Did this franchise die with Starbreeze?
Did this franchise die with Starbreeze?
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It died when they added e-celebs.
>If Payday 3 happened Starbreeze would need to jew the game like Payday 2 in order to stay alive
No one cares about or plays them.
Yes. Overkill won't say it but they're practically a shell company skeleton crew whatever now. They have nothing
It died with the worst microtransaction model the world had ever seen at the time.
I recall reading a pretty good article that went in details about the poor investments of Starbreeze, mostly the fault of the CEO.
The co-founder left a few months before the lootbox 'scandal' and went to make his own thing too iirc.
It lasted a couple of months and hasn't existed in years. And it's literally just Valve's crate system with a different name.
It'll get purchased by ActiBlizz or EA and get buttfucked in the process.
I loved the first game.
First game had great soundtrack.
makes me sad really. the game was fucking amazing if you got a lobby of friends playing about 3 years ago when the anime-tier bullshit mechanics and LOOTBOXES were missing
I lost interest when they nerfed the Car-4.
starbreeze is dead
best case payday ip gets bought some company that brings in the devs from 2
airbow isnt bad though
I liked the 2nd's soundtrack too, Viklund's pretty good
Hopefully not. It's a fun game.
First one was a neat and simple Left 4 Dead spin-off. Second one was a clusterfuck.
I'd be amazed if we saw a third game but what heists/mechanics haven't been covered already
this. no one cares.
If you are referring to Eurogamer’s ”Fall of Starbreeze”, yea, it was kind of shocking to see how shitty their management was by reading that. Instead of focusing on what they’re good at, the CEO fucked it all up by throwing cartloads of money i to doomed projects like buying a shitty skeleton of a game engine for reasons no sane man can understand. It’s tragic how one shit CEO can ruin a company just like that.
people who unironically make that face should be punched
>there will never be a payday 2 movie series
>all the studios will never get together with their media and combine them into a giant collaboration and split the money
>even if they did they will fuck it up like with The Expendables
Game was and is quite fun but kinda got watered down when all difficulties but two became irrelevant ( Deathwish and Death Sentence ), they uped the spawncap into fucking 100 making the game a clusterfuck on which GLs / LMGs / autoshotties are a requirement to not be trash, and also failed to tone down the HP bars. Killing things without headshots is literally impossible unless you have LMGs
viklund is a bro too
if you ask him, he'll even give you non-commercial use rights to his music to use in projects
It's the only IP they have that's actually worth something, they'll likely try to get something out of it.
Good devs from 2 are making GTFO right now, check it out.
it died around the time they started milking it for DLC
it had all the pedigree and chance to become a good game with a serious tone like the initial release but then all the whacky crossover shit started and the payday gang went from serious crooks to faggy comical supervillains ala borderlands 2 dressed up to look like crooks
and then update 100 finally killed what little difficulty remained in the game and then later tweaks and balances to weapons made most of the game a giant fucked up world where the balances were based around making things harder only for the overpowered meta and punishing and unfun for anything that wasn't
the last act of suicide they did was change how all the fucking cops look right as a last update to "bring it inline with new players who can't tell the difference between different types of cop"
how did they do this?
they removed all the different colour patterns and made them all fucking brown and tan, removed a lot of the detail and slimmed down their profiles by removing armour and helmet features, and neutered all of the bulldozers
i've never seen such a popular franchise kill itself so fucking fast
Time for norticTHQ to buy them up.
Also from leaks payday 3 is in development but by a different company.
Could valve buy them up?
Starbreeze sucked ass, but Payday 2 was so fucking good. All of those crossover heists - Hotline Miami, Hardcore Henry, Reservoir Dogs, John Wick, etc. were cool as shit.
each additional mission release just got shittier and shittier until all they could release was "defend X then move Y then defend Z"
the best missions were all vanilla because thats where all the fresh shit was located in
making a drill look slightly different is not innovation
the game reused assets so hard it was hard to tell mods apart from the real shit in it
Starbreeze is dead, the director was arrested for fraud, its a shell company.
The payday devs moved onto a game called "GTFO" basically deadspace: payday. Apparently they felt like making a horror game, the trailer looks fine but there has been no news since last years E3 about this project.
It died when it was released. Game sucks dirty dick
I was actually hyped for it, seemed cool, like Payday 2 mashed with Space Hulk. God, I wish Space Hulk were better.
>get out of playing it for a while
>come back after a year or two
>all of a sudden there’s fucking nephilim, body switching and Illuminati shit
this so much. I was seriously hoping for it to be the payday 1 experience but with improvements. Instead we got some fucking fanfic tier bullshit with more opportunity to sell DLC plus a whole lot of "balance" changes no one asked for
Is it worth getting if I liked pd1?
It was hard as shit but it had some kind of difficulty curve to it
Used to be really good at it until I stopped playing one day and went back and now I can't play for shit
Still really like it
Is pd2 the same?
Sort of, but not really. They did port the maps from 1 over for what it’s worth. How hard is it to get a public game in 1 nowadays?
it was worth buying when it initially dropped, that's where most of the popularity came from, you have to understand this
most of the decent ratings and good times people talk about come from the early days, but the game got progressively shittier as time went on and now it's not the same game
you can probably still have fun but the game has ran its course, the only thing left are kids and dickheads
you don't even need a build anymore, and weapons don't even have several stats that were present on 1.0 such as noise value and spread
its extremely casual and the highest difficulties just bloat the map with more and more cops that all use aimbot hitscan weapons that down you in three hits from across the map
Hey blame GW for shitting on warhammer bros. They have no desire to fix any half baked game they shit out.
>they removed all the different colour patterns and made them all fucking brown and tan, removed a lot of the detail and slimmed down their profiles by removing armour and helmet features, and neutered all of the bulldozers
Nigga WHAT
I haven't played this game since like 2017 and have been thinking about going back to it. Guess I'm not doing that, huh.
Not unless you have 3 bros to play with
There are actually only 3 or 4 viable character builds which are easy to learn
Pd2 is nothing like 1. Crit/Dodge ruined the game beyond repair so the devs just threw bullshit at the "meta" players like OD, translation puzzles and over drill like objectives
I know, its on the top of my wishlist but thanks for the info regardless.
