What's your plan to be able to be a NEET and play video games until you die? I'm calculating my funds and it's gonna be hard enough to do as it is without even factoring expenses for new games and hardware in the future.
What's your plan to be able to be a NEET and play video games until you die...
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I have a full time job and life still fucking sucks.
I have a full time job too frendo and I want to kill myself going to it every day. I'll need about a decade more of it to be financially free though.
i was drugged, drugged and raped a lot as a child and now i'm a schizo of guaranteed government cheese
i'm also a broken human being who has literally never loved anything or ever wanted to have sex
i'd say it's fair enough, i guess
Being a Chadpreneur. I'm already on essentially government permanent welfare as long as I produce material once every 56 weeks.
I've already resigned myself to never pay off my student loan debt unless I sell my soul for a shit corporate job that pays far more and drains my life even more than it already is. My mom literally told me my best bet on one of my loans is to wait for my dad to die because it'll apparently disappear then.
being a neet aint worth it because video games suck.
What are you working as? I suppose I'd rather something more enjoyable than be an officecuck for the next 10 years.
I'm gonna own my own business and hire a bunch of retarded commies who still haven't figured out how to negotiate their wage.
>make a salary
>neither a wagie or a neet
Kek, eat it losers.
You mean women?
Seems pretty impossible to me.
January I move out because my parents are going back to the mother land so its a good excuse for me to go out on my own. Currently going to wage slave 6 days a week until the end of the year to have enough funds for deposit on an apartment, essentials and have a lot of liquid cash extra. Once I situate myself I'll probably try to min max my hours to work whats neccessary to pay for everything plus a little extra
Maybe I should just become a hermit and say fuck it to civilized life
I do web development at a pretty small place. I can say I honestly feel good about the work we do, but the office setting is still pretty soul crushing.
Should've gone to a cheaper school.
Kill myself early in life. Easy.
I'm on disability except I'm not disabled, I'm just a pathetic, depressed loser. Thank you Sweden.
the wagie fears the salarychad
It was cheaper for me to go to school out of state than it was to stay in state after all the scholarships and financial aid. There should be programs to help incredibly depressed teenagers before they decide the course of the rest of their lives.
imagine working overtime for free.
Why can't your family offer to help you to deal with these loans? My dad did it to my brother and now my bro managed with no strings attached.
It's against the law in my country (USA)
If you honestly think that being a neet is a good thing you're going to be really disappointed. I've been living this life for 4 years now and constantly have nightmares about how terrible this life is and how much better it would be to just work some form of minimum wage. My friends constantly joke around about how nice it must be to get money for nothing and I just have to force a smile and laugh along, I just want to feel useful.
Well if your not doing anything would you mind if I slammed your boipussi?
Did it feel good, though?
The trick to being NEET is to not have IRL friends
I've been a NEET for over a decade and I couldn't be happier. You're clearly just a sad person with no control over your life.
And how exactly is this life terrible especially if you have secured yourself financially?
har har har
don't remember, far too drugged
it was a fever dream
>Why can't your family offer to help you to deal with these loans?
They already did by taking the largest one out in their name and we were never super well off. They did the best they could to put three kids through college. That's why my mom said it'd go away with my dad. I don't want to burden them after taking care of me for as long as they did. Now that I'm an adult I feel everything should be up to no one but me.
I hate this meme. Why do all the shitty things last the longest
I'm not hearing a no, whats your steam ID
wow a whole decade
it doesn't get better
Doesn't need to because, like I said, I couldn't be happier.
i don't play multiplayer games
i'm also a 6'3" troglodyte and literal rapist
I am a neet have been for almost 4 years now. Depression and social anxiety. I feel a lot better but I still rarely go outside. I want to get better but it’s hard when I am the youngest and I have had a lot of help. I want to be better and go to the gym and get fitter but mainly it would be for my mental health. CBT has really helped but I still have my big road blocks but my understanding of myself and how I work has really helped my mood and has made me less angry.
I don’t play as many games as I used to but I will be 25 next year so that is to be expected so yeah I have a safety net and my neet bux but the fact is I will have to start looking after myself eventually and I want to have a loving relationship with a nice girl but I am not going to lower my standards because I deserve the best.
>What's your plan to be able to be a NEET and play video games until you die?
By getting laid off by your workplace and then claiming mental health issues.
Been back with my folks for 3 months now and im getting meme therapy next month. small price to pay for no more commuting, no more wageslaving, waking up whenever i want, and claiming $500 a week for 10 minutes of faking job applications
I thought you were the one who was raped?
Did you do a bunch of drugs and rape someone yourself?
I'm a NEET for life, it's great
Just get a hobby lardass
I'm on NEETbux until the economy collapses and I die in the resulting SHTF event.
>I don't want to burden them after taking care of me for as long as they did.
