How come men never feel "objectified" when a video game has a half naked male protagonist?

How come men never feel "objectified" when a video game has a half naked male protagonist?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It's another fucking "muh SJWs" thread

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Something something have sex

Actually, I do. Thank you for just assuming I don't have feelings you fucking prick.

Additionally I feel really excluded and ashamed about myself when there's no bald or balding hair option in character customization.

>Not liking to see half naked dudes in your games

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Men don't have a victim complex or suffer from jealousy like women do

Such characters are not designed to be sexually objectified as they are made to appeal to hetero males' power fantasy.

But every guy doesn't want to be buff as fuck

Because it's a video game

Because the character is designed by men for male players to pretend to be.

b/c unattractive men can just give up and focus on work but women will always primarily be judged/valued by appearance.

Because we fall into two catagories;

>Men who want to be that.
>Men who accept that they are not and can never be due to a lack of effort and motivation on their part.

There is no third group of men screaming about fictional men better than them (minus the chad archtype), claiming unrealistic expectations of men.

Men do not fall into the "healthy at any size" delusion. If we are fat, we know we have earned that fat. Likewise, if someones looks good, they have earned those good looks, worked for it.

It's about attention. If women were really pissed off about men "objectifying" women, surely they'd have no problem with the scourge that is male-kind diverting its attention to the world of fiction instead.

Womankind merely cannot tolerate competition.
Better to ban what is better, than to be better - or at least somewhat more approachable and less hostile towards men.

The most unrealistic thing I've seen about women in videogames is that they don't display looks of pure disgust at men with low social value or casually throw the label "creepy" around whilst complaining of how often their own feelings get hurt. Videogames certainly do give us unrealistic expectations of women, but not their appearances.

But they do. Have you ever played an otome game?

>everything i don't like is a male power fantasy

>man sees man who they can never be
>cool bro, what's your workout?
>woman sees woman who they can never be
>be offended, unless if it's hollywood or in a music video because low IQ

Men aren't women.

Women only do things for attention from men. Attractive women, even fictional, are competition and must therefore not exist if possible. Even if they say they're gay or have corrupted their minds, gotten blue hair and want fat acceptance, they do things for attention. "Good job whamen you're independent and stronk I know, are you happy now?" See?

I feel objectified only when women talk about how size matters.

> Wow that guy is cool, fucking ripped, I wanna aspire to be as badass as him! I can do it!

> Wow... what a fucking whore, ugh, I will never look like that whore, better attack her

This argument doesn't hold up in the 21st century.

What, you've never seen people bitching about JRPG prettyboy protagonists?

This However, a couple of things of note. One, the exception to this for men is the twink fuqboi, at least to a degree. Someone like Kratos is manly and evokes testosterone, which men find cool. But someone like BOTW Link, who is arguably more feminine than any of the girls in his game, doesn't evoke this response from men. Instead men think of them as "gay", assuming said men aren't gay for them of course.

It's also a point that while there are a vocal portion of women who shriek about seeing big-tittied beauties in video games, they aren't necessarily even the majority. Many women find sexy female characters to be somewhat empowering in their own right, especially if the are a capable, independent MC. Also most of those shrill fat harpies would be quick to make a hot female self-insert if they can design her as their ideal 'self', because then THEY get to feel like the prettiest girl around.

Because their bodies aren't usually treated as sex objects. Kratos isn't a God of Sex, he's a God of War. His body is a weapon, and even today, a lot of societies socialize men to see themselves as violent. It's part of why Kratos works, he was the fantasy that many young men aspired to be like, but it destroyed his life. Then he became a father again, around the time when many of the real young men who used him as a power fantasy became fathers, and he got the chance to redeem himself as these real life men also will.
>In other words, toxic masculinity, but this is Yea Forums so of course this will trigger you.

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fujo pandering tends to be an aesthetic choice that is less appealing for the average western player.
and fujos themselves can be as repulsive as loli faggots going on about flat is justice and shit.
basically is has fuck all to do with the "objectification" rather than a sometimes misguided "this could be really cool if it was made for a different audience" with a dash of "Yiff in hell fags"

Women hate competition, especially for attraction. They seethe at prettier women, even if they're fictional.

Because Kratos wasn't designed to be sexy he was designed by men for men who think being ripped as shit and showing off your ripped body is badass I doubt many woman find Kratos actually attractive at all.

It's not the same. A woman wouldn't design a character like Kratos. He's designed by men for men as a power fantasy. An angry hulking mass of muscles. Can he be sexy to some girls? Sure. Is he designed with pandering to girls in mind? No.

When women design male characters they usually end up looking like either cute and lean bishies or sensual and handsome macho. And how they dress and act plays a huge role too.
And these characters definitely trigger the average nerd. Calling them "gay" or "emo" is the most common response.

You're collectively tapping yourselves on the back here too hard and it's getting pathetic. This place is also filled with bunch of inceloids seething about other men. Seething about height. Seething about race. About wealth. Coping that lifting is a waste of time. Calling women roasties therefore elevating your self worth and coping with the fact that nobody is touching you with a ten foot pole. And so on.

You're all insecure bags of sensitive shit.

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Because men aspire and women... do the opposite. Whatever the minimum necessary risk is to achieve security. Of course, this is a sweeping generalization and there are instances where the roles are reversed, but these are rare and on a fundamental level the reason we face the issues we face is because people refuse to acknowledge the true nature of being human these days.

Been married for 8 years. Not an incel, not even close. Women hate other women.

Pretty much this, women see an attractive woman and get jealous. Men see an attractive man and get inspired.

I think you're confusing lack of engagement with "triggered". Most dudes don't care if something isn't designed to their taste. They just scoff at it or ignore it and move onto something that suits them.

Tons of women would fuck kratos, what are you smoking?

try to understand power dynamics you fucking brainlet

>Good looks
>"Worked for it"
What a stupid retard, everyone come and laugh at him

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>meanwhile, on Tifa's bust thread number 9001

Most women don't care either.
We're talking about triggered twitter whales and insane otakus. Both loud minorities.

Most woman think he's ugly I bet your someone who thinks being ripped makes you instantly attractive to woman and your face and overall presentation have nothing to do with it.

Because men aren't superficial enough to feel threatened by a grouping of pixels.

That's because they took a previously established character, however overrated she is, and 'toned her down' so as to make females more comfortable. If you saw something you liked being changed to appeal to someone who disliked it for such a petty reason as "tits too big" then you might be bothered too.


I know I like to self insert as a god wrecking gigachad and try to emphathise with his motives. But I know I don't feel objectified by his stature or physique I feel like I could do that with a lot alot of dedication, but its definitely not impossible. I thonk ita something to aspire toward

But unlike female Asian character designers are you able to divorce yourself to fictional women?
If your types were just honest we probably wouldn't have any censorship in gaming since the turn of the millennia.
Don't lie. It was never about the children and protecting their eyes from the sexy girls in video games.

It always had to be about you. You're the only one who matters. Not the men who buy video games, and certainly not the boys who might get some standards through video games.

The user I was responding to said that men wouldn't care, yet clearly they do. I'm not sure if that's you, but still.

>most women think hes ugly

I don't fucking care about sexual objectification of a fucking video game character. I think the whole concept of "sexualised women is bad" is retarded and the people behind it are also retarded. A video game character no matter what it is, is a 3D object by default, and anyone that creates a video game should be allowed to make sexy women without any stupid publisher regulations in the way.

