What’s the appeal?

What’s the appeal?
>walk into a room full of enemies
>shoot them once, hold f and it does a boring kill animation you’ve already seen 100 times
>if you’re out of ammo you just press G and you instakill an enemy and they drop a ton of ammo
>Tons of ammo and health in the areas in between fights
Is it just because “omg doom guy so cool”?

Attached: 4DF48B24-2D04-4BB8-AB21-417A39D7D19B.jpg (960x960, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Name a shooter made in the past 5 years that had a better campaign

>play on baby mode
>complain it's too easy

Name one game you like

Seethe more boomer

Attached: Doom_vs_NuDoom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

>shoot them once, hold f and it does a boring kill animation you’ve already seen 100 times
Only for the literal mooks
>Tons of ammo and health in the areas in between fights
So just like the original

Actually play the game before you shitpost on Yea Forums about it



That's not how the original games played. They took a quirky aspect about Serious Sam 3 and made a central gameplay element, effectively ruinig what was fun about Doom.

>Amid Evil

Most vocal fans of shooters on Yea Forums don’t actually play shooters and just parrot opinions for brownie points, so when a decent shooter with AAA marketing comes around, it gets hailed as a savior even though it’s just decent.

Most of these posters are complete posers

Wow user you sure sound like someone who didn't even get to level 3

I'm playing on Ultra Violence and having the same experience
I knew I shouldn't have listened to Yea Forums

>game released in 2016 has better graphics than a game released in 1993

The webm is clearly comparing gameplay if you had a monkey sized brain

>I'm playing on Ultra Violence
Isn't Ultra Violence essentially normal difficulty in 2016?

That gameplay is clearly cherrypicked you nonce

>Most of these posters are complete posers
>Amid Evil

>Most of these posters are complete posers
Oh shit my taint got wet from reading that shit motherfucker!!!!!!!

Retard, you can disable glory kills in the menus if you want a classic doom experience.

Yes but the guy thought the comparison was about graphics and the other guy corrected him

>shoot them once
Maybe don't play on easy mode if you don't want the game to be easy?

Fuck my fun wasn't real

TF2, the one with the mech

You fucks ruined Doom threads. Why can’t I enjoy all of the games Except Doom 3, what a pile of shit? I love old Doom and the huge variety of mods (I have whole 2TB hard drive dedicated to them) and I live new Doom and the more engaging, satisfying gameplay (even if you move speed is slower). They’re all good in different ways, really. You fucks are just mad because new Doom isn’t the same as the OG’s. That’s probably because nothing ever will be, so it’s better to try a new formula, rather than just rehashing the old ideas.

I always felt like these games were made for those "cool american gamer dude". Whoa blood, some light metal soundtrack wow.

Unironically yes

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>I'm playing on ultra violence
Isn't that the mode where you can't die or have to restart the whole game? user that's a suspicious claim

>shoot them once
>do the animation
>Get murderfucked by fireballs and pinky charges as soon as the animation ends
>press g to do a chainsaw
>uh oh, you ran out of fuel and there is only like 3 canisters in the level

Attached: Doomguy is best guy.jpg (806x991, 236K)

No it isn't

>posts gameplay difference
>lol graphics

Kill yourself newnigger

Rip and tear, my fellow redditor!

>you can disable glory kills in the menus
You can only disable the glow effect. Enemies still enter that dumb stagger state no matter what.

you don't have to do the glory kills you know. if you dislike them that much you can just shoot the enemies with a couple more bullets and they'll just die

Although I agree the gameplay gets repetitive pretty quickly, the real charm of the nuDoom is the gun combos you get to do. You're supposed to play it sorta like a fighting game.
But imo nudoom is the definition of overrated.
The ''cool soundtrack'' every shill under the sun keeps praising is nowhere near comparable to the original. They should have just remade it with more metal tunes and left it alone.
And don't get me started on the Pixar demons. The whole aesthetic is just soi to the max.
I guess the only thing you have to do to be successful is to have your game not be a dumpster fire at launch, and you get all the 10/10 GOTY's you want.

Never listen to Yea Forums on anything

>if you dislike them that much you can just shoot the enemies with a couple more bullets and they'll just die
Not him, but that's exactly why I dislike glory kills and the way they're implemented. They should work more like the fluff animations in Serious Sam 3, where you can perform them on enemies who have low health, but said enemies are still moving around trying to kill you.

I disregard any post that has a variety of "soi" in it

lmao zoomers cant admit they like a shitty game.

