Why would anyone buy this?

It’s only $100 less than a switch and you can only play mobile. I can’t see the appeal.

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then don’t buy it if it’s not for you

It's for small children who break shit easily. It's not designed for hardcore gamers

I dont really want it but some people have money unlike you and can buy the switch and the lite.

>screen is still small with a colored bezel instead of a bigger screen
Why do these faggot not understand people do not want huge fucking bezels on their device? Even phone companies learned this shit in the past few years.

I'll buy it if it can be hacked. Would be the current definitive handheld emulation device

i want it. i like handhelds and it looks comfy

>why doesn't every device made cater to my specific desires

Because I save 100 dollars and get to use the system the same way I would have used it anyway

It's cheaper than the 3DS when it launched back in 2011. Looks like a good deal.

If they release a backlit model maybe, otherwise why even bother?

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The same reason they've made the 2ds. Some people only want to play a couple of games on the system. So by giving them a cheaper version of the console they're able to play those 1 or 2 games they really wanted to play without shelling out for a full price new console

Because I have no use for a docked console and am looking to replace my 3DS

>buying two of the same console only because you have money

literal piss color

There's people who manages to see value on things with less value, see Apple products.

>there is a slim and a pro
>there is a one s and a one x
>there is a switch and a Lite
Guess which one causes frantic console warring on Yea Forums with endless 500 post threads

what emulator is used for the skyward sword pic?

god what a disaster that was
It taught me a lesson that saved me from buying a wii u though

>Pay less for a thing
>Get less of that thing

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it's a mobile mario machine dude. it's like a 3ds replacement. now if only they could get some more gaymes on it, it'd be baller

100 bucks are a lot of money
You can eat for a month with that amount

You already posted the same shit, insufferable faggot.

Why not just make it a nintendo phone instead

It even has gimped hardware....

he's asking why anyone would want to do that and why nintendo thought this was a good idea, not asking you to explain the concept. fucking worthless idiot.

Poor people children and women are going to eat that shit up.

Dolphin if it's the Wii version and CEMU if Wii U.

>s-stop making me look bad!

No it doesn't

It has a proper d-pad, therefore is already superior.


It has a d-pad, it's cheaper and the screen has a higher pixel density since the resolution is the same while being smaller. I use a switch 99% in handheld mode so if it breaks, Lite seems like a better deal than the original for me.

The Switch Lite is $200 you retard. They would have made thinner bezels if it was feasible.


>Most people play in handheld anyways
>Sell a handheld only console for those people

I've considered it because the Switch is quite honestly extremely overpriced for what it is

>They would have made thinner bezels if it was feasible.
>defending lazy Nip hardware

I play Switch handheld almost exclusively, so a smaller, lighter Switch where I don't have to worry about the joycons randomly disconnecting sounds like a godsend

Literally nobody has ever actually cared about bezel size. Literally nobody.

In fact, on phones, I sometimes wish bezels were bigger, so I have more surface area which which to grip my already slippery-ass aluminum-and-glass body phone

The dock is just a USB-C to HDMI adapter. I have no doubt in my mind that someone will make it output to TVs.

I agree, my case broke recently and using my phone without that extra space at the sides is fucking annoying as hell, it's so fucking thin. You thumb is either on the touch screen or clinging for the phone's life at the edge of the sides

>Literally nobody has ever actually cared about bezel size. Literally nobody.

Wrong nigger. The switch's small screen has been a source of criticism for years now. Everyone wants a bigger screen.

>Literally nobody has ever actually cared about bezel size. Literally nobody.

I do. Why have a device that's bigger than it needs to be? The Switch doesn't have the same issues as phones for gaming. There's plenty of "bezel" on the controller sides themselves.

>implying Nintendo will not jew people out making it impossible to play in docked mode with lite

It is a true portable. It fits in your pocket. That's why.

Majority of people don't want to carry a fucking bag to carry a tablet.

Still don't know why early switch adopters are seething over this.

They will try for sure but someone will make a hack is what I'm getting at. Might be harder to make it run in the docked mode though.

because only an autist would pay 100$ to play 720p last gen games on his brand new 4k tv. retard.