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There probably are people like that, but nobody fucking cares.

>Most dudes don't care if something isn't designed to their taste.
Lol this is no not true it isn't even funny, remember MGS2? And how your average nerd lost their shit not wanting to play as some girly man pandering to Japanese woman tastes.


Show me otherwise, faggot

>remember this 18 year old game where a minority of faggots got butthurt over the design and it hasn't happened since?

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I honestly think they were just shitposters. I mean MGR has a strong following. Same character.

This, but unironically

im unironic too

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Yes, they lost their shit because instead of playing as the previously established and beloved character they got a taste of in the first part, they were thrown into the shows of some new, untested and somewhat androgynous character. And then notice how much of that hate was diminished with MGS4 and then turned completely around with MGR.

Kratos is what men think women find attractive.
They don’t. Fuck off.

Any good desire demon porn that isn't sfm garbage?

Not that guy but fuck yourself you little narrative changing zoomer. MGS2 Raiden switch was so despised MGS3 underperformed.

biological imperatives

Because men don't typically perceive things from the lens of a victim like women are more prone to.

fuck if i know friendo

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Plenty of ugly bastards have wives and girlfriends.

fat ones tho

>MGS2 Raiden switch was so despised MGS3 underperformed.
I pressed x to Doubt.

They turned Raiden into a badass cyborg in MGR plus he hadn't even been playable in a game for over a decade up to that point, not exactly a great example. Honestly there are so few instances of male characters pandering to a female audience design wise outside of JRPGs to begin with, most men don't even think about it, its just not something they ever face much, at best we get a Nathan Drake type who is good at straddling the line between being attractive to woman and also considered cool to men.

Because men have brains.

Men's lives are hard enough without them finding excuses to be pissed off.

What does that tell you about women?


When was last time when men created an outcry big enough to change the bishie or sensual handsome macho designs in female oriented media? I honestly want to know.

Well yeah Raiden is the exception because they advertised Solid Snake (Tanker chapter in promo materials) and we got Raiden for the Plant chapter.

It was a bait and switch. Cloud, Ashley Riot (butt side holes in his pants), Dante, Leon Kennedy, they're all kind of effeminate but nobody thinks they're gay.

There is Vaan though but he's another big exception because he wears what looks like a man bra. When they gave him a shirt in the DS sequel people started defending him.

If the Remake Tifa was the first representation of Tifa to exist then no one would care. It's not about her looks, it's about changing an already established character for a petty audience that may not care about the change themselves but just want to sour everyone else's fun. No one should encourage petty people.

There are a number of examples of pretty boys that guys don't make a big fuss about though. Raiden isn't the best example because as mentioned, there was more to than than just his looks. Leon is a pretty boy but guys think he's pretty cool.

>alling women roasties therefore elevating your self worth and coping with the fact that nobody is touching you with a ten foot pole
F-fuck you...

No. Women aren't the problem. Women aren't the coders. Women't aren't the CEOs. Women aren't the modelers. Women weren't a factor in this industry. Men are.

Men are to blame. Weak men. Soifilled men. Bitchy nu-males. Faggots. Bugmen. Trannies. Schmucks. Cucks. NPCs. Allies. Wimps. Simps. Betas.

I've seen more men complaining about boob armor than women. Going "AHHCHUALLY THAT WOULD GUIDE THE SWORD TO HER CHEST XDDD".
I've seen as many men as women calling anime girls creepy. I've seen as many men as women crying about waifus. I've seen as many men as women wanting censorship. Women keep crying because weak men keep responding. Women don't change things. They just bitch. Weak men change things. Because they're the only ones capable.

It takes one (1) bitch in a group of fifty weak "men" to fuck the entire process up. But she's in the minority. It's your responsibility to kick her. Not to try to appease her. If one person on your team is trying to control the entire group while not being the leader you shut that person up. But no. Since games are nerd shit and are made by weak nerds it takes one cunt to boss them around.

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>A woman wouldn't design a character like Kratos
Let me present to you Amazon's female fantasy page:

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>what is an HR department?


Because women don't either their perpetual liars hell-bent on ruining things men enjoy.

I can find you thousands upon thousands of pornos starring fat women. Big giant fat whales. So what? That's not the standard. That's not the general appeal. That's a fetish. You have fetishes everywhere and the internet search is obscuring your perspective.

Of all those sexy novels look at the ones that are being adapted and are the most successful. Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey. Look at thousands of Romcoms. Look at dramas. Look at boy bands. Look at bishounen anime. Look at otome games. Look at fujo games.
Vast majority of all successful women pandering media features sensual and lean men. Muscular but not bara-tier monstrosities like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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This post exemplifies why women are the problem. Turning a simple topic into an intricate conspiracy where its not just a simple problem of women crying in social media about competition, no its a complex issue where these powerless non-developers who never whine about male depictions in gaming are the problem.

Listen here, the last time we made a big deal about male character design was deep into the 7th gen, when most male protagonists were turning into bald weight lifters.
This convergent evolution observed from many western games studios made them start creating slightly more female character leads, which we see today.



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*but they're

Nice upvote, moron.


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>moving the goalposts
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It doesn't matter if the design is macho, lean, sexy or whatever. As long as they are objectifying it.

Now, what is objectifying?

Try arguing like a non-incel for once.

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Why would I argue with a retard who aligns with feminist world views?

So a man liking anime tits and fapping to them and not having sex with real women makes them alpha?

Because they are power fantasies aimed at men.

When men are actually objectified in media for women insecure men have a meltdown about double standards and muh shallow women, like Boy Bands, Edward in Twilight, Christian in 50 Shades or how much hate fujoshis get for their love of bishie anime boys.

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men give less fucks


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No. A man not caring about screeches of bitches is alpha.

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It's not complex. It's simple. You just failed the shit test.

And not enough games have DICKS

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So the case in point is irrelevant then?

It's true that all that brings a reaction towards males, but men don't really go to the extremes and try to ban and cencor every boy band and shit. Is that stuff still being made today? yea. So in conclusion, your argument is just a fallacy.

His aspiration?
to be a

t. incel who gets suicidally angry over "Chad"

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Because I don't feel I'm being told this is how I should look.

Kings don't get threatened by other attractive kings like foids do when they see an attractive woman.

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lol pencil dick

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>men don't really go to the extremes and try to ban and cencor every boy band and shit
They would if they could. And they did back when conservative Christians existed.

who are you quoting

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Shit there's a Batman I can aspire to.

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Get laid

Because Men like to be objectified.

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>they would if they could
But we can. We control 99% of the gaming industry. We are also the main target audience for gaming. Your argument is flawed at its core.

>muh conservative christians
>he thinks women weren't the ones pushing for censorship the hardest
>what is the Prohibition
>what is Women's Suffrage
Pick up a book and stop dying your hair, you dumb millenial.

Its complex when you increase the number of variables by n. Don't lie to yourself.
We had two, men and women. And then you said
>Weak men. Soifilled men. Bitchy nu-males. Faggots. Bugmen. Trannies. Schmucks. Cucks. NPCs. Allies. Wimps. Simps. Betas.
Look at this shit show how are we supposed to have a council over this? If we were to gather all these types it would take forever (as well as cost us more time).
Nobody broke women down into sub categories. The point is that men don't complain, not nearly as much.
There's that one image macro of some facebook post about a female asian athlete getting lots of hate from western whamen. Men don't do that.

because the men who would be offended are reminded by their stronger women that there's nothing wrong with sexy men, only sexy females

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>Men don't do that

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Yeah why argue, just let the other person win the debate by default.

