Is BOTW one of your favorite games, if not what are your favorites?

Is BOTW one of your favorite games, if not what are your favorites?

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It's one of the worst Legend of Zeldas because it fell for the open world trash meme. It feels like the series has been lost because of it.

Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds are my personal favorites.

Far Cry 2

I like it but ot has glaring issues. I'd say what those are but they'd fall on deaf ears because apparently you arent allowed to criticise the game on here without seething or whatever

I was playing it last night and had fun for about 10 minutes but then I got to a Sheikah Shrine and realized the reward for completing them is so fucking boring that I turned it off and will most likely never play it again. It's a game where you have to make your own fun instead of just being fun. My favorite game is Donkey Kong Country 2.

It’s an amazing game, I just tried Ocarina of Time for the first time and I must say it’s garbage. I miss the fluidity of gameplay, movement etc that BotW offers. Any future Zelda game needs to play that well (with a greater dungeon focus of course).

No, these are my favorites (Inb4 contrarians cry that OOT is #1)

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No but I still had a good time with BotW. Favorites are:
>Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
>Metroid Prime 2
>Katamari Damacy
>The Wonderful 101
>Devil May Cry 3
>Sonic 3 and Knuckles
>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
>SMT Nocturne
>Yakuza 0
>Majora’s Mask

How can you like other 3d Zelda games but dislike BOTW?

Because BOTW is boring due to the substantial lack of meaningful content, it's only good for the amazing graphics & atmosphere

Based. I'm partial to the Oracles over LBW though.

I'm with you, though I'm more of a Link's Awakening guy myself.

Not in my top 5 but it came really close.
My favorite game will always be Xenoblade X for the weird as hell sidequest villians. There's a guy who sells pizza and he killed one alien, another guy almost poisoned the water supply, and another guy who is straight up racist to the aliens. That is what I call a game that only comes once every few years.
Also I love Xenoblade X for pic related too.

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it was great but had a lot of flaws
that being said my favorites are as follows
NieR: Automata
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Mount & Blade: Warband
Silent Hill 2

I want faith to fight me with her feet.

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Definitely one of my favorite this gen (right behind Bloodborne and Witcher 3), but definitely not in my top 5 of all time,

It's a great and fun game that I loved the same way I loved Just Cause 2. It's braindead fun in a huge sandbox with great gameplay elements. Only problem is everything else is pretty shit (story/quests/writing/lore etc).

Deus Ex is probably my all time favorite game

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Not him, but isn't the answer obvious? The other 3D games aren't open world garbage.

>Deus Ex is probably my all time favorite game
Wow... you must be a very cerebral gentleman.

Gotta say I’m really torn on where I stand on it. The combat is REALLY bare bones, and I think the game as a whole falls off a cliff after Zora’s Domain, but I really adored the game when it first came out. I’d say my top 5 games this gen are;
>Hollow Knight
>Titanfall 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Devil May Cry V

>>Titanfall 2
Holy fucking based

Sorry, I assume you were expecting another wahoo ping ping bada bing bing game to be my favorite.

We didn’t deserve it

Man I wish FC2 got a proper sequel.

No for me it was total trash, shit bosses, shit music, laughable graphic motor etc. I liked the interactivity of link and the world tho. Favorites are:
>Majora's mask
>Metal gear solid 3
>Street fighter III third strike
>Metroid prime 3
>Grand Turismo 4
>Stronghold crusaders
>Red dead redemption
>Mass effect 2
>Ace attorney Phoenix Wright
>Spiderman 2
>Deus ex human revolution
>Final fantasy 7
>Ballad of gay tony

underage and never played pic related
Very flawed game but still worthy of its praise due to its overabundance of merits overshadowing the flaws. If I was ranking greatest games of all time, it would probably be around 25th place or so. Link's Awakening and maybe NES and Link to the Past are better.

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It is, but I'd put it around 5-6~ if I was ranking

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I've got ghost trick on twilight launcher but haven't played it yet. How is it?

No, but it's probably my 3rd fav zelda game with my 2nd fav being Majora's mask and 1st being LTTP
>DMC 3
>Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Persona 4 Golden
>FF 5
>Dark souls
>JJBA: Heritage for the future
>R&C 2
>Smash Ultimate
>Persona 5
>Power Stone
>Metroid Fusion
>Chrono Trigger

Stylish is the best way I can describe it. Everything from the characters, the music, and the set pieces all come together to make a murder mystery game that is damn fun to go through. The story is pretty ok, but the puzzles and characters interactions are god tier, not in complexity or depth but in a pure joyful and eccentric way. It's a game that starts good from the moment you start and it's fairly short too around 15~ hours. Get on it

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It is, yeah. It displaces Majora's Mask, and I think it just barely has the edge on Rain World. BotW repeatedly gave me this feeling that all games should've worked like BotW in its structure and interactivity.

Total meme. They should have shrunk the world by 75% at least.


Maybe because they don’t require literally hours of running across open empty fields

How did you enjoy that shitfest with magic X-ray vision AI?

>le zelda was open world
Uh-uh. Dark Souls is open world too. And Metroid. And Dark Souls.

I don't understand this complaint. There's something novel in BotW all over the place, I would say you can't walk in any stretch for more than about 5-10 minutes without running into something. Any smaller and there's no negative space whatsoever, which I think would hurt the pacing. The game has very little time spent actually wandering aimlessly because there's always something to investigate, reducing that further would just turn the game into a Bethesda themepark.

Don't forget Animal Crossing

It's not that bad if you know how to play the game. The AI and outposts are the least of the game's problems.
Me too, user. It's a mediocre game, but I feel like we could have gotten something amazing if the devs got to do everything they wanted to do. It's my favorite because I like the base mechanics and setting the most.

Wow, only 5 whole minutes of running around empty fields before you find something worth your time. And That's A Good Thing.
This is your mind on open world apologism.

Yeah, I wish it was more like the original zelda.
Anyway, I don't think Breath will be on anyones top 10, by the mere fact that Breath 2 will fix all the bullshit, rendering BoTW irrelevant.

I like it, but I wish they found a better way to balance the game than to have your weapons break constantly. I'm not really sure what my favorite games are, a lot of games I'd have given that title to are games I haven't played in a while or don't like as much anymore.

I liked it a lot in spite of a few problems like the short dungeons, sparse music and weapons that constantly break down.

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looks like somebody doesnt like adventure

There's really only two big fields in the game. I think the rest of the world is jam-packed with stuff. The goal of any open world game is to make the act of traversal enjoyable, with I think BotW accomplished with flying colors.

Zelda was as open world as a game could be made on NES. Open world=/=GTA clone. Unlike Zelda1, Dark Souls was not constrained by the NES and chose to be a hallway labyrinth.

>Metroid Prime 3
Why do you prefer it to its predecessors? Just wondering, it's a rare thing to see.

did you play fc5 in SP or co op user? cause honestly the game was only fun when i played it with my best friend

All single player

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>Zelda was as open world as a game could be made on NES
In the same sense that pong was as tennis as a game could be made on the Atari. But if Pong came out today, no one would call it a tennis game.

If being on the NES is what saved the original Legend of Zelda from falling for the open world meme, then god bless the NES for safeguarding the series before it went to hell

>The goal of any open world game is to make the act of traversal enjoyable
The goal of any open world game is to waste your time and spread out its content worth a shit as thin and wide as possible. That's why the genre sucks. And that's why Zelda sucks now by proxy.