lie in the internet idiot? Everyone will find out you're lying.

Bullshit, how the fuck do you posture kill the first phase of the guardian ape? His posture goes down way to fast and he runs away from you to reduce the posture.

Apparently the shinobis were special forces rather than agents of pure infiltration, that is why there are absolute units like Owl or the sculptor.

>Owldad has his left hand in a Buddhist prayer when he Mikiri stabs you
Pretty kino.


Firecrackers, you mong. They do massive posture damage and then you hit the big monkey with your pointy stick while he's stunned. Repeat when he gets up. His posture will be depleted in less than one minute.

Is that why theres not a single posture kill on youtube?

Numbers speak for themselves.

Attached: TheFilter.png (1222x628, 702K)

What the fuck does 'posture kill' mean to you?

fuck off pedophile

It means, you get their posture up high and kill them while HP stays either at max or half.


Attached: TheFilter.png (1668x628, 588K)

reminder that 90% of the people in this thread havent even finished or even PLAYED sekiro.
this is true for fromsoft fags as well, as they just defend a game they played halfway through and thought it was good

Mother of god.

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I wonder what the numbers are on PS4 desu.


Just got my platinum last Tuesday, the platinum trophy count was at 8% then.

Sorry, are you asking me how to hit an enemy without doing any damage to them, you dumb fuck? See, when I say 'posture kill,' I mean 'killing an enemy by depleting their posture.'
Let's not get into semantics, though--let's talk about how you have a hard enough time dealing damage of any kind to the Guardian Ape's first phase that you would describe it as "fucking tedious." Exactly how bad are you at this game, anyway?

This game is very nerd

based phos

That's literally how every Dark Souls game starts, though, not to mention Bloodborne.

>chosen undead
And don't you fucking say that because the series subverts the idea later that it doesn't count.

every undead is the chosen undead. Until they give into their own insanity.

The way enemies track bugs the shit out of me. I know it's an autistic reason but a dropkick swerving mid animation just completely takes me out of the game. Why do they make the attack move so it's harder to dodge instead of just making it faster

Again, the player slowly discovers that over the course of the game. It's one of the main thematic elements. At first the player is most definitely lead to believe that their character is THE chosen undead. What happens later is inconsequential, because by the time they figure it out the PC has already accomplished quite a lot and is certifiably a good candidate for being the actual chosen undead. Stop being obtuse.

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you can beat every boss in like 2 to 3 minutes if you're good enough

user, legendary warriors aren't necessarily strong or fast, they're smart and tactical, warfare demands patience.
winning a battle isn't about who can hit harder, and wolf is a fearsome foe, well, assuming the person who's controlling him isn't a huge wining faggot like you.