

Attached: B_Pirmal_Aspid (1).png (360x450, 77K)

REEEEEEEEE they aren't that bad honestly. Aquire proficiency.

if you say that again im posting tiktik

I mostly really like the enemy design in Hollow Knight (especially compared to other Metroidvanias where they're generally throwaway) but fuck this faggot.


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People find these things annoying because they fight them incorrectly. They try to keep a set distance from you. Instead of chasing them, run away and force them to approach then turn around and let their momentum carry them into you.

fuck I hate those suckers

>flap flap

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give me hornet involving bondage and we'll talk

I like how it sounds like these assholes are crying.

Bondage is degenerate user.

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I fucking hate these assholes.

I dont see whats so bad

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That's a bug butthole

They just sound like birds chirping, to me.

I know

i dont like that image

it was just the first one i found

i like it consensual, not holes appearing or spread legs or whatever

>oh boy, I'm heading to "that part of the game" fml

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>collector spawned 3 at once
fuck the collector and fuck the pantheon

what is that part

Is it raining cum or what

The soul master castle. It's spooky and has the slow ass elevators.

soul master was actually probably the hardest regular boss to me

that bug needs to put on some pants

Bugs don't wear pants silly.

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I beat him in 1 try
It was a fun fight

I beat him at the second try but only because I love this fast type of game. I have an easier time with fast bosses than with slow ones.

He's probably my favorite fight in the game so far.

Spooky as shit tho. Are those white creatures in his castle dead bugs?

>wah no one talks about my favorite game!!
>let the threads die fast
How do we make HK popular?

I think they're ghosts yeah

The area underneath the soul master was full of those things.

HK threads used to be all the rage. Game is kinda old news now desu.

at least 80% of my arena hits came from them

They're bugs whose bodies were ruined by misuse of soul magic.

dunno what you guys are talking about. there have been hollow knight threads getting 300+ every day for the past few days. the problem is OP didn't post some stupid criticism or obvious bait to get a bunch of shitposters here.

Hey guys, Hollow Knight Any% NMG (No Major Glitches) Speedrunner here!

I had to rescue this thread from page 10. Let's not let this one go this fast, this game is kinda interesting.

Is finishing the final pantheon even worth it? I feel like my soul will break if I keep dying in it 20 minutes in.

I haven't gotten the true ending yet but honestly I don't know shit about Hollow Knight's lore. I also don't actually know how to get the true ending. I've just been fucking around in the fool's coliseum

A bughole.

As a human, which is far bigger than bugs, how would it feel being shot by these lil' dudes?

Cute thigh gap

Just how big exactly are Hollow Knight buggies considering those rain droplets in City of Tears are pretty big.

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The cunts in the mines who shoot crystals are worse

About that size, remember the totally not human skulls in that one cave?

you know those little white popper firecrackers that explode when you throw them at the ground? probably like stepping on one of those.

post image please

>How do we make HK popular?
Hopefully never. Otherwise there's no possible discussion in this board.

About Silksong, will the devs finally allow me to fucking change equipements without having to sit on a fucking chair? Like you know any other game?

If they let you do that you wouldn't be forced to think about your builds ahead of time and could just switch your setup on the fly to abuse mechanics

Genuinely do not, besides the Worm skeleton I can't think of a memorable skull

>If they let you do that you wouldn't be forced to think about your builds ahead of time and could just switch your setup on the fly to abuse mechanics
That's a dumb restriction. That shit happebs to most games. Why do they think they have to change that?

I guess they cut it because it gave too much away, or they changed their mind.

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Because it pisses people who want to abuse a mechanic off, and forces you to think ahead. Or just stick with one build all game

Oh wait, it might be in silksong; neat!

It's a pretty reasonable restriction honestly.

great stuff

Well considering our passive strength is enough to kill pretty much every bug in existance with a simple open palm swat their little strikes would probably be the same as a bee sting.

I could wash away the entire hollownest with a big cup of water

That'd be pretty rude to do user.

Stop trying to force this meme. Nobody actually has trouble with those things.

>he tells me what I don't have trouble with
Go suck a donkey dick. Those guys are annoying. I shouldn't he surprised other people are annoyed by them too.

>because it gave too much away
What is there to give away by showing a human skull? We already know they are bugs and humans existing doesn't really tie into the lore in any way because everything in the game's story takes place in a bug exclusive bubble.

I didn't know they were bugs until today

probably just like any other bug bite/sting in real life. It could be crippling pain due to venom or it could be a mild pricking sensation like a bee sting. We don't know enough about their biology in the context of the world outside of the bugs' perspective to give them a position on the pain index.

No way is that background skull from a bug.

Maybe you're just excessively terrible at video games then considering their behavior and attack patterns aren't anything new to the medium. I've also seen this thread come up multiple times recently and yet in none of the dozens upon dozens of previous HK threads did anyone ever have anything to say about them. Nobody ever brought them up until now which leads me to believe the vast majority of HK players just dismissed them as average fodder that poses no significant threat. You're either trying desperately to force a shit meme or you're just genuinely bad at video games.

>cuts it off mid-scream with Abyss Shriek

Although nowadays I don't bother wasting Soul on em.

Imagine if a cazador and an aspid had a baby.

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I'm not going to read all of that but yeah I'd rather you just call me shit at the game than try and say I'm lying about having trouble with it. You retard.

>You retard.
Says the one who is struggling with an extremely basic enemy archetype that is seen in 90% of sidescrolling games.

I'm dissapointed with Hollow Knight that it didn't show truly scary bugs like pic related, or Cazadors and Jewel Wasps.

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That's fine. I'm not afraid to admit that these enemies annoy me. I never said they're extremely difficult to defeat or anything like that but they can be bothersome. I'm glad you don't have any issues with them though.

I finally beat the pure vessel, now I only have the final pantheon to go through
but fucking Zote gets me every fucking time, fuck that meme

Stay strong, brother.

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So whats the deal with the crest thingy in Silksong?

There's literally a parasite bug in HK though. It's not a worm but the concept is still the same.

I want to kiss the Knight and make him a bed out of a matchstick box.

Where would you put that bed?

look, they've been an infamous enemy since the beginning, and for good reason.

the core thing that makes them a pain in the ass is how they move, they are always hanging just out of easy reach, usually to your top right/left, which are HK worst approach angles.

point 2 is where you encounter them, typically they are placed in vertical areas, and because of how they move, you typically have to commit to falling off a cliff and climb back up to them after each attack attempt, which wastes time.

there are other points i could make about the attack itself, but im pretty sure you can extrapolate and combine them with the points i just made.

simply put, they get all this hate because there are certain situations where their design allows them to excel at being absolute pains in the ass to deal with. does that make sense?

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