Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

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Everything is automatically better than LeLgue.

how many times must we say this?
dota is objectively superior

Dota, league player cannot deny this or anything at all for that matter

is there a more one-sided rivalry in all of gaming? I've never seen a single league player that gives half a shit about dota but dota players spend half their day seething at riot

They're both fun.


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League. Dota looks like ass. Both suck though. When teamfights happen good luck knowing wtf is even happening with all the flashy bullshit going on.

Pretty much this, dota players are like the vegans


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Lol ever since 6.8 whenever comeback gold was added.

Does anyone still give a shit about either one?

Dota is a visual failure
League is much better

dota is a much better and more interesting game in every way but its too stressful for me to play due to too many factors in play, also too many and third worlders make me not want to play

league is awful but i have a few rl friends who still play it. honestly i fucking hate how the game is super casual yet balanced for esports when the esports is so boring and stale. riot is a joke among jokes

Yea Forums's kind of really funny because if you only browsed Yea Forums as your vidya board, you would think no one plays League. Yet a ton of college kids play league. My friends who are in their mid 20s play league casually after work. League boards are extremely active. It's only on Yea Forums that no one talks about league besides waifufags.

Then I realized it's the same reason no one talks about fighters here: Yea Forums is legitimately full of people with a lacking social life nor have remotely decent reaction times and gameplay mechanics required for a MOBA.

Sorry but your opinion is wrong.

people saying otherwise missed the train and are seething because they dont have any champion unlocked

>comparing MOBA garbage to fighting games

honestly league is probably more fun just because theres way more skillshots but its such a barren piece of shit if youre coming from dota

I had over 1.5k hours in Dota 2 and countless others in Dota 1 and HoN before switching to League because that's what my friends played. I find myself missing playing mostly league these days but missing dota 1 and early dota 2 but when I go back and try out Dota 2 it just doesn't feel the same. And now I just can't tell which is the better game.

>I've never seen a single league player that gives half a shit about dota
I see this is your first ASSFAGGOTS thread

assfaggots are not fun sorry

t. lolfag

LoL has better overall design, but its Pay2Win

So Dota wins by default

league is more fun dota is better

sounds like someone died to iBlitzcrank in their ranked match

Dota has better design

you are the only one right

Dota has way too much RNG

The uninstall wizard

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League is for casual babies

I enjoyed HoTS more than either of these games. But blizzard killed the game so now I'm free from assfaggots

some of you are really autistic about this
its ok if someone doesnt like dota

Dota, since they started the next trend of autochess games. Too bad the official Valve version is stupidly worse than the one made by some random custom game dev

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>Dota, since they started the next trend of autochess games
No they didn't
That's like saying Blizzard created DotA

League of legends is better because I can stomp noobs.

Alright, how about this:
Lore wise, which game is stronger?

league of legends is objectively easier and the less autistic of a game
dota is more satisfying, more mechanical and best of all completely free.
that and you can call people niggers and no one gives a shit

Yeah but once I beat my lane opponent so hard he alt-f4ed, so did another enemy player, this actually gave the enemy team the advantage because their mid lane sniper was so much better than us he controlled the other guys and my team fed him, the game went on for like 90 minutes and I never played it again

>moba lore

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I prefer HotS so if people need me I can say "Okay I'll be good to go in 20 minutes or less" instead of "uhhhh this might take an hour sooo just go without me I guess sorry"

If Riot kept Nexus Blitz I'd probably still play league.

this, who can keep track of all that bullshit besides autistic 21 year old Koreans?