No you can't. You don't control shit.

they seething


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He said men not betas

>men see some fuqboi design they don't like
>"Kinda gay but whatever"

>women see some sexy girl they don't like

These are not the same thing.


Was that you? You could literally say "poop poo, therefore, caca." I wouldn't mind if you "win".

Fantastic rebuttal. Dilate.

>Summer fags don't know the true purpose of these threads
I want it to end

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>guy is literally called Susan
I thought it was just a Dexter's Lab joke.

If we control 99% of the industry, then why are you still crying about muh censorship?

Your lack of titties is gross

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You're the one being infiltrated by trannoids and cunts, soiboy.

>you dumb millenial.
t. millennial

Barafags don't bother hiding anymore ever since jannies stopped giving a shit. Now you just post half naked Ryu picture as the OP and ask people about "favorite vidya men".

I seriously was excited to see one of -those- threads again but damn it's actually summer up in here.

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Men's Rights Activists are huge fags.

Men and women are different. Get over it.

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Who's "we", tranny?

Nonsense. We're still sexualizing the shit outta women in gaming, and there's nothing roasties or trannies can do about it. :)

pretty sure he means good body which can help your looks you illiterate fuck

women are better to be desu with you

You can't claim superiority and how based men rule everything while also crying that things aren't going your way and shit is getting """censored"""

Bara thread?

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Because men strive to be the best while women base their existence on jealousy

What is the purpose of these games or any games having exposed breasts in them?

No one's crying about anything. The OP literally made a thread about how don't cry while women start throwing tantrums when they see titty in videogames.

You've already been btfo'd by at least two different people, do you wanna embarass yourself again?

OP guy lived in an era where most dudes just wore bathrobes.

>No one's crying about anything
You new, my man? Did you not see the millions of threads crying about Tifa's boobs not being big enough?

Maybe if we post enough they will realize their mistake and go away

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why not?

Well one screenshot is from a sex auction for rich dudes in Watch Dogs, and the other is a theater/sex show in Metro, the purpose is FUCK YOU TITTIES ARE AWESOME

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That's not even remotely the same as "men crying about virtual men exposing their abs in videogames". Are you mentally deficient?

They gave us Dissidia NT as a stop gap measure and it seemed to have worked. Because it proved that the so-called ethics committee isn't universal. Otherwise the threads would still go on.

But it does run counter to your "Men own and control everything"

Actual men may, but the average incel crying about censorship on Yea Forums sure doesn't. They're impotent.

>its a skull wolf copycat episode

Red from pokemon red/blue

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That's not true. Nintendo Switch sales are exploding and the Switch is not running on Wii's fitness magic hype. Part of it is strictly a rebellion towards Sony's censorship over the past 2 years or so. People would rather buy underpowered hardware than support censorship.

Stop arguing with that user, all he does is move goalposts and uses fallacies. Most likely jewish.

I can't even imagine how actually low IQ you must be to think this is a good argument, let alone a good rebuttal to my arguments. One of those things is not like the other. I hope for your own sake you're trolling. I read some dumb shit on Yea Forums, but your post takes this week's cake, and the cherry on top.

that's a very very cute drawing

>It has Jack to do with what a female such as myself finds attractive.
>Comic Artist is a Male

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>One of those things is not like the other
Yeah. "Men" crying that games are being censored and the industry has been ruined by MUH SJWs is nothing like bragging that the industry is yours and men control everything. They seem like antithetical concepts to one another. Yet you spout both.

Again, taking a previously established female and 'toning her down' to appease SJWs is not the same as men being jealous of sexy men. Typically males only care about sexy men when said men are somehow getting in the way of their women or are part of some blatant hypocrisy like MK11.

I'm not even a fan of bara but I get my fill from every Lucina or Chiaki thread, so why not help an user out?

>taking a previously established female and 'toning her down' to appease SJWs
Yet the guy I was arguing with was just saying that men control the industry. I'm seeing contradictions here, that's all.

What you're saying has little to do with the matter at hand. They're two seperate issues. Men PHYSICALLY control the industry you fucking tool; as in, we're the coders, the CEOs, the publishers, the artists, the sound designers.

Honest to God, I hope you're trolling.

No, I'm a man.
I have actual problems to worry about.

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>They're two seperate issues. Men PHYSICALLY control the industry you fucking tool; as in, we're the coders, the CEOs, the publishers, the artists, the sound designers.
And the ones in charge of "censorship", too. We're butting heads with each other but I feel like we agree. Real men control the industry. Weak incels cry about censorship and SJWs on Yea Forums and reddit.

You open a chest BT it turns out it actually was this dude what now?

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Betas aren't men.

Trust me if males were sexualized as hard as females are in media you'd notice.

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Elden Ring looking good

>real men
They may technically be in a position of power but if they are bending over to the demands of women on twitter, they are not 'real men'. Or those are one side anyway. The other side are assholes who don't care either way and are only in it for perceived profit.

Girls here, I don't mind sexy protagonists being sexy. The women who complain about "sexual objectification" are old middle-aged, and unmarried. They only want to ban "sexualization of women" in video games because they envy the young.

Wait, what? So men don't control the industry after all? Stick to one script at a time.

Don't mind me, just playing the GOTY.

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Because, in their eyes, the market demands it. Not because they just woke up one day and went, "alright, let's make Tifa's tits smaller cos y not LOL".

We still haven't reached the point where you can't tell someone's gender even by looking at their genitals.

You mean Bara specifically? I wouldn't want to get caught playing, but I honestly would play if it was good.
A while back they made Conan Exiles and it was pretty big for its type.

i remember seeing this comic where it was 2 panels. one was a boy playing video games saying how he should lift weights and get jacked so he could look like his favorite video game character and the other panel was a girl saying how come video games sexualize female characters. anybody has it?
>mfw i can't find it

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I never said men control the industry, though they probably do from a technical perspective.

I also feel like you're trying to stick to this because you have no argument against how men don't really care if a male is 'sexualized'.

I'm sticking to this because I saw someone bragging a few posts above that we based and redpilled men control the industry when you can't go one week on Yea Forums without someone crying that the SJWs have ruined everything yet again
It's a very blatant contradiction

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The only instance I have found of a depiction of dudes making me uncomfortable is the beardy guy in Dream Daddy.

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does it look a bit like you IRL?

>He's designed by men for men as a power fantasy.
I don't understand how is this a bad thing?
>"You don't feel insecure? You should feel guilty about it!"

>Is he designed with pandering to girls in mind? No.
And why is this a bad thing?

>This place is also filled with bunch of inceloids seething about other men. Seething about height. Seething about race. About wealth. Coping that lifting is a waste of time. Calling women roasties therefore elevating your self worth and coping with the fact that nobody is touching you with a ten foot pole. And so on.

>You're all insecure bags of sensitive shit.

And you don't think women aren't the same?

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Because when I look at Kratos I don't see a sexual object, I see a dude meant to kill and destroy and his body reflects it.

bitches wanting something to complain instead os sexualising both

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I haven't been to Yea Forums in like 4 years. Are you faggots seriously still fighting over this shit? Have you faggots not figured out you are both the exact same fucking retard slap fighting over nothing on the internet?
Are the usual suspects still egging both sides on to hack and dox and fight with each other or has that shit reached critical mass and is just doing it on it's own now?

