>OH MY GOD WHO COULD IT BE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ oh it's just jason todd lol
What were they thinking?
OH MY GOD WHO COULD IT BE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ oh it's just jason todd lol
>multiple jason todd flashback sequences shown without explanation
>Jason Todd corners Batman and shoots him in the stomach
>"yeah you could have died right now, too bad Scarecrow forbade me from killing you"
>then sends in 3 dozen thugs to beat Batman to death
>scarecrow allows this
what did he mean by this?
Former Rocksteady dev here. The plan was for it to be revealed to be Barbara Gordon. This was the reason the Arkham Knight has bat-ears and why before they put in the new ending they were never seen together outside of the Detective Vision playback scene (which was forged by Oracle).
The Arkham suit was supposed to be an exo-skeleton allowing her to walk. Jason Todd was just supposed to be a red herring. There is a reason that there were two characters who were trtured by the Joker in flashback scenes.
This was changed late into development because DC had a policy at the time that all characters had to confirm to rules that put them in line with the New 52 reboot (hence why Cavill's Superman wasn't allowed red underpants).
DC basically told us we couldn't do so we had to go with the only other available ending.
If you look you can tell the way it was meant to be though.
>3 months or so prior to release everyone thinks it's either jason or joker (god that's such a retarded theory)
"Hey guys Rocksteady here just to confirm that the Arkham Knight isn't Joker and totally DEFINITELY NOT Jason Todd. He's actually an original character"
>It's fucking Jason anyway
>Former Rocksteady dev here
post proofs
Try harder next time faggot
Literally who?
I don't remember any Jason Todds in the other Arkham games.
Shit writing.
How could they have improved the reveal of Todd's identity? Just call him Red Hood from the start?
Are you sure he's lying? That explanation does seem weirdly plausible.
>introduce game and new Arkham Knight character
>everyone starts theorizing who it could be
>Rocksteady: It's someone people have never seen before. It's a totally new character
>Rocksteady was talking about normie audience never having seen Jason Todd before so he'd be new to them
I don't really have any desu. Haven't worked there since before AK even released.
Just saw this thread and decided to share what I know.
I would stick around and answer questions but it's nearly 1am in bongland and I need to sleep. Sorry bud.
Just pay attention in the game. All the clues are pretty obvious as it was the intended story through most of the game's development and was changed too late to do anything about it.
The ending change is also the reason why you randomly get a new Batmobile as well.
Anyway I'm off to bed. Believe or not. Sup to you.
>tfw everyone even before release guessed it was Jason
>In the actual game he's nowhere near as intimidating
Rocksteady could've BTFO'd everyone if it was an OC and kept up that menacing nature about him.
I'll believe you 'cause i'm not invested in AK's story anyway so whatever
They didn't have to lie about it, but honestly if i had to improve upon it and it had to be Jason i guess al i can think of is removing the torture flashbacks that had no reason to be there in the first place other than foreshadowing (if you can still call it that when it's as subtle as a grenade)
>hey paul dini writer of batman the animated series, superman, batman beyond and justice league. Thanks for writing arkham asylum and arkham city but you can sit this one out we got a pretty good idea what we're doing.
Why the fuck did they do this!
Even if this is a LARP, it sounds pretty plausible and would have been infinitely cooler.
>prior to game's release
>"nahhhh guys it's totally not jason"
So did they ever back track on why they said this? Were they just annoyed that everybody guessed it on day one and wanted to keep it a surprise for the two people that know literally nothing about batman but still play through the franchise?
Probably. I'm only a fair weather Batman fan but knew enough of the lore to guess it. And the flashbacks made it so obvious that I was waiting for a twist.
I don't get what her motivation would be though. Why would she team up witch scarecrow and all the others to kill batman.
How come The Riddler is so underutilized in all things Batman? He's only important in like two pieces of media.
Capeshit ''''writing'''' is an embarrassment.
Arkham asylum they used him quite well
Arkham city should have had more creative puzzles and maybe a riddle or 2 that a 5 year old couldn't get and less of the collectathon bs
Arkham knight wasted him and got everything wrong about him
>Freeze smashes half of the cure
>Batman takes some
>Joker smashes the rest on the ground
so how did the city get cured?
Probably resentment over Batman dragging people into his bullshit and getting them hurt or killed. Jason's motivation was paper thin, anyway.
Anyone else remember the rumor that the Arkham Knight was just a Fear-toxin induced halucination, specially tailored with Dr Strange's mental profile of batman to be what Batman fears he will have to become to be effective as Batman?
I kinda wish it was that.
Every patient in gotham had to suck Raj's dick. Thats why he looks so used up in arkham knight
I can't remember exactly what happened, but I think Batman instructed Robin to track down and isolate the Joker blood, quarantine the people that were transfused, and more antidote was synthesized for them later that night
I'm thinking of replaying Arkham Knight soon with a mod that lets you use the other Batmobiles during the main campaign (but switch back to the tank for tank parts).
>and more antidote was synthesized for them later that night
How? The antidote required Ras al Ghul's blood
But she'd been helping him for years since. Maybe something in the story would have made her snap. Jason was atleast tortured for years by joker, that's gotta fuck you up in the head
>nooooo the villain is an iconic character instead of a random nobody
Wow that sucks
No it doesn’t, dickless
>DEFINITELY NOT Jason Todd. He's actually an original character"
I don't get why they lied about it. It just made the completely obvious reveal even shittier.
Well his body was just hanging out on a fence so maybe Bats went back and stuck a spigot in him
Why does Batman look like vin diesel in a Batman costume?
People are mad because anyone who has more than a surface level interest in batman knows about Jason Todd, and this was played so unbelievably straight that people thought there's no way that this is actually Todd because that would be beyond too obvious. They also lied about it.
As someone who knows almost nothing about Batman, even I figured out it was Jason before he revealed his identity. They made it way too obvious. Fans who know the Batman story weren't surprised and didn't care. People who don't know shit about Batman weren't surprised and didn't care. ??? What the fuck was their master plan?
Tell me about Jason. Why does he wear the mask?
what if it was batmans dad instead
Actually it does. A lot of the Barbara Gordon stuff in the game was weird. The plot smelled of some kind of rewrite. I can buy that they were going for a fakeout with Todd. Barbara conveniently disappears for huge stretches of the game. In one mission, you chase him down but it's just a goon with a radio projecting AK's voice. I can imagine an original plot where Barbara faked her own kidnapping, faked her own death, etc, but then this was rewritten with as few alterations as possible.
Remember when Superman 64 had to be rewritten because DC got pissy about Supes hurting real people?
Be pretty dumb being as his parents are dead
Fuck off, Tom King.
Scarecrow was bretty cool
Go away, don't come round here no more.
ok flash, it's time to get back to earth 1
>he doesn’t know
Can confirm, this user is my dad.
actually now that i think about it
should have been amadeus arkham's grandson
full circle baby
if you know jason todd chimpout arc beforehand, you probably know more than just "almost nothing"
>Yea Forums leaks/devs ever being reliable
1. What motivation could she possibly have to not only turn on batman, but also to wait years to do so, and then when she finally does she tries to beat him at his own game when she's been out of practice for years
2. The Barabara being tortured scene was just expanding on Bruce's guilt of getting her not only paralysed but then killed.