$100 extra*
get a brain

remember to grow out of defending multi billion dollar mega corporations

>that thing
>fitting in any pockets
That's a hard nope.

I really dont get it either.
Like I still can play my normla Switch docked on my big ass TV and other people have other options

It's pretty good if that's exactly what you want.
I mean, I already own a Switch and I like playing with it but even I'll admit that I sometimes wouldn't mind a smaller version with more dedicated portability to take with me when I'm out and about.

If you can't fit 5.5 inches in your pocket you need to stop wearing skinny jeans you gayboy.

Stop sagging your pants like a nigger and buy fitting clothes.

Imagine only being able to play Smash bros handheld

>G-get a brain
Says the one who cant form a coherent sentence

For people who want a switch to play 2-3 games but dont want to shill out a whole 300 dollars

I would buy it for the smaller size, I just hope the screen is brighter

I also take public transit, shit can be boring with waiting connecting buses.

>model perfectly capable of handheld play already exists
>hurrr durr we should make a new model that's completely redundant!

>you are never allowed to revise handheld hardware

It it was priced $150 it’d be absolutely perfect

For all the japanese handheld only bois which will have the switch absolutely dominate the handheld market and give us a ton more jap games

>revisions that are downgrades are ok

I never dock my Switch and I hate the joycons as well. The Switch Lite is 100% handheld only and everything is integrated, plus it has a true d-pad as well. It's also lighter and sleeker than the original Switch which is somewhat bulky and heavy.

I'll be picking it up.

the appeal is: people who only cared about the handheld mode can now save $100 if they hesitated to buy one before

You're right, it's for Nintendo cultists who want to collect every piece of Nintendo(tm) garbage like pokemon.

The current switch is too big, I can't take it with me to play on the bus to and from work comfortably because it doesn't fit in my bag.
This is much better for people like me who just want something they can play on the go and stow in even a small bag easily.

if it starts at 199 you will defintely see deals at about 150 only a few months later here and there

>You're not allowed to make a cheaper model for those that mainly play in handheld
I guess corporations should just start making full price jack of all trade products instead of making cheaper more personalized products

>revisions that are downgrades are ok

You seem mad

Not even, more like $50 Target and Best Buy always seem to be selling switches for $250

Hundred can be alot for parents. Plus being one solid piece means less breaking points
What I'm trying to say is it is literally the same as the 2ds and is designed primarily for kids

Why do you care?

Nintendo should focus on upgrades to the system, not downgrades. If they want to make a cheaper version then they should put out an upgraded model and reduce the price of the original

There will be an upgrade eventually

How exactly did they disable it from being able to go into docked mode? If it gets hacked, can't people just force it to output with the dock chipset like a standard Switch?

keep trying!

stupid people and there is a lot of them, so it's gonna sell

>How exactly did they disable it from being able to go into docked mode?
They could easily go nuclear and remove the data pins in the usb-c port.
But they probably just disabled it in software.

The point of an upgrade is to sell current owners a second system. There's no need for them to do that right now because the market is nowhere near tapped out. Right now they're focused on expanding the audience which requires lower prices. This is how they get that lower price.

It's for parents who just want a pokemon machine.

>slippery-ass aluminum-and-glass

See, if you would have just said that in the beginning then I would have just called you a prick and left it at that.

The former seems like a much better way to fuck with anyone trying to hack it though. Then again, they'd probably have to spend $30-50 on a dock and another $50-70 on a separate controller anyway.

>Nintendo should focus on upgrades to the system
Why? It doesn't need upgrades. It's selling like hotcakes, the only people who aren't buying it are the people in the cheap handheld market who are still using their 3DS, hence why this was made.

Honestly more interested in getting the $200 handheld version only because i probably won't use my TV often for anything other then my Computer. The only thing i'm concerned with is NMH3, as i don't know if they require joycons or if it'll let you use the joystick

It's for kids. In Japan, houses are smaller and it's a reasonable assumption that many homes have just 1 TV. Giving the kid a handheld console frees up the TV for the parents to watch news and dramas.