Dota 2 obviously.


i mean league is more fun to play some casual games of
if you want to go for a good balanced moba go for dota

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aurelion sol is casually destroying solar systems
dont know if dota has someone that retarded op

>if you want to go for a good balanced moba go for dota

Damn LoL must be a mess then

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LoL reworks its lore constantly so everything just feels like a series of disconnected fanfictions written by some ADHD-ridden child
LoL also has no explanation for what's going on in the game or why anyone's fighting and Dota does, so LoL loses by default

it absolutely is. Mordekaiser got reworked hes busted. his ult teleports him and the target into a 1v1 arena where mordekaiser gets some of the enemys armor and magic resist.
or kalista the champ that they should have never released. She is either broken or garbage because of her kit. Same with Ryze the champ with like 5 reworks because they dont know what to do with him.

There is a couple
>Ancient Apparition is the literal physical manifestation of entropy
>Weaver's species weave the fabrics of reality while he himself wishes to "snip" it
>There are four "fundamentals" made physical. Chaos Knight, Keeper of the Light, Enigma (Gravity) and Io (Bonds)
>Arc Warden is the third personality of the self, the one that imprisoned the ancients in the first place
Those are the ones off the top my head.

ASSFAGOTS are games where you spend thousands of hours realizing they aren't fun. Dota 2 is better though

I doubt there is a LoL champ as game-breakingly obnoxious as Drow Ranger in dota 2

Morde’s not busted you casual you just can’t be bothered to look up counters.

if hes ahead what do you do when he ults you except die?

Buy a quicksilver sash and cleanse that shit retard

>I don't like it so nobody likes it
Great logic

fuck off moid cunt

1300 gold just for his ult

yeah can absolutely do that

>Game breaking
Sure she was annoying when she could one shot ancient creeps (Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?) but she is in an alright place now. It's just when she is placed in certain line ups her aura can get annoying, but those line ups can be countered easily.

I gave up playing league when I realized I was still shit despite the thousands of hours I had put in. I had come to understand that I would just never get better, and I would never be good at the game, no matter how much I practiced and played.

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>but those line ups can be countered easily.

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They absolutely can. For them to get maximum potential out of Drow's aura they would want to play ranged heroes that rely on attack speed. That's your Snipers, Outworld devourers, Lunas and all the heroes like that, all of which have a strong counter against them.

Play GP then or Olaf who can both cleanse his ult, or Aatrox or Yorick whos’ kits hard counter Morde, or any highly mobile adc like Vayne or Ez who can stay out of Morde’s abysmal range as long as they’re retarded like you.

you could just outscale him and kill him in his own ult

The only thing you can do against a drow draft is pray that the enemy team is really, really, REALLY bad at the game.

There is no such thing as "countering" an entire enemy team with 666 attack speed.

>any year ever
>still playing MOBAtrash
I feel bad for you, honestly.

>There is no way to counter a team going all in on right clicking you to death and sacrificing team fight ultimates/skills

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dota looks like jumbled trash. the game is visual vomit and i have no idea how anyone could bear to play it for 1000s of hours.

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How do I stop my gambling addiction, Yea Forums?

That's all dota is, just a garbage game where I play with people I don't know and everything is decided by RNG

I want to be able to enjoy actual good games again

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wow it's almost like there's items that disable or disarm enemy heroes so that you can focus them first in a teamfight/gank

What about it don't you get in that picture?

i agree its really ugly

Oh great its another one of those "I would totally defeat them all because I am so good at this game" type of thread.

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>this is what LoL babbies think is so hard about dota

Trust me the shitty graphics and designs are the least of the problems with this game

>Not playing Centaur Warrunner
>Not playing a team with high armour values
>Not playing a team fight focused team
>Not sneaking to the back line and killing the drow first making them lose their bonus attack speed
>Not using Halberds
>Not nuking the squishy fuckers

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>I would, like, counter them all with DISARM and then gank them get rekt scrub I am the king of doter

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>sell all your items/cosmetics/hats
>play other games
That's what i did. Haven't played it since 2016.

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nice retort

Just play league and autolock Jax. 1v5 their enemy team like a boss.

GP can eat an orange and escape the shadow realm that’s great.

It has like x10 the playerbase as Dota literally though, League works more like a fighting game then anything ability combos and actions scale up to 5+ actions.