>late game NuuM
>compared to literally the first section of the first level of the first episode of Doom

>play on easy difficulty
>also oversimplify things
wow guise, it's, like, so boring omg

>listening to Yea Forums
This proves you're as much of a retarded faggot as I make you out to be.

its no rage 2 thats for sure

While he is an idiot comparing the level to e1m1, Kagdir Sanctum is nowhere near "late game"

Oh fuck off fake fan

So what happens if I liked all of the Doom games? I love playing the classics (with some quality of life mods), I enjoyed Doom 3 (the original, not BFG), and I enjoyed D44M. I can't wait for D55M: Eternal.

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Titanfall 2

I got dusk on the memes. It's okay, I guess. Mostly just showcases how far they've come since then.

I hope amid evil is better.

Why is D44M the only Beth game people don't open their eyes to?
People realized that the new Wolfenstein games are boring (except of old blood but even then it gets lame by the end), that Rage 2 is boring, that QC is a mess. Why do they pretend that D44m isn't mediocre and boring?

it means you're either a stupid zoomer with a modicum of taste, or a horrid sellout who never really liked the original Doom in the first place
because sensible answers are not allowed

because, and this is going to shock the shit out of you so get ready, your opinion isn't the same as fact

well it's good no living thing in this plane of existence gives a modicum of fuck what you 'regard' and 'disregard' you pathetic shitstain

Even if you consider just by publishing it that the game is their's, what about other "Bethesda" games like Dishonoured 1, Prey 2017 and New Vegas?

I don't know, I'd say he got a pretty strong reaction to it.

Fair enough, I suppose that not everyone has standards.
It still amazes me how bad the taste of others can be, specially here.

I don't really care for shooters much either. Just feels like all I'm doing is pointing and clicking.

>he likes video games
Stop! Where do you think you are right now, sir?

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>This kills the nostalgiafag


Based and fast pilled

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Nice false equivalency, faggot.

your game is garbage zoomers

>So what happens if I liked all of the Doom games?
Then you're probably older than him and have actually played it. I've noticed a weird influx of teenagers on Yea Forums who were clearly introduced to Doom through 2016 (I mean who else would complain about Doomguy hainving a visible face in Eternal?), unironically recommend Brutal Doom for playing through the original games, and just mindlessly regurgitate Doom-related opinions that are out of date at this point.

It's been over a decade since 3 released, so the era of "it's disappointing because it doesn't play like Doom" is over. Most Doom fans just consider it its own thing at this point, and while it's certainly not fantastic, it is an okay fps that's worth playing through at least once.

Ah shit, I've been found out. I'm only 17!


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The only thing they are based about is their opinions on CRPGs. Then again I might be biased because of that one user who for a while kept spamming portal threads linking to rpgcodex.

That's how I felt afterwards. I made it a point to play the original version of Doom 3 because why not. I had to find a tutorial for a widescreen resolution fix, but that was it. I enjoyed a good deal of what I played, but the enemies were too damage spongy. The darkness eventually became more of a nuisance than actually scary, and I can understand why many didn't like it. I thought it was good, but not something I would return to anytime soon.

Attached: [HMMS EXTERNALLY].gif (480x270, 1.47M)

Imagine unironically falling for cherry picking. Wouldn't that be pathetic? Haha

I would have preferred if they kept the look and feel of 3 with a sped up gameplay instead of the saturday morning cartoon version we got

I've played the original, that's how the gameplay is pretty much unless you decide to play mods.


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You clearly haven't.

why is it dumb?


NuDoom is a mediocre game but a triumph of marketing

you're essentially just admitting doom 1 looks like shit in that webm comparison. even boomers can't defend their own shitty game.


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But the pre-release marketing was one of the worst.

Because I don't want enemies to stand around essentially telling me "okay, you can glory kill me now!", I want them to keep running around so that they're still dangerous.

cry piss baby piece of shit

You're putting words into my mouth and missing the point. Thank you for proving that you're incapable of logical thinking.

Literally prove me wrong.

>serious sam
Really want those (you)'s don't cha

Yo mean it was a triumph of word-of-mouth. Doom 2016 had almost non-existent marketing.

I mean "you". Sorry, I'm black so it just slips out sometimes.

why would a boomer complain about a game that is essentially their boomer game but better

Okay, that isn't "pretty much how the gameplay is." You proved yourself wrong, dumbshit. The gameplay picks up a good deal.