Sorry to be the one to break it to you user, but you're not Nintendo's target demographic.

That's okay, that just means it's not made for you. Not everything is made for you OP

>seething skinnycuck

This guy is smart.
be like this guy.

>the only people who aren't buying it are the people in the cheap handheld market

But I'm avoiding both models because I hate handhelds.

Attached: SwitchTV.jpg (600x346, 95K)

>Obviously marketed towards kids
>$100 cheaper
>Have to buy seperate joy cons to play the gimmicky games kids love
So what do you save in the end? $20?

Here's the thing, they are making upgrades, but they probably won't release a brand new Switch model. This was a request sent by Nintendo to the FCC last week about changes to the OG Switch model's CPU (so they can still sell it with the changes in the US).

It's most likely for wage slaves or people who spend too much time out of the house.

>the gimmicky games kids love
They're going to play Pokemon on this almost exclusively.

true but i'm already buy a switch around 2 months after it's first launch. so what's the point of buying this?

>why this $200 console can be bezel-less like my $850+ phone???

It's really not a replacement for the regular model for those who already have one. This model is really mostly targeted towards households with many kids, nipland or people who constantly travel.

And animal crossing for women

The games kids want are Pokemon, Mario, animal crossing, Zelda and Mario kart. None of that needs motion control.

>This is how they get that lower price.
Or maybe just do like I said and drop the price of the original while creating an upgrade to be the new flagship? You can still have your $200 switch while the system as a whole makes forward progress instead of backwards

They can't drop the price of the original enough. Even $200 is pushing it honestly but that's the best they can do right now.

That's a horrible strategy upgrading so soon would piss off current owners and slashing the price would decrease profits.
A lose lose in every way

Why not, nigger? Even chink phones that price have small bezels.

Because nintendo is still a business and wants to make money which is why it's $250 in the first place.

Why would you EVER get a base switch when it's the same price as current gen consoles with a fraction of the specs? You don't, you get a lite instead and a real console for TV

I have a hacked switch. I'll probably buy it so I can keep it legit and play games online. Besides, I never use my Switch in docked mode; it's my thing I fidget with while watching TV.

All I want is an improved WiFi card...will they improve anything?

>only 100 less
>Shitendo asks 900 dollars for a switch where I live


What about the enthusiasts holding out for a switch pro?
Probably a smaller market share desu

The appeal is 3DS game developers making games we can play on the TV finally.

Unironically this

well it's certainly not for butthurt babies that seethe over a very simple hardware revisions.

I want a turquoise one and I already have a Switch.

Poorfags and Children.

Nice beard

This. Would buy one immediately.

>it's okay because "just don't buy it"

that's not how you run a business, retard

>he thinks having small bezels is expensive


Because I'm hopeful it'll be affordable in my country where a switch can go to 1800 with the local currency.

I just don't understand why the you can't dock it optionally. All they needed to do was sell a dock + controller set for $100 separately and it'd be a huge improvement over the original switch. Is it a cooling issue or are they putting a cheaper processor in it that can only handle portable mode or did they just fuck the consumers over in hopes of double dipping for tv compatibility?

I guess they're aiming it at kids or people who wanted a portable model.
Doesn't work for me. I'd rather they made a pro, you could always pick up a 2nd hand model for around the same price or cheaper.

literally Yea Forums

That's literally how Nintendo runs this business and its been successful thanks to that.
>Mario Maker 1 releases
>Sells around 7 million quickly
>Smash Ultimate releases
>Sells 10 million immediately
>Splatoon 2 releases
>Sells over 10 million quickly
>Mario Maker 2 releases
>Yea Forums: "uh...this is again just a port with barely anything new clearly Nintendo is run by idio-"
>Sells tons and tons
>Nintendo announces the Switch Lite

This is your chance Yea Forums. This is your chance to be right for a change. Don't mess it up. So, do you think its going to sell well, or bad?