This is untrue. One side wants to completely censor and ban something they don't like, and they other side is against the other side trying to censor their games.

>One side wants to completely censor and ban something they don't like

>TAKE THIS SHIT OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Because the man usually spends his nudity fighting or exhibiting his strength rather than being embarrassed or seductive.

This thread reeks of incel

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So are you for or against censorship?

dem titties

>Criticism = censorship

big fat dick big round tiddy simulator when???

nice avatar

against, i want black women ww2 futa soldiers with absurdly large bolted on tits and dick mounted guns

Has his route been translated already?

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Yeah but imagine if fuccboi design is like 90% of male game characters and 90% of female designs are fully clothed bland looking females that you don't find sexually appealing thats pretty much how it is for woman in games for the most part.


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Fuck knows. maybe it's the combo of gut and beard.
That does nothing. It's legit just that beardy ginger.

holy shit that Bamham is hilarious

I don't care, really. I just want to play the game.

>VN character
>on a video game thread

So basically it's 2 groups of people fighting over panty shots in video games. what a wonderful use of everyones time.

Maybe if you cherry pick. It's true that women have a history of showing more skin, but there are plenty of attractive men too, and Japanese games love to have men be sexualized. What's more, men aren't considered sexualized even when they are. Part of that is seeing a woman with big breasts and thinking "she's too sexualized, must tone them down to B-cups" but seeing a perfectly chiseled male model and thinking it's fine.

Shit, I hope the translation is made at least before the year ends
VNs are vidya but this already of-topic with all these politicfags anyway so whatever

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It's a little pleasure in life worth protecting. Who are others to come down and say "Stop it! Enjoying this is bad"?

>Yeah but imagine if fuccboi design is like 90% of male game characters and 90% of female designs are fully clothed bland looking females that you don't find sexually appealing
Nice job discovering that different genres and demographics exist, user.

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>Are the usual suspects still egging both sides on
if anything pol and goons and the like fucked off and where replaced by like interests converging. Journos and youtubers make a shit ton of money off this.

>VNs are vidya

Yea , the answer is to sexualizes both

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>Who are others to come down and say "Stop it! Enjoying this is bad"?
Uhh... Have you ever posted on Yea Forums before?

Hey whats fair is fair.

because men are syperior creatures that don't lose control over their feelings on such pathetics subjects like videogame characters

why they can't be like the japanese?

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From outside of Yea Forums or those audiences in general. I can assure you there are few people here that are working on censorship boards out of concern for panties.

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I am far more ass blasted at it being another game that is pre jets and helicopters.

I wouldn't throw every woman and man each in one pot but that's pretty much spot in about the complainers.

Because when men get jealous or envious of something they see in media, the response is completely different than in women. Women have no issues socializing the issue to anyone who will listen through gossip or blogs or soapboxes.

Men generally internalize and if they're socializing the issue to others, it's usually boastfully about themselves if they feel they can compete. Because for men it becomes a game that have outcomes of competition, idolatry, despair or indifference that begin and end being played close the chest.

The outcomes are practically the same for women as well, but when it's externalized and socialized; the rules change. Because the average woman can't compete and are told they can't compete when they think they can or simply have a nihilistic mindset, they need to find excuses, lie and manipulate in order to still be in the conversation. So you come up with buzzwords like 'objectify' and 'sex object' which are meaningless even if it sounds good in their head.

Of course, but post about tons of games and people will legitimately get angry that you are enjoying it.
The easiest example for me was when Metal Gear Survive came out, and I wanted to talk about it.
>"Stop it! Enjoying this is bad"?
Is like the motto of Yea Forums

>create a shit game
>people criticize said shit game
>"whoooa why are u so angry?"

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It's really good though. Im playing it right now.

Vietnam when?

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I get what you mean but until more recent years woman were hard-pressed to even find female characters that weren't sexualized in some way or had revealing outfits, even though there are sexualized male designs generally speaking they're minority and men already have so many non-sexualized designs to choose from they're pretty much ignorable for the most part, if majority of male designs were men in thongs or wearing skimpy outfits pandering to woman than yeah i think men would complaint after a while too for the lack of variety in representation.
I mean japan is kind of its own thing on this, for one woman in japan seem to actually have market for themselves which western woman do not for some reason, I do like that both sexes in japan seem to have space where its ok for them to sexualize one another for their own gendered demographics, in the west they have taken a broad approach and just begun de-sexualizing woman in all games to appeal to a wider market, I guess this is a cultural difference as western game industry models itself more after the Hollywood structure trying to hit as mass market as possible and Japan is much more based around dedicated niches/fandoms.

Of course they are dude, what else would they be?

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Its not easy to talk about MGS anything without having to go through MGS3 fags in general. The series was never going to recover.

Not soon enough. I need my whirlybirds.
I'm sure by now BF 3 & 4 are entirely dead.

Sorta looks like this guy here.

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than you remember in which number the Katawa soujo general is in...

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Because women care to a greater degree than men do about looks. I think men are just more in touch with the objective world, acknowledge they are objects as well as subjects and accept concepts of utility or superiority-inferiority, there are more ideal men and ideal women. Women are more in touch with the subjective: emotions, feelings, opinions. But this means they take views on them as objects very, very personally.

Outrage over "objectification" is women feeling personally devalued as subjects, but the truth is that how they are valued as objects is very important to their internal well-being. There is no separating the two. Women want, have wanted, and will always want to be considered beautiful. Vanity is a bitch.

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>visual novels
Honestly have no idea but surely not vidya

thats a lot word for 'have sex'

They are both detectives that is probably why
Visual novel is considered a game genre dood, so much that characters like Phoenix Wright are in vidya crossover series like MvC and project x zone

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Women never cared. It's just a small group of insufferable roastie cunts that get pissy about a small portion of games that do feature "sexualised" female protagonists. A lot of games released yearly have female characters that are presented more than just "sexual objects" to look at. The whole thing is just fake outrage by activist groups who have latched on to the gaming industry like cancer. Women don't really care.

But say that hypothetical situation existed. As it stands, men would just want to see more females in thongs or wearing skimpy outfits with little regard to what the males were wearing. The main reason why this is even an issue is because these women wouldn't be satisfied with just making genders equally sexualized/non-sexualized; rather, they specifically want to stop women from being sexualized.

Also, the other side to that is that they don't have to worry about male characters being 'toned down' that much. And in the rare cases it does happen, they can certainly cry foul just as much as guys can. Pic related.

This also, quite frankly, has to do with who the larger demographics are. If you see more waifu games than husbando games, it was in part because waifu games are designed to appeal to men's dicks, as there are more men who would buy the game for that reason. By comparison, look at stuff like that is released in Japan. That's because there is a known audience for it there. Historically that hasn't been as much the case in the West where video games were for a long time a largely male-dominated medium.

Attached: Solid Hank.jpg (1000x1367, 91K)

are you stupid?

>Phoenix Wright
>not having elements of gameplay other then just being VN
now that's just purposely omitting stuff.

You sound young.
If you ever hear a woman say a guy with muscles is ugly or he has too much of this or that, they subconsciously believe that they can't get a guy like that, so they pre-emptively shut him down/reject to save face.

Objectification is typically claimed based on how they're viewed, rather than how much skin they're showing or the situation they're in. One commonly cited example are the Triumph cards from MTG's Avacyn Restored. Both depict the same characters being dominated by the other, but Ferocity got a lot of flack because of the way that Liliana is pinned down, which some considered to be in a "getting ready to get raped" fashion. Conversely, if Garruk was all sweaty, had his shirt ripped, and the camera showed him all sprawled out from the front with his bod on display, then Garruk would be considered "objectified."

