FFXIV Shadowbringers

Shadowbringers thread.

Which tank has the least amount of "build up to the fun stuff after a long ass time, then wait a long ass time to do it again"?
I just want my kit to be fun as soon as I engage something.
Seems like PLD & GNB are the only ones, is that correct?

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Other urls found in this thread:


they all do

Anyone remember the actual BLM rotation at leveln 70? Trying to level one right now but I forgot how.

Well GNB starts with a pretty full kit, leveling PLD from the beginning is boring. Well, PLD was my first job way back when, so it might have gotten better.

they all do
war has IR window, pld has requiescat, gnb has continuation, drk has delirium

Will ODIN be open for char creation in a few hours? Very important question, please reply.

GNB gets to do it's fun stuff every 30 seconds, which is a bit faster than DRK, and I don't know shit about PLD or WAR


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Reminder Thancred could solo Hades because Ishikawa is a stupid fucking bitch Thancred is canon stronger than the WoL now

all servers open in the early hours of the day


>game has been hunting at Ala Mhigans summoning Rhalgr to fight off the Empire since our first visit to Little Ala Mhigo
>teases it again at the end of HW
>fucking Ilberd goes and summons discount Bahamut instead
Well fuck you too

Blizz3 enochian blizz4 thunder3 fire3 (sharpcast) fire4 times three fire fire4 times three blizz3
sprinkle in ley lines and manafont as you will to get more fire4 in a row and to extend fire phase, also get rid of polyglots before you waste one

Man, DNC sure is a lot of fun, I love how it has a whole 6 buttons at 80, and 4 of those are locked behind RNG procs

It's actually a primal of Midgardsormr.

What’s the fastest way to level up my retainers? And which jobs should I give my retainers?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about my adorable sapling, you little bitch? I'll have you know he graduated top of his class in the Hall of the Novice, and has been involved in numerous secret raids on the Crystal Tower, and has over 300 confirmed clears. I am trained in gorilla magick and I'm the top pixie in the entire Kingdom of Rainbows. You are nothing to me but just another mortal. I will wipe you the fuck out with pranks the likes of which has never been seen before on this star, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to my sapling over the Linkpearl? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fae across the First and your aether is being traced right now so you better prepare for the fun, interloper. The fun that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking addled, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can transform you into over seven hundred different things, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in nu mou magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Kingdom of Voeburt and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the shard, you little shit. If only you could have known what fae retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fairies all over you and you will drown in them. You're a fucking bush, kiddo.

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Continuation is every 29 seconds, and No Mercy is every 60 seconds.
GNB is incredibly consistent, as opposed to building up to spam one move over and over and over and over.

>dnc is fun
It has 3 buttons and the most braindead rotation in the game

>Not sure if I should go SAM or DRG

It's hard to choose desu

What server should I join?

Send them out on Fast journey or whatever. The 1 hour one. They'll get EXP fast. also make their job something you already have leveled or are about to level and then give them your old gear.

I see detecting sarcasm is difficult for you

You're the guy who insists his WoL isn't a guilt-ridden mess, right?

>going through MSQ as PLD
>use Trust for story dungeons
>get to Titania, can't do it through Trust, queue in DF and read a guide on the fight
>kind of understand it but I have to try things firsthand to properly learn
>fight starts
>other tank dies and I fail to pick up hate in time to save a DPS from getting hit with a tankbuster
>level 80 viera dancer yells at me and calls me useless
Just let me keep playing with NPCs please

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I'm enjoying DRG rn while it's hilariously broken and hoping it isn't nerfed into the ground.

Don't be so weak you autistic spaz you literally have provoke that got buffed.

PLD has 2 separate buff windows, FoF and Req, they spend more time IN their burst windows than out of them.

>You're a fucking bush, kiddo.
Based Madbloom

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Pray, elucidate unto me thine belligerancy once more, youth...
Erstwhile, while thou hast frittered thine days away in indolence, mine own excellence hath soared higher than the peaks of Sohm Ahl, nay, to the very vaults of the heavens themselves!
From the collegiate of Baldesion, to the deepest reaches of Garlemald, fifteen-score men have I lain low, with the grace and skill of chirurgeons of legend, and all the rancor of the Primals and their beastmen subjugate.
Thou art yet but one more fetid soul to rend unto Oblivion.
Verily, the wrath I have yet to bear upon thine personage will be found even within the tomestones of ancient Allag, so great will thine suffrance be of mine ire, that even time itself will disobey its casual flow and rescribe history forthwith; Hearken to me, cur.
Thine words reach mine ears and they resolve into naught but coyness, replete of filth and ignorance.
Thine puissant scribework, as grotesque as an unmasked Goblin.
Pray, and speak true, dost thou truly believe thineself equal to mine own personage? Nay.
Ere long, mine compatriots shall away and arrive user to thine dwelling, fire and fury in their breasts, stell bared, and cantrip upon the ready.
Thou'rt doomed, wastrel; even The Mothercrystal weeps for what shall befall thee.
Nay, not even the Twelve themselves shall shelter thee from mine ardor, and even the Ascians will decry my cruelty whenceforth issued.
Such will be mine wrath, that it shall bring about the true Eighth Umbral Calamity.
Thy glibness hath only wrought ire and fury, and not even the Warrior of Light will be able to save you from mine.
For I hath drawn forth the cards of eld, and thine fortunes spelt plain.
Thou'rt fucked, churl.

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>tfw brd will always be best range dps

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gg now you have full enimity. Don’t give up, everyone makes mistakes.


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>Alliance Raid (DPS in need)
>wait time 22mins
Well then

My WoL isn't a fucking bitch but the stupid writer cunt making him a bitch he fucking jobbed to pajeet that Thancred beat this stupid fucking Ishikawa whore making Thancred stronger than the fucking WoL

>Plays a MMO
>Wants to play with NPC's


>Queue with friend for 80 dungeon as tank/healer
>Pull a few packs, notice shit takes forever to die
>Open ACT
>SMN is doing 2k dps
>SMN is cute female au ra
>Gear is shit
>She is using abilities randomly
>Other DPS tries to kick
>Vote it down and /pet the au ra through the dungeon

Bad players are cute! Cute!

Based urianger poster

>Provoke instantly makes you the target
>Not staying in Shield Oath to make sure you have second aggro and then turning it off

WoL has always been a bitch, whether to Zenos, Amaljaa or Brass Blades and Crystal Braves

When is the game letting us behead Laurentius and Yuyuhase?

This, just stay in shield oath. If the other tank tells him to turn it off tell him it’s in case he dies and you want to be extra certain you can pick up boss.

Fuck you WoL should been fucking protagonist now he just a fucking bitch the scions doing fucking every thing WoL acting like a little bitch what the fuck we do this expansion we didn't do shit we fucking lost to every thing the fucking scions can beat Emet bitch by themself because Ishikawa hates WoL she's a fucking cunt


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This old hag cat craves barbed HrothChad cock

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you should really go back to WoW

Fucking piece of shit he shouldn't fucking beat us that was fucking bullshit then he lost to fucking Thancred after he fucking beat WoL that's fucking bullshit

Stop fucking larping as pajeetnigger.
This is your last (You). Don't spend it all in one place.