Not that hard actually
There's usually a couple of full rooms online
Sometimes they drop to one or two people playing
But its not totally dead
I quess I'll stick to pd1 then
Nice, I’d rather go back to that than keep on in 2 even though it really is pretty fun at times. Too much campiness now. I mean one of the heisters is a fucking time traveler
if you do buy payday 2, the whole thing goes on sale often for like $10.
the dlc for h3h3 only has been on sale once ever but its only for completionists
the items it has are fucking useless and the perk decks are blah
Always thought this was some shitty L4D clone with cops and robbers reskins. The sheer amount of embarassing DLC didn't help either. Then a buddy got it for me over the Steam Sale, insisting that I should try out the VR mode.
It's quite the rush.
Is deep shotgun enforcer + Anarchist deck still viable? I always loved the shotguns in this game.
Yeah, that and full armor
anarchist suit + bulls will give you days of iframes so you can soak up a wall of bullets.
and this isn't even a top build. thats how fucked pd2 is.
I claimed the free version when they announced the complete edition
Never downloaded it though
I think I'll try that and upgrade if I liked the game
I need my PAYDAY... 3
You said it, Gus.
>watching the slow death of /pdg/
you have to be alive to die you gay lizard
When they added RAID WWII in the vain hope to live longer I knew it was over.
I think PD2's still fun despite its flaws.
Fuck dodgefags though.
i honestly forgot raidww2 was a thing. played the free beta. it was literally a showcase of everything wrong with payday 2 but with payday 1 style characters.
>Fuck dodgefags
What about Dogefags?
It seems his employees didn't get their PayDay.
>using ITCV
>when 20 armor blocks the same as 280 armor
>nerfing your own move speed by 50%
id say yikes but that really wouldnt be enough,
nothin personnel peter
It's more fun using an LMG and not worrying about concealment, and I can still get through Death Sentence with it reasonably enough
Requires you to buy the DLC individually and separate from the Ultimate Edition.
I wonder who will buy the IP? THQ Nordic? Smilegate?
you needing to play them is irrelevant. what fucking matters is that i need to have multiple gigabytes set aside for some stupid jew podcasters. completely unacceptable
dodgebuild with a thanatos is FUN
THQ Nordic buying the IP would probably be the best option, if someone like EA or Activision buys the IP then it's all over.
Was it really that hard for them to stick with the bankrobber theme? I want to get rich and shit, not steal nukes, fight pmc's and storm the fucking white house. Also fuck all those other characters they added. Everyone except OG Hoxton and Jacket need to be removed.
I didn’t mind Clover too much but fuck Bonnie and Sydney.
I know the first one was all HEAT references. But that score was a straight up copy paste youtube.com
The worst part about them is their voice lines are so fucking shitty.
>Wanting epic game store shit
Probably wouldnt even allow mods
Oh no, I won’t be able to put Rainbow Dash on my M4
More for the hud features and bot a.i. fixes
I used to think pretty much exactly this.
But now its Dallas at #1 and Wolf at #3
literally having quality of life shit like bots carrying bags makes the game way more playable and not autistic having to move 30 bags 1 at a time
Fuck Starbreeze for ruining bank robbery sims
It's sad we'll never get a good one that isn't compared to the Gayday games
Hoxton is a faglord
Bots can carry bags in vanilla now.
Hoxton>Wolf>Jacket>Chains=Dallas>Clover>Wick>Bodhi>>>Everyone else
>Dallas that low
>Jacket that high
Absolute fucking retard pleb taste. ARMS OUTSTRECHED AM I RIGHT UGYS
>stealth is an option
I can’t imagine playing a game like this bot only desu
>buy Ultimate Edition
>Jacket is locked anyway behind a HM2 Special Edition upgrade
Fuck. I really want to use Jacket + Robot mask but I fucking can't.
What others are there
Thats my one problem with PD2. Bringing an armor bag on the map shouldnt cost you your fucking item. Would make insta restarting a thing of the past if we can just get our armor bags/seperate class profile dropped in by helicopter or something.
also remember the player peak is because of bots farming skins, not because people still play the game
I dropped in when the Payday gang turned into a marching band of 100 fucking characters. I can't believe there are people who actually fucking defended Gage archery and samurai DLCs and grenades being locked behind a paywall. Jesus payday lapdogs and the youtube e-celebs were always a bunch of twitch-tier faggots.
Not sure if they still do this but If you're from Australia or have a way of getting a fake Aussie ID you can contact Overkill and get it for free since HLM 2 was banned there.
I'm not from Australia nor would I go through the hassle of doing that but I still appreciate the help.
The best part of payday 2 is being able to set the corpse limit to unlimited and slowly watching your fps tank as the map fills with bodies
Biggest gripe for me about this game was I wanted to play it like an actual heist kind of game, where the cops would surround you inside and you'd have to negotiate and all that if you got caught and only going loud when you want to escape or kill someone, not all the cops rushing you like orcs. Doing the missions stealthily and flawlessly are the only ways for me to enjoy the game, once you get busted it turns into a shitshow. That's partly why I quit playing, people didn't want to be as autistic with the game as I was.
the problem is no one wants to do stealth with randoms or in multiplayer since the latency issue is terrible and makes it so only the host can really have a chance, and no one wants to do loud alone because it means moving a hundred bags on your own and even with the update bots are just super turrets with insane health that regenerates like armour
plan b builds would be great if you could hide your actual weapons on-site along with the armour, kinda like how the golden grin worked, but even then you'd be taking a half assed master of none build and it would be rough
i wouldn't have minded the game being more focused on roles so everyone wasn't a god damn clone of each other with a different voice though
>heists can be made easier with some stealth from hoxton / houston whatever, but they always end up loud
>mastermind can help mitigate hostage drama and keep the police at bay, even try negotiating hostage trades for more money
>enforcer is muscle and is needed to carry shit, deploy shit, and help the mastermind intimidate cops, and if shit hits the fan is the workhorse for keeping cops at bay
>technician handles the technical side of shit, opening safes, dealing with mission computers and machinery, cracking the vault and shit
>feel free to add more heisters with new operational guidelines like a hacker who can fuck with cameras and lasers and shit, or a smart talker who can case like the best of them, talk his way into restricted areas, distract guards and shit
i'd give my left nut for them to combine all of this on an engine similar to Rainbow Six Siege that is slower, more methodical and you don't fight constant bullet sponge enemies for Payday 3
You misread my post, when the helicopter finally arrives with your gear it also includes whatever side profile/class its on. So if you screwed up on your silent yakuza build you would get your chosen Alt profile of Akimbo Shotgun Berserker build dropped in
>Biggest Payday funnies creator turned out to be a furfag with an hyper fetish
Gotta be
i'm 67% sure..
i put sode
don't mind me faggots, just being simon's best track
>turned out to be
You mean you couldn't tell from his profile picture he's always used?
