Do you trust user reviews or professional critics?

Do you trust user reviews or professional critics?

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I trust neither professional reviews and user reviews for games, anime, movies as they always prove to be pretty worthless.

What game?
I only trust myself.

Professional reviews are either shills or trying to fuck a game over for some reason, user reviews are either blind fanboys praising a game and ignoring flaws or people shitting on a game and ignoring it's good points

A mixture of both. If a game gets crazy good reviews from "professionals" and then gets backlash from the fans, I'll probably not get it. If it gets shit reviews and the fans love it I might look into it. If it does well on both fronts I'll get it. If it does poorly on both fronts I'll look into why it's bad and talk about it on Yea Forums

I tend to look at a stream or youtube video and just see normal ass people playing it.

I dont get how people cant just look at a trailer or gameplay and decide for themselves

The end of the world absolutely relies on how many fucking idiots shitpost in their daily lives

This. I havent read a review in over a decade. I always look at gameplay footage and then decide. If its a franchise I love ill buy the game day 1 regardless and just hope Ill like it, which is usually the case. Reviews are trash all around. The things that get criticized may not be shit I even care about, like story. And gameplay is something that just doesnt work when being described. You gotta see it or play it firsthand.

Nobody. I look up a gameplay video on youtube (no commentary) before deciding to buy a game. If I like what I see and it looks visually stimulating, I get it.
This method has never failed me.

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Trailers are full of lies, but watching gameplay should be enough to tell you if you'll like the game

None. I watch gameplay on youtube and know my taste well enough to judge if I'd like the game or not.

I trust user reviews over "professional" paid advertisements, which isn't very far.

"Professional critics" never. User reviews sometimes, if they seem well articulated and I find a lot of other user reviews backing them.

Professional reviews I almost anti-trust - if a game gets great reviews, that's almost a guarantee that it's shit, and if a game gets shit reviews, that's a good sign that it's decent.

How do you decide on what games to play if all the seasonal ones seem shit?


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this is the only correct answer

If you read or watch reviews for any reason (except if it's just a comedy review not meant to be taken seriously) you do not belong here.
Yea Forums should be for people who make their own decisions, you should never actively seek to join a hivemind like a fucking sheep.

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Trailers are 100% fake these days.

Actual gameplay videos or streams are better, but even they have issues. Some games are great but don't look good on video. And streamers can influence a lot whether a game looks good on his stream or not.

There's way too many people around actively trying to deceive the consumer when it comes to games, and there's no real defense mechanism against it because the people who are supposed to be doing the defending (the media) are the biggest deceivers of all and actively try to fuck over regular gamers every chance they get.

I usually look at gameplay trailers and at reviews that don't scream "I'm only a semi-literate mongoloid." I don't read "professional" reviews or look at their ratings anymore since almost every time they're just wrong.

I also 100% don't buy anything published by EA, regardless of how good it looks or if I'm interested in it.

>Yea Forums should only be this way
>it should not be a hivemind