>now just a fucking bitch
>when they've always been a bitch who had to be saved by Thancred against Ardbert, and Urianger and Alisaie against the WoD

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finally brothers.....

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>want to grind DPS to 80 but at the same time too lazy spam the same dungeon 100x times
>abuse the trust system and let my scions slaves do all of the work while I try to finish a manga.
Comfy as fuck, the Scions aren't as bad as I think afterall.

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you seems obsessed

I wonder if this guy lost his shit over having to get saved from Omega by Middy

WoW fucking shit all the lore bitches do every thing you not even the same fucking height all the fucking lore faggots taller than you
Fuck you I'm not that guy bitch you think 1 guy only think this expansion shit because WoL is a weak fucking faggot

>Queuing up for Trial Roulette
>Joining party in progress
>It's fucking Titania for the 100th time
>The only players left are first timers going for the story clear
>Clear it first time with no issues
Why does this keep happening? Is it because shitters that drag down the party always leave after 1 wipe?


I don't mind getting an assist from my bros desu, they're always eager to pull their weight and it's great that they're getting the chance

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>27 seconds into a fight and you can't even outburst the sustained damaged of other dps

I really hope he is not dead, and that neither are the twin jesters. I want a proper rematch.

Why would you ever turn off shield oath

I am 100% obsessed with big meaty Hrothgar cock, I wish I had a Hrothgar daddy to breed me all day long

its good enough for support dps like NIN who isnt meant to beat the big bois out

what was the party comp

>Letting a dpslet tell you shit
They are literally walking sluts made for matting press. Worse than healers. Tell them to fuck off and pick up tanking if they want to bitch. That shuts the up 85% of the time.


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No it's fucking not we suppose be the fucking hero but Thancred fucking stronger than us that's fucking bullshit we the fucking WoL we the fucking hero ffs this expansion is fucking trash

Is there even any hint that Lyse wants the WoL D?
Only one still living who seems to want it is Alisaie and Aymeric

you should go back to /vg/

me on the striking dummy @ the tempest

I hope Ryne's boots become an item you can actually obtain.

actual new players actually try. the majority of wipes are caused by people who've done it before but get lazy

Fuck you Pajeet better fucking stay dead that piece of shit worst part this expansion we fucking jobbed to that little bitch we fucking humiliate by Thancred it's fucking garbage

Because in my experience, the other tank is a fucking brainlet and I'd end up ripping aggro. I'm not slowing down.

G'raha Tia does as well

That's what shirk is for

I can do 4-5 ninja LB at once, can (you) do that, WoL?

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I think they wanted her to be waifubait but gave up once they realized nobody actually liked her.

no its not, you should be hitting like 18-20k that early in the fight

I hope Alisaie's thighs become an item I can obtain

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2 fucking guys 1 girl that's gay this game fucking gay

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>No clue how to dodge the boss' attacks in the Well dungeon
>Follow the Scions before the boss even begins attacking and escape with 0 damage
Feels good but I still have no clue how that attack works

I hope Alphinaud's ass is an item I can obtain

>tfw want to adopt one of these guys

this grind is going to be the end of me

It's often not enough. A lot of MT's take the spot as an excuse to do fuck all but wail on the boss all fight, but do so with all the energy of a pensioner.

exodus cause i'm in it

any as long as you play on Aether or Primal

Sorry, Epp. Alphinaud already stamped Estinien's name on it.

just eb a dragongirl player if you wanna get your virtual dick sucked

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can you show me a parse that actually has a NIN do 18k-20k on opener on a striking dummy, this is just preliminary testing on opening anyways id def like to see what theyre doing to achieve that solo

Xenoglossy -> Umbral Soul
Problem solved

>mfw I said nigger to a DNC
>he actually left the party

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what if the amaroutine are one of the shad beast tribes?

Why the fuck I tranny marriage that's fucking gayer


Is that Falkor?

Reminder that Alisaie's hero worship of the WoL is basically just her equivalent of Alphinaud doing the same to Estinien
She does not, and will never want their D

Fuck you

because SE will never actually let you romance an NPC so it's useless getting upset about it. If you want to jack off just commission art of whichever NPC you want to fuck.

Definitely not solo, that's my bad. My ninja hits 21k at 30 seconds with a DNC/RDM/DRG/NIN/AST composition

Too bad, she's getting it. She's going to be tempered by the Wang of Light.

>She does not, and will never want their D
Then why does she get all huffy when someone else starts doting on the WoL?

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Thining about switching to Summoner, How is it now? Also my friend keep telling me to play the meta, should i tell him to fuck off?

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Even bigger reminder that wanting an intimate relationship in the context of an MMO between your main character and NPCs is laughably autistic.

>trying to progress in the story
>keep taking breaks to furiously masturbated to the femlalas I keep seeing
It's not fair bros

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It'd be... Kino.

>her equivalent of Alphinaud doing the same to Estinien
>She does not, and will never want their D
I'm getting some mixed signals here. Alphinaud is a slave to Estinien's cock.

I don't want to play through the main story anymore...What do?

>Oh joy its another 15 minute role-play battle where you press 3 buttons

Fuck these stupid things

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How far in are you?

It's fucking gay they focus on eb tranny shit WoL should fuck the npcs Yoshida is a fucking retarded piece of shit bitch faggot

whats the best job if i wanna be a knigga, DRK or PLD?

As opposed to wanting a relationship with the tranny players? That sounds much more autistic.

Yeah because it's normal to get jealous and angry whenever someone else shows admiration for your "hero".

I thought the Thancred fight was pretty cool.

Still in ARR. Heard the "after-story" of ARR was a mess.

keep throwing an autistic fit I guess

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Femlalas a best.
SMN is fine as a DPS, people liked to meme hard on it last week for being below RDM but it's a sizable chunk above it now that shitters have been filtered out.

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Where does it say that's the alternative option you fucking autist.
Stop trying to peddle romance in a video game where there clearly isn't any.

PLD aesthetically, but storywise DRK's act more fucking knightly than the paladins do.

Fuck you tranny that 'girl' you eb is some fatass with axe wound

PLD is a job for sandrats slave to their potato queen, DRK is for big boys who want to protect their own with LOVE

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I liked the Y'shtola vs Magnai one a lot.
The only one I really hated was Hien vs Zenos

What if we just didn't turn MMOs in to dating sims you virgin.

want to get back in but i know as soon as i drop in im gonna have no idea what to do or where to go and i have no friends that play it so meh

>npcs can fuck each other
>but WoL stay virgin loser
You fucking cuck bitch

ARR's post-story quests are actually more interesting than the entirety of ARR. There's quite a bit of filler in them though so going through it can be quite a drag, I agree.

>Heard the "after-story" of ARR was a mess
It's not, it's just long and spends time setting up plot points for the future.

>Roleplay system could be used to let us play as characters who have unique skills and aren't just a copy of a player job like Gaius.
>All we get is shitty GNB, shitty WHM, shitty BLM, shitty BRD and shitty PLD.

Starts off shit but ends up great.

Imagine obsessing so seriously over a fictional character that you SERIOUSLY ship them with the MC that you self insert as. Imagine that same character being underage, making you into a pedo.

Friendly reminder that wol only has eyes for Hoary Boulder.