>This was the reason the Arkham Knight has bat-ears and why before they put in the new ending they were never seen together outside of the Detective Vision playback scene (which was forged by Oracle)
Why in God's name would Scarecrow allow Bruce to see Barb if the whole point of kidnapping her was to exploit his fear and make him think she was dead right up until the moment Gordon betrays him.
>This was changed late into development because DC had a policy at the time that all characters had to confirm to rules that put them in line with the New 52 reboot (hence why Cavill's Superman wasn't allowed red underpants).
DC basically told us we couldn't do so we had to go with the only other available ending.
Time Warner owns both of them and has given WB full reign of digital media as long as they don't try to fuck around with current comic themes. DC couldn't really do shit involving the developmemt of Knight because WB oversees all movies, games, etc. And Cavill Superman didn't have red underpants because they thought the underpants were silly and they wanted a super serious movie
I think he knows and that was the joke
Arkham Knight did Scarecrow a lot of favors as a character, and moved him up the Most Dangerous Batman Villains list to around Bane-tier.
Do other heroes exist in Arkhamverse? They namedropped Metropolis and Star City.
This, fucking hell could you have made it more obvious between that and the red hood dlc? Plus it's obviously Troy Baker voicing both.
what are some significant stand out stories involved tim drake as the new robin?
i can remember grayson, jason todd and damien wayne but i can barely remember anything about tim
The thing about twists is that the logic behind the twist is often less important thsn having the twist. See stuff like Captain America secretly being a Hydra Agent the entire time.
It was me, all along, Barbara Gordon! I resented you for years! Now I have a magical suit that lets me walk around, I can enact my revenge! I'm angry with you because this is a comic book game and I'm a twist villain!
Why did Harvey Dent turn evil in The Dark Knight? Asspull writing, that's why.
What is the point of the explosive gel in combat? The special combo does nothing. It's useless.
If true then it should be simple enough to mod the original ending back in and release it anonymously.
Do it faggot.
>Playing DCucks
>Bam Ham
>Not being a Marvel Chad
mostly crowd control, im not very good with it but i have seen people who utilize it very smoothly in their combat combo
What was with all the first person moments in this? Also
>Have Deathstroke as a antagonist
>You fight him in one of those shitty tanks with the batmobile
Riddler hasn't been good or interesting since Frank Gorshin died.
Why would you use that for crowd control instead of the exploding batarangs combo?
>Why did Harvey Dent turn evil in The Dark Knight?
rachel died, him missing half the face and corrupted cops? not to mention he wasn't all that stable to begin with
Keep sucking that captain marvel cock goyim
god that hoe is soooo ugly
>reddit spacing
No one cares
The Arkham timeline is pretty shitty but events are closer together than you think. Barbara getting shot is a relatively recent event as it happen maybe a few months before Asylum and Tim had been Robin for a short time before that. Even Joker says this while torturing Jason; Batman wasted no time finding a new Robin. It's been at most 5 years from pre-Asylum to Knight. All that happening in such a short time span would be enough to make Barbara snap and it could be possible that she'd been hiding her anger during City & Asylum.
>we'll never get a game based around Red Hood
It's a shame because his DLC was too short. I enjoyed playing as a character that actually put a bullet between the bad guy's eyes. Quite liked playing as Harley as well, her insanity vision was neat with nice little touches including Harleen trying to break through it. Wouldn't mind a stand alone game of her as well providing it has nothing to do with her comics or movies.
>t. wannabe Ladderbro
oh yeah the exploding batarang is much better in knight, but the games before dont have it
They technically didn't lie depending on how they worded it. Arkham Knight IS an original character but his secret identity isn't.
ok how and where the fuck did Barbara get all that resources?
If you mean her Batsuit and gadgets, she originally made them using Police equipment and expert clothing-making skills.
She got more high-end shit when she got close with Batman.
First person is a superior perspective for intimate storytelling. Also Rocksteady's magnum opus was an FPS game.
>we'll never get a game based around Red Hood
What makes you say that? I wouldn't be surprised if we see one in a couple years.
Why doesn't Batman dip his batarangs in some kind of paralytic or sleep-inducing drug? Imagine how much easier it would be if everyone he hit with them instantly dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Knight was still the best in the series
The same way she got her batgirl suit
>haha we got you trapped now batman!!!
>press x to remote control the tank and do combos with it
I just can't see it happening and certainly not on the scale of an Arkham game which is what I want.
Somewhat unrelated but I saw something about that guy from twilight playing batman? Are they trying again and dropping everything from the last DC movies?
Red Hood wouldn't be as well known among normalfags
I actually liked this. There are times in Knight where you would genuinely be fucked if you didn't have the car. It made it feel like the villains were actually trying seriously this time, and only failed because they didn't anticipate Batman upgrading his gear in secret.
We don’t know if the upcoming movie is DCEU or its own thing. Also give Pattinson a little more credit. He’s an amazing actor.
>Why did Harvey Dent turn evil in The Dark Knight? Asspull writing, that's why.
Even popcorn munching normies can answer that question brainlet
>2/3 of the game is spent in the batmobile leading to overly repetitive defense objectives and slower combat
>riddler even forces using it for his content
>many areas are locked off by repetitive Batmobile hook puzzles
>half the bosses are tank battles
>even the dlc is 60% batmobile skins
Yeah fuck off
Didn't they outright say it would be a new character during pressers?
Arkham Knight's knowledge about Batman is very inconsistent. He seemingly doesn't know about the Bat Tank, but he knows where to shoot Batman despite Batman wearing a different Batsuit?
>oh my god it's the fucking tank that we all should know by now is immune to gun fire
>let's turn our backs on the guy controlling it
I don't really know him from much else, I just know him as that guy from twilight. Didn't mean it in a shitty way.
Nah, a lot of the writing in the Goyer Batmam films is extremely contrived.
when did this happen?
Knight's story was better than the others outside of the Arkham Knight himself.
AK Batsuit was just the regular one but with more armor. It would still retain constant weak points.
i liked the batmobile at first, but the vehicle platforming and lowering it into the sewer was the last straw for me.the game gave you enormous boosts to jump out of it so you could get huge glide boosts to keep you in the air but constantly kept you chained to the tank.
Well Ben Affleck isn't doing Batman anymore anyway right?
Think you got the wrong thread there user.
This is some kingdom hearts level of shitty writing, my dude.
Except the combat and traversal is better than ever, so fuck everything else.
okay but what the fuck was up with this
I think it's super satisfying to drive around but the puzzles and combat feel pretty boring. I wouldn't have complained if they just left you the batmobile as a way to get around the city and everything else you do normally
batman "dying" to become another version of batman
The first time he does that stunt when he's trapped in the glass box with everyone pointing guns at him. It makes sense since it's the first time they've seen the tank. But then it happens like 20 more times throughout the game. One I remember specifically is in the climax when Batman catches Barbara when she falls off the roof. A bunch of guys with guns surround them while they hide behind a fucking and shoot at them. Then the Batmobile literally falls out of the sky and somehow you're able to take everyone out with it without getting a scratch on you.
Batman figured out how to make Scarecrow's toxin and is employing it during his patrols.
Batman hints at it before it goes down in a conversation with Catwoman saying he isn't enough anymore and needs to be something more.
Made more and gave it to everyone immediately which is my biggest issue with batman being one of five people still infected with it. Sure the other 4 had hospital log errors but bats was mass producing that shit, i get that joker could've put a ton in him but he was the first person to get any, and had a near infinite amount to take so why would he still be sick
>I wouldn't have complained if they just left you the batmobile as a way to get around the city and everything else you do normally
It's funny because they added the tank mode because in the early builds of the game the batmobile was just a car to get you from point A to point B and then the playtesters said they thought it was boring.