No, chlidren have phones, they don't want this

Lets Go sold tons, Children now buy Nintendo games to enhance their Pokemon cellphone game. Cellphones are helping Nintendo now.

>In fact, on phones, I sometimes wish bezels were bigger, so I have more surface area which which to grip my already slippery-ass aluminum-and-glass body phone

This, and also because when the bezel is really thin it's easy to accidentally be touching the screen when you weren't meant to and your inputs get fucky.

I literally remember everyone saying the opossite of what you claim, is you the one with the shit opinions user

Oh no no no no, my fellow Vitabros. We are being blown out in this thread. How do we convince people that the Vita is the superior choice over the Switch?

I really dont know. For me personally, losing features just seems like a waste. You either get the one that has all features for 100 bucks more, or settle for the lesser version that fits a bit better in the pocket. The real deal would be if it had stronger specs.

I already own a switch and I'm buying one. Fuck you. I have a problem but also fuck you. I'm buying the yellow one.

It's the shitposting side of Yea Forums user. They call 90% of Nintendo sequels ports. Which is wrong.

The Nintendo Switch Lite is just a cheaper alternative for parents who can't afford an actual Switch but want to make little Timmy and Stacy stop bothering them for one. Basically what the 2DS was for the 3DS.
I.E its just a cheap Switch aimed at broke normies and kids. Yes certain features are removed, but it works like any regular old Switch. Why is this some big political issue?
Sorry not everything can be made specifically for you.

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If you go to the wojack threads and take their opinions seriously instead of shitposting for a flame war is you to blame for

if it could dock i would've considered it, i really like how it looks, and it having a proper d pad is nice.

This is gonna be COMFY as hell!!

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Most of Yea Forums knows it will sell well, just in the habit of contrarian shitposting.

My guess is it will launch well and have shortages around the holidays. It won’t cannibalize normal Switch sales. Nintendo will exceed their conservative sales targets for the fiscal year. Their shareholders will still be mad that they’re not doing more mobile. Witcher 3 will sell well and lead to a trend of porting already-releases games from the current gen. Switch and Switch lite sales combined will eventually make it to 100 million and do so faster than even the Wii did. People will say it doesn’t count since the lite is portable only. Lifetime sales won’t make it to DS or PS2 levels but they’ll settle for number three which is still impressive despite some Yea Forums shitposter highlighting the fact that DS did that alongside the Wii and Switch should be compared to those combined. By this time the gaming industry will be a fucking mess and Nintendo might not make any more consoles. Streaming consoles will be pushed from everybody including fucking Netflix and consumers will be confused. Both PS5 and the next XB will be outsold by their predecessors. Some analyst will total up all of these things from a revenue standpoint and say that gaming is the healthiest its ever been despite the fact that it’s dead. I’ll also complain despite the fact that I have more than enough in my backlog for the rest of my life

Because an upgrade this early while the system is selling this well is fucking stupid as shit. The 3DS didn't even get an upgrade until like 3 or 4 years in. And when it did get an upgrade, it was the same price and the normal 3DS price dropped. Nintendo has never cared about the graphicswhores that will always flock to Xbox and Playstation regardless.

And they know from their 40 years of success in the handheld market that there is a large market of people who want cheap portable systems and don't care about playing on a television, a market that the Switch isn't completely reaching.


Actually it's only $50 less

and joycons and rumble are gone
also you can't plug it into the TV

And they positioned the (new) 3DS/2DS for that market during these past two years to buy time for the costs to come down and also for a die shrink. Even as recent as less than a year ago running commercials before movies in theaters showing off MK7 and other evergreen titles.. showing off MK7 despite its superior sequel existing. They planned for this all along, probably even if the Switch failed they still planned for this.

I was an intrigued by a Switch “pro” but it is way too soon. I also put my tempered glass screen on so perfectly that I worry I’ll get dust under it or make it crooked if I do it again. I prefer it to a buying a new normal Switch revised with the die shrink running color with longer battery life and storage. Unless I can make it perfect again

It's for kids

It's a Switch without all the useless gimmicks.

but i will buy one for $120 less that cant be played mobile.

if you try to appeal to everyone then you end up appealing to no one you stupid inbred

this, i'd pick one up to play in bed (the only time I used my 3ds), but it needs to have games worthwhile (which it currently doesnt for me), i bought the 3ds for a handful of stuff that I couldnt get elsewhere, switch lite will be the same story if it ever gets anything worthwhile.