DRK if you want to protect an underage girl
PLD if you want general chivalry

Most of the 7th Astral Era arc is a slog because of all of the filler, the story doesn't pick up until towards the very end unfortunately.
I say its worth toughing it out until the end, but do know you still definitely have a long ways to go.

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>where there clearly isn't any
I think you use autism as an insult because you have it yourself. Not being able to recognize romantic advances and not properly interpreting the feelings of others are pretty big indicators of being autistic.


I'm giving FFXIV another go.
So far I'm level 43. The game is comfy but for the most part it's been a bit of a slog getting through the MSQ. I've heard it improves in heavensward though.

You fucking faggot eb is just tranny shit you know that right you fucking retard

what's the DRK opener?

It would have been cool if it was 4 minutes and not 25

God, imagine being that slutty archer and being spitroasted by the Boulder Bros every night.

Why does improvisation fucking suck so much? DNC is fun, but goddamn what an underwhelming skill.

WoL only has eyes for murder.

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That's all they fucking are to the majority of the playerbase.

switching job stone to paladin

There is no romance subplot written for the WoL in the entire game. If you think there is then you are reading something from nothing and fail to understand what platonic friendship and mutual respect is.

Thancred fight was fucking bullshit fuck you we fucking jobbed to pajeet then Thancred fucking soloed pajeet we're the fucking WoL we should be stronger than fucking Thancred

>Don't want to EB anyone but feel bad that my WoL will just be a lonely old maid

She doesn't deserve the fate I'm handing her.

Power through it soldier. It'll only make the future kino in store much more rewarding.

>the MC that you self insert as
nigger i play a female potato, do you think i self insert

ARR story was rushed to get the game out ASAP. In the expansions it shows that they wanted to put a lot more effort into the stories they were telling and characters they were making.

stay strong, even though ARR can be janky the story sets up a lot of things that don't pay off til later

>another of the million of shadownigger thread
Fuck off to /vg/ already.

There none for the WoL but there shit ton for the npcs that means WoL is a fucking cuck that's fucking bullshit these fucking jap cuckolds can't write for shit

Enjoy being cucked by coultenet

I hope the concentrated autism in this thread is in reality ironic

>anybody who calls me out for being autistic is a tranny
You people have one joke and extremely thin skin.

Fucking pathetic

Imagine not

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You can EB my WoL and we canbe spinsters together

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make me bitch

You fucking talking about eb not npc romance that mean you are fucking tranny you retard

This is fucking hilarious.

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This is how you look if you are some dumb user that tries to ship the WoL with any in-game NPC.
You are literally the pajeet user.


How about AOE burst?

Fuck you tranny your eb fucks roes on the side retard

Is there some program to find the hunts or something, I joined a hunt train but within seconds of a hunt dying another location was posted and we went through all 3 instances of all the ShB zones. Is it cheating?

>quest NPC hits on WoL
>Alisaie gets clearly flustered and angry
>"duhhhh there's no romance"
Just because its implicit rather than explicit doesn't mean it isn't there, not that a social retard like you could recognize that.

Can't stop, won't stop.

SAM is vez and vbig numbers. It will never be bad.

>cleared Titania after 4 hours of wipes
This was fun.Buy why are you calling Titania harder than Innocence? The most cancerous Titania mechanic is frost rune because it is visual vomit.

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fuck off etika

what fucking nonsense did you just type?
Is English not your first language? Are you 12? Are you just retarded?

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It's a downtime skill what did you expect, it does its job great

Imagine just imagine actually thinking wol has a romance with Alisae for your own disgusting satisfaction. Lmao you are so pathetic, I can’t wait to see you get btfo when wol is revealed to be asexual

Fuck you tranny cuck

>Hit 80 as GNB
>"Alright now to finish the story and go level my RDM with my trust buddies"
>Finish the story and all the trusts immediately reset to fucking 71
>It would take like 60 dungeons to get just three of them to level 80 again

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Do not interact with Maverick Coldsteel. His brain is fried.

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Titania is harder in the sense that one person can wipe the entire party by missing their puddle in the second half or confusing their N and S for tethers, or just slacking on the job taking the lightning tether. Innocence requires everyone to be alert because mechanics are applied randomly and callouts only work for the intersecting sword aoes

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A random person hitting on someone is not romance. Romance implies things actually happen.

doing 2 mainstory roulettes give you one level
then all of the rest give at least a half to 3 quarters of a level. just do roulettes. im on my 4th character now

>being a fag
>not going after alisaie or rynes cunnies

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that's how i feel about soul arrow. did any class get a really good 80 skill?

I wouldn't know, I'm trying to not touch the EX Primals until I can actually beat the dummies. I don't want to drag the party down in case of a DPS check.

Frost rune is the easiest one my guy
You can't complain about it if you never even did PS3 Shiva

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Don't forget
>Can't use either Lyna or the Exarch anymore
Fuck the scions, I wanted to see the new characters in action more.

Why the fuck do we let the Confederacy exist? Actual pirateniggers that just rob people for the fun of it instead of getting actual jobs. Why do Doma and Hingashi just let them live? Is this the power of plot armor?
>muh freedom
>muh doman chains instead of garlean ones

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If its any consolation, leveling them to max unlocks glamour for them. Except Ryne because Yoshi knows you guys are sick.

if i recall there was some program that was able to scan for spawned mobs in RAM and put them on your minimap

technically it wasn't cheating, it was just displaying info the client already had on hand, but it may have been banned by now

I really hope they fix this, or at least give XP to the ones you aren't taking on the mission too so you aren't stuck really grinding that obscene number of dungeons for just a title.

It's kinda funny to see the nonsensical autistic tantrum though.

The romance wasn't in the passing compliment from the NPC, it was from Alisaie's reaction. Are you braindead or do you seriously have so little social experience that you can't understand this kind of scenario?

>When she's almost through puberty

>What is Hero Worship
Hint, it's not romance.

Take off your programming socks and stop shilling your retarded twitter headcanon

>just imagine actually thinking wol has a romance with Alisae
But they don't, and that's the problem.

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elezen don't hit puberty til their 20s

Demi-Phoenix is pretty good though a bit derivative.

Yeah why the hell were they being pushed as good guys? Stormblood sucked so hard.

Because right now they're too useful to get rid of. Axe the Confederacy and Garlemald can reestablish sea dominance unopposed.

titania = people can't position for vines, people don't know north/south, people can't count or follow a rotation

innocence = absolutely nothing happens the entire fight other than some aoes and even if people die to them you can recover and still win

>It's normal to get jealous and angry when someone else looks up to someone you do
This is textbook autism

We are finally getting our time. Cant wait to find out what its like if i can just get past these post stormblood msqs.

>PS3 Shiva
5 fps? Titania has pretty big fps drops on ps4. Can't remember if Shiva had them. Probably yes.

>Sizeable chunk above
It's barely above for twice the effort

A lot of people just don't understand how it works because so much shit happens at once.

They hit it only a few years after Hyur do.

