Valve is starting to give away games just like EGS

>Valve is starting to give away games just like EGS
They're feeling the pressure from Epic. Competition is good, folks.

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Steam has been doing that for years now retard

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This really isn't new.

Awesome, thanks based Gabe.

Every month steam has a free game on offer. Normally is indie shit but sometimes its games with no player base that the devs want to sell DLC for.

AoW2 is a vastly better game to 3. Hell Endless Legend is better than AoW3

AoW3 is a fantastic game with the expansions, do not listen to nostalgiafags.

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I haven't play the expansions; but, I thought it was good not fantastic. At least /ourguy/ is in it.

Can i play cock-hungry elves?

Endless Legend is better than a lot of games, shame about the DLC simulator gameplay.

its really not as good as shadow magic bro. sure its playable but its not great.

literally nothing to do with valve
it's all up to the devs, or the publishers in most cases

>is starting
They've been doing this for year bugman.

Thanks for the free game, Gabe!

Did you start using steam today bud?

Steam has given games away for a long time, it's just not frequent
however did you literally just miss what the summer sale event was?

Nigger, they've done this for years.

I have been getting free games from steam for the better part of a decade now. first I got was faery solitaire 7 years ago.
try harder.

>They're feeling the pressure from Epic.
Nothing suggests that, least of all sales numbers.
>Competition is good
It is, but epic is not doing competition, the only things it "competes" in it bribes first.

Valve has been giving away all of their games away for free. Apart from the first Left 4 Dead and the original Half-Life.

Is this actually good?

The expansions make a big difference, game's pretty good when altogether.

Triumph is giving it away because the sequel is out in a month. It's not the first time it's been free. It's not without problems but it's a great game.

>game for free
>you need to buy dlcs and expansion
K, no, ill pirate

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