It was an asinine thing that I don't agree with, but that's their logic for these kinds of situation. Basically it matters whether it's the artists intention if the desire to fuck them is first and foremost, and typically there's a lot more half-naked men like Kratos than there are like Fabio.

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Phoenix Wright is an adventure game/puzzle(are deciphering contradictions and presenting evidence puzzles?) games though.

Because men are for lack of a better explanation have been judged for far longer in evolution than women on the sexual playing field.
For us, it's not as simple as looking good; it's a lot of various little things that all factor into being desired by women, some of which we have to take action and prove.
We are always driven by the very off chance that something we do, something we accomplish will be seen as attractive by a female and allow us to pass on our seed.

Women don't have this, women have only been "selected against" (or rather, human men have only had "sexual preferences") for such a short while. There isn't much of a choice for women, the male range for preferences (or rather, willingness to invest into one woman over another) is very limited and based on appearance. The only thing they can do, is sabotage, bully and force out competition. And thus women bitch, bitch like the dickens over anything that might affect their pool of attention.

Objectification isn't a real concept, it's something made up to express emotional distress over people seeing better looking people.

Men can aspire to get ripped and look like a gym twink while improving themselves. Women can't change the genetic lottery and they facially age at a dramatically higher rate than men. End result is attractive females, even ones made of polygons are seen as an extreme threat to the rest.

I have a very fuzzy memory, but the really old strong Yea Forumsidya males used to be disguised by this excuse of objectification? I had no idea of that, or I don't remember it. Well, huh.

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Look good

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didn't in Kano had a variation named beefcake during his reveal?

Because men are better than women, duh.

I never said woman think guys with muscles are ugly but muscles alone don't suddenly make a guy attractive, I mean just head over to /fit/ where most of them are still act like depressed incels who though getting jerked would solve all their problems when the real issue is they're just ugly or have shit personalities.

because women see themselves as inherent victims. Every other woman they see is a competitor, even if it's just pixels. Men are more capable of teamwork, and can see a ripped guy as an ally or even an ideal to aspire to

I thought they wanted to fuck each other?

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Women love cute, pretty, beautiful, or sexy characters, it's their ultimate fantasy to be this + strong or some shit.

I'd buy this but there's an arrogance of being wanted without giving anything, and then there's believing what should be given is solely visual.

Every place I have seen has classified the series as visual novel just like Danganronpa
Just because they have some parts that are like other genres doesn't change the fact that they are visual novels

>Because their bodies aren't usually treated as sex objects.
Kratos bangs constantly in the first 3 games though. If that's not a sex object I don't know what is.

Women don't have "fantasy versions" of themselves. Each woman wants the world to change to desire them, not the other way around. It's something deep seeded in them and probably every other species. They're the judge, their genes are fine, it's males, the judged who must pass for them.
The idea of their genes not being desired, is an alien concept.

Mortal Kombat guys too

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No it's still adds on to something to make it a game. What we were talking about was glorified books which only has interactions that are pretty much page turns. It's like saying gacha aren't vidya cause gambling is involved.

Because "objectified" is a word they came up with, it has no meaning whatsoever. Every single thing women do is for attention, dont make enough money? "men are the ones with all the good jobs because of sexism!" Havent achieved a single thing in your life? "men are the only ones who get opportunities!" Single in your 30s? "Men are immature!"

Its either always someone elses fault or its a new term they come up with to justify drawing attention to themselves, and not in the only good way of getting attention, which entails uniqueness or creating something truly interesting, no no, its attention in the same way children ask for attention, by kicking and screaming.

At least it feels like they've been a little on the decline, right?

But theres a very distinct percentage of what is
understood asgameplay in Phoenix Wright/DanganRonpa that is not found in 99% of visual novels. The vn part is a vehicle for the objective of the puzzle/adventure and not the other way around. The Investigation games have the difference that it lets you control Edgeworth's movement, even though the game progresses exactly the same as the main ones, but with only that change, im sure most wouldnt consider them visual novels.

>Each woman wants the world to change to desire them, not the other way around.
That explains the Mary Sue, doesn't it?

so thots being thots?

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Meanwhile every harem anime and visual novel features a bland and boring interchangeable self insert guy with absolutely nothing to offer to anyone getting flocked by all sorts of different women desiring him.

I don't know if it's my autism acting up but I still don't see why these series aren't considered visual novels nor why visual novels aren't vidya

Yes, it also explains why there is a female cult following for Jupiter Ascending which was unironically a self-insert story for the first tranny Wachowski brother.

Maybe because it's a video game character and it isn't me.
How am I objectified by how someone else looks?
Lmao what retards would feel objectified because some character in virtual toy land has skin showing?

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you talk like otome games are different

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Believe it or not, but people on this board actually aren't gay.

Yes and MANY men who enjoy such porn have varying opinions, usually negative, regarding such characters. Because men don't need the protagonist to be them.

Honestly given the presence of women as creators in their porn industry that decision might have originated from women thinking men work like them.

Women "objectify" themselves all the time in MMOs. Almost every female I've seen (not a tranny) has dressed their avatar in the most slutty way possible.

I don't. That was a response to this fuckhead Get the fucking context straight.

Because they are mistery/deduction/adventure/puzzle games with heavy emphasis on story.
VNs are just story, no gameplay. Choosing a route can barely be called gameplay. Even David Cage games can be called games because there are sequences in which you need to defen those decisions through gameplay/qtes and are not hold down by a specific set of flags to continue the story in a certain direction, which is to say, the skill/focus of a player also affects how the story progresses

Because every real red blooded duded, no their creed, color, views themselves as a kickass sex god. Even a dude with a beer gut will look at Batman and be like "Well damn if that ain't me right there".

But that's wrong

Also in real life.

Nobody cares what few guys think about this shit. Bland self inserts have a huge inceloid following and they're not slowing down in production. Stop acting as if men are less pathetic when it comes to wish fulfillment.

>Men don't have a victim complex or suffer from jealousy like women do
4chins shows me different

I've never not seen a bald option if a game lets you customize your hairstyle

I mean you are allowed to post whatever you feel like in the thread since mods are ultimately who decide what is and isn't vidya. VNs are more like choose your own adventure books but with pictures. You can have fun with them and enjoy them like anyone else but there is a reason why they are called Visual Novels. But when they add actual video game elements in the frame work of a VN then it's something new. Housamo also uses VN style frame work and has gacha elements with some "gameplay" but you would never consider it solely a VN cause it's not.

Nah I always pick the skinny edgelord or spooky characters over the muscle tanks. I like some lank on my characters I self insert to

Sounds kind of arbitrary, still gonna call VN games because game is more of interactive media to me but whatever

Because men aren't mentally retarded.

Based twinkfag , fuck the bara dudes

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Where's the jojo edit?

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All the girls I played fighting games with always chose the girl they found the sexiest. Characters like Tina from DoA and Nina from Tekken.

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Mate you just described genderswapped Twilight.

We were having the same discussion on Yea Forums yesterday, people claiming you have no right to want the wrestlers to look like mastodons, which is fucking retarded because looks are also part of the show.
They don't have to look like Superman but they also have to look factually good enough to be "larger than life". The proof is in the fact as soon as they started giving the title to skinny fat midgets, the whole product tanked and never recovered.
You will never get men to behave like this. Racebaiting maybe but not this. If anything they'll shame fatasses which is literally the opposite.