Because our enemy is the Garlean empire, which we share with them
The fact that they're dirty pirate scum is the Domans problems after the rebellion is done

every single frog i've played with has been complete dog shit

>Just do roulettes
Yeah man I love fucking half hour queues and dealing with retards who don't know how to dodge obvious AoE and roll on gear I want. Fuck you. Give me back the God damn Trusts. This is stupid. I don't wanna play with autistic edgelord Male Xaela DRGs that stand in every AOE, healers who don't DPS, memelord pedo lala players, or neckbeard c@sluts. It's bad enough that I have to do EXs and roulette for tomes with these freaks.
That's whatever really to me.
It is not a consolation at all.
I just don't understand the logic. Had I known I just would have done all my leveling before finishing the fucking MSQ.

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A one sided unrequited love with a side character does not mean something is categorized as romance.

>healing for a GNB in a dungeon
>constantly on the edge of life or death in big pulls
>healing for a WAR/DRK/PLD in a dungeon
>comfy times even if the pull is big
I'm still not sure if this is because GNB players are just bad at tanking or if GNB is just that much more squishy compared to the rest

Stay in denial tranny

>When someone steals your attention away from a doting niece it means your niece actually wants to fuck when she acts annoyed by it.
The Scions are basically family at this point and you romance autists are just mentally ill.

>not having dps in need

Freeze -> Enochian -> Thunder4 -> Fire3 -> Flare -> Flare (-> Manafont -> Flare) (->Max Ether -> Flare) -> Transpose
Do triplecast, ley lines at your will and Foul when its ready

Alisaie is 16, not a fucking toddler you psycho

A bit of both. We DO have defensive cooldowns, but it's more for parrying and dodging shit than just lowering damage. So a bit of bad RNG can fuck us up.

That being said, because it's the Gunblade class, most GNBs are gonna be retards that just want the gunblade without actually learning the class.

They're probably bad or undergeared. Ran Malikah's with a SCH earlier and I felt like I wasn't taking any damage at all, I never fell below 50% while pulling from wall to wall and everything died in a timely manner.
Though I was 80, but the SCH was 77. Butter smooth run either way.

redpill me on the ways of BLM
how should one be using sharpcast and umbral soul

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I remember them having to patch it because it shredded the framerate; don't remember if this vid I found is from before or after the fix though
But it's still much worse than Titania's

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If we took them out the garleans would have easy control over the ruby sea.

What boss?
First boss
>pbAoE after the stack marker
>donut AoE after pbAoE
>random smaller AoE throughout the arena during the aforementioned AoEs

Second boss
>pbAoE, followed by 4 large AoEs at intercardinals
>pushback, followed by a spinning waterbeam

Third boss
>Heretic's Fork is a cross AoE, go to the corners
>Breaking Wheel is a donut AoE, go to the center
>Nails mimic the boss' AoE, if the boss does Wheel, go to the center of the nail closest to the entrance, when its AoE resolves, go to the next nail in a clockwise rotation
>if the boss does Heretic's Fork, go to the nail that would resolve its AoE AFTER the first nail, then after the first nail resolves, go to the third nail, and so on

Huge FPS drops plus if you played EU then you had to predict which way the circle would go because of the shit ping

PLDchad here, if i see a single healer dpsing I shirk them and yell respect the content

I don't understand either. And they need giant amount of XP. Even if you spam dungeons with them you will outlevel them after 4-5 runs.
>you need to level up EVERYONE of them
fuck this.

Probably 17 by now after her time in the first.

I didn't say an age, have you never had a teenager look up to you and want your attention before?
Are you an only child?

Next level autism, I wonder what endears you to post in threads where everyone dislikes you

Can anyone post that footwear showcase site? Asking for myself.

If your neice is like... 17 or 18? Yeah that probably does mean she wants the dick honestly. Or is mentally retarded, but we aren't talking about Lyse here.

>The First has invisible dinosaurs
What the fuck

Their bodies are still in the Source and it's been a couple of weeks at most.

I forgot it crashed the PS3

>FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Hotfixes (Oct. 30, 2014) The following issues have been addressed.
>•In “The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)” certain circumstances caused the client to freeze and become inoperable. (PlayStation®3 version only)

>started playing a month ago
>blasted through ARR and HW, loving the game
>hit SW and I have lost all motivation to play
I'm only at lvl 61 in the MSQ and I just can't find the will to go on. The writing suddenly dropped to the quality of a shit anime, what the fuck happened?

WoL and Magnus us canon. Runarfags cuckfags need not apply.

why does Uriange look so GAY?

>cafe short story with all the girls talking about who likes who
>Alisaie comes up and they all talk about how they know how she feels about you
You people are seriously fucked in the head

If Yoshi P doesn't want to introduce child characters for ethical reasons, why did he make Lalafell females with fat cock-milking thighs?

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based retard cutscene skipper

Stardiver, Confiteor, Scorch and Bunshin are decent.
GNB's is the more boring shit ever though. It's a decent potency bump, but that's literally all there is to it.

>Needing 4 fucking hours to clear Titania
What the hell?

umbral soul during downtime

you ideally sharpcast on thunder and hit it while weaving, but you can clip going from ice to fire or vice versa if you have no choice

How do I play SMN on controller?

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because they aren't children?


>Shiva was so cold she could freeze the client

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How the FUCK am I supposed to emnity now as a WAR

That story was top cute

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So I can dress them how I want?

SMN is broked as hell right now dude just play BLM if you want damage or RDM if you want the mobility that badly. You could justify SMN before cuz it would complete with BLM and had a rez and had mobility, now it's fucking fighting to stay above RDM.

Pretty sure that poster meant Titania EX.

Shoha has an amazing animation.

Reminder the canon relationships are.

WoL x alisaie x feo ul
FemWoL x g'raha x feo ul
Y'shtola x Runar
Thancred x minfilia + ryne
Ayymeric, pajeet user and Little sun in the cuckshed

You wanted to get into the SB is shit memes

post it

Defiance. That's all you need.

Even so, I cleared it during EA ilvl 430 in 2 lockout when there was no guide around.
Same with Innocence.

How bad can they be?

Ohoho now this is the level of based needed around these parts

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Will we get a teaser or something for Eden this weekend, or do those only show for the second and third tiers in the patch trailers?

It gets better around 66 and in the post 70s. Just tough it out.

He can never go for a woman again after what happened with Moenbryda

>Feo Ul

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The canon relationship is wol x hoary boulder since its not an autistic ship

It's only one sided because fucking cuckold japs don't let us requite it the WoL is a fucking virgin loser because the japs only support tranny marriage they're fucking retarded small dick jap cocksuckers

>queue for expert roulette
>gunbreaker tank
>anime name
>viera wearing their racial armor
>mentor crown
>respects the content

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PLD has Cover which lets you literally block all damage targeting your healslut with your massive, muscular body, so it automatically wins.

They don't drop trailers for things that aren't patches retard

Why is a Mentor Crown such a shitter magnet?

Sharpcast should also be used on thunder4s to get free procs, right?

Theres already a picture with the names of all the bosses and pictures of the arenas if you want a teaser so badly.

no need to beat the dummy. There are those that have cleared it with fuck all dps

Im lv.50 and im trying to free the scions captured by the empire after garuda. How long til i finish ARR

Cry harder Ion.


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A lot

100 hours

Garuda is near the end of the 1-50 quests, you then have a huge pile of lvl 50 quests to do. The story of ARR only really gets good in the last few patches.

shipping =/= canon

And hoary boulder? That one guy that challenge us for a spar and get his ass decimated?