Hey guys I set up a playlist of the best maps in the game I hope you guys are excited for Big Oil, Breakin Feds, Goat Simulator, Alesso Heist, and Lab Rats
PD1 Code Silver
caustic soooooda
What are the chances of the series being salvaged? I just lost interest after a while and for some reason I never went back to it. Weird considering the years I poured into that game.
>but even then you'd be taking a half assed master of none build and it would be rough
Some of my favorite times in this game was using a single build to deal with multi-day missions, using stealth/loud as needed. Having the perfect be all build for X is how the game becomes a piss easy joke. Is ECM feedback ever even used in the current game at all?
I'm sure someone will pick the IP up.
absolute simon kino
I personally don't have major problems with the Alesso mission. It's just really, really long and could have been cut up into several sub-missions instead.
why would it be when it sucks
i've only ever used it with any success during the bottleneck area of the diamond heist
and even then i'd rather bring a sentry turret and not be a drain on my team
Post favorite in game quote
Unironically before all the memes came out
>Want to re-download the OST
>Have to install the fucking game again to do
>OST hasn't been updated since Christmas 2017 anyway
anyway here's Simon's best track
I fucking hate Bain. That mission is annoying because of him.
>tfw Vlad showed up in Punisher
>tfw the Elephant showed up in Devil
Surprised they never brought Matt back outside of the PD2 remake.
He was also in that crappy Total Recall remake.
Literally every single person you look up to has a disgusting fetish.
Name a more kino trailer
None, but that's why we'll never get one.
>Bain is dead
>Most of the contacts went into hiding
>The Payday Gang stole presidential pardons and escaped the WHITE HOUSE
>Everyone held a funeral for Bain and tossed their masks into the grave with him
>Everyone retired from heisting forever
The franchise is "dead" because it ended. what's there to talk about. They literally put "The End" after the finale.
>Bain is dead
>he doesn't know
Perfect example of how you can ruin a solid game with DLCs, MTX and zoomer pandering.
the actors seem cool and effay
>"accidentally" sell the ultimate pack for less than they intended
>"okay guys you win you get the lower price"
>people buy them up
fine ruse
Pretty sad to see it end.
really loved the characters and the setting.
but they did SO many things wrong with PD2 its amazing it lasted as long as it did.
My biggest complaint is how they messed with difficulty levels.
aside from all the dlc bullshit and meme content to stay relevant. they REALLY didnt need that garbage. it just tarnished the game.
Marioinatophat is a gigantic furfag, his current OC is a boy fennec with huge tits and a huge dick, you can find it on his furraffinity account, he goes by Mariagator on it
Dallas' live action actor was too attractive. It wasn't fair to my already fragile sexuality.
>staying in stealth for this mission
I'm sure they'll sell the IP as part of their bankruptcy, and we'll all be worse off for it.
epic is going to pick it up, you just know it
Their company seems to frequently post progress reports and teaser artwork. twitter.com
yeah, didnt say it was worth it
god damn man, why'd you have to say that? i was hoping to go to bed without my day ruined
Aren't they making Payday 3?
Yeah the cowboy pack is when I had to tap out. Fucking bows and arrows?
Just means time for the reboot
i'm not going to lie, i'd have a real hard time hearing anyone else play Bain
Yeah, me too. But as long as he does the soundtrack I’m ok
>It needs hydrogen chloride - for sure.
>yeah uhhhhhhh muri- muriatic acid
on their back or they will actually take them to the location you drop your bag and go and get another and repeat?
>Bad ass tier
>Literally Who tier
>Reddit tier:
>You literally had 1 fucking job and got a chance of a lifetime to be part of heist lore and be a bad ass mother fucker and you fucking act like the gayest jew faggot fucking ever you literally killed your career with this shit and you will be forever known as that youtube hack jew that vomited out a dlc tier
>Ugly stuttering autistic rat humanoid "like a dog with a vagina or some shit" tier
I wish more games were like Payday in that it's not "indie" but it's not "AAA" either. So they have the budget to do cool shit but they're small enough to not be homogenized as hell
Also post hours niggers
>Bain is dead
Spotted the cuckold
They completely concluded the story
Bain's president now remember?
There won't be 3
I'm guessing the next step would be a "create your own heister" shit with the Payday gang acting as contractors
you are part of the child rebel alliance
you and your band of heist kids steal drugs
you get captured by the us government
you have to go on special seek and destroy missions
you escape again through some underground pipes
the pipes lead into a bank
>Marioinatophat is a gigantic furfag
fuck, is everyone a furfag?
Is Yea Forums full of furfags?
Am I a furfag?
Was Moot a furfag?
a cat is fine too
>Jacket in reddit tier
literally kill yourself
>not bad ass
>Dallas, Wolf, Houston
>literally who
It was so good bros
>25-100 and 100% achievements before THAT crimefest
>had a regular crew that did dw loud and grinded achievements
>stopped playing because of lootbox shit
>tried to go back recently but its so bad now
I like the Death Wish trailer, ending anyways.
cinematic gold
at least code silver 2018 was good
PD3 should have Steam Workshop with heist editor/creator. Overkill wouldn't need to do ANYTHING after that if they made a comprehensive heist/map maker. Then they could just curate, pick and choose and cooperate with the map makers to add it to the game.
IMO the the worst thing about PD2 was the balance, fucking retarded changes and classes and weapon balance, unfortunately falls into the bullet sponge category in later difficulties. They should stick to waves of enemies eating your bullets instead of every enemy needing a magdump - which you're supposed to end the game BEFORE you run out of ammo like a IRL scenario.
Payday the series sucked ass
Remember when deathwish released and everyone was pissed that they couldn't ecm rush framing frame day 3 anymore?
framing frame in general isnt even worth playing
don't forget starbreeze / overkill fucking up with raid, the walking dead, starVR and then that shitty fucking crimewar or whatever PvP game where you played king of the drill with lobotomised regular maps like the harvest and trustee
every one who ever goes jacket is an autistic faggot when i look at their profile or try to talk to them or anything and they always do dumb shit and die and have like some pink/teal mask abortion
>not using the dlc unlocker
>dude bows and arrow lmao
Why did people in lobbies get so salty at people using DLC unlockers?
thats literally the easiest part and you can rush the 1st fucking mission wearing an ictv suit under 4mins
The guy who did the later stuff, Gustavo I think, not Le Castlevania, was also pretty good. Underground Lockdown and Tricks of the Trade are some of my favorites
>we will never get a Payday movie done by the people who worked on John Wick
ff was fun loud
fuck stealth and fuck stealthshitters
*shoots you with rpg*
I knew payday 2 was not gonna be as good as gta 4, but I wanted the single player to be as good as call of duty black ops 2.
