'''Bethesda cities'''
'''Bethesda cities'''
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every fucking time
No blue paint survived the war
I don't get why every city isn't just Imperial City with multiple districts and such. Fuck bethesda
Yeah always disappointing how limited those cities are
Probably because each district was a separate cell so there was loading screens out the ass in addition to every house being another cell
Here is the “””””city””””” of Whiterun, Capital of Skyrim.
It has 9 houses, an inn, a general goods shop, a keep (not a castle) and te fighters guild base.
Awww what an adorable walled village.
There's farmerfags outside the city walls though
Why is this even a big deal? It's not like loading screens last long on a modern computer. Even when Oblivion was current, the loading screens were done in seconds. Bethesda has no excuse for their utter lack of quality.
///Obsidian cities///
You mean a single horse merchant and a mead factory?
quality vs quantity
bethesda never found a decent balance
They had neither.
Riften's the capital you milk-drinking retard
Cannot fucking wait when Daggerfall Unity finishes.
But riften has even less buildings
I'd rather have that than a city that has 100 generic empty households with generic npcs and no plot or quest relevance or anything interesting inside of them. At least with Bethesda cities, pretty much every single building has something unique about them, whether it's a quest tie in, interesting items, important services, special NPCs or something else. Some moreso than others, but there usually is very little complete filler.
You could say that they should have cities that are big AND interesting but at some point that just isn't feasible. Every instance of work put into something is less time spent working on something else.
As comical as the cities may look when people point them out like this I can't say it's ever really bothered me, in fact Beth cities are some of my favorites to explore in any RPG series since with most RPG big cities you can't even enter 99% of the doorways or do anything very interesting in the city at all besides trade some shit.
>Whiterun, Capital of Skyrim
Isn't Solitude the capital?
Why bother lying about this
Its Solitude
>”I’d rather have LESS options!”
Go play Nintendo little nintendumby. Don’t you have some Zelda to play? Go play a linear 4 hour game on your switch by yourself like a good little Nintendumbo
To be fair id rather have a 100% interactive town than a 50% interactive town
THAT SAID I'm pretty sure that's the excuse Bethsoft uses when it makes these abysmal 3-hovel shitholes
The lazy fuckers
Are they about to finish it? I would be really interested in it, I played arena some time ago, but I never played Daggerfall. Especially since they also fix bugs the original had.
No paint should survive in any city that was hit. Boston looks like it was hit by a chemical weapon 20 years ago. Even modern day detroit looks worse in many places.
As usual, it takes a bunch of German spergs to completely beat Bethesda at their own game. This is Ark, the capital of Enderal. The above ground portion is as large as Oblivion's imperial city. Not shown in the screenshot is the underground portion of the city, which is nearly as large as the topside.
Bethesda is not capable of creating something like this. They have the money. Where's the talent?
>literally no mention of consoles
>b-but Nintendo!!
Rent free user
Will be finished fully within the next 1-2 months
The whole map in Enderal is only like 80% the size of Skyrim yet its at LEAST 3 times as detailed and dense. I played about 400 hours of Enderal and only maybe 300 of Skyrim. ENDERAL is easily one of my top 5 games of all time and my #1 mod of all time.
>That cursed kid storyline
Haven’t cried over a game like that since Lee died.
>Less options
>Less faceless NPC assets that gave the illusion of life and nothing else
Guess you think DA2's Kirkwall was great because it was filled with NPCs that phase in and out of existence depending on your FoV
color doesnt last even decades, much less centuries.
goodsprings isnt a city.
>square town
>that gave the illusion of life and nothing else
And what's fucking wrong with that. If the amount of actual content was the same if not better then how is making the player more immersed ever a fucking negative?
>'''Bethesda cities'''
I'd rather have cities with the illusion of fullness and the same level of content than without the illusion of fullness and the same level of content. You're an idiot.
>2 INT
What's right with that? It doesn't add, or take away it just is. I don't find it more immersive for some faceless nobody to phase into existence when my FoV crosses a certain area. It doesn't make Kirkwall, or Dragon Dogma's Gran Soren feel anymore alive
Oh look, a generated town with prefab soulless houses.
Enderal is just pure soul. It's a masterpiece.
Then you're a fucking idiot who can't actually role play.
>having people actually in this city doesn't make it feel alive
And yes, people walking around the city, even if they disappear when you're not around, is people living in the city.
That city was actually made by hand along with a few other Major cities. Basically any city with a unique piece of architecture was made by hand.
Is this similar to the Gothic games? I love those.
So is this mod actually good or is it like Salem or the Dark Brotherhood Reborn where the voice acting and story make me wanna die?
Bethesda drones live in an autistic bubble, they always excuse everything bugthesda's lazy ass shits out. You just need to look at a fallout 4 thread to see the vermin munching up their turds doing mental gymnastics telling themselves it's good. They spend more time installing and troubleshooting their mods then playing the game. It's sad really.
i'll never get this insistence on the console war
okay, this is epic
>They spend more time installing and troubleshooting their mods
kinda like New Vegas right?
