Why don't you play EU4, user?
Why don't you play EU4, user?
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g-guys, please reply. I just want to talk about the game.
Or talk about other grand strategy games like CK2 is fine.
EUIV is fine, but I enjoy CK2 and Vicky2 more. Even Stellaris.
I do, occasionally. Haven't played it for awhile though.
CK2>Vicky2>Stellaris>HoI2:DH>EUIV>EUIII>Everything else
I got Crusader Kings 2 for free but I'm too much of a brainlet to play it.
I dont understand all the love for vicky2
sphering other countries isn't fun and it's like the whole game
It's not hard, it just has steep learning curve. Try Kingdom of Mumu on Ireland and you should be fine.
Politics, economy, excellent roleplaying, GrossDutchland. All good stuff.
do /pol/ fags unironically think that they are special because of their ancestors ?
Any tips on playing Aztec? My last game I got raped by Spain and their colonies.
learn the game until it is a flavorless boring numbers game
You think your special because you cut your dick off?
>he doesn't play for pops
are you autistic and incapable of detecting sarcasm?
Reparationfags seem to think so
This just in: Slavery unabolished as white man OWNS black man on the internet
It was back in 2018 I played as the Aztecs so I don't remember that much.
But I do remember that Spain raped me as well. Just try and hold out and sue for peace as soon as possible. Give them gold and land if necessary. They took several provinces and a shit-ton of gold from me before I could westernize. But after you westernize you can take it back.
Who did hurt your small dick user?
It is hard to tell in this place
>Playing CK2
>Get to 1300
>Framerate is now in the single digits
games too easy
Yeah, it is called evolution.
Why don't you play grand strategy games with actual gameplay?
G*d I can't wait until the white savages are replaced by honorable Chinese and Jewish folk
I too can't wait for the collapse of modern civilization.
You telling me that people raised in tribes or wars act with lower intelligence than a european kid that have been going to school and living in a modern civilization since birth ?
>play a nation in africa
>get royally fucked by mamluks and ottomans
>play nation in asia
>get royally fucked by ming
>play nation in europe
>get fucked by the super powers
>play nation in americas
>get royally fucked by colonization
>if you don't start in europe you have a massive penalty to tech
How do I git gud?
Silly OP, you can't play a game engine.
git gud at making alliances
>you aren't allowed to feel special about your ancestors
>but you do have to feel bad about them
>Aztecs getting raped by Spain
Working as God intended user
Who said that fagtron?
I got burnt out years ago. have the recent expansions/patches been any good?
You can play pirate republics in Golden Century.
>tfw not being able to get into these kinds of games makes you feel dumb and insecure
Twin studies have already shown that even if you take one of the niglet twins and put it in a nice white family it didn't become smarter.
Start in Europe and maneuver between the super powers
Watch florryworry
Become a powergamer
It also showed the wealthiest of black families were still less intelligent than the poorest of white families.
Very interesting.
it also showed that hitler had the highest iq in history about 200.
No its genetic fact.
Another 60,000 years they will still be 'developing'
Meiou & Taxes is the only way I can play the game anymore, shame it chugs so much.
I liked Crusader Kings 2, but does EU4 have really anything to offer over CK2 besides genocide? I mean genocide is really appealing but is it any different from just painting provinces?
It's not like genocide is impossible in CK2, I once had amazing run when I was playing as Northumbria and after unifying British Empire I started my crusade agains viking pigs. I wasn't finishing wars until I kill as many norse troops as possible and during peace time I was murdering every single norse character I could find through character finder. It was amazing, incredibly autistic and immersive as shit considering that my character was lunatic cannibal. I was executing every norse man I imprison and eating every woman.
EU4 play more like normal strategy game.
It's hard for me to get into grand strategy but i still have fun in a strange way, should I get EU4?
>White people didn't like the world
Then why did they keep it for themselves?
It's not hard once you get a hang of the interface.
EU4 doesn't even have genocide. You just peacefully "convert" your provinces with mana.
I just bought Hearts of iron but I'm too used to playing EU4, Any tips?
That's fucking retarded.
Hey, you can send minorities in your country to your colonies now.
Map painters are shit.
But I do play EU4, and will again once I finish my CK2 immortal highlander with a nation full of great works play through which carries over to EU4 nicely.
It doesn't have it as a button but exporting a troublesome ethnic group to a place where savages will murder them while constantly steamrolling their rebel armies back home seems pretty genocidal to me
That's the confluence of modern thinking user.
>don't be proud of what your ancestors achieved, you had no part in that, only what YOU achieve matters!
>be ashamed of what your ancestors did to these people, you are the direct extension of them and thus are responsible.
Fuck off, either "discredit" both or let both be embraced.
I'm too retarded for map simulators. When I play strategy game I usually set the AI to easy and then spend more time making my base/city looks aesthetically pleasing than micromanaging every aspect of it's development to wreck enemies before the wreck me. I just wanna have some casual fun is all. That being said, it's not like I don't want to try them out, I was taking a look at Hearts of Iron 4 during the sale but I didn't have the courage to take the plunge.
HoI4 is easy. You don't even need to micromanage your units in battles.