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Who the FUCK is bara?

>having sex sometimes means you're a sex object

I mean there are a lot of interactive media that we are not going to call video games but you do you

Like Iskandar.

It means perfection in moon runes

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Not sure if tranny or roastie, but you'd have to be delusional if you believe men do the insert meme nearly as hard as women. Women fundamentally believe they are perfect and when their complex human brain rationalizes they aren't they go nuts, plaster themselves in make-up, come up with insane beliefs regarding attraction and countless other bizarre things to cope with it.

Female inserts are never an improvement of themselves, they're themselves but with the world approving them. Male inserts are a fantasy of what men want to be, female inserts are a fantasy of the world wanting them as they are.

Takes effort for a man to be a manslut, it takes absolutely no effort for women to be a slut. Have you ever seen a fat short ugly manslut? Didn't think so.
Literally pic related, whenever you see any sort of media, whether it's a comic or manga, cartoon or whatever with shit like pic related, that's bara.

Attached: fag naught dog.png (1544x1440, 1M)

Because men judge themselves on more than just physical appearance.

Barazoku (薔薇族) is Japan's first male gay magazine commercially circulated.
gay stuff made by (mostly) men to (mostly) men

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Plenty of Japanese women make material like this in both manga and vidya. Shit, a generous amount of them make sexy doujins. Women definitely do design this shit, it's just not talked about because it doesn't get you a million clicks. Talking about a man designing something provocative gets you a metric fuckton of traffic because it triggers westerners like no tomorrow.

>(mostly) men to (mostly) men
I like how mostly was added.

Learn the difference between fujoshit and full blown Tagame Gengoroh shit.
YurixFlynn doujins have 99% female audience.

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>claiming unrealistic expectations of men.
Maybe we should


Bara is drawn by men. You literally have barafags ITT.
And generic power fantasy muscle dudes like Broly or Hulk or whatever are also drawn and designed by men.

When women draw doujins you just get Levi pegging Eren for the billionth time.

I can't say men to men when kirin/giraffe exist

We shouldn't or we get the crying Star Wars fan. If anything we need to restore bullying.

I know. Just that originally it wasn't like that so it was funny since they would be excluded

So why is it okay when they're gay boys but not full blown muscle men? It's still sexualizing men in some manner.

Nah, that'd be gay.

how can somebody get so low?

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You're just proving the point, it's thinking like this that lead to the term toxic masculinity

What manga is that dude from? I've seen him before.

Nah, fuck off fag.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures

Fujoshit: female audience fantasizing over androgynous men. River city girls, Vesperia and FFXV are fujoshit
Bara: Hot Ryu in SF5
See pic, that's fujoshit

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I got this shit in my email, i dunno why and i dont got an xbox:
You are invited to the Bless Unleashed Beta, BANDAI NAMCO’s first action MMORPG, now available exclusively on Xbox One. We're excited to see you in-game for our technical beta where we'll be gathering your feedback to make the game that much better.
The Beta will run until Monday, July 15th (10:00 AM PDT).

maybe random user wants it

Cause we are only insecure about our dick sizes and even then, if devs put some MC with huge bulges we would find that shit funny

>look at twilight
>50 shades of grey

So women enjoy reading and watching innocent young girls getting corrupted and borderline raped and abused by sociopathic and obsessive pretty boys?

Have you literally as in literally never read shoujo manga? It would be called cuckshit by most men.

Yes. The ultimate black pill is serial killers are the ideal men despite the ironic twist of them killing women for sexual pleasure. It must be a flaw of human evolution really.

Hahaha what the fuck with this game

Reminder that he got censored because inceloids got triggered.

Attached: Mobius-FF-Shot-03.jpg (1669x876, 226K)

that is a basic soujo premise the other is a depressed girl going out with a older (rich) dude like with ancient magus bride


And that's a good thing!

sexualization should be equal for everyone

I'm sorry could you repeat that I didnt quite get it

Yes women like assertive/aggressive/psycho men. This is why /pol/cucks who spam all the coal burners getting beaten by their apes in hopes that women will stop fucking niggers are just outing themselves as betas who don't know how to handle women.

It's got a lot of little details. There's zone where you dismantle the cartel's drug smuggling submarine operation and today I saw this video:

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2017-12-23-8-43-25.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

>You will never get men to behave like this. Racebaiting maybe but not this. If anything they'll shame fatasses which is literally the opposite.
Mistaken. A resentful sentiment of "thots" and an indignant envy of "chads" is pretty prevalent in these parts, partner

Based and Redpilled

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I want to play as a naked male character that is only wearing a penis chastity.

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I mean my first manga was Chobits a delightful tale about true love and whether or not sexual intimacy is required to express it

Next time a female says some shit about being objectified, just tell her to objectify these testicles. Then no matter what she says in response, pause for a second after, and say, "Meaning my balls."

kek literal proof Yea Forums is are reverse SJWs

I have a hard believing those women arent just victims of the cycle of abuse that draw in a lot of vulnerable people due to childhood trauma. I dont think women genuinely want to be brutalized even instinctually.

Censorship is shameful, regardless of context

That's because you're projecting. Women don't love like men. Women don't think like men.

I think you fail to realize that psychopaths are not upfront violent predators and rely on manipulating people by projecting a fake charismatic and empathetic charm

Because I don't have a vagina. Men have a thing called power fantasy, where they look up to stronger men as heroes and aspire to be like them. This is something a female is incapable of understanding.

Why don't you just aspire to be the most attractive or strongest female you can be in a videogame? When I say that I don't mean lesbian stereotypes either (i.e. making the women look like dogshit to abate your own insecurities.) You should strive to be the fertility goddess that you see in games.

How fucking little you know my poor dude.

Attached: Jeremy-Meeks.jpg (968x681, 41K)

>censor everything good for years
>finally fire back a couple times

I want more bulges and fat asses in vidya.

Attached: Lords_Work.png (1000x1800, 734K)

Women are naturally jealous, men have a more natural envy thats less malicious, and more inspiring.


Why do you retarded idiots always think all women everywhere like only thin frail girly boys?

You fail to realize that the obsessive lust women have for psychopaths comes after they've been found guilty and incarcerated, you know, where it's been established that they've killed people?

Because I'm not an object.

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What are you talking about? Chad is literally a recurring character meant to denote "good", "cool", etc in memes and conversation here. NEETs respect Chad but cannot be Chad. All women resent more attractive women.

>all women everywhere
In that same post I acknowledge that it's not all. I'm generalizing. As is everybody ITT. Fucking moron, fuck off and learn how to read.

Those are fine with male power fantasy. Why do you think they were fine with Thor and screeched about fat Thor? Because of fat male acceptance?

lol no fagget censorship is never good even if you think its justified to "get back" at your perceived enemies, you're just proving men are just as jealous and petty as the woman are.

>All women resent more attractive women.
They why do attractive female singers get overwhelmingly female fans?

And how many women do you think that is?

All. Some are more honest than the others.

Ted Bundy got thousands of love letters user.

Left looks like something I would wear. I only like girls by the way.

Hypocritical incel

People can be fans of celebrities and still resent and wish they were those celebrities. Women aren't massive "fans" anyways of anything, more often it's boy bands. Men tend to be the crazed fans.

Actually, that got censored because the female workers were uncomfortable with it.