Thats the point? Have you never used qss against Zed ults?

i can understand what's going on. the problem is the visual clutter created by the effects and the environment and characters not standing out enough from each other.
also the animations in dota are really wonky

>Yea Forums is legitimately full of people with a lacking social life nor have remotely decent reaction times and gameplay mechanics required for a MOBA.

Yes I know this demographic of people that animepost/waifu, usually these people would have panic attacks at anything competitive even the fact they probably play Aram or Dota arcade or something.

I like league since it has Azir and Gangplank, and no dota character interests me in their gameplay or character.

Realm of the Titan is obviously the best and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t played it and will never get the chance too either you poor poor souls.

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League is pay to win unless you're in Korea, they made all characters unlock able in Korea.

Attempting to unlock 130+ champion with a rotating shifting meta every 2 weeks is a bitch to be honest without paying.

It was generic as fuck, it was just another shitty LoL clone

Fun is a buzzword.

Sounds like you were bad LMAO

That's the same story of everyone who quits.

Iv seen people in my friends list added since season 2 play 5 hours a day+ and still hard stuck silver which is insane.

Pretty much the game is to refined so winning 50% of games and losing 50% of games knowing what the future holds without playing is hilarious.

55% win ratio means you have to grind out 300-500+ games just to get past 3 divisions.

I hardly believe majority of people actually bought champions with RP.

Thanks for admitting I'm right!

LoL has some really unique heroes that I like, for instance singed. None of the mobas have anything that good.

I could say the same for any other MOBA. You obviously just don't play the game.

>not just playing what you think is fun
Im playing the lowest winrate midlaner in Diamond with a 70% winrate. Meta matters fuck all.

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solo que?

League has Jinx, so League wins.

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I played like everyday for 8 years and probably broke even even with paying for characters.

Rune pages back then were insanely expensive.

that's the point entirely

as dead as your thread

Or you could just actually play the game.

is that official art?
why is her left eye just shrunk vertically?

got perma banned on league for calling people who were crying to report me liberals, so dota wins even though I never played it

>is that official art?

They're both filled with ASSFAGGOTRY. Teamfight tactics and Underlords is the new hot thing.

So they're doing fine?

I'm probably higher ranked then you in this game and have more games played across 3 account, but my point is a new player getting into this game is at a huge disadvantage especially not knowing or learning how the characters work personally behind a paywall.

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The irony of a LoL player saying this is staggering

Techies, Meepo, Invoker, Morphling, Storm Spirit are pretty unique and iconic

>they made all characters unlock able in Korea
figures they would give their beloved asian playerbase everything for free

Diamond means shit this season, low Diamond is technically high plat now or even worse.

>is there a more one-sided rivalry in all of gaming?
well ps4 sold more that xbox so.

League's been the most popular normie game for years and still is behind zoomernite. Dota exists as a client for auto chess now.

>Lore wise

I agree, Diamond is a shitfest but that doesnt change the fact that for 99.5% of the playerbase the meta means fuck all.

you have to use you're social security though to make an account to play League at all I think, or it's just PC bangs not sure.

You can’t even micro in LoL. Even HotS has more unique characters.

The meta shifts every 2 weeks, new players have to unlock champions to even remotely know what they do without watching weeks worth of videos.

Using a low win rate character is not the point at all, what if they specialize in using that low win rate character but still can't unlock the champion is my point.

Then why did HoTs die? Being unique and have a multiple play styles are 2 different things.

Even if it doesn't not having all the characters unlocked is fucking gay, and I played League for years. Having a large champion pool is just a good thing to have for locking in and trading for teammates, keeping you from being banned out, or even just for trying new characters.

Lol lore is dead. The chinese playerbase didn't like it so they just deleted it all and gave every character a dark and brooding backstory while churning out more anime slut waifus.