Yeah, I know the feeling. It sucks user, but the universities are fucking scumbags and their tuition prices are bullshit. "Best universities" my ass when they have the shittiest teachers and awful facilities. Wish you the best and hopefully you get a better job with better pay and not a soulless workplace
i was raped several times, and then when i was younger my older brother pissed me off so i raped him
it was purely to show him i was displeased with him, nothing else
i have issues, my man
Yo I was watching Dark Money (look it up) have you become the raper since having been a rapee? Please respond I am interested in psychology.
Damn dude, why don't you swing by /fit/ and lift your feels away with us?
Is this really how America works or is this yuropoor
based literal schizo poster
Considering the US treats mental health like shit I'm going with Europoor
being physically and mentally disabled, and Canadian
Thanks for the hope, user. My education wasn't too bad, fortunately. I'm hoping for something that pays more soon, but I'm afraid it'll just take advantage of me. I hope the best for you, as well.
>$500 a week
Kek, that's fucking poverty tier. You can't afford shit with that.
i wouldn't be opposed to doing it again for the sexual aspect, maybe, but yeah, if something like that is normal to you as a child it's gonna be normal to you as an adult
i simply don't care, shit happens
i did lift for awhile, lift a year and a half
even put on like 20-ish pounds of muscle, but i was homeless for like 3 and a half years which caused me to lose my gains
now i'm just some depressed lanklet
i know i need to try, but i'm so goddamned depressed
You'll probably gain back any muscle you lost within 2-3 months
>i wouldn't be opposed to doing it again for the sexual aspect
Who was the one who raped you in the first place?
like, i also watched my mother be beat and raped and other stuff, so as fucked up as it is these things do become easier to deal with
also, i'm playing The Witcher
the combat isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be
Hey I'm in a similar situation! My dad fucked my life up and now I'm a schizo mental case and get gubment muniez for free. Perhaps it's was my dad's plan all along....
Being a fatass isn't a disability
I'm too autistic to function outside. I've tried to get a few jobs, but couldn't get pass the interviews. The last one I tried, the school hired two girls instead of me. Can't really blame them for that, since it's safer to hire a bubbly roastie to be a teacher instead of me. I'm currently a pseudo-neet, "working" from home. Suicide is eminent tho. It's too late for me now.
Yes it is.
>can’t even spell basic words right
Incel cope
>office setting is pretty soul crushing
i do not recall every time i was raped, but it was either my mother's husband at the time or two drug dealer's that worked for my mother's husband
i blame the drugs for casing imbalances in me, because i unironically think i'm fairly adjusted otherwise
can't speak for you, but remember you are the one ultimately in control of yourself
well, outside of the more chemical aspects of yourself
why are a you a neet if you actually want to have a job?
i been NEET 15 years, i knew from preteen i was never gonna work and due to my genes it came true
looking at the world even if i tried really hard to get a job i couldnt due to all the foreigners taking the entry level stuff
actually im a stick, i genetically cant gain weight and have muscle issues hence the disability
ima leave my body to science and hope they can learn how to make a weight loss drug for the world
>Wanting to be a male teacher
Honestly you dodged a bullet there, unless you're like 50 male teachers are constantly in danger of getting false sexual harassment accusations by shithead teens.
I guess just the monotony. Everything becomes so routine and after a day and especially five days, I have almost no energy or will to do anything else. I have to prepare myself like a week in advance to do anything that's not just a walk around the neighborhood. Maybe soul crushing is the wrong way to express it, but it's draining for sure.
What do you have to be happy about?
>using "tho" as an abbreviation
Says he lives with his folks so you can do pretty well with that under minimal expenses. Even if he did live on his own, $500 a week when accumulated over a year is pretty much american minimum wage. You can probably live on your own in an apartment fine with that
Are you joking? I can do whatever I want whenever I want, which I take full advantage of. Who wouldn't be happy about that?
cripple here with neetbucks and money from the company that was at fault for my injury. i don't want to be a neet forever, but the fact that i could be one for the rest of my life is comforting in a way. I'm pretty miserable desu and wish i could walk, but having no stress or responsibilities and playing vidya all day is nice. Not that bad of a life so feelsgoodman.png
I ask because I'm a software QA with some automation work and I generally enjoy my job. The office setting is pretty comfy, and I do something different pretty much every day. I actually am working towards becoming a developer, but you're making me a little worried lol. I also get weekends off which is amazing, so I suppose having that helps me tackle the week.
It’s past retard. Cope incel. Keep seething in your reply.
I was in a NEET state for 5-6 months a while back and that was enough to make me realise how much i don't want it
I make 23$ an hour, in the rural Midwest, so it's actually a shitload out here since most everything is cheap as shit. Pre tax it's about 900$, post tax I'm about at 650. I take home an extra hundred fifty dollars a week as a robot technician who works in almost state if the art factories on cutting edge electronics as someone who fakes job applications for ten minutes a week.
eminent when he meant imminent
RiceCum what happened to you?