>got key from trashley
>played for 45 minutes
>haven't touched it since
Because they literally get flagged and instakicked and whine, and if they have that shit they probably have over 20 mods too and private profiles, and damn the game is infested with cheaters
Also the game was unironically beyond cheap and there is literally no excuse to not own everything
Jacket was fucking trash
I don't mind that marioinatophat is a hyper furfag
I just wish he fucking updated his FA
>no complete update soundtrack
I thought Overkill bought the series from StarBreeze and went Indie ages ago
Don ac dum
>implying Payday 3 would get a steam release
They'd take the epic deal in a heartbeat
because the DLC unlocker was usually found on cheat websites or part of a huge cheat tool itself and its gay playing with people who cheat
if you're brazen enough to not give a fuck about having CHEATER above your head, you're not going t o give a fuck abotu even trying to hide your cheating shit
i've seen too many people who have like every perk deck active, all skills maxed out, or no reloads / perfect accuracy, it's gay
>but not as gay as those faggots who installed the mod that turned the trump mask into the crying baby mask, and then banned the guy who made the mod that gave every cop and NPC in the game the trump mask too
>he doesn't know
>he didn't figure out how to play the piano
>he didn't learn a new language
>he didn't translate 20 different tablets
>he didn't fuck with a giant riddle wheel
Lmaoing @ ur life
What happened? I thought Payday 2 was huge success.
I remember sucking absolute donkey dick on that game, always played with randos so I could never finish a heist past overkill. Even then I still sank 250 hours into that thing for some reason.
>console release
>second console release
>a fucking shitch port
what were they thinking?
I just wish he would release the next stream announcements already. I know you're fucking reading this too.
Switch port is surprisingly alright, actually. Nice to play while lounging in bed or something.
If only they updated it.
>try to watch vr gameplay on YouTube
>nobody has any clue whats going on
I just want to see what good players could do
at least solo stealth is still fun
>soundtrack update never ever
Successful game at it's release that completely and utterly fucked up on the console markets, lost the good grace of the PC crowd for a good few months, and was published by a company that constantly made genuinely shitty business decisions.
the relaunch/remaster thing made it pretty ok, only if you're sweating it out on the hardest difficulty with friends though, playing it any other way is a quick way to fall asleep
it died when they started introducing p2w weapon dlc. also the community is autistic losers who farm maps and if you do mistakes you get kicked.
I'd love for Valve to buy them up, because I'd know the franchise wouldn't be ruined. No sequel is better than a bad sequel. From what I've heard from mods on the steam forum, OVK is trying to rush out a Payday 3 with an "accelerated development." If Overkill survives long enough, their final project will 100% be the killing blow. I really don't want a company like THQ Nordic to get their grubby hands on it, either. They have a tendency to take good games and make the sequels less good. I either want Valve, who has been pretty buddy buddy with Overkill, to get the rights and finally make a new game when they desperately need money, or I want Payday to die.
>payday is supossed to take place before john wick 1
>but john still mentions daisy???
Bravo overkill
lolno, they really have lost their touch on games
So, why did the payday gang hire a retired hitman, a mute, a guy larping as tony montana, a dude nature lmao , an old man, a gambler, a retired sicario, and 2 e-celebs?
How can an FPS be so fun with such poor gunplay?
Oyveyshill insider here, let me share you some secrets so you guys don't believe the company is doing nothing:
>partnership with Epic for payday 3 will be announced for the next crimefest event, the main reason being that they would get a bigger cut for all the microtransactions,
>comic about Sydney and Houston lives after the white house heist will be also announced at that event,
>season 3 of their walking dead game is in the works with this time the crew moving to New York after failing to kill the Brigade,
>payday crimewars will be delayed for this winter but the peoples who played the soft launch version will get Ethan and Hila for free as a thank you for testing,
>retired hitman
He came to them
>a guy larping as tony montana
Wasn't that him from the Scarface video game?
>dude nature lmao
Dunno lol
>old man
Knew shit about the not-illuminati
>a gambler
>a retired sicario
>2 e-celebs?
Literally cancelled and taken off steam store
If you're gonna shitpost do it right
>tfw no PAYDAY 3
>tfw even if there was your favorite character probably wouldn't be in it
I only played this game on release, but always found it was really stupid how stealthing missions was all or nothing.
>spend minutes sneaking your way through guards in a suit with a suppressed pistol
>make it 80% of the way through the level, but then make just one mistake and guards are alerted
>all that time you spent trying to stealth was all for nothing because it didn't help you at all, you're still going to get killed immediately by hundreds of police spawning in and no armor
Did updates or missions change this?
Also, it really pissed me off how firing one shot out of a full auto weapon played a sound effect that sounds like two bullets being fired. It was so bad I had to switch exclusively to semi auto guns only.
Oh yeah, i forgot about jimmy, a literally inmortal coke addict and a cucked yakuza who goes oh well after finding his son
No. I'm one of very few people who actually enjoy PD2's stealth, I found it very zen, but as levels got longer and longer the stealth system just became worse and worse. Stealth was fine when missions took only 10 minutes or so, but the 50+ minutes that missions like Big Bank take will make you want to kill yourself if you lose.
>Literally cancelled and taken off steam store
How embarrassing.
Hired them, plus he's dead now anyway
Idk what they were thinking with that, especially the only speaking Japanese part
ok so from what I've gathered ITT, payday 2 went through a lot of ups and downs, and some upside down fuckery as well
but if the game reached what I presume is its developmental end, how is it in its current state?
worth the buy?
Yes, hope you like modding and getting mad at everything
Wolf>Bonnie>Chains>Hoxton>Clover>Dallas>the rest>dogshit>Ethan>>>>>>>>>>>Hila
It died when they fucked up the skill tree and added one down.
>Oyveyshill insider here
Wow, I don't know why someone pretending to be an Overkill insider gave me a sense of nostalgia.
It was only a few years ago.
Yeah, but they'll never make another Payday again. Anybody else who buys the franchise will probably actually make another game.