>Complains about burden of knowledge
>Says to play dota instead.
Nah, you're retarded. And I doubt you've been playing as long anyway. If your first AOS was on WC3 you're a newfag as far as I'm concerned. And if that term means nothing to you go kill yourself.

Because the game is casualized with team leveling and no gold.
That doesn’t change the fact that it has more unique characters.

With the 'new' blue essence champion system new players should be unlocking whatever shard they get as they level since it gives a hefty discount.
I really don't see the problem with having to unlock champions, besides, what else would you use blue essence on? Runes are gone, rune pages are useless and chromas only come around twice a year.

What's this autochess shit that's supposed to be the next "battle royale"?

Because it fucking sucked.

Honestly people need to realize that being in the top 50th percentile (Gold 4+) doesn't mean ANYTHING.

You are better than people who barely play, inactive accounts that decay, people who play on 15 FPS on lowest settings, people who play ranked while drunk. If you account for only people who played ranked in the last 3 days, diamond 1 starts looking closer to barely above average, while iron - d2 make up the bottom 50%

How slow does your brain actually work?

You're right, but Id like to think that since the champions have costs the player has to commit to playing that champion instead of going: 'this game im playing jayce, oh and this game im playing irelia' shitting up the game for everyone.

???? Riot spent the first like 5 years of Dota 2's life crying about it.

>the meta means fuck all.

no shit, pub meta and pro meta are different

I’d rather have that than lose a game because my teammate doesn’t have a specific hero counter unlocked.

>the top 2% (depending on server) accounts for 50% of active players the last 3 days
>despite this I can consistently meet the same people in high elo while this rarely occurs in gold or below
This is a huge shitpost. If you look at champions played statistics youd see that for dia+ games mid champions average 1/10th the games played of the same champion in plat+. What are you smoking? Is this bait?

Dota does. Characters like Arc Warden, at least lore wise are powerful enough to restore a god back to full strength. Not to mention universal constants like Chaos Knight/Kotl/Io.

Dota 2 is objectively better from a gameplay perspective simply because it's not bogged down by it's monetization scheme.

League is easier to get into and established a dominant position due to that + being the first game + Stockholm's syndrome

They used to have coherent lore and explanations, but it was retardedly bad. They even used to have a weekly "news" article they'd put in the client that had honest to god game devs writing about how they were dating characters like Nidalee. It was so bad it looped back around to being hilarious.

Imagine losing to drow ranger post nerf
Must be nice being 2k mmr

Does league have it's own 250kg beast?

Dota 2 is better in every way. LoL players can’t deny this.

>literally anything in League of Cookie Cutter Forced Roles

SMITE is just LoL with the camera panned down.
i.e. it sucks

Why are there no new good PC mobas? I feel like the concept could be refined a hell of a lot better than any of the big 3

There's no point in trying to compete with them.

I like dota better because there’s so many things you can be thinking about at any given moment and the game is based around thinking ahead and predicting enemy behavior. People always say that dota is chess and league is checkers, but this comparison works not only because of the added mechanics (trees, high ground, runes etc.) and hero complexity in dota but also because of how the game is played. Chess is, of course, all about thinking 5, 10, 15 moves ahead and dota plays the same way. The terms “win condition” and “lineup” didn’t exist in almost any of my league games, people usually just pick what they like and hope the game turns out in their favor.

League is heavily skillshot-based so it almost plays more like a fighting game or an fps that are reliant on reaction times and juking correctly. There is stuff like manta dodging and tree juking in dota but these skills aren’t really as essential as learning to dodge important skillshots like hooks or binds.

League also just has a lot of mental downtime. Laning can be pretty intense but you still have to teleport back to base every few minutes and spend ~30 seconds walking back to a lane. Dota doesn’t really have these large breaks in action since tp scrolls exist and even when you’re afk farming the jungle you have to do things like watching runes and using the courier.