Its the fucking same as the first except now it's got car autism ruining it faggot.
That's what happens when you make one game loosely based off random comics and cartoons that you think no one is gonna play. Then it takes off and you have to start retconning the shit out of everything with each new installment.
>nooooooooo everyone knows my secret identity now and my allies are fucked, I have to pretend to commit suicide otherwise they'll all be killed in revenge!!
Can someone explain to me why Batman being dead will stop Penguin, Two-Face, and Riddler from killing all of Batman's allies in revenge, purely out of spite?
I like the Riddler banter in Knight but I hate that they use him as the reason for writing Catwoman out of the story.
fully agree. Arkham Knight himself was fucking shit and cringe but everything else was 10/10
It's just Batman. Expect he's actually trying to be even more scary (Or at least make people scared of him again)
>yfw Batman: Beyond Arkham
What did we think of the telltale games Yea Forums
imagine if it was actually mozart
You need to come up with brainbuster riddles yourself to make him work.
I mostly meant the "maybe all of this set Barbara off for no reason and she's just been keeping it secret because muh plot twist".
thats exactly what i wanted, just a way to travel around town and a means to quickly get people out of danger. i love the big boosts you get from shooting out of it to go flying and then they had gadgets while gliding which was great. the area of the city had some good verticality for flying too but the constant need for the batmobile just sucks the fun out of it.
This is the Batman game I've been waiting for. Hopefully one day we'll get it, but I'm not holding my breath.
>t. retard that hasn't played these games back to back and is blinded by nostalgia
get fucked
Phantom Joker is honestly one of the best things in Batman ever.
Is this the best theme in the whole series?
The correct answer is "yes," btw
>Jason Todd
Villain Joker was far more kino then Vigilante. Riddler, Bane and Freeze were underutilised.
sounds generic
>Goodbye, Alfred.
What have rocksteady actually been doing since knight?
>imagine inserting my BBC genes in to that aryan tight pussy
Batman: Arkham Beyond
>for no reason
Getting shot in the spine and seeing Batman show blatant disregard for his sidekick's safety is a pretty good reason to get pissed. If we assume she got shot for the same reason as in the comics then that's not his fault but every other sidekick is
>Batman probably pissed off Dick Grayson or almost get him killed somehow
>immediately finds another Robin and gives no shits about Dick
>Jason gets kidnapped
>immediately finds another Robin and gives no shits about Jason
>treats Tim like shit 24/7 because he's convinced Robins are just disposable at this point
Batman is a fucking asshole in this universe and they don't try to make it seem like he isn't. She would have plenty of reason to be mad at him.
making another dlc simulator for warner bros
Tactics. Bruce became Knightmare because the bad guys knew his limits, his rules, but Knightmare is presented as a horror utilizing scarecrow tactics, a bad guy, to fight bad guys so much like when they knew it was a different guy under the mask when Dick was Batman, same for when Azazel was Batman, same for when Gordon was Batman, they would think it was someone new or more likely going by the narrative, they would think it's the ghost of Batman and you can't do shit to a ghost.
Anyone played the DLC campaigns? Catwomans kicked the shit out of me for a solid 40 minutes
>Have to fight the biggest mob I've seen in the entire game
>While the area under your feet progressively shrinks
>Going for a special takedown can make her overshoot onto an electrified tile guaranteeing you lose at least half your health bar
Probably the most intense combat I've had to deal with in the game and you have to do it as CATWOMAN. What the hell?!
>cuckjecting this hard
We all know you're not a nigger user.
You were so close
>mfw 2:00 kicks in during Protocol 10
Yeah, so? Regardless of whether or not Batman is alive, dead, or succeeded by someone else, Robin is still out there. And his name is Tim Drake. Barbara Gordon is still out there. And they're still going to pay in blood for everything they took from Penguin over the years, Batman or no.
>BBC genes
Oh yeah wtf were they thinking making players fight in a very tight area when the controls are dogshit for precision? It felt like it was trying to be a secret mission out of Devil May Cry and just fell apart.
>get to play as Catwoman or Nightwing or Robin
>don't know what any of their special combos do
>immediately want to switch back to Batman
I think they could have handled those tag-team fights better.
Gordon, Dick, Tim, Jason, Barbara, and Selina can easily look after each other
A good thing that Robin and Oracle's identities are still safe then and the DLC for Robin demonstrated that they're handling shit same as always with the bad guys none the wiser to who they are.
oh yeah, that fucking riddler catwoman fight was badly designed
Maybe they can, maybe they can't. Point is, Batman pretending to die did jack shit to help their situation. He may as well have stayed in the public eye just to have easier access to money and resources than he does as an anonymous specter.
Everyone knows Barbara works for Batman now that Scarecrow gave it away on live TV, and you hear thugs piecing together Robin's identity on the street immediately after Batman's unmasking simply by recalling the identities of the wards that Bruce Wayne publicly took under his wing.
I don't know the chimpout but the game had flashbacks to the joker killing Robin.
Why did they shit on Killer Croc
I actually still maintain that the Batmobile felt incredible to use and was very fun to drive around in, and that they nailed the feeling of driving a very, very mobile tank. It's just that they overrelied on it 3/4ths of the way through the game or so and it became very annoying to use.
Most of his incarnations are him being a dumb brute so they went with that.
user I just brought up the DLC set after the events of Knight where any speculation anyone had quickly died. Babs and Tim were so safe they were able to get married and have a short honeymoon for gods sake. In canon, they're fine. It's not even up for debate.
How would staying in the public eye work for Batman? He now constantly has to dodge attempts on his life, he's probably legally liable for a ton of shit because what he does isn't exactly legal, and plus playing the billionaire playboy was always just a front for being the Batman which he views as his true lifestyle.
>Arkham Knight is billed as ruthless and also takes the appearnce of a Militarized Batman
>Jason Todd impersonated Batman while still using fatal techniques under the impersonation in the Comics
>"No Guys, he's a totally original character."
>Confrontation with him has him literally switch to Red LEDs when he finally reveals his identity to Bruce before the battle and break the bat ears off.
Arkham Knight is such disapointing finale after the first two games. The Fact anyone with even a little Knowledge on Jason Todd could guess what would happen is the saddest thing about the whole damn game.
I bet it's jason todd!
why lie to us
That's retarded. The entire planet watches Scarecrow declare that Barbara Gordon works for Batman in a broadcast that also has him pretend to execute her specifically because she's close with Batman. There's no way people would just forget about that. Rocksteady's writing is retarded, and Arkham Knight is retarded.
I liked this one
>that mission near the end where you're driving around in the fear toxin
literally the shittiest time I've ever had playing a bamham game. These parts made it feel like I got tricked into buying a different game entirely
Didn't he fuck Enchantress at one point?
not him but i agree with everything
the control and driving part is top notch, really remind me of back in the days NFS. the car feels good, it just that there is a bit too much of it when there shouldn't be
That's even more retarded. What motivation would Barbara have against Batman? In none of her incarnations in the comics is she ever resentful against Batman for what happened to her, so it would be massively out of character.
What's the name of that track which plays when Batman is inside the mixing chamber defusing the explosion?
I thought that was all fear toxin shit.
>The entire planet watches Scarecrow declare that Barbara Gordon works for Batman in a broadcast that also has him pretend to execute her specifically because she's close with Batman. There's no way people would just forget about that.