If you still haven't done the quest called A Realm Reborn, you still have like 100+ quests. 2.X is long so be prepared

>fire3 (sharpcast) fire4
Nice clipping.

Enjoy getting cucked by Coultenet

Because the requirements are not skill requirements, but grind requirements.

>Take a break from GNB to level up a DPS because they're almost always the empty slots in PF lately
>Every tank is a shitter GNB
>Half of them are wearing the Noctis clothes

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Fuck you bitch

You're coming up on nearly being almost half way there.

You're almost done with the base content, next you'll have to do the patch content which only gets good once Ishgard and the Crystal Braves enters the stage.

Here's what I do:
>Swap to pet hot bar for positioning purposes with R1
>Put all damaging abilities on face buttons
>Put all buffs on d-pad
>Put all summon actions on extra hotbar you can bring up with R2+L2 (you can make separate hotbars show up for pressing R2 before L2 and vice versa but I make them the same for easier use), use a normal hotbar to keep track of the cooldowns of these
>Double tap R2 for lesser used actions, use another normal hotbar to keep track of their cooldowns if you want
>Double tap L2 for non-combat stuff, teleport, return, mount, etc.

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Hoary Boulder's already dating that one slut

I never understand this comment because Thancred -literally- had to nearly kill himself and Pajeet teleported away anyways.

I'm retarded, as a controller pleb what's the best way to track cooldowns for hidden [L+R/R+L bars] or even better, is there some way to display these bars as crossbars permanently?


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what do you think hes up too

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Make a separate hotbar that has your CDs on it above your cross hotbar

We were on our fucking knees after first fight with pajeet in a fucking team Thancred fucking soloed him standing over him pajeet was on his knees it was fucking bullshit we should be stronger than fucking Thancred but the new writer bitch is a no talent cocksucking whore that how she get job that dumb bitch

Pet swapping all goes on the road
All of your main abilities like ruin, and the dots on the abxy buttons
Not as commonly used buttons are all on the WHXB which you can double tap RT or LT to access when needed

Good. It is now has memes because you triple weave.

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Yeah, sure

>2.X is long so be prepared
This user aint kidding. I just want to go to HW. I'm about to fight Ramuh. How long do I have left? I don't even see the inkling of Shiva yet.

By switching to KBM

BLM here, for the love of christ can we get visual upgrades on Fire 1, Thunder 3 and Foul?
honestly just replace late game fire 1 with some other similar ability

Deal with it, this shit's important even if there is filler shoved in the middle of each relevant bit

yikes and incelpilled

Please post more Titania and Feo Ul they are cute and I love them

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>standing over him
>fell down and nearly died the fucking second Pajeet teleported away

The war on the Source is still going on, so he is probably still out there auto attacking Garleans.

Sharpcast is good for getting extra leeway in your Fire IV chain as it'll proc Firestarter when you use Fire 1, but it'll also proc your free Thunder too so that'll depend on which you need.
Umbral Soul is used in two situations, downtime between fights, and anytime you're needing to move instead of fight due to mechanics as it will keep Umbral Ice up as long as you need to keep it up, just remember to transpose out of Astral Fire when you need it, because you'll get yourself set up with more polyglots for upkeep and refresh your Umbral Hearts every time you use it so when you can cast again you can Thunder 3 into Fire 3 and get a fresh cycle going.

I don't play SMN, was just going by how it's risen in ranks on fflogs since last week. Obviously not ideal but fine enough til Savage hits which should come with buffs, hopefully for underperforming jobs.
But don't expect the good kind when it comes to healers, SE has no fucking clue what they are doing with healers ever.

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You have a long ways to go.
Make sure to pay attention during the Shiva parts because that's where the buildup to HW really starts.

>Nobles hate him for ruining their place in society
>Peasants hate him because he was born a noble
Probably pulling his hair out, wondering who's going to stab him next.

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Was trying to avoid that due to looking clunky and taking a while to remember binds
Nah, controller is comfortable and works surprisingly well. I use kbm for most things involving the UI though

"hurr im not pretending to be pajeetnigger even though I'm exactly replicating the way he talked"
Breathe saltwater you shitskin

>TFW GNB and not a shitter
>Retard edgelords and owo fags come up to me and ask me for tips because I was aware enough to dodge AoE on Titania and Innocence for two hours to get a weapon and jewelry
Someone get these fucking freaks away from me before I catch their disease.

Controller settings>Cross>Always display WXHB

He was fucking standing over him fucking check it asshole we didn't force pajeet teleport away first fight we lost like a little fucking bitch we had a fucking team it was trash we're the fucking WoL we should be stronger than punk ass Thancred

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Stop being shit.

Magnus or Runar

Chill, the story starts improving soon.

Also, do yourself a favor and switch to Jap voice acting now so you don't have to deal with the sudden swap of the entire English voice cast at the start of HW.


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Think I already have that checked but I'll double check in a minute



Is it extra kino if I do Stormblood and Shadowbringers as a Dark Knight? I’m a Gunbreaker right now and it feels slightly wrong

>Also, do yourself a favor and switch to Jap voice acting now
Awful advice

I would enable extended cross bar and put it on there if you just want to track cool downs. Like put all the cool downs on the left extended bar.

>I'm about to fight Ramuh
You've already reached the point where the story is getting interesting if you were actually paying attention.

Whenever we get more egi glamours

I like the fireball and thunderball. Not every skill needs to be a gigantic explosion.
Not sure what is wrong with Foul either.

Shut up weeb.

Magnus is a salty bitch who can't stop wallowing in the past. Runar is an accommodating pillar of the community, and Y'Shtola can attest to his pillar being accommodating.

Had one myself where I joined mid way with 30 mins left and we got done with it in one go. It’s them lucky shitters that got carried that quit I swear.

>Kan-E-Senna DCed

>pretty much all they'd have to do to make healers not shit right now is give WHM Aero III back, literally just revert Astrologian back to Stormblood, except keep the new card system because Balance fishing was a cancer killing the game, and give Scholars Miasma and Bane back

Haha sic argument bro please tell me SMN doesn't need a buff right now and it's fine as is even though it's damage is completely neutered.

>Switch to the JP voices when the EN voices stop being shit

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The post-ARR English VA is fucking terrible. Alphinaud alone is enough to ruin it completely.

Stupid Alphinaud, can't you do anything by yourself?

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Dragoon, accept no substitutes
Monk, jobswap to Samurai in the Far East. Give your friend the battle he dreams of.
Dork Knight

>play Final Fantasy game
>get upset when party member do things too

Well am very bad. But this is same for every EX for me on EU. You waste hours for one kill. And then you just EZ mode farm. EU PF is horrible. Especially because of angry frogs, memers and parsers.

>switch to worse voice acting now so you dont have to deal with the sudden better voice acting of the entire English voice cast at the start of HW.

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SMN isn't trash it's just like how WAR was in 4.0 you're putting a lot more effort then you should be for the damage coming out. Or like how NIN is right now.

Thancred has always been the most competent scion aside from the WoL. Him acting like an emo girl for the majority of ShB was jarring and I'm glad he had his moment again to pull him out of it.

When should i actually bother with crafting/side classes?

>Switch to the JP voices when the EN voices start being shit
Fixed that for you.

What kind of ping do you need to triple weave?