Anybody else just try to solo everything quietly on the hardest difficulty or its just for autists like me?
l loved the grind l had to do for The Diamond
Solo stealth is the most easy thing ever
>Not having all the achievements already
Well l got into the game really late
And none of my friends are interested in playing it
>had to repeat the diamond so many times that i ended up memorizing and i am able to draw the whole map by pure memory and i havent even played in almost 2 years
Jesus fuck did they really add that many characters? I stopped playing after they added that irish girl
You literally stopped at the start when there was nothing
fuck you l'm downloading it again
>he's dead now anyway
but why
Jimmy > Wolf (just because he's missing voicelines) > Scarface > I don't really use anyone else.
>I see anyone on their phone and I'll dial 555-YOU'RE-FUCKING-DEAD!
>We're all fine here! But if you're going to send backup, send some fit guys with a few bottles of Rivertown Glen, will you?
>Gimme that! *imitates barking* Uhhh, Binky! Gimme that! *imitates growling* Naughty dog, get outta here!
I feel like I'm the only person who likes Bonnie.
I rather enjoy the more "ghost" focused maps (big bank, golden grin, shadow raid, election day, etc), at least until it becomes a tedious bag-moving simulator with little to no risk of being caught (golden grin, shadow raid). Maps like murky station doesn't suffer from that as much, since there's a whole bunch more guards, which is both good and bad.
He dies in the movie, also the franchise is dead so sequel never ever, also fuck you :^)
The "control" maps (trustee banks, jew shop/uk job, diamond store) are...usually not very interesting, especially trustee banks where you just spend a bunch of time waiting for the vault to open after you get the map secure. Go bank is kind've an exception, since, even though a chunk of it is spent waiting around, you at least need to do stuff while waiting.
>golden grin
I would rather play the bomb forest than have to ever stealth that piece of shit again, fuck stealth in both golden grin and alesso
>Bomb Forest ever
>Literally getting fucked up by fall damage most of the heist
Fuck you
>Somebody's farted! Who the fuck was that?
>Stay down! Yeah I'm talking to you! No don't answer back you twat!
Hoxton's got a lovable charm unlike most Brits
I actually liked loud heists and almost never do ghost
I don't have any issue stealthing GGC (or Alesso, for that matter), it's just moving all the fucking bags when you get into the vault is just so goddamn tedious. I would kill to be able to put a loot drop-off point on that elevator thing. Same with Shadow Raid, I'd love if you could get a "loot boat" outside the sewer exit by the dock. Would save so much time in both maps.
Wolf screaming "CLOAKAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" like he was legit shitting his pants in the recording booth is mine.
Jacket's 'The following is for mature audiences only' amuses me every time too, that said.
She's the only woman heister I really like, though.
Dragan's "Time to really fuck this up" is probably mine. I think it was Dragan anyway, I haven't played in years.
Bonnie is like the only female character I don't have blocked. Not sure if I should block Joy or not as well.
What was it about PAYDAY in particular that brought so many shitposts like these?
Any other games today that have communities like it?
>no cover
>shitty objectives
>fall damage everywhere
>dont even require the ladder due to glorious diesel engine
>i hope you bought the helicopter favor user
What were they thinking?
Fuck, wrong post
I don't really care about the balance or whatever, shooting shit is fun in this game and the music is good. Solid enough to fuck around with for a while
Yea Forums, say something nice about him.
He wasn't Bo, at least.
Wolf is so based.
Based base mask
Your opinion my choice lmao :^)
Pretty poetic that this faggot's choices ultimately led to Overkill's demise.
How can the brother of someone as based as Ulf be such a faggot?
>Ulf literally damaged his vocal cords for a while to voice Wolf
He actually didn't, I read that it was a metaphor going around the office for Ulf being rejected (or even fired) by Bo due to Bo's pettiness.
>Ulf being rejected (or even fired) by Bo due to Bo's pettiness
The fuck did Ulf even do? I know Bo's pettiness is extreme but whatever Ulf did, firing your brother for is overkill :)
I can't tell if you're retarded or what, GTFO was started before Starbreeze went tits up and most of the Overkill/Starbreeze team is still at the original company and until a earlier this year had been working on Overkill's TWD. Also there has been more recent information on GTFO they announce things every few months.
Jacket isn’t in the ultimate edition either and I was looking forward to playing him when I downloaded it
>Alright ramblers, let's get ramblin'
>The version with lyrics starts
best part by far
I think you need the special edition of HM2 to get him
>put countless doge memes in payday 2
>decide to adopt a similar dog years later
talk about dedication for a redditor
>not using a music mod to change to the assault track
I don't really know anything about h3h3 (or e-celebs in general), but why are they in PayDay and why do Anons seem to hate them so much?
Unrelated to the game, just random streamers that got in some financial problems and they got in the game for "charity" to help em or something
>Models fucking suck They are already ugly so that doesn't helps
>Their perk fucking sock
>Even when they got their fucking problem fixed they decided to STILL add them in the game
No one asked for this and their shit memes
do people still play pubs or is it all hackers and BRs?
they're in pd2 because some of the devs are fans, they're there for no good reason otherwise, their models are crap, their voice lines are awful
Thank god for character blockers
Who knows, some brotherly shit. Maybe he was jealous of Ulf being loved by the entirety of payday's community.
I really hope Ulf's game is good.
>paid for completely overkill pack cos im a fuckin idiot
>get revolver worth 90+ steambucks
Guess I got my Payday, huh fellas
I haven't played since Ron Perlman, back when shotguns were death-rays. How's the weapon balance now? Any top tier heists since then? Does the DLCunlocker lua still work?
Was it kino?
tfw have a safe in my inventory forever that i cant sell nor get rid of unless i spend $2.50
Man I'm still butthurt I blew nearly 2 years worth of offshore during the Crimefest challenge, only for the final reward to be this shit.
Oh, hold on, wrong image
Personally I think it died when they added the card deck thing rather than just classes with skill trees
Just why? It’s just so weird to add youtubers.
The greatest kino of all
>reach level 25-100 after infamy 2.0 update
>everyone thought you were a cheater for years
>this probably still happens to this day
>infamy 3.0 got scrapped because reddit babies complained about literally infinite infamy levels
>levelling up past infamy 17
lmao wtf, I haven't played this game in years, and now I'm reading that the story has somehow evolved past "epic evil pmcs and bank heists" to include fucking demons and Illuminati and time travelers or some shit? Like actually what the everloving fuck were they thinking
>people hack in pd2
i never understood this why people cheat in a PVE game? All i use is only creamapi for dlc and some Ui mods because of information and i haven't played for like 1 year and a half since my only friend's went to the military and i can't play pubs because i will get auto kicked for creamapi
they should have stopped with the first one
Perhaps the greatest heist was the friends that stole our heart along the way.