It plays like something made by a triple AAA company. Seriously. Voice acting ranges from excellent to okay. The main story is the focus of the game. It's really good, but it's rather dark and depressing. It's greatest flaw is Skyrim's sharty combat.
Lmao @the wooden bridge
I made a mod that makes it an actual two way bridge that fits perfectly.
Forgot to add. I didn't need a single mod to enjoy Enderal. It's one of the best WRPGs made in a long time. Exploring the world is pure bliss.
That is based on bethesda's shitty engine, so yes you are correct Obsidian couldn't make a new engine from scrap in two years, however will I recover from such a blow?
clean, newwooden bridges are aesthetic though
Just not juxtaposed to shitty rusty fucking rust buckets
Actually a very decent description.
They have VAs who sound professional and then it’s clear that some phoned their voice over in.
Most, like 80% of the VAs sound like any other AAA game.
The combat is pretty bad because it’s Skyrim’s combat.
My only complaint is they made it so EXP levels you up instead of the “use to level up” system Skyrim had.
The music is absolutely kino as well and the ending will leave you depressed for a week.
It also has several biomes (Forest, Snow, Dessert, etc) which was amazing. I’ve put in prolly 200 hours into Enderal and only explored half of what the game has to offer. I barely even touched the dessert biome but holy fuck did they do an amazing job with detailing the world. Bethesda needs to hire them.
First of all,
First of fucking all,
In their latest games, it's BYOCA... (Build your own cities, asshats, we're rich we aint making this game for you)
Secondly, large enough cities take too much disk space away from important things like player character voice acting, a variety of dialogue options, leveling up your pictures and not to forget the millions and bazillions of unique pipe gun that rivals their lesser known shooter competition known as borderlands.
Besethda sacrifices great cities so you have that compelling game play to enjoy.
>so yes you are correct Obsidian couldn't make a new engine from scrap in two years,
15 months, time they had from start to going gold, 18 months for release
Etremly short even for 10 years ago
Hi Todd
Didnt the guy who made this make it in the creation kit. He literally cant even be here in the game without crashing
>He literally cant even be here in the game without crashing
whenever it was unpaused, it crashed immediately
>Obsidian city
>jumping in a dream be like
Bad lods and broken culling
Fact of the matter that isnt dense at all, unreal or unity would run like lighting in that
Fucking Gambryo always shit itself with too many objects behind each other due to how wonky its culling is, maybe they will fix it for next TES ....
>Make large city in video game
>It's confusing, hard to navigate and just adds extra seconds/minutes of you holding down the "Foward" key, sometimes jumping in order to make yourself move faster just so you can go to a specific loading screen that will take you an audio clip that will allow you to go to the next spot to actually do stuff
Genuinely, why?
Todd confirmed at last e3 that they will continue to use gamebyro going forward. There is no hope user, Starfield and TES 6 will run on that shitty engine.
>Having more than a few buildings confuses me
Here's your (You) retard
>Genuinely, why?
these games are developed for consoles
It honestly does.
In older games like San Andreas and Vice City, Morrowind etc I literally remember all the streets/buildings etc But in new games the insistance to make everything "realistic" makes it just look bland and therefore it's hard to remember where you are, what direction you're going in etc, I don't even take in the buildings as I play anymore.
neither is the republic of dave
not their fault the engine sucks
Why are they still using this same fucking engine for christ's sake.
San Andreas was bland as fuck in alot of areas, Los santos, and the country side come to mind. Also the city of Vivec ate shit.
You mean like how every building in Skyrim has the same fucking spiderweb and the same six textures?
the engine is fine
Todd said it was what their comfortable with, and it makes it easy to make quests. Basically they are lazy fucks.
it's actually Windhelm, you filthy Imperial
Excuses, excuses.
how the fuck bethesda not have quantity, you smokin hard nigga LOL
Because they know the modding community is what keeps their games alive for years and Gamebryo, for all its faults, has excellent built in mod support.
Have sex, have sex.
Using Fallout 3 as a criticism is stupid considering Rivet City is decently large and the Capitol was proper zoned up to feel like a large city similar to the way it was done for the Imperial City in Oblivion.
Bethesda literally just got lazy with Skyrim but the plebs still loved it because things like scale aren't something the average 14 year old cock socker thinks about.
It's nothing to do with the engine, it's just bethesda
time, money, hubris
Google says Enderal is a total conversion mod, so it's not set in it's own worldspace that I can travel to on an existing save?
Skyrim had amazing scale though, just not in terms of the cities/towns
I don't think you understand what a total conversion is.
Kindly explain it to me
Same. I can't wait to see all art direction completely obliterated by a few idiots dragging and dropping premade assets.
It's basically just a new game built in skyrims engine it has 0 to do with skyrim at all
Not really? I think it feels bigger than it actually is just because the run speed is so pathetic and you can't upgrade it, just the length of your stamina bar.
They're still making plenty of money off of it, and making an engine is extremely time-intensive and expensive.
It's why Neverlord still doesn't even have a release date despite being announced 7 years ago: They made an entirely new engine for it.
Gain height, gain height.
It's a Skyrim mod.