New DPS in 6.0.

So this is what respecting the content looks like

>still forcing his shitty meme

The graphics are extremely old and awkward compared to newer spells, not being flashy aside. Foul just feels like it has zero impact between the sound and graphics despite the damage, I remember a lot of complaining when it came out so it's not in my head; it's like a graphics design intern tried to remake Flare and gave up

>lets give SCH a 600 potency dot, another dot and then the ability to spread both through everyone on the pull plus a 150 potency instant cast spammable aoe
Not broken at all.

>SE has no fucking clue what they are doing with healers ever.
The fact that the only healer concepts they seem able to imagine are "regen healer" , "shield healer" and "can be either" says a lot about how bad the job design team is at making healers.

>two hairy muscular beasts

don't bother trying to understand weeaboo "logic"

>playing at that resolution
Are japs retarded?

>Kan-E-Senna literally netflix healing

You clip. You can't avoid clipping. You specially clips gcd

If you think current SMN is acceptable your a slop eating cuck.

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Who thought having to level trusts was a good idea?

Oh no, Scholar will be king of the light party dungeons!
Whatever will WHM and Astrologian do?!

Stop being shit.

Just wait until 6.0 when we get a 2 Polyglot Cost Meteor spell that does as much as the LB3

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I hope you watched the real Shadowbringers trailer, Yea Forums

Remember when aymeric invited the WoL for a banquet and he was like, hey we should go on adventures together sometime and then shit happened and we ran to the first and now we're flirting with g'raha tia instead?

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SCH is still king of raids. Lets not make them king of everything.

I played my paladin all the way up to 60 during heavensward and picked the game up again with shadowbringers and just finished all the stormblood content with my gunbreaker. I really like being the tank but why the fuck aren't there more things to do for the off tank during trials and other stuff? Most of the time you're simply a bad dps that's pretty buff. I would really like there to be more stufd that involves tank switching or something for the off tank to do.

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>have 10 DPS, 4 tanks, and 3 healers to level

When you get really bored or desperately want gil


2 dots increase SCH single target damage too dumbass unless you want 2 300 potency dots instead of 1 600 potency one.

When you want to show the syndicate who really owns them

Yeah the WoL was glaring at the dude serving drinks the whole time.

>tfw no comfy scene where the Scions all relax at the pub
>it's all just work work work work work

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absolutely based

>People actually had their trusts die during dungeons
What the fuck? What are you retards doing? I did the entire story as GNB. I did every dungeon multiple times. Shit dude I did Qitana like 8 times for exp and gear and never once did I have a SINGLE death. I even double pulled on occasion. How the fuck are you guys killing your trusts? They seem to be engineered to make dungeons 100% braindead.

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>What this trigger does specifically is looking for Anatman uses within 1.5 seconds of a Demolish cast, then seeing if you hit GL2 within 5 seconds and then proceeds to send your Dragon Kick keybind once every 0.1 seconds up to 9 times and will immediately stop doing so if a Dragon Kick has successfully been used. All these time windows exist to ensure that the conditions for this trigger firing are only ever met during openers and reopeners.
>This is what anti-TK rotation fags wanted MNK to become

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Do I still need to double weave everything as a bard? The class seems interesting to me but my internet is shit so I clip a bit when I double weave.

Play BLM if you want to stop being shit kiddo

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kill jester

More like
>new limited job prease understandu

>Just level more jobs than the one or two you want to play!
We don't all have autism like you faggot

Would need an enormous CD to not make xenoglossy useless but BLM always should have been the job with the biggest dick nuke, I think reassembled drill currently covers that

I'm sure you meant healer.

>Blizzard keeps trying to re-invent the wheel in an attempt to stay relevant
>XIV does just fine delivering the same type of content over and over
How the fuck did the biggest MMO of all time get dethroned by a reworked flop?

>Do I still need to double weave
Literally nobody cares except parse trannies man. You don't need to double weave to clear any content.

Endgame content like EX Primals and raids involve a lot more tank swapping because the tankbusters not only get beefier but tend to give vulnerability debuffs on top of that.
Susano EX had you required to tank swap or wipe the party

>Stay with a shit card system because the old one had a flaw
Fucking retard
Here's how to fix astro
>Balance/Bole give 10% DHit for 15s
>Spear/Arrow give 10% Crit for 15s
>Ewer/Spire give 10% haste for 15s
>Balance/Spear/Ewer give a solar seal
>Bole/Arrow/Spire give a lunar seal
>Who gives a shit about having a 3rd seal, Divination now caps at 2 seals
>Sleeve Draw/Divination cd to 120s
>Keep the shit potencies or maybe even lower the damage potencies in exchange for them being padding gods

Are the Eulmore jester girls a FFIX reference?

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It's his fault for picking his duty to the people, over having a fun little outing with us

>This is what anti-TK rotation fags wanted MNK to become
It wasn't, kill yourself.

Because that's the kind of shit saved for more difficult content.

Their story is finally over.

>He thinks we will ever get a new healer

i find dancer really fun

I had Alisae die on me once while tanking, but only once. I got a good laugh out of that one.

There are invisible dinosaurs roaming around Norvrandt. There could be one right behind you and you wouldn't know it.

They should just put "grants a level of Greased Lightning" back on shoulder tackle and make Anatman just maintain stacks instead of building them, that would fix this whole mess instantly.

>he actually thinks they are gonna add a new healer
They need to “balance” the current ones first. Autists will wine about the smallest discrepancy in their precious balance

So is DRG fun and not braindead for once?

No shit, of course they're an FFIX reference. I'm just disappointed they're nothing more than that.

Unless they're getting their shit together in designing healers during Shadowbringers (unlikely, considering the state of healers right now), we're getting a physical ranged and magical ranged in 6.0.


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Square Enix is content to cater to their current playerbase.
Acti-Blizzard was absolutely fucking obsessed with changing the entire game to appeal to the lowest common denominator to generate more normalfag subs, but ended up driving everyone away in the process.

That's why you'd get four polyglots and Meteor'd be on a 30 second cooldown.

Damage is where it should be. You have to be retarded to think their SB damage was fine with how close it was to BLM.

If you think the current healers are balanced you are delusional.
Current Tanks are fairly balanced and it shows in the numbers.

Thancred a fucking piece of shit faggot WoL should be fucking stronger than him ffs

How the fuck am I supposed to play summoner now?

But I like to optimize everything I do in my life.

If you get bored, you can try to help the MT take busters with Heart of Stone/Glint/Intervention/TBN

Urianger literally runs into the AoEs to heal you during mechanics if you're .01% off from full health, regardless of his OWN health.

Apply DoTs and summon Bahamut/Phoenix?

>SB: We need to work on healer balance so no new healer.
>Literally nothing changes for the better
>ShB: We need to work on healers balance so no new healer
>Make SCH's DPS kit as atrocious as AST while buffing their healing kit which was already deemed the strongest while completely missing the dart board on what to do with AST (again) and just fuck it over all over the place while slightly improving it's actual healing
>Give WHM even more GCD's it never asked for and lock a new nuke behind them on a 90s timer
>Summary being that SCH is still completely over the top retarded OP, WHM is literally the same with all its pros and cons and AST is back to pre 3.3 HW status
>Implying 6.0 wont just be another "We need to work on healer balance so no new healer".