And Batman “died” by the time any of that mattered. What were people going to do with them?
the showdown with the arkham knight's tank is the only time in the entire series where the game was actually hard.
excuse me miss thats my seat.
honestly, would be cooler but it wasnt true
The broadcast was very real, unless Scarecrow managed to fear toxin Alfred from within the batcave
>half the bosses are tanks
You're being really generous with that, base game the only non tank bosses are riddler and knight
>What were people going to do with them?
Kill them anyways? It's not like gangs irl are hesitant about killing friends and family members of their enemies, even posthumously, just to send a message. The entire ending and post-ending of Arkham Knight was really lazy.
Fear Within
And Bruce is "dead" that information has absolutely no relevance to anyone now. I mean did you even play Knight? the entire plot is how the bad guys know Batman so well now that he's predictable so when you have this new thing on the scene doing all kinds of shit that the bat would go after him for they're not going to think that Barbara Gordon, the daughter of the chief of police, would be helping out this fear toxin using monster.
>Kill them anyways? It's not like gangs irl are hesitant about killing friends and family members of their enemies, even posthumously, just to send a message.
What message would be sent by killing his former sidekick and former dispatcher? Besides, it’s not like they had their honeymoon in Gotham.
>puts two bullets in a guys' head
Overall I think this game was fun despite it being a bit of a let down. I still enjoyed Knight more than Spider-Man.
This track is so good, actually got me a bit emotional. And then Joker fucking showed up and shit on the whole thing
>What message would be sent by killing his former sidekick and former dispatcher?
Simple, stupid: You don't get to fuck around with gotham's gangs for over a decade and expect to walk away with your life.
I take it you're new here. No, I don't mean the fact that you're tripfagging, but the idea that somehow he's lying because there is totally no such thing as devs coming to Yea Forums under anonymity.
Because Rocksteady, or whoever writes these games, can only write Batman and Joker well (They overuse the Joker imo, but he's so well written that it almost doesn't matter). Everyone else acts out of character or retarded. I'm still mad about how Bane in Asylum and City was clearly designed for people that only watched the shitty Batman and Robin 90s movie and think he's just a brute. Origins Bane was alright though.
>And Bruce is "dead" that information has absolutely no relevance to anyone now
Yes it is. There is still the small score to settle of Robin and Oracle interfering with their plans for the last few years and constantly getting them thrown in jail. There is a debt to be paid.
Any chance that WB Montreal Court of Owls Batman game is real? I loved Arkham Origins.
Is this an actual comic? This looks like the artist that does the tall and buff Amazonian Wonder Woman
Ok this is your last (you) as you're obviously doing this on purpose now. The DLC post-game not only covers all of this but demonstrates that everything is fine concerning them. You're an idiot.
Why didn't Killer Croc finish eating Scarecrow in the first game? Why didn't he just throw a rock at Batman when he surprised him in the sewer in the second game? He could've been the hero of the entire series but writers just hate him.
Because that artist is real comic book artist that has worked for DC a lot of times
>Simple, stupid: You don't get to fuck around with gotham's gangs for over a decade and expect to walk away with your life.
Ok, now explain to me how someone who knows as much about CQC as Batman and someone who can go off the grid with the push of a button get capped by some street punks.
That's a thing?
Holy fuck, I'd love to do that with the 60's batmobile.
>The DLC post-game not only covers all of this but demonstrates that everything is fine concerning them
And I am telling you that this is absolute horseshit because of how the main villain outs them publicly to the whole city, and that the level of grudges they've accrued over their careers to the entire Gotham underworld means there's no way people would let bygones be bygones simply because their brooding caped boss is dead, and because Bruce left them with no means of covering their identities.
Rocksteady just didn't want to think about it so they pretended that it didn't happen.
Which is bad writing, no matter how you look at it. Arkham Knight's ending sucked.
he's not tripfagging retard
What the fuck
Because that doesn't hold true for Batman's sidekicks who have been publicly outed by Scarecrow and have half the city gunning for their heads at all times, their secret identities being their only protection.
Why are comics so cringe?
Terrible ending. But parts of the story were good. Did they do this ending to stop WB from continuing the series?
Would Arkham Knight have worked if they kept all the Jason Todd stuff as a red herring but it was revealed that he was Damian Wayne instead?
anybody know the name of the song when batman is in tactical hunting mode?
it only plays when you are swinging round about to tackle down some fools
>Because that doesn't hold true for Batman's sidekicks who have been publicly outed by Scarecrow and have half the city gunning for their heads at all times, their secret identities being their only protection.
So then just fucking move out of Gotham.
Synthesized from Batman's own blood since he had already been cured.
They're not allowed to end resulting in more and more extreme plots to keep them relevant. It's no coincidence that the superheroes with short runs are the best like Mayday.
>Damian Wayne
Fuck that shit. I hate anything that wasnt related to 90s Batman stuff.
Is Damien bad or something? I know little about his but it seems like he's always a bit of a cunt, especially in Injustice.
I gotchu senpai
What do you specifically not like about Damian that his character hasn't developed past in the years since he's been introduced?
What does Croc’s dick look like?
>giant, scaly dragon dick
Lol I worked on the PC release of this trash. The virgin rage had us rolling
>implying that shit isn’t completely deformed and ugly
I think the thugs talk about superman as well.
I only like things from my childhood and he wasnt in the animated series.
They atleast talk about Supes and Flash
Batmobile should have had the option for battle mode, but not revolved around it. And the game should have had vehicle progression as well. For the shit like going in the sewer? Should have had you unlock the Batcycle. Final big vehicle battle should have had you using the Batwing.
It only felt so monotonous with the Batmobile because it NEVER CHANGED all game. It made the sequences feel hamfisted because there was no sense of progression.
this one is one of them yeah, but i found it
they play this as well
Why was it so bad of a port? Were you lazy devs?
Not like there was many bosses in the first place. Most ended up being multihit or single hit predator takedowns anyway
>4 series
>100 something issues
Eh not really. The plots definitely started getting more extreme towards the end when they went full force on the Clone Saga crap. Too bad it wasn't Grim and Gritty enough to keep her relavant and now she's just another background spider in Marvel's Spider-Verse wank.
Rumor has it that Rob Pattinson is actually playing Dick Grayson, and Ben Affleck will show up as actual Batman, with the story being him utilizing the Batman persona because Bruce is missing, and trying to detective his ass down.
How come this game even though its a let down was still better than Spider-Man despite Spider-Man being an exclusive so it probably had bigger budget than Arkham games.
>(hence why Cavill's Superman wasn't allowed red underpants).
I don't believe that WB couldn't override a DC policy
We worked our hours and went home. Chill place to work. They didn't ask more of us after the build was delivered so *shrug*
Don't work there anymore. We all had a laugh at how angry people got.
also the homing not-missiles that the batmobile had in pursuit mode were very annoying.
That sounds like a bullshit rumor because Affleck is too busy with rehab to pretend to care about playing batman anymore
Why did you do such a bad job?
That's pretty short for comics user and it's better that she's irrelevant or else we end up with shit like what they're doing with Peter, the amazing Iron-Boy, now.
The only ones in danger are Bruce's personal friends which are really limited to Alfred and Lucius (Dick Grayson if Bruce officially adopted him but i don't think they did that story) Alfreds an accomplished combat vet with no problems with killing, and Lucius probably has 2 automated turrets in his bedroom alone
WHY is this allowed?