I still don't understand how they manage to die with such a cashcow.
They just seem to hack the gold.
Game died when it introduced lootboxes. ahem, I'm sorry "Safes"
it was so bad, they lost nearly their entire player base in just a few months and even went so far as to pay some of their content creators on YT to tell people to "Shut up and stop complaining about it, I'm tired of hearing about it" But we didn't shut up, we kept letting them have it. And then when their dlc stopped selling and new copies of the game stopped selling, they broke. made them free to all players stating "We realized that a happy playerbase is a healthy playerbase"
Translation "Nobody fell for our greedy bullshit, we're sorry! PLEASE COME BACK TO THE GAME!"
Some people did, but from what I saw the playerbase hardly broke 2k players from then on.
It died that day and Starbreeze and Overkill deserved it.
P.S. Fuck Almir and everyone else who defended this shit.
>the playerbase hardly broke 2k players from then on
She may not be the prettiest girl around but I think she just has the best voice lines out of all the girls. Also, the Scottish accent makes me feel funny down there for some reason.
i wish they had attractive women not fat drunk pig lesbians from orange is the new black
they been rockin that shit since like early 2017 lmao
youtube pfp and whatnot
the only thing that matters is what's on the inside :)
Well said. If anyone wants to fix this broken as hell game, get Restoration Mod, alongside many other mods such as STFU (mute bad characters), Subtle Weapon Improvements, etc...
*mains Hoxton*
*shoots a hostage*
*puts up two turrets*
*closes a door on Hoxout*
*upgrades drills to silent*
*ignores the beeping computer*
*spams chat with PocoHud*
*presses the wrong tile*
*runs over downed teammates*
*drives a car into a wall*
*buys Spycams*
*pulls up flak jacket*
*complains about dodgefags*
*steals all the ammo*
*places a mine on a safe*
*throws cards*
*wears the Death Wish skull*
*asks if you're playing stealth*
*jokers your last hostage*
*ziplines on loud H&T*
*bags all the engines*
*aces The Professional*
*puts sode*
*kicks you*
>Some people did, but from what I saw the playerbase hardly broke 2k players from then on.
Nah, Safes were added during Crimefest 2015 (December) the game
It didn't do shit to the playerbase at all, in fact Payday 2 continued to grow after that.
>imagine caring that much about politics
Wheres Duke my nigga
I heard about why the voice lines are so bad, they flew from america to Sweden in one day and voice the lines. They were real tired when they recorded it all
Give some examples of top builds
Original 4 > Houston/Dragan/Clover/Sokol > Duke/Bonnie/Sangres > the rest that are trash
Imagine what Rockstar Games could do with this franchise
grind money for 20 hours to buy a new gun or skip it with a microtransaction valued at $80
can't wait for the rocket powered hovering escape van
rockstar is the last studio that should get this IP, fuck off
i don't think payday can go any lower, and even if it could i'd rather not think of that future
Don't do this to me...
Sounds like Payday 2 monetization and everyone liked that
The game needs a new engine and smarter AI.
Name a better alternative.
it does not need a new engine and horde shooters dont need intelligent ai. it just needs developers that know how to fucking develop video games.
this is bonnie's VA
be amazed
>Here's your mask, bro
why not just scan her face and be done with it
fucking morons
I personally stopped playing after the H3H3 garbage.
>what is a character?
Block her.
epic le hacker gamer quotes xddd
Her voice is fucking annoying.
Way too fucking high pitched, the cadence is irritating as fuck, I never blocked a character so fucking fast.
anyone can be anyone short of some retarded shit like a morbidly obese guy in a wheel chair robbing a bank
>be a taser
>lying in the floor mortally wounded
>last thing i hear is "ELEKTRO IS DEAD 100000+++ POINTS XDD"
>Be Bulldozer
>Expecting some heavily armored, heavily armed fools
>Bodies all around
>Round a corner
>Some 5'2 bitch with a LED deadmau5 rip-off mask and a shirt about EPIC GAMERS on
>Lay into her with shotgun
>"Shit! Hit points are low!"
>Commit suicide because death is a preferable alternative to a fucking gang weed character
>17 thousand players
lmao this board is retarded
you're retarded if you think that's the payday 2 monetization
what it really was: pay $5 every month to get the new powercreep DLC pack then have Jules shit on it all a month or two afterwards with his terrible balancing decisions
oh and if you do Aftershock once on one of the easier difficulties in the game you get an easy 13 million spending cash in about twelve minutes of work. this shit is light years away from rockstar's greed
>first time playing the white house heist
>put the default operation black light song
>almost an hour hearing those 6 notes
I like the song, but 1 hour of that shit drives you insane
Well the white house track was pretty shit, yeah.
Still significantly better than Confirmed Thrills. How the fuck did anyone think Thrills was a good track worthy of publishing?
razormind is the only good track
>Confirmed Thrills
Almost pissed myself laughing when i heard that shit. I don't think they could have found something less fitting for a WW2 prison
Confirmed Thrills was pretty good, it's just that the assault part was utter dogbarf.
I always hated how humanoid Yea Forums was designed compared to /vr/'s design, someone should've actually stepped up to the plate and made something better.
Wait what the fuck happened to the game when I stopped playing? When did a game about performing heists turn into breaking into the fucking White House?
what the fuck almir
since DRUMPF
Bain gets kidnapped and infected with the virus you stole in the No Mercy heist from PD1. Bain is dying and decides on one last heist to make the PAYDAY gang secure their place in history and be free from their life of crime. If you do the heist normally, you steal enough pardons for everyone and Bain dies. If you do the secret ending, you infiltrate an ancient indian temple that is under the White House, killing ghosts as you try to open up a door. When you open the door, you find the temple and have to place pure Mayan gold around it to activate it, along with The Diamond necklace that you stole. The dentist appears, threatening to kill Bain. It turns out that the Dentist has used this temple to possess people and live forever for years. You kill him, place the gold around the temple, and Bain is able to switch bodies with the President of the United States, performing the greatest heist of all: Stealing the most powerful office.
Had to end the game somehow. Could as well go big.
What context would that make sense though? Even breaking Hoxton out and going into an FBI office was dumb, but that's just retarded.
Did I just read fan fiction or is this shit real? It better god damn be.
It's the real canon ending to PAYDAY 2.