Woman have a tendency to pay attention to higher pitched noises as preparation for child rearing. They have a biological imperative to seek out and notice the cry of infants.
Men have a notable disinterest in the same pitch range.
Further, vocal music is more likely to be attractive to female minds due to an overt emotional connection, while men are more likely to appreciate complexity in music, particularly regarding instrumentals.

jesus fucking christ, 7 years since anita and you're still going on about this
yes it's retarded, everyone knows that, shut the fuck up already

Yeah, and that proves exactly what? Do you realize how many women are in America? I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but let's not pretend like that constitutes any grounding evidence about the female psyche at large

meant for


Buff guys are cool and powerful

A better comparison is when games pander to fujos

They will never stop censoring good stuff, so I want everything to be censored period.
This is the same non-argument you made when they censored faggot marriage in that children cartoon.
Only cretins think grandstanding at this point would work. It won't, so fuck it, the only hope if it gets to bad everything is destroyed.

Not him but I actually agree that it doesn't matter if it's male or female, and that neither should be getting censored. That said, it is somewhat cathartic to see women have to deal with sexy males being censored for once, given how it's usually overwhelmingly done to female characters to appease them. It really shows how hypocritical they are.

>This is the same non-argument you made when they censored faggot marriage in that children cartoon.
I neither know nor care about what you claim i argued for/against.

You're pretty uninformed senpai.

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Guys can get jealous of other attractive guys, but they tend to turn that jealousy into inspiration. Sometimes eventually becoming friends with the guy you used to be envious of.

>What does it prove exactly
I don't know, probably that women have stone age tier sexuality that results in a funny scenario where peak male attractiveness comes from a beautiful man that kills women to get off.
Actually, considering Gacey also got love letters and was a fat, ugly gay pedophile it might just simply be the fact that their stone age sexuality yearns for human suffering.
It probably all goes back to the days of being big emotional chimps killing each other over pussy, or maybe even killing pussy that got out of line.

Liberalism is just a race to the bottom. LE RETARDED FEMINISTS CENSOR SHIT FOR NO GOOD REASON SO LETS ALSO CENSOR SHIT SO THEY FEEL PAIN TOO HUAHAUAHAHUAHUA. I don't know how you can see this tier of dialogue and not be some sort of Nietzschean.

Someone rejoiced and they used it as an excuse to horseshoe, after years of endless endless propaganda mixed to censorship of the worst kind on tv.

That image doesn't disprove any bit of what I said. Good job exposing your lower IQ though.

What does the BBC have to do with me?

A small sample of the population can not be used to make a broad statement

>I don't know about the faggot cartoon
>post link to news
>what does that have to do with me
Is this the point where I eyeroll?

from my experience with my female relatives it is a cicle of admiration and shit talking.
but they are turbo thots who can't be used by any metric

But what you said is unsubstantiated and seeping with projections. You're sheltered and no 3rd party can pull you out of your spergery.

Men understand that a single fictional character does not represent their entire sex, gender identity, race, age group, or any other broad-stroke category - it's just a fictional character.

>I neither know nor care about what you claim i argued for/against.
I think this is the part where you('re supposed to) stop trying to cram a square peg into a round hole and actually read what you're replying to before doing so.

Except you claimed that
which either means me, the reader, or a more general Yea Forums or Yea Forums, made some sort of argument regarding this
>faggot cartoon
which the bbc in no way demonstrates.
If we go any broader with the
it becomes even less of a metric since i doubt further this humanity at large cared.

Maybe you should try arguing with people when you can understand how to read. I see the Yea Forums memes have gotten you bigly given how you threw out big words like "projection" with no logic whatsoever.

nice ad homonym, retard

when did Yea Forums become /r9k/ lol

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Maybe stop talking like an inceloid.

off topic conversations bring out the best, and worst, of every board.

Everything you said was projection and whining.

Censored what gay marriage in what cartoon?

as said shit posting for shit posting

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>"ad homonym" when there was no ad hominem
Good job narrating your own retardation.

Sounds like you have mental issues because neither of those terms made any sense in this context.

because all men are gay and like sexy men

not everybody is a faggot like you user

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I have no idea whatsoever.

because we have bigger less smooth brains

If he's talking about Voltron, Shiro did get married and they showed it.

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I watched a few episodes of that, it was ok.

didn't it somehow pissed off the fujos?

Kill yourself

Insecurities only have power when they're true.
Women are insecure about being objectified because deep down they know that they are objects.

Eat shit.


They got upset that he didn't marry Keith or Lance, the younger boys of the team they constantly shipped Shiro with.


So are men. Tools used to fight wars and acquire wealth with.

Tell me more about this “power fantasy”. What exactly am I getting from it?

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Sure, but that's a societal, and specifically a classist, concept and not a biological one.

Men feel it just don't open show or talk about it. This is an argument that can be used on a lot of fighting games where they remove suggestive outfits for female fighters do to objectification. It just goes to show how silly and dumb the whole thing is. Let the art team create what they are passionate about and if you don't like it don't buy it that is how I see things for the most part.


Men choose to objectify themselves, usually for personal gain or out of a sense of duty, despite not being objects.
Women actually are objects.

So your opinion of women is so low and hateful that you only see them as objects. Wonder hwo your mother feels about that.

How hateful of you.

Men, not soi boi, want to look good while womyn want to see other womyn be taken down to their level.

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No, woman are offended by being presented as objects because many of them are insecure about their worth and/or feel they are, or are treated, as objects.
Most men don't share that, and part of that is because men, biologically, aren't wired in a way that they "belong" to anyone, rather they co-exist as groupings.
Men became tools to other men through social structure and force, and while both men and women can climb that ladder, it isn't ingrained into natural psychology.

It's just true.

Good taste

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>Ctrl + F 'inceloid'
>6 results
Is this just one faggot spamming some new buzzword he came up with or is it the latest newfag shibboleth?

Because you say so? Then you're a pedophile dogfucker because I say so.

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you seem upset my friend

Neither do women, unless you specifically choose to listen to batshit bloggers and apply their opinion to half of the population. I guess that's more convenient for your mental health if you're a fucking idiot.
Don't think just hate assigned subject and feel outrage at new subjects.

I mean, at least he's not a puppyfucker like you.

What character you think needs to be "objectified" more?

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Daimon is an inspiration to all.

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Red XIII from FF7 of course.

That's just Dick as Batman, and comic fans loved that.

He's my husbando, but still, Rotor. Him being quite manly and hunk by simplified hair body, simple lines that denote the pectoral and the stomach, and more would be absolutely extraordinaire for me.

Especially, when you consider that he shares his lair with a certain squirrel woman, which she has been drawn sexy and suggestive a few times before.

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Because most men can understand that bodies are objects, that characters aren't real and that objectifying an object is fine.

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>His body is a weapon
The term is "objectification" now "sexual objectification". What you're saying is still that.

I want more good quality art of all the guys in this thread to make everyone happy

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>I can find you thousands upon thousands of pornos starring fat women. Big giant fat whales. So what?
So the female erotica market is literally one of the biggest fucking markets there is, and the covers are ALWAYS like that. This is the rule not the exception. And right now you're contributing to the stereotype that women are so overemotional that they don't even know what they want. Get a grip.

>As is everybody ITT
Which you accuse of being wrong, you're right now contributing to the stereotype that women are hypocrites.

>the covers are ALWAYS like that
No they aren't.