I didn't buy a pc copy so I don't care about the port job, but I would find it pretty embarrassing to have my incompetence on display like that
Oh no oh no look at the top of your cv
How would Batman react if Alfred executed an intruder when he was out on patrol?
Didnt ghoul fucking died in arkham city though?
Programmers are very lazy especially video game programmers. They don't know the meaning of true grafting and hard work.
The No-Killing Rule has been a crucial part of Batman since TAS. Besides, in the case of Shadow War, you’re not killing him, you’re just not saving him.
Batman generally doesn't care if Alfred kills when forced to, he knows Alfred is just an older guy who's mostly helpless against Gotham's freaks.
It wasn't so bad. Got paid, no crunch and it has never come up in interviews. Got laughs Because anyone interviewing doesn't attribute an entire project to one guy they're talking to.
It's not even really killing him. It's more like cutting off his low life support systems and letting him die a natural death
If that was the case he would have let the joker die in city. Instead he outright tells him he was still going to save him only the joker jumped on him like a retard causing him to drop the cure.
In retrospect, City wasn't all that good.
Batman lets Alfred do whatever he wants when it comes to dealing with attackers. He's an old man with decent combat skils. Still, if someone attacks him he's not lasting super long in a fight so it's best to kill them or whatever as long as it ends the encounter quickly.
But WHY was your work so bad? Why was the pc port so terrible? Were your co-workers lazy and incompetent?
Not enough prep time
Why would you guys make it with Unreal 3 when the game streams textures faster than the engine can load them?
Isn't his no-kill rule because he gets triggered at the sight of death, like an actual psychological trigger induced by traumatic experiences? He couldn't let a man die in front of him any more than a man with OCD could compel himself to stop washing his hands.
I honestly didn't mind it.
I mean, it was obvious since it's been done so many times before, but I liked the new presentation of it, and Knight is the closest so far to what I feel a modern live action Batman movie should look and feel like, albeit on a smaller, more personal scale.
We didn't make it. Rocksteady made it
I think it's safe to assume that Batman was just fucking with him and making sure he doesn't get the last laugh. At least I hope the writers don't want us to think Bamham is more of a pussy than the Nolan films Batman...
>Marvel Chad
>all worthwhile Marvel games have been memoryholed entirely
I really loved Season 1, gonna start season 2 soon.
I think the biggest issue is that how the devs were so insistent that Arkham Knight is a totally new character and "not who you think it is" even though everyone had been saying "gee, this sure seems exactly like the whole Jason Todd/Red Hood thing" since the day the game was fucking revealed. They wanted so badly for it to be a surprise that they outright lied even though everyone had already called them out on it being Jason immediately. They really should have just gone with Red Hood from the get go instead of trying so hard to hide it. Arkham Knight wasn't even the true antagonist of the game anyway and once his identity is actually revealed, he fucks off entirely with no closure, so it's not like the spoiler would have truly ruined much for anyone. Just look at Under the Red Hood. Just because the story had already been told before and everyone already knew it was Jason, that didn't stop the movie from being well received.
I felt City was a good game cut up by an unrealistic hub that did little other that disjoint what would have worked better as a more focused narrative.
And Origins was a mediocre game that, despite making traversing trough it less satisfying, made its hub a more integral part of it.
Knight's hub was the best of the lot, and though I didn't mind the Batmobile, it's a shame it took away from genuine boss showdowns so often.
Can I have Cass in the next game?
>riddle me this batman i built a huge race course under ground solve this one if you can
fucking awful, just another shoehorn of the batmobile
A real interesting and fresh take on the franchise that, sadly, won't continue.
Tiffany irked me though, never should have been a Robin proxy and reminded me of Black Panther's "take that Tony Stark" Marry Sue sister. Wish we could move away from this modern day diversity-shoe-in silliness so writers could actually write in genuine strong female characters of any color more organically and in contexts that makes sense.
They should've made the Arkham Knight an original character connected to the spirit of Arkham/Arkham family somehow that they set up in the first game. Him being someone from an influential Gotham family like the Arkham's would've mirrored Batman being a Wayne.
>riddle me this Batman I somehow managed to kidnap catwoman and build 200 robots and a mechsuit in less than a year
>figure THAT ONE out
>Man called Riddler
>Uses race tracks.
Maybe he got too many concussions
>the only way to stick to the walls is to floor the accelerator otherwise you WILL NOT make it through the last riddler race
>this gives you perfect wall agility even though it murders your handling on the ground
>why yes, we do feel that this is an intuitive and well-explained mechanic
The only real letdowns were bosses, the batmobile (which was still fun just repetitive and they made a nuisance out of it at times) and the Arkham Knight arc. Joker being in it was a personal letdown because i was burnt out on him after City and origins had a decently fresh take with him not being obsessed with the bat until the last 1/4 of the game. Scarecrow arc, and non batmobile gameplay were 10/10 and everything else was 8 or 9/10
>Perhaps, Batman, you are wondering "Riddler, how could you have possibly planted all these trophies throughout Gotham?!"
>Well I'll tell you: it was easy.
She was under Joker's mind control gas, it was called "Secret Booty Juice" and she got a great big dose of it. It like, really fucked her shit up dude.
Honestly the worst plot twist I've ever seen in a game. The writing in general was shit.
>have scarecrow be the villain
>cuck him by giving Joker all the screen time
Huge disappointment.
It's late at night and I'm not feeling right
>DC had a policy at the time that all characters had to confirm to rules that put them in line with the New 52 reboot
But Barbara was given back her ability to walk in the New 52, and she's still in a wheelchair in Arkham Knight.
Unless there's a can't between them they don't belong in the same sentence
Batman's dark, grim noire world absolutely shits all over Spider Man's New York and his hen pecked, pussy whipped, puppy dog love Mary Jane story. Eat shit Spiderman you nerd.
Where did he get all the capital in such a short amount of time? How did a man like batman, so obsessed with surveillance and building his own secret tunnels and caves, not notice the riddler building the huge network of tunnels and complicated machinery in the sewers of Gotham?
>listen up Catwoman, you are NOT to collect ANY of these trophies for Batman
>here I made you some special pink ones because you're a girl have fun!
riddler invented cryptocurrency
>it's a shame it took away from genuine boss showdowns so often.
Fucking this. It was a genuinely enjoyable mechanic but it shoehorned itself into the spotlight far too often. I think the absolute worst instance of this was Deathstroke. All of that buildup to him, dismantling his army piece by piece to draw him out, and given his personality, skill set, and his history with Batman, you would expect this to be a hand to hand showdown but instead you get another fucking tank battle that is nearly identical to every other tank battle in the game. It demonstrates an overuse of the batmobile and just a problem with payoff in general.
That kinda seemed to be the running trend. The game was focused on buildups but none of them ever had any decent payoff. Arkham Knight's identity, Deathstroke, Riddler, the true ending... So much buildup to all of it and none of it payed off.
Batman lets riddler do it as a joke
ITT: Posters who do not have the INTELLECT to understand Edward Nigma's ingenious plots.
actually i have the sane question regarding to the (retarded) theory of barbara behind all of the events in arkham knight
Yes, yes but does Batman have two hot daughters? No? Just a bunch of adopted sons that he makes run around in booty shorts? Oh well, at least he's not a nerd.