Breaking into the white house is the perfect ending for payday but all the ctuhulu shit is absolutely retarded
Sadly, it's real. PAYDAY really jumped the shark in the last three years.
Well, that's fucking stupid, but I guess at least they decided if they were going to do something dumb, they may as well commit fully to the insanity.
>Bain is dead
The absolute state of non-dark magic performing brainlets
You better be fucking joking. You better be fucking joking, I swear to God.
Bro, I'm sorry, but that is the real ending.
>he looks the same
>his horse-faced Jew wife had to be completely changed to the point where it doesn’t even look like her
What did they mean by this
> go to bed
> wake up
> thread still up
Why did it have to get so fucking goofy?
Why weren't there more proper banks like First World?
Why did the crew do more stupid fucking shit like sky-diving out of a plane, raiding the WHITEHOUSE, doing deals with Reservoir Dogs shit, stealing diseases, stealing a nuclear bomb, stealing FBI files, making Meth, etc etc instead of robbing fucking BANKS?
That's kind of funny actually
But Clover and Sydney (save her hair) are hot.
Her face looks the same to me, but their bodies are extremely deformed just to fit the horrendous animations
Post Steam profile links, I need people to play PD2 with
Because you weren't doing "stupid fucking shit" in PDTH
Judging by your reading comprehension you're t/he retarded one
Robbing banks in the same fashion except with different locations and textures doesn't sound nearly as fun as stealing fucking war heads or the White House
>tfw payday 2 was never a better payday 1
Fuck man, I just wanted the 4 OGs, more cool heists(most of the new ones were lame or way too over the top), sleek cops with better AI behavior(stacking up, throwing flashes and smokes at areas that actually help officers push in, maybe even sting grenades that stun players temporarily to be arrested or pepper sprayed, etc.) and better weapon distinguishing rather than all feeling the same. It's just sad.
The stealing diseases was from PDTH though. It was supposed to be a special noncanon Halloween heist, but it was in there.
>almost an hour hearing those 6 notes
Could be worse
>Overkill's TWD
Did this get any better? I pirated it when it first came out and it wasn't great
That was sarcasm
>implying that sticking with robbing banks as a theme is the same as copypasta levels
A scaled response with bigger franchise banks for more risk vs reward rather than
>banks banks banks
That sounds incredibly dull
Go check their steam page and see for yourself
>can't wait for the rocket powered hovering escape van
I was thinking how payday went a bit nuts but after doomsday in GTAO, not anymore.
thats why you change shit up and have more shit happen during the heist, like shit going wrong and have the cops be a real, tangible threat in tactical teams and not be >hold off against waves of retarded cops that can kill your hostages while screaming "WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHO THE FUCK WE'RE FIGHTING HERE" over and over again
Or you just continue the wave-based formula across different locales and types of heists
user even PayDay 1 was more than just banks. I don't get why you're being so autistic.
Never fails to crack me up.
>white chains
I disliked Payday 1 but I like the premise of heisting in general. It seems fun and ripe for good shit.
PDTH literally had a single bank
maybe he means being more grounded, not mayan temples and nukes and shit
>At least two confirmed, might be more
for me I think they jumped the shark when they added more characters you can play as. Really wasn't needed or even a good idea. The fact that they also don't actually affect anything makes it even worse as well. They should have expanded the characters, instead of adding a ton of pointless ones and keeping all of them as deep as a kiddy pool.
Thats not true unless you are at DS, and at DS you have anarchist and stoic.
Using dodge on DW is retarded. Using dodge on DS is acceptable if you arent good and need luck over skill but you should be using anarchist and stoic
>no Houston in the ending shot
Pissed me off
Yes, boiling point is me and my crew's favorite heist. How could you tell?
Im not that guy but anarchist suit works on every mission on DS if you are good at armorgating
Stoic works at every DS mission that has cover
kirkman and his company skybound pulled out february this year and revoked the license
which means overkill is legally forbidden from further updating the game, which means the people who actually paid for it are not getting everything that was promised to be paid for
skybound basically used starbreeze as a scape goat to get some extra positive PR by cancelling a shit game, which is kinda fucking smelly because weren't they supposed to make sure the game fulfilled their quality expectations BEFORE it came out? y'know, like they continuously talked about in the interviews?
shame on OVK for making a garbage early access tier game but more shame on Skybound for being lying cunts now go buy Telltale's TWD remastered, exclusively on Epic Games Store; the original versions are no longer on sale on Steam ;)
didn't proof read my second sentence, should be "which means the people who actually paid for it are not getting everything they were promised to get"
On their backs. IIRC they're slower too especially if you make them carry gold or something.
Yeah, but the assault part is what you listen to 95% of the time in game
Thank God for being able to change the heist track
Hell's Island => Death Row
White House => Supersledge
So tldr shit ate piss?
Because more normie players didn't like Houston. Hell, the original idea for PD2 was that only Wolf would be an original member and that Dallas, Chains, and Hoxton would be new characters. You can go on Youtube and hear what Dallas was going to sound like when voiced by his live action actor. But the fans cried about it so only Hoxton was new and then eventually Old Hox came back.
Or you can do both at the same time with kingpin
the only issue would be have more than 50% health and then a green dozer shooting you, otherwise it's just godmode for 6s
>Brooklyn 10-10
>have a fast PC so you get over 9000 cops spawning
>people come in, get rekt and leave
>only Wolf would be an original member
ironic considering what happened to Wolf.
I thought that Starbreeze was Vin Diesel's company? Is he the one who fucked everything up?
Also, why the fuck he didn't pu Riddick games on steam again, considering that he owns the whole franchise nowadays.
If that's true then how come we didn't get a Dominic Toretto heister?
fo sho'
you're thinking of Tigon Studios, that's Vin's company
Bo Andersson fucked everything up in Starbreeze.
Vin probably forgot those games even existed.
They literally had their most recent update on GTFO just two weeks ago with new screenshots and a roadmap for how testing will happen. They said testing will begin soon. Maybe educate yourself before being an absolute fucking moron.
>he dies in the movie
Cokehead Jimmy doesn't die in the movie. 50% of the Jimmies die though, you're probably thinking of one of them.
I find it weird they added Clover's mask to the PAYDAY merch store even though she left the crew after 2. Was she even considered a part of the core crew?
Fuck this game. They penalize going guns blazing too much.
What kind of a mongoloid even cares about it? It looks dogshit
Coke Jimmy actually does die, plus the actual, real Jimmy died
It always amazes me when people claim Payday 2 is dead. It has 20k active players right now. It's only 9:23 central time in the US. That's impressive for a 7 year old game.