Decently easy game, it's just that it's too open ended so it's hard to pickup, watch a few vids, try playing in ireland, and you'll get the hang of it at some point. 200 hours in and I'm still picking up on features. (also get dlc unlocker)
tldr autist
gee I don't know
Is any of this shit worth buying?
What are you, poor? You can pirate the DLCs.
Yes teach me
I just can't into EU4 and other grand strategy games in general.
Still, CK2 is my favourite past time during these past couple of months, there's this roleplay kinda element that I love about the game that the rest of the grand strategy vidya doesn't have.
I tried Imperator Rome too but was sorely disappointed.
Uuuuhhhh... Jews? black pepole? any fucking ethnic group ever?
Boring numbers game for pseudo-intellectuals
Features are behind a paywall.
What are you talking about? They are not even hard.
Nigger detected
Unlike your forefathers whose accomplishments consist of spear chucking and mudcake eating ours actuallt built and invented things. All things, basically
You're welcome
Actually, it was the arabs who were doing all that while whites were too busy crucifying people for believing in heliocentrism
Retard. Science is literally outlawed under islam. Arabs never invented anything, they stole from Greece and the rest were from persians (aryans)
Try again, nigger
>what is algebra
I'm sure both Europe and the Middle East were full of visionary thinkers and religious nutcases who burned people for having the audacity to have rational thoughts
Try again, mudshit
convert to catholic
It has a lot of depth that isn't apparent. Even players who have played for years are grossly misunderstanding basic mechanics like the sphere market and how foreign investment can be weaponized. (I do not mean for industrial points)
25% of that is essential to enjoying the game
Is it possible to learn this mechanic?
Seriously, I have tried just jumping into Vicky 2 twice now, and quit knowing less about how the game works than when I started. What's the best way to get past that initial roadblock?
God bless the Russians.
Oh so I only have to spend $125 after buying the game to enjoy it?
Thats only 19.95 per month for six months plus tip
Guess what, you are your ancestors.
I did this a while ago and then didn't see the point in playing any more.
I'm glad I'm not good at the game so I can still enjoy some challenge.
I mean I started as Venice so it wasn't terribly hard, imagine starting as Athens.
>not conquering Russia to finally unite all members of the Orthodox Church
Such as?Do you mean that one person whos patron was the Pope?
>calling the Chinese of all people honorable on a videogame board
I got bored of blobbing real quick
Honestly my favourite thing to do is start off as a tiny underdog and build up into a moderate power with sensible borders and just survive the timeline.
the nose knows
I don't know where to pirate it
here's a the magnet
Because i'd rather uninstall.exe
>...when white people discovered the world, and decided they didn't liked it
My sides
yeah bro! fr*king epic!!!
i'm not your bro,pal
Please go back to /gsg/
Reform asap, with multiple aztec nation, you should do that fast
Unite mesoamerica, convert all provinces to Nauhtl
Take all Aztec permanent bonuses events, they all have hefty initial costs, but through the game it's so fucking worth it
Slowly colonize to Florida
If European DoW's you, don't fight them and just surrender as soon as possible, minimize damages, let them take 1 or 2 provinces, gold will eventually come back, debts will be payed, you have plenty of gold mines
If Europeans dont notice you, find nearby colonies
Let them colonize and grow, once colonies turn into a colonial nation, INMEDIADLY and QUICKLY DoW it, quickly annex it, their overlord won't be called to war if you declare war to a colonial nation (But win fast, overlord can still enforce peace on you)
Best Ideas: Defensive, Quantity, Offensive, Quality, Expansionist, Exploration, Espionage, Economics, Religious
Quantity is always a good idea, more troops and bigger armies means more Professionalism per month, and having bigger armies diminishes War Exhaustion: It's not the same WE if 10 divisions of 40 total army dies, than the WE from 10 divisions dying from a 200 total army.
You dont get overextention by conquering colonial nations, blob madly
Catch up on technology
Conquer the Americas
DoW the irish/GB
Conquer GB
Invade Europe
Sacrifice them all
Any questions?
>Aztec permanent bonuses events
What are these?
>The Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan
Spend mana to get permanent Prestige through the entire game
>Sumptuary Laws & Warrior Culture
Spend admin points to get a permanent discipline boost and monthly WE reduction.
This bonus, with the other WE reduction reform, will reduce WE even if you're fighting, allowing you to play the 'Attrition game', invade, blockade everything you can, let WE stack up on the enemy, this is why Quantity is so good with Aztec
>The Power Balance of the Triple Alliance
Empower Texcoco, although the monthly autonomy bonus looks bad, the next event usually solves it
>Legal Reform of Nezahualcoyotl
Reform, the paper cost is worth negating the previous event penalties
After all events were decided, and after you reformed all, you're basically Mesoamerican Prussia, capable to beat the Europeans with even technologies
Thanks. Do those events fire after reformed?
I'm going to bed, Aztecfag out
Have a last bump
No, they fire early in the game, before you get the reform, check the wiki, it says the year it -usually- fires. When in doubt, always ask the wiki.
Feed the god in my absence, brother.
Thank you very much.