If you live with your parents or in bumfuck nowhere you could easily live on that.
I'm sorry to hear that user. Hopefully sometime soon there'll be a medical aid good enough it can make you walk again.
can you get bux for depression and social anxiety? that would be so nice.
It's pass you fucking retard. For example, you don't "past" a test, you "pass" it. Keep that axe wound nice and open with your glass dildo.
I'm sure it's not the same for everyone, and it's most likely due to the fact that I've been in the same position for almost five years now. Don't worry about things until you start to get bored with where you're at. I've become pretty complacent, so that surely contributes to my dissatisfaction with my job.
In the US? Because in the US even bipolar disorder is fairly rarely approved, and it's probably considered worse than depression.
ty user, but no i'll never walk again, my injury was almost 20 years ago. Science advancement won't happen like that in my lifetime, but that's alright. Compared to others my injury isn't that bad so I consider myself lucky (can still be independent, live on my own, drive, etc.)
But you can't buy a house, or a car unless it's used. If you want kids you can't really support them. In a social setting you can't brag about the work you do or what you've learned. You couldn't move to another country without a lot of extra work to get around being jobless. Studies have shown unemployment damages intellect as well as motivation, and can be detrimental to your health, especially if you're sedentary.
So you really can't do everything and anything.
>but couldn't get pass the interviews
but couldn't get past the interviews
but couldn't pass the interviews
these are the correct way to type it
hence what was actually written was wrong, and had a misspelled word
maybe you should take an English class
Not even the person you're arguing with, but are you retarded? It's "past," like moving past something.
You said “get pass” not “pass the interviews”. How fucking retarded are you? Could have just taken the loss. Goddamn maybe that’s why you didn’t become a teacher.
Nope it’s just those roasties who stole it from you because you’re autistic. Sorry, but you’re also retarded.
The problem I see straight away is you're a frognigger. That's the main problem. The solution would be to kill yourself.
I don't want any of those things. I said that I can do whatever I WANT to do. I can't think of a single thing that I want to do that I can't do.
Same, as long as "whatever you want" means staying inside all day.
What happened?
English is not my first language.
I personally go out on a regular basis. I'm a NEET, not a hikikomori.
It’s okay, I feel bad after you got ganged up on. But that’s a good example of your autism, learn to take a loss, learn from it, and don’t blame it on other shit.
You can make it, don’t sudoku. Improve yourself.
>play video games until you die
Who the fuck would want to do that? Vidya games are so shit nowadays. besides a few jap companies and nintendo what is worth playing
I would rather save up for a house and start a family.
yeah I'm in the US. I guess they're more strict about mental illness? BPD can definitely be worse than depression so if that rarely gets approved for bux then I guess I'm shit out of luck.
I can work, I've had a job for 5 years and been going to college for 3 years, but it's made significantly more stressful and miserable from social anxiety. I'm borderline autistic when it comes to interacting with people. I fucking despise work and school because of it.
so why trying to argue on an english message board with people who told you were wrong?
you are actually just using "im not english" as a scapegoat tho
automobile accident
it sounds like youre just depressed
been a neet for a year now. After trying to work for 10 years but constantly failing due to social anxiety and bipolar and getting sent to the 7th floor multiple times I finally got on disablity.
Feels like shit that I'm a useless human but at least I don't have to deal with people irl everydat.
1,100$ a month for my broken wrist and diagnosed tism, based Trudeau bux has given me so much freedom.
Meanwhile my americuck friends can't even get a dime for their non-functioning legs.
Literally everything you mentioned are scams created by the elite to make money off you.
Don't have a family, don't drive a fucking car, don't go to social outings, immigration is a scam etc
>autists arguing about spelling when the meaning of the post was clearly conveyed nonetheless
nothing less from this place
i think he means public school, this usually happens to professors
>Dont have a family
>Immigration is a scam
Do you see how these might be related
Well, I wont live to 21. I'll likely be killing myself in these following years. Im fundamentally broken as a person and being alive is exhausting and hurts too much. I just hate being alive so much. Ill try and enjoy a few more years and then I'll hang myself or something. I cant take it anymore.
i live with my gf
Thanks. Sorry for sperging out, but I'm not using the "me no ablas english mr. gringo" as an scapegoat. All I know is what I've learned playing vydia and watching The Sopranos and shit. Never properly studied English grammar, since I only use it to play games and stuff. Better get back to the topic at hand.
That's not how salary works.
being dead is worse than being miserable you retard, go find a new hobby preferably one that is outdoors
>Mods delete two (2) video game threads because of lewd fanart being posted
>the thread without a video game in sight stays up for hours
he does it for free
They're just jelly you get free money and vidya time. How do you do it?