Mfw breaking into the clocktower (again) and hearing Scarecrow monologue about the militias fear and how the encounter will scar them for life
>Batman lets Riddler waste time, money and effort on his silly riddles just so he can mog on him
Batman is a dick
The Riddler : Say my name batman, SAY IT!
Batman : No riddler, you know I cant, you know it is a forbidden word.
The riddler: fuck you badman, imma say it myself, imma say the N WORD. NIG-
*Batman shot the riddler with the batmobile*
I don't even remember that. After a certain point in the story I was so checked out that it just kind of washed over me.
>oh my god he actually made the puzzles solvable again?
>what a fucking retard hahaha
Deathstroke went from top tier assassin with unmatched melee combat skills in origins to some 13 year old xbox 360 trash talking kid who got one shotted as soon as they met face to face
Why is his mask emoting?
i want to play suicide squad game, whose dick do i have to suck?
I jacked off to Bam a Ham Yum's Catwoman trailer so many times
yeah but if you watch until after the credits, there's that bonus clip where Riddler says jokes on Batman, he was only pretending to be retarded. Best redemption arc in 3 years of gaming, really.
Is the rumoured court of owls game going to be set between origins and asylum? Or do you think it will be a separate series?
Scarecrow was easily 10/10 but being completely burnt out on joker and the Arkham Knight story being super shitty i understand why you would be
i think this is what made me just stop playing now that i see someone else mention it, had kinda forgotten. didn't even finish it, tried several times then quit out of frustration.
No one's you dirty slut. There's a mobile Suicide Squad game. But, I'm sure you say it doesn't count because you really want to suck a dick.
You have to NOT use special moves. Just constantly punch
>somehow manage to keep dying like a retard in City to Ivy's plants and soldiers
Nothing really drives home frustration like dying over and over in a game as easy as batman.
I love the contrast between the two designs
kek that happened to me as well when i replayed it a couple years ago
I mean, Batman got out of it, so clearly he should have sent more.
could not fucking believe this the first time i heard it
When are we getting a fuckin Batman Beyond game
False because they were originally teasing Arkham Knight as an OC.
As improbable and stupid in-universe as they were, the courses themselves were entertaining.
Why are they letting you post on 4channel from jail Nigma?
>That TPS and FPS section at the end that went on forever.
I just need to finish knightmare to get the platinum just end it pls
>Batmobile on keyboard
Suddenly I understand why so many Yea Forumsirgins hate the car.
Get back in the cell, Edward.
As if these simple simians can prevent ME from posting on my favorite Mongolian underwater basketweaving forum. Please.
>Riddle me this, Jannie
I bet you had a smartphone shaped like a "?" hidden up your butthole. You sly dog.
Why were all the voice actors in the Arkham games so good? Riddler was perfect.
Yeah i wanted it to be president Obama
>batman beyond game
>the new batman is Damian
Terry or Bruce. No other Batmen please.
That fake idea the guy had in the one thread where the game starts with Bruce in his last outing as Batman, where he uses the Beyond suit and almost uses a gun, because his heart keeps fucking him up would have made for a great game.
Well thats just directly copying the tv show
>wanting Batman's fake son that had to be made by another man because he's a senile old fuck
>not wanting Batman's son that he made by personally ejaculating in Talia al Ghul
Power Girl is cute.
Wayne tech.
I dont read comic books. I only want things from tv shows I watched as a kid.
Then maybe you should stop whining and build a time machine. Go back to everytime you watched Batman Beyond and replace it with animated movie with Damian in it.
>Batman hates magic shit
>Gotham is full of magic shit
Poor Bruce
If he hates magic shit then why does he fuck magic girls?
>batman hates magic shit
>has to constantly interact with magic shit from allies as well
Batman should be separate from the rest of the dc universe.
good pussy is good pussy, even if its magical.
It's a good scene, so I wouldn't mind
I just want a silent fight against Shriek
gotta sleep with the enemy and all that
you guys watch justice league dark? pretty decent animation movie
i watch pretty much all DC animation, there are some stinkers but almost always better than those live action
What would he gain from that?
not to be associated with other shitters would be a good thing for him desu
Nah it's hard to keep up with all these DC animated movies. Only ones I've watched semi-recently were the Killing Joke and the one where Harley Quinn fucks Nightwing. It's not that I'm only trying to watch the shitty ones either, I just look for ones that sound interesting. Titles like
>justice league dark
>justice league war
>teen titans go get bagels
don't really catch my eye.
The fact that a crazy guy in clown make-up, a roided out luchador, random mafia guys or thugs with baseball bats are a threat to him in his own comics when he's constantly outsmarting cosmic entities and alien races and surviving battles with Superman tier opponents in the Justice League and other crossover comics, is retarded.
reasons for no-kill
>it was just part of his training
>means no matter what he does he doesn't sink to the level of gotham scum
>batman is as deluded as all his nemeses, the no-kill rule is the one thing stopping him from being them
dark is a pretty fun detective movie, and pretty much dealt with only magical and super natural shit + batman
i would recommend a watch
Or maybe Batman just has his own set of morals that he vowed never to break. Maybe he doesn't believe that's he has the right to take a life, no matter how many people suffer because of it. There's tons of people like that in the real world, no need for any fancy theories about why he doesn't kill.
If Superman just flew over to gotham and spent 10 minutes killing all of the big villains like joker, two face, penguin etc etc would Batman be angry?
Why would they force you to conform to the Nu52 if Rebirth was coming out in a year? Also what was Babs motives for becoming the Arkham Knight?
>10 minutes
More like 10 seconds. Also Batman would be pretty butthurt and try to arrest Superman for murder.
>TANK stealth sections
>fuckload of forced tank sections
>tank boss battles
>deathstroke is a fucking tank boss
>this is the last asylum game
Does Superman have a no kill rule?
Teen Titans Go Get Bagels was surprisingly good. You're missing out.
No, but for some reason everyone thinks he does. He does dislike killing and tries to avoid it at all costs.
Gotham villains are a threat to him because he has significantly less back up and he has to follow his code. When it's time to fight ayys all rules go out the window. He's just fighting to survive at that point and doing what he can to help and lead the people with superpowers. It's a good point of contrast, showing that he chooses to handle all the shit in Gotham on his own because he feels it's his responsibility and he wants to do it his way.
I just started Arkham VR, and the opening where you are Bruce, watching your parents get gunned down? The mother's scale is the most terrifying fucking thing I have ever seen in VR.
Not exactly. Superman can and has killed before. But you have to push him to the point where killing is the option left.
mother's scale?
>Outsmarts Darkseid and his entire planet
Nah. Batman works best when's he's removed from all the other heroes.
Why is Batman the leader of the Justice League? Couldn't any of them destroy him easily?
I knew there was a reason for me to save this image.
>What makes you say that?
Warner and DC wasting every bit of potential of their massive franchises so far
Not him but you're fucking stupid if you think its that easy.
>one of my most hyped games turned out to be a shitty tank game
Dear Lord this still hurts.
Because he gets fanwanked by the writers to extreme levels to make him useful in comparison to the other members of the justice league, while the other members are written like retards who can't think for themselves. For example Cyborg, the guy who can think literally as fast as a computer, can connect to every computer in the multiverse when he feels like it, and has technology and power that make Batman's best gadgets look like shit is just a glorified IT person for the Justice League, while Batman, who is just a detective who knows Karate is suddenly supposed to be the most qualified person to provide tactical advice and support for the team.
lolno if batman the big detective PLUS all of them aren't able to prevent either one of those from being target, what makes you think that with one less guy in the group the whole process wouldn't be easier?