The thing with Shadowbringers is that you need to do all four role quests to complete their sidequest line with a fifth one that unlocks. So you need at the minimum
>One Lv80 Caster DPS
>One Lv80 Healer
>One Lv80 Tank
>One Lv80 Physical DPS

MCH ends up wasting a ton of ricochet and gauss barrel charges by not double weaving
Oh, you mean every time when enochian is maintained for two minutes. That's fine

Same long ass rotation but jumps looks cool.

What job is he?

I had Urianger bite it during the first boss of Qitana once somehow.

>be immortal demigod sorcerer
>shoots you in back

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Easiest way to balance healers would just be to remove AST from the game and give everyone with a 70+ one a free level skip potion.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

my wol only has eyes for food, booze and murdering gods

It fucking kills me that this is the best modern final fantasy. Literally kills me inside

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>one of the jesters smiles in your direction and gets a close up shot of acknowledging you before walking away
>even makes it into the trailer
>literally nothing comes of it
Red Herrings are nice and all, but seriously, for WHAT possible FUCKING purpose?????????

I don't mind long, just want fun and more buttons than 1-2-3-1-2-4

monk? and maybe a special dragoon when he transform

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BST, we jobbed to him the first time because that was yoshi showing us the power of a limited job with normal levelcap

>Titania """farm""" party
>retard dps keep fucking up tethers

>Level SMN/SCH to do two at once
High IQ right here

MNK. Or rather PGL since he probably doesn't have a job stone. The dragon stuff is just NPC bullshit like Nero's armor.

>they didn't even use Zorn and Thorn's theme for their scenes

10-2 is a C at least

It's not the fucking best it could be fucking best if our character wasn't a fucking cuck loser Yoshida need to fucking add npc romance and we stop fucking jobbing in cut scenes

Tanks don't have raid buffs so they only need to match personal dps.

WHM is balanced over the fact their personal dps is stupidly high but they lose dps the more they gcd heal.
SCH is balanced over having low dps but high uptime as their ogcd healing allows them to keep going.
AST still needs to smooth some corners but considering they boast the largest amount of raid buffs they should not be anywhere near SCH or WHM on levels of dps. Remember their cards are percentage based so the stronger the party members, the stronger the AST raid buffs are.

Remember simple changes like changing malefic cast time from 2.5 to 1.5 was enough to make AST outclass WHM and SCH completely. Let's not repeat the same mistake.

>15 above 2
>10 that high
>13 in the same tier as 1 and 3
>5 not being top tier
what the fuck

They're fucking all over the place dude, watch your back.

Umbral Soul then give that lost Polyglot stack a proper burial later.

This worked well enough for me so far, will need to adjust when I get Phoenix though

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People couldnt do tethers properly in the vault and they cant do them now.

Did we ever find their bodies and Ran'jit's? If not, it might be foreshadowing for a later rematch.

They'd better fucking come back in the 5.x patches with a kickas new version of Jesters of the Moon.

I can't wait for Toobie's raid!

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Your WoL a incel cuck

Next week. Then savage in 2 more.

I'm new to this game.
Are there any class that I should avoid?

It's actually Toopie's raid

No its shit
What’s the best then
Yes 15 is better
Yes 10 is one of the best
Yes 1 and 3 are not great today
Yes 5 is not top tier story and characters are shite

x-2 was really good

Pa'jeet better not fucking come back he's fucking shit worst part this fucking trash expansion he a fucking piece of shit bitch

Can we stop making dumb meme classes like DNC and SAM and just give me a proper, not braindead (so RDM is out) mage

Time hasn't passed a year in the Source like it has in the First. Her body hasn't aged, cutscene skipper.

Tranny Zorn and Thorn are dead, as they should be.

Black Mage and Archer.
Boring as fuck.
Play a Gladiator (Tank), Lancer, or Conjurer.

>x-2 was really good

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Why do MCHs do all these stupid ass flips and spins with their skills?

That list is wrong in a lot of places but considering it has 4 in the top I can tell you’re a massive autist

X-2 easily has the best combat system ever designed for a Final Fantasy game.
That alone puts it above D tier.

Yoko Taro fucking planned it didn't he, that's why he named 2B's Soul Calibur VI alt 2P on Twitter, she was her own character for this raid the whole time.

Shut the fuck up, we're getting PUP next.

does double tapping bar for ogcds feel good? i didn't want to put any there because i felt like the time it'd take to get that bar would put me too close to clipping when double weaving

They're all fine, except AST I suppose but you're a long way away from that

Job satisfaction is the lowest for NIN, SCH, MNK, AST and some others I forgot. BLM, MCH, PLD and DRG are the highest

Because I’m right

But mentally she's been in the First for a year.

what about despair when almost out of mp? or is that only for AoE rotation

12 best least Vaan got his fucking dick wet not like WoL if WoL got fucking dick wet 14 is best but the fucking jap cucks focus on tranny eb marriage those fucking faggots

Fuck no it’s a terrible combat system. I’m sick of people claiming this.
The best combat systems are V, X, and XIII.

We return to the Source like almost immediately after we travel to the First.
Tataru was startled as fuck we were back so fast after she'd just gotten the word from Feo-Ul.

>proper, not braindead mage

All of them are viable. But Lancer is the most awful to play at the early game so you should probably avoid that if you have to pick one.

>We get a Nier raid
>But we get a worse 2B
The depression has already begun

>BLM is boring (guaranteed shitter who didn't make it to 60)
>WHM/SCH/SMN/WAR are fun
What's wrong with your brain

>XI below XIV
No not really. If you were right you’d at least put them both in S

Because it's cool you faggot

No, user. It's much simpler than that.
2P is just shorthand for Second Player, tying into the fact that it's the alt skin if player two picks 2B.
The reason 2P is the character for Dark Apocalypse is Taro realised his dick really, really likes brown 2B.

It was all a happy accident, and his boner is reaping the benefits.

Because you have to give everyone dumb flashy animations to show that they're getting stronger

Play anything you want. Everything can do any content right now. When you have them high enough that balance matters the game will have one or two balance patches anyway.

For grinding the story I would avoid healers the most, but its up to you.

All jobs feel rather luckluster until 50-60, except for maybe MCH which you only can get once you hit HW content

They aren’t S, there’s filler even in the good stuff.
And XI is unplayable today. It’s pure nostalgia. XIV is at least good no matter when you started.

You should end every single target fire rotation with Despair once you get it. It's a single target version of Flare.

Can't wait for her to get a custom model with a fat robot ass that we can obtain if we equip her raid set.


BLM is why I want another [real] mage, it's one of my favorite classes/jobs in any MMO and if SE does anything right its making a mage feel like a proper mage

I don't find it to be a big deal, though you really might as well find a nearby training dummy, and try it yourself to see what feels best for you

Gladiator(Paladin) and Lancer(Dragoon) start awful
Archer(Bard), Arcanist(Summoner/Scholar) and Pugilist(Monk) are relatively good starts
all jobs are viable at endgame


X-2 gets more shit than it deserves, its decent and at least deserves C tier

Holy fuck the cutscene before the last trial. All the music swells matched each moment perfectly and I was clicking through manually since I read slow.

