Play KC:D

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already have. best WRPG of the decade.

I have, it's alright.

I'm more hyped for their next game than for Cyberpunk.

So is their next game primarily going to be in Kuttenberg, a nice sprawling city like Witchers Novigrad since this one was more in the countryside?

Probably. KC:D was training I guess, next one is going to be some fucking real deal.

>I'm more hyped for their next game than for Cyberpunk.
Why? (I'm too I just wanna know why since we seem to be in the minority)

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I hope, exploring Novigrad was really nice but I wanna see an actual medieval city that isn't empty cardboard like Ass Creed.

You need to go back.

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i mean the only reason i'd play this is because you can poison some pots and murder your whole starting village to get a huge headstart in the main game
i just don't see the fucking point personally, there's nothing new here, just different wrapping

I wish the game ran decently.
I have an overspecced pc for even its highest requirements, but it just runs like garbage.
Rattay absolutely kills my framerate, and so far the same happened during the Pribyslavitz attack.

Aside from that, the game is EXCELLENT.

your setup has heavy armor right? and no i'm not talking about doing 3/3/1 or 3/2/2 or some bs like that. 3/3/3 or nothing. you can leave your firepot in the armory ya big babby

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I'm 31 and have played a lot of games already, most AAA games have turned into flashy recipes for money, I need something low power like KC:D.

This is not a mordhau thread

>This is not a mordhau thread
shit i walked into the wrong thread

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I just need to lament the fact that from what I can see, this man's physique is insane. He has juiced and worked his ass off for years... and we will never know his name. That amazing physique is not nearly enough to win a Mr. Olympia title. So fucking sad the way things are. Even his calves are beautifully developed and proportioned. I am on the verge of tears.

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>play almost an hour through missions just to get ambushed by two fucks and die
I really want to love this game, but the saving system is fucking stupid.

Have they finished adding dlc and updates to the game? Want to play it when it’s actually done.

Always take some time to brew savior schnapps it's very easy, you get three per brewing session so I suggest you do it twice and you're good to go. Get the warhorse perk (equitation level 10) and ambushes suddenly stop unhorsing you.

It's complete.

Same, CDPR is very fucking bad at giving the player any semblance of agency and freedom. Warhorse is great at it.

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