>In canon, they're fine. It's not even up for debate.
Of course the plot being retarded is always up to debate.
No. He could kill all of them without lifting a finger.
Why don't WB make a Justice league game like how Square Enix is making an Avengers game? Surely a coop game with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Green Lantern and The Flash would sell very well to the normies?
>What message would be sent by killing his former sidekick and former dispatcher?
That your family and friends are never safe, are you fucking braindead?
>So then just fucking move out of Gotham.
That never stopped any of the villains.
>That cutscene when you get driven to Arkham in the van
>it's a scene for scene remake of Arkham Asylum's opening
Can we all agree this is kino?
>The DLC post-game not only covers all of this
None of the villains would do any of this shit. It doesn't make it any fucking sense, just because it's canon it doesn't make the story any less shitty.
Because you're getting a Suicide Squad game and you're gonna like it, mister.
>first time he's even been mentioned in the series too
Yeah, shame Arkham Asylum was pretty much just a cutscene though. Having the final stage take place there would've been something, like playing as Red Hood to infiltrate Arkham Island and rescue Batman.
Knights story felt rushed desu.
I'd fuck him.
>playing as Red Hood to infiltrate Arkham Island and rescue Batman.
Fuck. That would have been cool actually
Phantom Joker was great because it gave Joker without really doing it. It's just Batman going crazy. It would have been nice to brutalize someone as Batman by accident.
Hush was fucking terrible and you forgot it. it was not a payoff.. Also the DLC story was a bit upsetting because it was half assed but it's not effecting the rating.
The fact that they couldnt make dual challenges more custom surprised me
It's not like your bad dragons. He'd tear you in half and you'd get all types of diseases cause he hangs in the sewer all day. It's not worth it.
I don't even remember if I beat that or not
So I get to not be a virgin, fuck a crazy monsterboy AND get out of this shithole of a life? What's the downside? Besides, I'm not retarded, there are many ways to fuck.
scarecrow story?
>why isn't batman afraid! I WANT HIM TO BE AFRAID!!
>breaks out of arkham
>i'm gonna make a new fear toxin, that's even stronger than the last one.
>but i need to test it first to make sure it works
>batman it looks like these people were... SCARED
>analyze their blood for fear toxin(tm)
>ok now that we have studied the fear toxin sample i've made an antidote
>beats up scarecrow because he's immune to fear toxin and sends him back to the asylum
I was hoping the ENTIRE game that it wasn’t Jason and that it was going to instead be Prometheus since he was teased in Arkham Asylum. I was disappointed but not surprised by the reveal.
Pattinson literally took the money and ran after the last Twilight movie, he's been doing arthouse indie movies.
This is really interesting
I 100% believe it, if only because the Jason Todd """"twist"""" was so fucking stupid
The shit that bugged me the most is that Batman and the player both know that some cunt uses hallucinogenic poison to make you see what you fear.
Batman gets dosed with the stuff and then just takes *everything* he sees as legitimate reality, without question?
What the shit Rocksteady.
>*day one*
>Rocksteady: Who is the arkham knight? He knows everything about batman~
>everyone: It's jason
>Rocksteady: It's an original character, we swear!
>everyone: Naw it's jason
>*release date*
>Rocksteady:See, told ya! Weren't you surprised?
>Everyone: No?
>PC players: Surprised about what? I can't play the game! Give me a fucking refund!
Should have been Damien. If he never met Bruce and was raised entirely in the league of shadows for the sole purpose of replacing Batman that would have been great
this guy FUCK, i think
can't be damien in this universe, time is too short
Just say his age was accelerated by Lazarus bullshit
oi wut if she ran on batteries m8? Crazy innit
>Everyone calling it's Jason the moment the game is reveal
>Surprise! It's Jason!
About as stupid as Rocksteady going
And then half the game was retarded Joker virus mind jacking Joker hallucinations featuring the Joker because "I put my personality into my blood and now everyone getting it as a transfusion will become literally me".
I figured since they modelled some of the island already and had playable members of the batfamily, they could've had it so Red Hood, Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing coordinate an assault to rescue Bruce from Scarecrow, and you switch between all of them. His allies were pretty useless to the overall story and kept getting kidnapped or beaten, would've turned things around if they'd have all come together to save Batman at the end.
This track makes grown men cry.
>We worked our hours and went home. Chill place to work. They didn't ask more of us after the build was delivered so *shrug*
Who handled the fixed version of Arkham Knight for PC, then? I respect that Iron Galaxy don't crunch their devs, but Arkham Knight PC was in a terrible state at launch. Even the fixed version has some weird key bindings like ALT+1 for some obscure attacks. Overall a great port once fixed, though. Plays really well with a M+KB and looks great.
The Joker virus thing made no sense and felt like a pointless subplot that was an excuse to drag Joker back into the game because Rocksteady can't resist Joker.
Scarecrow was also severely underused in Knight, he just did a bunch of scary speeches and got the shit kicked out of him in a cutscene. It was Hugo Strange all over again.
The Batmobile is fantastic with a mouse and keyboard because you can constantly flick back and forth between tank mode and car mode to take tight turns.
>remember they shipped hard WW X Bats in Justice League
>in the two earth episode they actually kiss
The controls are 95% great on PC, only let down by the odd ctrl/alt/spacebar modifiers.
That joker bit was really obvious. No way they were gonna have the balls to actually make a game without any Joker influence whatsoever
>tfw been watching a qt british girl play through all the games blind while playing along
Can't wait till she plays Origins. Bamham is some of the funniest shit to watch people play blind.
Those legs look fucking juicy. Would volunteer to be crushed by.
thats a fucking movie dude and thats owlman and superwoman.
The Joker Black Mask twist got me desu. In hindsight I'm mixed about it but at the time it was cool.
Something I noticed is that I think they messed up the SPACE+LMB environmental combos. Basically, I think with a controller, it doesn't register analogue stick movement as button presses. But it registers WASD as button presses. So if you're moving, it ignores you hammering SPACE+LMB, but if you stop moving and press SPACE+LMB Batman performs the takedown. It's an annoying oversight, and as the user cited earlier, I guess they just didn't have enough prep time for the port. It's a shame Warner Bros seems to be a bit shitty about post-release improvements. You compare them to Ubisoft. Ubisoft generally release great PC ports, but where they fall short, they typically spend months after release tuning the controls and listening to feedback. Arkham Knight got some fixes, but input niggles were never addressed. In fact, they were never addressed in ANY of the Arkham games. There's also the bugs in Origins that Warner Bros decided not to fix because they weren't game breaking as far as they were concerned.
She looks like a spoilt rich girl who'd make you do it for her.
He's not, Superman is.
Then don't fucking lie about it. Just shut the fuck up. Same thing with Jason. It's one thing to not want to spoil a """surprise""", obvious as it may be, it's another thing entirely to straight up lie to your audiences. If saying more would cause you to either spoil something or lie, just play coy and say nothing or say that you can't divulge any information and want players to find out the truth by themselves by playing the game
>game is so basic even a blind girl can beat it
lmao western gaming everyone
Yeah it was a good twist at the cost of fucking over Black Mask entirely. Never thought that they'd completely sideline another villain just so the Joker can have the spotlight once again. After that, nothing in Knight surprised me even though it was a different studio, the hack writing managed to rub off on Rocksteady.