Well that's annoying, that's one of the reasons why I haven't gotten around to trying Fallout New California yet.
lewks combfy :3
I'm 6' 10" so...
do you not remember your first time climbing to high hrothgar? No other game has given that same sense of scale
Cool larp.
>it's fake no-no please i can't take it
Because loading screens on console last 1-5 minutes
Lose weight, lose weight.
Lose height, lose height.
That one mountain is pretty good but the towns are just pitiful and the further paring down of skills along with the removal of attributes is too fucking much. Then FO4 and FO76 happened? I have no faith in TESVI being good right now.
silky smooth 2fps
>not a single walled in town to instance anything
It's subtle, but I do miss every town being open to the open world and I miss acrobatics and athletics letting me jump over them. I miss levitation, and mark and recall too.
>random shitty starting town with literally 2 quests one being the tutorial
>as many houses as the largest city in skyrim
And Tamriel Rebuilt still hasn't been finished
wasn't it nearing completion but then they decided to expand their scope to additional regions?
It was a good game, man.
>speedruns from Morrowind to FO4 abuse the same shit
>FPS tied physics
>the way the game handles memory limitations by just bloating and CRASHING TO DESKTOP
hell no
Yeah south part of Morrowind is still empty
Never ever
It just works.
I don't give a shit whether the problems stem from the engine itself or from bethesda's use of the engine or what, you know exactly what people mean when they say Bethesda's engine is trash.
The same year that FO4 released, we also got MGSV. Say what you will about that game, but it looks fucking fantastic and also runs smooth as butter despite also being another open-world large-scale game. Meanwhile FO4 runs like complete ass and looked like dogshit. No excuse for that.
>FPS tied physics
Do people still believe this?
I've played every bethesda game at 90+fps with 0 issues
There's literal video evidence that proves you wrong. Are you actually gonna die on that hill?
It's true, dumb dumb. What do you think is responsible for the infamous barrel-rolling prisoner carriage at the beginning of skyrim?
go load up a beth game right now and play above 60fps
I've completed pretty much every bethesda game with uncapped framerate and never had an issue
Yes, fucktons of people with documented evidence goes out the window because user here says it's fake and gay. Okay dude.
But what do they eat?
They released MGSV on the 360 and PS3, that says something about the engine.
It's also completely barren and lifeless lol what a shitty example
Nah it's just a perpetuate myth
If you ever google it its just faggots telling you not to do it but they've never tried themselves
so just like FO4
Arcanum and Atom RPG had the best settlements.
They're fairly large with content that fits their size.
A lot more which is impressive
so none of you playeded kingdom come?
so you want someone to boot up a bethesda game, record with obs, then convert it into a webm to post here, when there's already a load of documented footage and evidence that this is true?
no just go see for yourself, all of the games run fine over 60fps
maybe at 100+fps you may have issues, but I've never seen it
I want to bend todd over during E3 and blast his prostate infront of the paid crowd while that one paid guy shouts YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
imagine todds adorable face when he nuts from his prostate like the cute little chess nerd whore he has always been
New Vegas was the best nu-Fallout game, but the size of Las Vegas was super disappointing. I see the bright lights in the distance and am expecting this giant spectacle, and it's just a couple ugly hotels.
It's soulless vs citylet. You can't have both unless you only have one single significant city per game.
nigger YOU go see for yourself. Goo look at the videos of people playing FO76 and looking down at the ground to increase framerate and the character starts running like the flash. go see all the videos of people playing skyrim in high framerate and watching the prisoner caravan turn into the Vomit Commit. Either you're full of shit, or literally everyone else is.
It is true, all Bethesda games break above 60 FPS, even New Vegas. What they do is enable iPresentInterval command in the ini files, essentially enabling some sort of vysnc and capping the game at 60.
Obviously the FO76 shit is real and at really high fps it fucks up
I went through the skyrim intro at 100+fps like 5 minutes ago and it ran fine
The correct way of doing things is to have cities the way Deus Ex games have them, where you're in the middle of the city and the content is fairly densely-packed and there's a lot to explore, but you're still contained to a relatively small district with the full city itself being much more expansive, but you just don't go everywhere. Like how in Deus Ex you explore around Hell's Kitchen and Castle Clinton, but you aren't exploring every little inch of the entirety of New York City.
Personally I hate Bethesda's autism of insisting that every single building must be enterable, every single NPC must have something to say to you, every city must be fully explorable, every fork and spoon and spork must be interactable junk to be picked up, etc. All this autism does is limit the scope of their games and result in shitty ""cities"" with 8 buildings and 12 NPCs
It's a matter of degree. The higher your framerate goes, the worse the physics/animations/gamespeed get. Only slightly higher gives very slight breaks, whereas very high framerates give extremely broken results
ye thats what I'm saying, super high frames rates will destroy your game. But sub 100fps you will experience no issues.
its a pretty big difference for people with 144hz
Okay, and everyone else is talking about actual high framerates, not just slightly over 60. You started this debate by insisting that physics weren't tied to framerate
Ignore him, he's clearly retarded
Nice bait
I'd rather have options than lots of doors painted on walls.
My fallout 76 runs at 82fps on my 144hz screen by default