>music shifts into the WE FALL part right as Emet goes full ascian and the following fade-to black

Attached: 1533826219712.gif (540x304, 2.5M)

the reason the WoL comes across as a bitch is because they were written as a female. Yoshi P even confirmed at the end of 1.0 that the canon WoL was a Miquo'te female and the only reason they use a male for promo material is because SE forces them to sell more copies.

Where my bros at?

Attached: ilberd.png (1000x1000, 1.68M)

They're all the WoL's original moves, rather than ones learned from past owners of the crystal.
WoL is cuhrayzee at heart under all the stoic nodding.

>And XI is unplayable today. It’s pure nostalgia.
It's completely playable as a single player game today. You're just a faggot zoomer that needs your hand held.

Being a non reactive turret isn’t fun.
Tanks and Healers actually have to try

The only people who like 10 are nostalgia ridden retards the game is dog shit dude.

>Level SCH to 80 first
>Suddenly have too much healxiety to do expert dungeons


Not him but can you get a second despair via manafont? Only 70 so can't test it yet

Don’t make me post the several page long negatives about playing XI


I can't believe Zenos killed Gaius. Just when he was starting to become interesting

Just hit level 70
Still at Dragonsong
It still drives me fucking up the wall how many shit is going on and having different priorities. Like I'm trying to bring dragons and man together but don't we have a giant fucking fighting robot that just woke up. Shouldn't we be dealing with that first?[/spoilers] Also how long still i can get 70 gear?

Attached: 1562647088466.webm (1102x1044, 2.86M)

and if i wanted to change classes mid MSQ, what's the best way to level it up considering i only got one lv16 daily roulette?


Alright this is either bait or 100% delusion


10 has the best music of the series, its wait system is superior to the ATB from VI onward, the sphere grid is GOAT.

Hearty chuckle

Attached: ffxiv_11072019_034201_255.jpg (786x452, 112K)

Is there an actual way to add pseudo-crosshotbars or did you just make that with normal hotbars?

I already have DNC at 80 and 444 ilvl

That's fucking trash Yoshi P is a fucking jap cuckold small dick faggot

The giant ass robot is an optional quest chain
It's also the best raid series



help me lads, idk what is wrong about this

Actually garbage taste

>all these shitter GNBs taking up the tank slots in PFs

you're going to clip something anyway with your swiftcast animation

Attached: 1474857697948.jpg (477x412, 53K)

Of course. But you can get two Fire IV out of it instead of a second Despair so probably not worth it.

Yes, they're WHXB you can activate them on your settings

That line honestly made me laugh for a good five minutes

Bull fucking shit. I don't have to do that at all. The role quests have all been irrelevant bull shit and I literally could not care less.

Yes. You go Despair, Manafont, F4 then Despair.

Yes, empty MP with Despair -> use your instacast Fire 3 proc -> Manafont -> another Fire4 plus a second Despair

>t. shitter DRK who fucks up every mechanic in Titania, leaving me to solo the second Fey Light

Yes, bad GNBs are a nightmare to heal. Mainly when their fucking invulnerability skill basically kills them.


I want to like Susanoo more than Ravana, but his music's so dull in comparison

Fair enough, I love BLM and no other job clicked with me like it but really I wouldn't complain if I had something else to press besides fire IV for half my rotation

The quest after doing all role questlines has one of the biggest lore bombs in the entire expansion.

Stop giving him bad advice.

Why are you pushing this shit meme?
>It was said in a joking manner
>At the time the lore was formulated in such a way the "Warrior of Light" (singular) didn't exist, there were multiple "Warriors of Light"
fucking retard.

Fucking horrifyingly bad taste

Good it's fucking fake why WoL still a fucking cuck bitch then

Oh right
Being smarter than me and the other guy. Also what do you even do with xenoglossy?

>tfw i fantaed back to my original race before this quest since viera wasnt doing it for me

What's the point of Verthunder II and VerAero II when they do less damage than Scatter?

post it faggot

This us just my opinion and I’m sure people will disagree but whatever I’ll throw it out anyway.

The healers right now are all fine healing wise but they got a lot more boring to play due to their dps getting gutted.

The least affected. I like its changes but I do wish they at least let it keep Aero 3, infact I wish all healers kept their AOE dot while giving one to AST.

I honestly hate the changes here the most, SCH was fun cause of their dps rotation and having pet actions, while their healing is stronger than ever the lack of these two things makes it feel clunky and unintuitive to play. I think bare minimum it needs some sort of AF stack spender thats not healing and their pet actions back.

I honestly like their new healing abilities, they feel very good. Not really a fan of neutral sect but thats mostly cause it doesn’t stack with SCH shields, they could fix that. As far as their card gimmick goes, I absolutely hate it and its horrible, I really hope they revert it to how it used to be

Also stop feeding the wannabe pajeetnigger. He doesn't deserve (You)s, remember to report his posts

I strongly disagree with the latter two points but I'll agree the music from the game is fucking phenominal I can see eye to eye there.

You switch from using Foul in every Umbral phase to weaving in Xenoglossy during movement, during TA and other appropriate places. It opens up BLM's movement a ton.

Fuck you bitch you want WoL to be a fucking cuck like you loser bitch

Silent protag syndrome.

Check the cast times.

Are you pretending to be retarded or

Look at the cast time of Scatter
Now look at the cast time of Aero/Thunder 2
See if you can figure it out

I'll admit, I was having fun as Black Mage in XI but I didn't get far because I had no goddamn idea how to enlist trusts and I felt completely directionless. It's why I looked into Dragon Quest X, because it has the same emphasis on menu based combat but with objective markers and such so I know where I need to take care of things. I'm very forgetful and a bit dense so I have issue with this stuff.

nice blogpost no one gives a fuck

What did they even do to AST cards? I never even liked the old system
Presumably building mana and being a little less mind numbing for aoe. Before I dropped my RDM out of boredom I'd be chewed the hell out in dungeons for refusing to spam scatter the entire time

What is the 5.3 trial is full power Ran'jit, with twin jester add phase?

palace of the dead till 60
heaven on high till 70

If you can figure this one out you're in the top 1% of RDM's.

Best way to level 60-70? I want to do some catch up with my off-jobs.

We should fucking silently fuck some girls

Was actually my bad, you are right that you can Fire IV and Despair with Manafont which is obviously better than two Fire IV in the middle of the rotation.


they better not go back to the old cards that would be shit. They'd need to reduce the amount of cards to 4 and rework the effects quite a bit. I'd rather get our potencies buffed and put celestial opposition back to normal

Sorry I'm fucking retarded and got abilities mixed up, I meant umbral soul
Roulettes and HoH

>What if
Is what I meant.

Full power fuck that shit Pa'jeet is fucking trash shouldn't fucking exist that piece of shit motherfucker ruin this expansion

Maybe your WoL

Attached: 1534710477977.png (320x118, 25K)

Enlighten me then in spoiler text. What is it?

You build Umbral stacks and Umbral Hearts during downtime and between pulls in dungeons and out in the world.

So I'm suppose to what... hard cast veraero and verthunder II and use scatter when I have dualcast up?

990,000 Ishgard Leves

I use this

Attached: 12.webm (514x92, 357K)

>Reducing a possible Meltigemini fight to just backup for shitty Ran'jit
Fuck off and die.