Tic toc snoys

Tic toc snoys

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gravity rush 2 is kill, please no

Attached: HE HATES IT.jpg (1280x960, 126K)

edith finch and little nightmares are on pc aswell

>persona 5
What did he mean by this?

You can play it on PC via emulation.

Little nightmares is on steam

Little Nightmares is on PC. Do people think Deep Down will resurface at the BlurayStation 5 announcement?

>All of PC games you posted are ports or shitty emulation that run worst than in console
And because of brainlets like you PC exclusives are long gone, enjoy eating shit I will play the best of both plataforms

>pc players so starved for games they emulate console games

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Drawn to Death has been shut down

>most of the ps4 gsmes can be played with ps now

since when emulation is a bad thing?

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Not as pathetic as Sony fans talking about a PS3 game being a reason to own a PS4

Since it's never accurate and it can cut entire game functions and have more bugs, it's always better to play the game from the source plataform if you have the chance

3 PC exclusives released this year sold 1 million units each in less than a month.

Didin't say it was but its hilarious seeing pc people proclaim superiority when they want to play console games rather than games specifically made for their platform

Dragon Quest Builders isn't on PC

But it is on Switch and it's much better there.

let's be honest, there's not many AAA and AA games made specifically for pc these days

Plenty of AA, but no AAA.
Not that it matters since AAA games have been shit for years and AA games are dead as fuck on consoles.


But with emulation I can play in higher resolution and with mods?

What a weak bait come on dude

All PS3 games are on PC

I'm a bit shocked KH3 didn't get ported honestly.