>Further, vocal music is more likely to be attractive to female minds due to an overt emotional connection, while men are more likely to appreciate complexity in music, particularly regarding instrumentals.
That's pretty fucking interesting, anywhere where I can read more of this?

Can half confirm this one, I remember, when I still bothered having female friends, sitting to watch one of their favorite shows and they couldn't stop shittalking the celebrity they were supposedly a fan of. They can absolutely go mental over some guys tho.

On the overwhelming majority of books, yes it is. Again get a grip, the market and numbers are there to prove you wrong.

>On the overwhelming majority of books, yes it is
No it's not.

admiring strong men is not sexual

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The Greco-Roman attitude

Funny, because a scientific research was just released and no, women don't feel objetified with hot female protagonists. It's propaganda.

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Hello /fit/

>That bulge
This is edited right?

Makes me wonder if some of these artists secretly did bara shit. This is such obvious pandering to foot fetishists.

lmao. You know that's bullshit.

Remember Raiden? Tifa's Bust? The 50billion "Why are Western game women so ugly threads".

If by incels you mean horny barafags then yeah sure

Sin from PoE

It's so confusing, because we havearguments that women don't really like men, but then, you see women that really love their husbands. Which is which?

Keep making claims you can't back up thotie, it won't change reality.

My cardbando has nearly 0 art

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People behave like people outside of your black and white arguments on your computer. Who would've thought?

Just admit you like dudes and don't be a fucking coward.

I tied really hard to remember anyone bitching about jpop dudes in Yea Forums but I really can't. Instead I remember lots of threads in r9k by women venting because another woman was hotter

yeah, but there has to be an axiom, a reason that can explain everything.

Shitty bait

give birth, tranny

Nope, that's not how it is at all.

>not one of them a new IP
it's one guy

>see this pic floating around for years
>it's actually a fucking hot as shit doujinshi
sweetest NTR shit I ever did see

Gladio, Cor and other XV characters are full on Bara bait

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It's real. They're pushing, lol, the rating boundary now.

>mfw SNK latest community posts on youtube
I feel targeted. But it feels good.

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>men see a strong hero
>feel inspired
>women see a strong attractive heroine
>feel jealousy and hate, it just takes attention away from them

theres your answer

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XV definitely had a lot of otome/fujo bait but it also had Cindy, Aranea and a horde of Shivas, though for whatever reason you couldn't move/zoom in on their profile models. That some had the nerve to complain about Cindy while Gladio was a thing and/or rub themselves to that fake male Cindy shows how full of shit they are.

skinny girl likes skinny girl

fat guy likes fat girl

skinny guy likes fat girl

fuck the standard. we have our likes and dislikes. end of the story. i'm not gonna bich and moan because some white girl doesnt like me simply because i don't care if they like me.

i prefer chubby insecure girls with cellulite anyway

Wasn't there that dude in gta


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>And right now you're contributing to the stereotype that women are so overemotional that they don't even know what they want. Get a grip.
No self-awareness whatsoever...

It's the truth, when you have a multimillion dollar industry proving you wrong, but you STILL try to argue otherwise, you're either retarded, ignorant, disingenuous or in the best case scenario, you just don't know what you want.

Don't give me false hope please.

Why do /pol/fags hate literal fags when they're the only men who truly appreciates and fights for true masculinity? Makes no sense to me.

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none of the xv males was sexy

first post ResetEra post

Straight guys have no idea what a sexualized man is. "Shirtless" is the bare fucking minimum.

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>muh SJWs
Who are you quoting?


That was just awful. Not even a groin thrust.

I've seen JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Ok? Thanks?

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I hate sjws with a cold hearted passion, but unfortunately for AngryBilly, I'm a Ryonafag. I like beating women to death and bought MK11.


Tell that to your wife and see how soon it takes for her to kick you to the curb.

>And these characters definitely trigger the average nerd. Calling them "gay" or "emo" is the most common response
You don't have men fucking protesting the media itself and denying women their right to it though, do you?

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It's not a matter of opinions, user. You're alone because you're a shit person and even worse company.

Jojo is where most people seem to get their idea of what an overly sexualized male is.

The amount of money you'd have to make to offset being fugly is beyond the reach of 99% of men.

it's retarded either way. I love seeing a sexy female character just as much as a sexy male character. Although, they are made with different audiences in mind, I can come to appreciate a decent character and aesthetic.
It's all fantasy, feeling objectified or bummed out from a video game character instead of taking inspiration or good notes is dumb and you're a weak-willed faggot

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Who is this fucking faggot mod who deleted Greymane?

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What the hell are you retards so confused about

It wasn't that complicated of a post.

Even if you're born tall and with aesthetic facial features you still have to work to not become a fat slob.

Thanks for sharing. You have my condolences you couldn't beat it to a vidya character. I hope you make a swift recovery.

Just hit the gym bro, ss+gomad you'll be kratos mode in no time

The hell are you so triggered for?

you realize you can just google gay porn for faggots or something, right?

>How come men dont feel objectied over half naked men
>Because that's not really that uncomfortably sexualized

Were you dropped on your head or what

>its another "I'm gonna defend SJWs" post
But why?

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>The most unrealistic thing I've seen about women in videogames is that they don't display looks of pure disgust at men with low social value or casually throw the label "creepy" around whilst complaining of how often their own feelings get hurt.

When reading stuff like this I always wonder if men like you have had any contact with women, especially without interpreting it through your prism of hate and disgust.

Maybe its like this in the west but in eastern Europe its nothing like it. Yes, we have roasties going after arab dick for money, stupid whores leeching of multiple boyfriends/society, ugly bitches that feel that they are entitled to a millionaire handsome Chad, but never have I ever seen a women feeling disgust when talking to ugly guy or call them crerpy without a real reason, even then it doesnt happen to his face and mostly stays between friends.

To begin with you sound autistic, just because you don't find a sexualized guy attractive it doesn't mean he isn't. Secondly the example you posted is absolutely garbage, if that's what women can come up with they are even worse. Thirdly if you have no idea what you're talking about, don't.

Because caricaturately buffed bodies are actually useful unlike caricaturately large breasts

I'm starting to think you quoted the wrong post or something. Or you're just a fucking retard and not worth talking to.

pretty boring

In the context of a video game, no they literally are not useful.

Nice projection thotie.

It's a fucking videogame you dumb nigger

>>Because that's not really that uncomfortably
Your humiliation fetish aside, what the fuck are you on about? You think some guy could be hotter, boohoo.

Are you mad that nobody finds you sexy or something? Is that why the screaming?

It's about symbolism.

When you see an overly masculine guy in a video game or movie, your first thought isn't "oh yeah, I want to fuck that". No you, think of him as a strong, responsible warrior who has the impact to change his environment for better or for worse. You see something that screams adventure.

If you see an overly feminine girl however you immideatly connect her with sex and procreation, because that's all that big tiddies and ass are good for

I'm more depressed about your IQ than the random NPC really. Humiliation fetish? Where the fuck in your dumbass head did that come from? Paint fumes?

I hope every single politicsfag dies in a fire

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kratos isnt sexy

If what it takes for you to get off is them being "uncomfortably sexualized", then yeah, you've a humiliation fetish. If you don't, well, why bring that up?
>Where the fuck in your dumbass head did that come from?
It's a direct quote from the post I replied to. You should be able to follow that.

>It's a direct quote from the post I replied to.'s not. YOUR post is the first post in this thread to say the words "humiliations fetish" not any post you replied to. There is something wrong with you, seek help.