They literally cancelled all the marketing because they (somehow) thought the game was going to be shit.
They didn't even send out review copies due to the Fallout 4 debacle.

Oh yeah? Well defend Doom 1 in that webm then. Tell me how it looks better.

I ironically love doom 3

Show me a clip of Doom 1 where the gameplay very obviously outshines the nuDoom's gameplay.

You used E1M1 which is already a bad comparison. You could've chosen something like E2M3 or some shit.

its over zoomers both Yea Forums and rpgcodex hate your game.

>boring animation you've seen 100 times
you can't even shitpost properly. it's the fact that it takes control away from you that people don't like, not seeing the same animation. ever shoot an enemy in doom 1? they all have like 1 (sometimes 2) death animations.

Stop trying to force this friendship between Yea Forums and rpgcodex.

>still not understanding that something can look better than another thing without the other thing looking like shit
>not understanding that the webm is taking a more interesting part of 2016 and pitting against less interesting parts of E1, the slowest fucking episode in Doom
>being an actual fucking moron

Pretty much anything other than E1M1. Ta-da! Boy, that was sure tough.

>implying both games arent kino

Attached: 1561831374935m.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

>except Doom 3
I love them all including Doom 3 and it isn't ironically like that other fag.

Oh btw for all you pretenders

You're welcome

Attached: 1457446492299.jpg (5060x2752, 1.62M)

Let's see the clip then

>implying the "zoomers" aren't the ones pushing the hate for nuDoom by being contrarian faggots trying too hard to fit in
>rpgcodex like anyone gives a fuck
Outed yourself by using faggy neo/v/ memes that only teenagers love and being an unthinking twat.

Find one yourself if you care so much.


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I will not stop until you admit the game is bad.

are you the same autist that shits on valve games

Kill yourself


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Give it about 4 months and the shills will move on. Doom 4 will fall deeper into obscurity with its lack of mod tools or replayability.

Thanks, it's been awhile.

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with DOOM 2016, it manages to keep the funadmental feel of Doom 1&2s frantic gunplay while still being different.

Reducing discussion of a game to a strawman is retarded.

Attached: images (1) (4).jpg (300x300, 26K)

happy to help

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Seethe harder faggot.

>tfw no mod that gets rid of glory kills/stagger

>Game had almost no public advertising prior to release
>"its.. its gotta be marketing! Thats the only reason anyone could enjoy something!"

Attached: Tigtoneandhelpy.jpg (847x362, 17K)

Is this that same shitposter who was shitposting in our Wolfenstein thread?

hey, guy, fuck you!

>inb4 no Eternal mod support info comes out of QC

Attached: 1560495671696.jpg (320x276, 28K)

>Game had almost no public advertising prior to release
what fuckin rock were you living under asshole

This nigga knows what's up

Attached: 1556486498999.jpg (320x320, 14K)

They're gonna leave the Doom 2016 source code to fans, i think its time.

Attached: LqzJCdacNj-1.png (61x61, 2K)

He does, but you don't, you frogposting queer.

Thank you for posting a not shit version of this image.

The appeal was that it was not shit, which was more than people expected from a revival of a classic 90s PC game.

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This shit reminds me so much of THAT webm


It's fun as fuck. What's so hard to understand about that.


So what are your thoughts on Eternal, Yea Forums?

Attached: D--XzVXXsAIw-9c.jpg (1200x821, 205K)

>last 5 years

Looks fun. Glad to see the Archvile coming back and the Cyberdemon looking like the actual Cyberdemon. Hoping for mod support and options to unfuck the eyecancer UI. Fuck the nu/v/ teens who shit on nuDoom and pretend they've played the originals.

Eternal Seething hahahaha


Amid Evil is fucking great. My main gripe is that none of the episodes are connected outside of lore, so you won’t encounter more than a handful variety of enemies in any given episode. I guess they were doing it for lore, but it’s a fucking stupid idea in an FPS.

Same. I really like grappling hook shotgun. Good shit. Really like that they're bringing back the classic looks of the demons.

Dusk is not better than Doom 2016. Dusk was pretty forgettable. 2016 had some of the best combat of any FPS game I've ever played and I have played most of the classics. Haven't tried Amid Evil yet.

I would like a Doom game where Daisy is the protagonist instead,hellbent on getting revenge for them killing her space marine

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anything is better than fucking doom 2016

fucking doom couldnt even do its enemy-spawn room set up better than painkiller which out like a decade before it