Nice dead game, loser
I don't remember Coke Jimmy dying. When and how?
Only a couple retards ITT are saying the game is dead.
based OP BTFO
Endless DLC
Nerfing every good weapon to sell the DLC
Nerfing DLC to sell next lot of DLC
Was still fun game for quite while though
Should I reinstall payday 2 anons?
Killed off screen by Akan during the brothel shootout.
His body gets thrown with Henry through the vent system
Payday ending video for those who want proof it is real
If you want to
But this game was made by a small indie studio
Some more background on Starbreeze: They aren't dead. They just sold off some IPs and studios and have mostly settled their financial issues, at least short term. The head also had all charges cleared as the bank had actually pressured him into the fraudulent dealings. They'll probably go tits up if they don't release something new soon. Overkill is hard at work on GTFO and Payday 3. Most of the Payday 2 team transferred over to Payday 3 about a year ago so I would guess news about that will come soon.
Well she was kind of a fan favorite (mostly for being the only female) until Sydney showed up.
>no one other than ALESSO®
>Overkill is hard at work on GTFO
>Overkill is hard at work on GTFO
Overkill's not working on GTFO.
GTFO is developed by a completely different company with no physical ties to Starbreeze.
>news about that will come soon
sure thing pal
absolutely based
this makes me sad
I would be surprised if it didn't, they were selling the game at a 95% discount during the steam sale.
I actually miss Payday, the crew was charming, except for those h3h3 cucks nobody wanted.
Wish someone else had a chance at making Payday 3. this time with a bit more varied mechanics, better modeled characters and animations for the love of fuck, better balancing.
its still the best pve coop shooter, sunk 2k hours into it.
reminder that the ps3/xbox360 versions never recueved the jew updates with microtransactions up the ass
and i still find some people online to play with to this day
The scumbag CEO, Bo Andersson was involved in insider trading and basically brought the company down with him because their stocks plummeted after the raid on their offices.
he was also responsible for getting Wolf's VA, who is his brother and was co-owner of the company (the last one im not 100% sure of), to quit.
Basically, fuck Bo Andersson. Ulf and Overkill deserved better.
I liked them, they were cheesy and sometimes chuckleworthy. Worth watching for fans, but if you went in expecting Breaking Bad tier acting/writing you set yourself up for disappointment.
PD2's issue is that they seriously devalued it by constantly putting it on sale at huge discounts and offering it for free for a limited time. Yeah, they've sold tens of millions of copies, but nobody spent more than a couple of dollars on the game. It's not like Overkill recouped lost revenue with DLC sales, when faced with a massive list of DLC, people opt to just buy the most recent or none at all.
Wait what happened to Starbreeze?
Payday 2 might not be dead yet but Payday the series is probably fucked.
Should I redownload it, bros?
If you want to see how much it's changed, sure.
Bots are just as useless. They're fond of standing in front of SWAT turrets until they're downed.
Overkill's TWD game bombed, a ton of stupid investments like a VR headset, a VR cafe and a worthless engine. After they went into administration, the place got raided by police for Insider trading
>Ummm, they made some bullshit so THAT killed the game!
Yes, overkill does not have the resources or the staff to ever handle payday 3
They are going to have to sell the IP
in b4 PAYDAY 3 is a looter shooter
The trailers were so fucking good but probably cost so much
>sells the IP to EA or something
Game died when they announced 3-year DLC supporter and then fucking extended it for another 2 years
That's 5 years of fucking shitty DLC
Upset we never got a full helmet variant of the alpha force mask
I wish there was more porn of her
Remember when Starbreeze invested several million dollars into some engine that proved to be unusable?
>dublin police dept
Every god damn time
The worst part is that they put them into PD2
>Several millions
>For Diesel Engine
Bo is a fucking retard and I'm glad his company is burning down.
Why did Chains get the forever alone guy
Its was actually the Vallhalla engine he invested it, it was only half way completed and then the devs starting making OTWD in it and then with only like 6 months left of dev time, they swapped to unreal and made the game from scratch
Remember when Starbreeze invested several million into a deal with Imax to provide VR gaming areas?
Not that anyone ever heard of them for obvious reasons
>the devs starting making OTWD in it and then with only like 6 months left of dev time
The devs were telling the faggots in charge that the engine is absolute garbage, completely unusable and they needed to do insane amounts of work to make it work
*Telling them before they even got the engine
Chances of Jacket being in pd3?
Probably not gonna happen, especially if PD3 is handed off to another company, unless they do a Hotline Miami 3 deal or something. He could be modded in though.
>literal miniguns, flamethrowers, and rocket launchers
>shields and bulldozers become complete jokes with snipers that can erase them
>meta loops back around to wearing suits and exploiting dodge
I love how the feature creep got so bad that they just kept having to add more difficulty levels. Also, did they just completely forget about multi-day heists?
i'm going to suicide bomb both dennaton and overkill if he's not i just want another hotline PLEASE
There were never going to be multi-day heists, thee calendar has 7 days on it because it looks better.
Still waiting for those 7-day heists they promised
I will never stop being mad
Who? Do you really think there still be people left wanking over Hotline Miami in 2030 when Payday 3 releases?
HM is already old news gramps
Hopefully not, Jacket shitters are the worst
Even worse than Sydneyfags with how obnoxious their character is
based and redpilled
>That odd piece of Sydney trivia that said she was a good swimmer
>It eventually became her epilogue
Apparently she want on to he an Olympic swimmer and donates the money to charity, so thats wholesome
What isn't wholesome however is the raging erection I get imagining Sydney in a one-piece
>Jacket in Payday 2 doesn't speak
>Hates russians
>And has hand wraps that cover his knuckles and hands
What about Sydney in a one-piece calling you "senpai"?
the crringe that killed /pdg/ along with that tranny shill
/pdg/ were a bunch of faggots
/pdg/ was fun.
desu the amount of gays in any general is quite a lot, and /pdg/ is no different. Quite faggoty
what about the VN generals where they try to convince themselves their wives are real?
What is this shit
someone can't draw and traced a bunch of persona 5 art
Well that's just a shitty thing to do.
If you can't draw either learn to, hire someone that knows to, or do what I did and give up. Tracing is just kinda shitty and you'll probably be caught.
He didn't get caught though, and he even got paid for his "art"
user don't be silly, she would probably call me a cunt
Best post ITT
>sorry man, this is a loud only lobby
>bain is dead