Well yeah, but my environment doesn't help at all.
cry me a river housderloop
>neet for years
>literally mentally ill
>thinks he deserves the best
Get a load of this woman, what the fuck do you think you have to offer that makes you think you deserve the best? That is literally the mindset of a stupid millennial woman because “muh parents said I deserve the best”
Reality will hit you when you discover that love is never unconditional and if you offer nothing, you deserve and receive nothing in return.
When you have kids, you're just securing the funds of some chuckle fuck in the future to make money off them and you're creating yet another piece of meat that will pollute and take up space on the sidewalk in front of you
Points of entry and exit in countries are just businesses that make money off you moving. Airports rob you.
does your name start with J?
Won't have to worry about hardware too much longer. Streaming is coming.
Honestly man i dont care either way. Id rather be dead than live with all the pain and misery and failures i possess. And i wish i could develop new hobbies but im a social retard who loses interest in things very quickly and i can barely go outside because my mind just doesnt feel like it.
Honestly a fucking dream. I wish I got into an accident just crippling my legs enough to receive disability checks but not so crippling that I need shit like an assistant worker. Don't need my legs for vidya, but I appreciate climbing stairs and going to the toilet on my own.
I feel you user. I’ve been neet for five years and I’m so sick of it.
Of course, the reason I’m neet is chronic illness brought on by an AIDS-quality immune system. I feel like if I was healthy I might not mind staying home so much.
even social retards can get a new hobby, make yourself suffer for the 30 minutes it will take you to get to a yoga class or some shit
anyone that says to a neet "must be nice getting paid to do nothing" is a retard and should be punched
some people are neets outside of their control
they dont even comprehend the loneliness that comes with it
sure i get money for doing nothing but i dont have people in my life to share my time with if i wanted to spend time with someone
being a neet is to be alone
Being is intrinsically good. The concept of goodness is relative to a thing's intrinsic nature of trying to continue to exist. Pleasure and pain are increasing your being and decreasing your being - becoming stronger and becoming weaker. Existence isn't in itself bad, quite the opposite, but being a limited being necessarily involves pain because some things make you physically and mentally weaker by chance or by your own doing.
So anti-natalism and suicidal thoughts, by trying to eliminate the suffering, only increase it, when the way to happiness and pleasure exists for those patient and willing to put in the effort.
isn't being rich the ULTIMATE NEET life?
i mean, all those hollywood stars and shit, they could just full stop and just LIVE for the rest of their life, perfectly fine.
yeah, my mobility is good as i have the upper body strength you get from being in a wheelchair. The bathroom stuff isn't that bad to deal with actually. I have a mitrofanoff (stick a catheter through my belly button into my bladder) and a colostomy bag which obviously sounds gross and horrible, but it's really not that big of a deal and honestly very convenient. There have been multiple times when i'm in the middle of vidya where I have to piss so I drain my bladder while i'm playing, so there are some perks
Haha I am a guy and stay mad wagie I know all that stuff. I’m a good person. I deserve love.
My parents set up a mutual fund for me that pays out $5000 every 3 months. Unironically lived as a neet for two years in my own apartment before I just became bored. Six years later and I’m now a middle school teacher. Way more satisfying than being a neet.
And yet they choose to work. Really makes you think...
It's because being a NEET sucks
Leaching off of my wife forever
get a financial advisor to make investments for you and you should be able to live off not very much indefinitely bar some economic disaster
You'd have to be mentally ill and love staying in. Even richfags end up making a company or doing something on the side. Being a NEET fucking sucks. Anyone reading this, you can only NEET for half a year before you lose your mind. You can't even get the things you like. You'll delude yourself into thinking you don't want it.
>and then when i was younger my older brother pissed me off so i raped him
Nicely put, and delightfully optimistic. Appropriate for this thread. Is that a verbatim quote from Spinoza? Got a source?
Being NEET is great. It's the dependency from being a broke NEET that sucks and causes guilt and shame to fester. If I was a rich motherfucker, I'd be happy as fuck being NEET.
You seem like a miserable person
The first few months were bliss, then game a short stage of depression and hopelessness. After a year or so, I'm more content than I've ever been before.
Not him but that is literally how it works. Lmfao.
A reason most managers are Salary for example is so they can work them 50 hours minimum and not pay the OT. Especially past 50 hours. Salary is a trick to get more work out of higher paid individuals. Why do you think companies like to take their higher paid individuals and offer them "promotions"?
crazy people strength, and i also had several inches on him
all my siblings are half siblings, and of all of them i had the best dad genetically
but user, Arthur is an amazing movie about Dudley Moore being a rich, lovable NEET
fuck you
imma watch Arthur
im doing that now from savings, been a year since i quit my last job
i might have to find some work soon, i feel bad about spending money having no income