Some people just want a Gameboy Advanced

I'm buying it to play while I'm out while my OG Switch is docked at home.

>I dont really want it but some people have money unlike you and can buy the switch and the lite.

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>headphone jack on top

Attached: why.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

3DS rejects

why do you care how nintendo runs their business?

But every Switch is backlit?

You know what the worst fucking part of this is

>Hey look a real dpad
>Hey Nintendo, can us regular switch owners get a dpad?
>lol no

Don't tell me buy the hori one. I have it, it's stiff as hell. I bought one of those seethrough conversion kits and turned my red joycons into seethrough blue ones with a dpad, which kind of works pretty good, but I still want a real one. Fuck I would kill someone in cold blood just to have a pair of joycons with a real dpad in that nice mint color.

So you can plug headphones in when it's on the charging dock. OG Switch did it so you could plug in headphones while playing in Tabletop mode.

>playing a handheld while it's on a fucking dock instead of just plugging it in

Attached: WHITE MOTHER FUCKERS.jpg (721x540, 60K)

I feel like these posts are always made by poorfags because only a poorfag would have this mindset. Just because you have money doesnt mean you needlessly waste $200 when you already own a superior version. It's just dumb.

The point is to just give the user the most options. Putting the headphone jack on the bottom would be needlessly restrictive.

100 bucks doesn’t even cover my weekday lunches. I can’t imagine being a poorfag.

Goddamn how fat are you?

You don't get to be rich by spending $10 a day on lunch.

Fits in your pocket.

My meals cost 3 dollars a meal at most. Usually less.
What kind of ultralard spends like 12-14 bucks on lunch every single day?


Yeah, if you’re a poorfag. Keep saving those dollar bills.

I just had a thought a little bit ago, it's like a companion device a la 3ds and WiiU, but this device just plays the same games. This is essentially a replacement for the 3ds, a brother for the switch with the same name even though it doesn't switch.

Attached: yamamoto2.jpg (1039x1600, 342K)

Yes it sold tons but not to children.

>astroturfing droneposters so triggered as of late they can't see a simple cost efficiency discussion for what it is
Seek help

y'know, your post is garbage, but that picture is a pretty good argument, I really wish Ohmori was in charge of sword and shield.

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I just use my brothers switch right now, but I can see myself buying this if i'm drunk in the store. Yellow accessories tempt me.

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can switch homebrew run PPSSPP since it's based on android? I want to play MHFU on it.

I gonna buy it day one if the special edition is also about 200€.
I really dislike the available colours. Couldnt they just sell a switch lite in black or something

This is an affordable model made for those people who havent gotten a switch yet. All the people asking if this is for current switch owners, no you god damned retard.

Please enlighten us then, Mr. Chief Operating Officer

guess which one of those five is a downgrade

Can't wait to play AC on this

100$ is a fucking lot considering theres only about 2-3 games i care about. I also like handheld so i dont really care about tv connection

alI me

I'm not gonna lie, the lack of tv mode (and the fact that I already have a switch) should be a dealbreaker for me, but holy fuck am I a whore for turquoise. I can't help it. I just know I'm gonna cave, even now. It's not even my favorite colour, that honour goes to Cardinal Red. God I love turquoise. I'm going to kill myself if it turns out to be sky blue or some shit like that.

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most kids these days have phones before they can even change their own diapers m8

>Switch Lite compared to OG Switch
>Better power efficiency
>lighter weight
>tons of exclusives

>PS4 pro compared to OG PS4
>Worst power efficiency
>heavier weight
>More expensive
>Just movies
>Can’t even really display real 4K

Yikes user, I wonder which console is the downgrade.


I doubt it from the reveal trailer it looks like a slightly bigger Vita

show me one that isn’t shit :)