Huge ults like black hole, rp, echo slam, chronosphere are immensely satisying to pull off and make team fights much more interesting and fun

Finally, dota has a ton of items that have a much higher impact than league items which mostly function as passive stat sticks. You can usually get away with following the exact same 6-item build path in 90% of your games and still do well. Building the correct item in a dota game can be game-changing and many heroes are based around getting that single item (e.g. Earthshaker/Axe blink dagger)

This. Every LOL match that goes above 45 minutes makes me cringe a little more each time when win or lose I realize I just put away 45+ minutes of my life in a single match in a video game. I really wish they were like 20-30 minutes tops. Play like 3ish matches for an hour when I have the time and go back to doing productive stuff or play for an hour before bed. That's not even taking into account how nightmarishly unenjoyable League matches can be.

They tried changing it once I think and players revolted. The prisoners have grown to like their chains.

dota is the melee to leagues ultimate

The game would have 20 min matches if people dropped their retarded "WINNABLE NEVER SURRENDAR!!1!1!" attitude. Half the reason I quit was because I was tired of 2 autists deciding to hijack my fun for almost an hour because they couldn't just admit they lost or were doing it on purpose to fuck with their team.

More like

>Dota 1
>Dota 2
>Project M
>Smash 4

dont bring your dead mobas into this only 2 exist nowadays just like only 2 smash games exist
if you want to get real about it then well go
>dota 2
>project M
>smash 4

League is for immature zoomers because its roster is filled with furries, edgelords, waifubait, homos, traps and literal children. This also makes the game attractive to these very same people

>revival efforts are all unfocused and conflicting guaranteeing none will succeed if they don't go MIA before then
why did it have to die bros? it had actual graphics

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>HoN Brawl
>League Project M
Not even close. HoN was at least good once.

why did this fail tho? it looked fun and i like wasd action combat genre or w/e you call those

epic focused all their attention on fortnite after it blew up
i understand why but i'm still mad

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Indecisiveness and Fortnite

Yea Forums has fighting game threads though

It was fucking garbage. Nothing about it was balanced and the card system they used for upgrades was clunky and dumb. Then they "improved" it by making it even dumber and more difficult to actually do anything with.

Oh i forgot the biggest problem. They threw all the platforms together so the game basically boiled down to whoever had the least amount of console mouthbreathers won. Console players just couldnt compete with PC and it showed.

Honestly, if you aren't in Challenger then you're total and utter abject shit. You don't even have a knowledge of the game until Grandmaster.

I'd rather not play Rock, Paper, Scissors followed by a coin toss.

This might be the most pathetic LoLbabby mental gymnastics I've ever seen

I used to think this was one of those semi-ironic exaggerations but then I got to grandmaster just playing normally. There will never be a game where the actual best people who are actually trying are playing in the same game, so you can be D1 elo and still get matched with top ranking people like Tarzaned and other streamers.

You don't even need mechanics, just semi-logical thinking of when to get objectives and not whiffing your main damage/cc skill

>League works more like a fighting game
Yeah no. What the fuck is this.

Yeah, someone post the pics (e.g. the no more DOTA advertising), I know you have them.

Tbh Valve's version of DotA is worse than the one made by a random custom game dev too so it's not a big surprise.

Dota 2 has some neat lore tidbits but also some really bad character bios (e.g. terrorblade, although those are tongue in cheek). LoL is all bad.

>Miss Fortune spilled into the room as she spilled in her blouse, both taxed to contain her.

A lot of it just comes down to continuing to play and grind matches rather than realizing you don't really care that much about your rank in a video game you aren't getting paid to play nor ever will and you quit. People who put a ton of time in and continue to suck are the outliers I think. Or at the very least their issues are more attitude oriented than mechanics after a certain point. "How many creeps have you missed while typing that? How many did it cause your teammate to miss while responding to you?" type of thing.

>Playing a MOBA game in 2019

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I don't, I play Dota.

>Dota has better design
They have 2 complete different designs.
Dota is more ESL and tryhard.
League is easier accesable for everyone and just more fun.