What if the weird user's claim is true and their original plan was to subvert expectations and have Barbara Gordon be The Arkham Knight, but then it was changed to Todd later on, with the Todd misdirection becoming the real twist?
I never bothered to do much testing but I certainly noticed the input bug. Had to resort to spamming the keys and just hope it goes off on the right enemy half the time.
Also as a little niggle, the 240% prestige skin is some lackluster lazy shit Rocksteady. I appreciate the post-release attention but a reward that cannot be used once obtained is a slap in the face, not to mention it's just the basic outfit but with a dash of gold.
She might actually be partially blind, she missed a lot of obvious shit. She's definitely a bit slow in the head she got stuck on the later puzzles in City and pretty much every puzzle in Knight to the point where she had to cut out over half an hour of footage to make it watchable But she still beat all three of them on her own, I'm proud of her.
I was actually more surprised it wasn't Joker
Like, her size. They make you kid Bruce's size, and she's like a fucking MONSTER compared to you.
way way too out of the character to be joker
Yeah, but Rocksteady manages to make him the main villain in everything even when the promotional materials say otherwise
>Is this an actual comic? This looks like the artist that does the tall and buff Amazonian Wonder Woman
Yes, and that's because it is. He was doing Aquaman last I checked but that was uhh.. 1 or 2 years ago?
people guessed it the day the reveled the character
Yeah, everything after Arkham City was a bit naff. They were all solid games, but they didn't live up to the potential, or how extremely well done Arkham Asylum/City were. Asylum and City had their flaws as well of course, but you could overlook them due to the polish and the delivery. Knight however was filled with too much shit, and Origins was jank as fuck.
Asylum 8/10
City 9/10
Origins and Knight 7/10
They still can't do a boss fight to save their fucking lives besides that one very short Mr. Freeze sequence in City
I would've been happier with it had they not dragged Joker back for Knight. It made more sense for Joker to show up in an origin story than in a story set after his death in City imo. Because Black Mask aside I think they handled him pretty well in Origins, in fact that story is pretty underrated.
To be quite honest, the fake Yea Forums leak for this game was so much better than the actual game that it wound up being disappointing.
>came out 2015
>Been working on "something" since then
Bodes ill. Either dev hell or they were regulated to bitch work like Rare for MS.
there was so much fucking hype when we heard the final one goes back to rocksteady, it just got super deflated with technical problems on pc and a shitty plot with a bit of overused uberbat
fake leak?
he became boring and lacked the personality he had before
what was the fake leak about?
chads don't call themselves chads
AK still runs like shit on PC. Rocksteady was working overtime to be as awful as possible for this game.
>Part of his training
Who's trained Bruce that isn't a murderer?
Isn't superwoman lois lane
Makes you really FEEL like batman
Officially because he's a genius and is the most mentally qualified
Realistically he'd have absolutely no point in being there if he wasnt the one giving orders
Well of course they survived, they were hiding behind a fucking after all.
That poor fucking didn't stand a chance though. R.I.P
JLA game when? Get the Legion of Doom as the bad guys and you would have a decent game.
To big to summarize. At the time it actually "predicted" a few things that wound up in the final game before they were revealed like fear takedowns, so it seemed extra credible and actually got coverage on nerd sites and nerd youtube.
The comic writers literally aren't smart enough to know how to use him. Same problem with Chameleon and Mysterio over at Marvel. They admit to this openly. Trickster villains could EASILY kill the hero if they were written competently, the writers know this so they just barely use them.
They even said they wouldn't be doing Hamill for Joker if they ever did Joker again. They've lied about so much shit i really can't believe anything they say
in one AU incarnation
but no
because he's the most popular in the fan polls
It's made of skintight cloth. This isn't some overrated Christian Bale movie
I was so fucking ready for Black Mask to get a game but fuck me to death it was just Joker again, fuck wb montreal for that shit. Hopefully Ewan can do him justice in the birds of prey (featuring harley quinn from the devil may cry series) movie
Batmans son is a mix of Naruto and Sasuke, and unlike Spideys daughters didn't get retconned in the womb TWICE and then relegated to alternate timelines.
Granted, Damien first appeared under a Muslim name in an elseworlds story in the 80s but they barely acknowledge that its essentially the same person.
This is infinitely more interesting and less insulting than the insanely weak "it's not a character you'd expect unless you were a batman fan at all" ending, so I'll take it.
daily fucking reminder
The second bomb disposal in the Batgirl DLC was harder. You basically have to approach it like youre speed running the game or you'll run out of time. Og and the stupid turret room in Robin's DLC.
Fuck, only Red Hood had a DLC that seemed like it was actually play tested.
Fuck Bruce Timm and his shit tier fetishes ruining a masterpiece. Although Batgirl isn't even the worst offense in that movie honestly. The entirety of the final joker monologue was even more damming.
It's been rumored for years that they're trying to find some way to make a Superman game fun while not making it a overly huge open world while also making everything in the environment destructible, which would mean consoles couldn't run it.
Based Bruce
i didn't even bother watching that in the end
>a mix of Naruto and Sasuke
Do you think that is a good thing?
>retconned in the womb TWICE
Not exactly sure what you're referring to. Kaine rescuing Mayday is a what-if not a retcon. if you're talking about his other daughter from Renew Your Vows, that's not a retcon either and also not what I'm talking about. Could you be referring to something else that I'm missing?
Not that one.She's mary batson (the shazam girl) in that movie, which technically makes owlman a pedo
>Do you think that is a good thing?
I have never met anyone who thinks Damien is a good thing
iirc she's something like 14 or 16 during that movie so yeah
It's a solid movie if you skip the Batgirl opening. It's just a straight adaption of the Killing Joke after that.
Well it already leaked that Ewan McGregor's Black Mask will be gay from test screenings, so who knows how that's going to go...
>Timm wanted very hard bats boning harley
>the joker probably wpuld accept it due his homolust for him
The best batman stories were in the 70s & 80s. He had a brief rise again in late 90s early 00s (long Halloween, Hush, red hood) but that's it. For most of the 90s Batman was a cripple, replaced by the most cringeworthy edgelord imaginable, Azrael. In fact these games are the only times Az has ever been decent
Also supposedly he dies less than halfway through the movie or something.
>since TAS
You mean since the 1950s. Alright, I'm out because this thread is full of retards that make shit up.
May Day was stillborn during the 90s clone saga. The other daughter was the real reason Mephisto wanted to erase Pete's marriage ten years later.
Batman was most definitely not fucking with him. That's a huge part of his character
He's a smart guy
todd was forbidden to kill him, not the 3 dozen goons he sends in
The doctor was paid to lie and Mayday was actually stolen by Norman Osborn. All the Spider-Girl comics add is having Kaine rescue Mayday and return her to Peter and MJ. I'm not concerned with the other ginger daughter but even so, the "stillborn" baby is never shown or given a name. Her not being Mayday in one timeline doesn't affect anything and isn't a retcon. One timeline has Mayday, one has Annie, and for all we know the main timeline could've been a completely different baby. We'll never know because Spider-Man isn't allowed to grow up or have kids in the main timeline. Anyway, the second daughter I was referring to was April who is a clone of Mayday so technically Peter's daughter.
>Him being someone from an influential Gotham family like the Arkham's would've mirrored Batman being a Wayne.
They wouldn't just because it would have stepped all over Hush's toes
What is Rocksteady working on right now?
Are the suicide squad game rumors true?