>that shy loser who always picked bass
That shy loser who always picked bass
Literally never happened for me. Everyone would always just fight for guitar and the loser would be left with the bass.
Kys guitar fag
>those losers that don't do vocals
The virgin slap
The chad walking bass (not even on scene)
>but i don't know the lyrics, user
>the virgin sings-the-actual-lyrics
>the chad "AAAAHHHHHHH" into the microphone
nobody ever actually wanted bass
I did for a few songs. Souls of Black was a lot more fun on bass than guitar.
I never played that but YYZ is the ultimate "bass is better than guitar" song
Drums and vocals forever.
>not farting into the microphone
Literally every single person I knew that played in person preferred bass, because they wanted to be able to play expert but couldn't into chords and solos, for some reason. I had to play online to actually get a full group going most of the time
Did you play every instrument on expert?
I haven't played on anything but Expert since I first got GH1.
Yes, why wouldn't I?
i never got good at drums because i never lived in a building where i could actually play them without pissing off the neighbours
That sucks, it was like the most fun part
So whats happening to that Clone Hero successor with drum support?
Harmonix should have just swallowed their pride and ripped off Guitar Hero's open notes for bass.
If you want drums just play Phase Shift, it's basically the same thing as Clone Hero except with RB's hit window instead of GH3's.
I couldn't go higher than Hard on most Pro Keys songs.
Before I stopped playing, yeah. Kind of sucked at drums, though.
I could only handle drums on hard, and barely at that. Expert would absolutely kill me. I have no coordination.
>played exclusively drums
>mostly on expert but sometimes on hard for certain things
>Never had to give up my turn or anything cause no one else could into drums.
I couldn't into expert vocals. I struggled on medium vocals.
>pads start failing
>can't do expert drums anymore since rolls don't register
Kill me
where my drummer chads at
>the virgin toy guitar
>the chad vocalist
>Old room had rafters.
>Would occasionally have friends over to play with, had 4 players maybe 70% of the time we played.
>Other 30% I'd hang the microphone from the rafters and do guitar/bass and vocals.
>I can't sing for shit but could follow the mic line and knew the lyrics.
>Rock Band god to my friends, even won some game competition in some dive bar.
>Bar manager was fucking retarded and didn't realize that more players means you score more.
>Beat a trio of neckbeard tryhards and their skinny weeb friend cause the weeb didn't know the game worked of tone and pitch and not just the lyrics.
>Whiny cunt was practically screaming "Bullshit!" over and over when I aced a track just by humming into the mic with a shit eating grin on my face that they knew all ther lyrics to and got about 82%
>Walked out with a $400 bar credit on booze whilst second place got two of the guitar controllers, one of which they broke fighting over it outside.
Fuck I miss those days. We burned through the booze in the next two visits to the place but it was the best of times. Shit was cash.
>aftermarket mesh pads are no longer made
>can feel them starting to fade
it hurts so much
I'll always regret not buying the midi adapter they released with RB3 so you could use an e-kit with it.
And now the genre is dead.
>the days of playing games with friends is gone
I want to go back
At least I can also do guitar as well, probably gonna make the transition over to Clone Hero soon
I miss playing RB2 online
>playing the same three songs over and over
Online was bullshit.
>he didn't have friends
I'M STILL FUCKIN' FURIOUS ABOUT THIS SHIT. It would be such an easy implementation that would make playing so many goddamn metal songs that much more fun on Guitar. Shit's always felt awkward having a string of fast chugging Green or Red notes with super fast chords thrown into the mix. I can't believe Harmonix never had the thought to implement open notes like this during the first 2 Guitar Hero's either, it seems like such an obvious, easy addition. But now that they've stuck to their guns for so long with thousands of tracks as DLC, I don't see them ever actually doing it, which sucks.
It wasn't that bad on Online World Tour. I still hate Almost Easy to this day though
Expert Vocals was the only one I could never get into. I always felt like I had to sing like a robot to perfectly nail every phrase, which just felt unnatural. I liked the little leeway that Hard gives you, makes it especially a blast while doing Expert Guitar at the same time