Has a game ever gone from hero to zero as fast as this game?
>praise as the best most mature game of all time by critics
>loved by players
>shortly after becomes hated, and is now forgotten
Has a game ever gone from hero to zero as fast as this game?
What a disappointing game. Unironically contributed to me becoming a doomer.
>shortly after becomes hated
What happened?
BIG NAME HYPE died and everyone realized it was shallow, mediocre, and forgettable
It came out
>bioshock infinite
>not set underwater
You don't follow up a great game that actually has something to say with a massive production that cuts out everything interesting and only leaves enough remnants to make you see what it could have been.
Infinite wasn't bad at all, but it's far from great. The story spins wheels then goes to the blandest possible resolution while simultaneously not resolving almost anything. Thank god the DLC makes it canon that Infinite never even happened.
>praise as the best most mature game of all time by critics
Critics don't play games, they play paychecks. The only people who talk about infinite now are salty bioshock2fags and WAIT A MINUTE memers.
Smart people made videos about how the parallel universes doesn't work, Matthewmatosis made his vid., DLCs were both disappointments
Bio meaning biome and I guess if you really stretch the imagination it was a biome
I was called a hater for telling everyone it was mediocre. Pirated it on PC ended up finishing it drunk because of how dull it was. Mostly used the carbine and the crows. Game doesnt really make any demands of the player liz mechanics are interesting at first till u realize they make the game impossible to lose even on hardest difficulty unless this was your first shooter. No boss fights. A shooter like this with no boss fights is boring by default and lazy. They could have made interesting bosses that tested your usage of the powers and Liz's assistance but no they couldnt be assed.
Upgrade system terribly boring. Story is very tryhard tho is still probably the best thing about it. It's just so painfully mediocre that is downright offensive considering how much hype it got.
It was a shitpost circa 2013* when the game came out
>Infinite came out 25 years ago
>I'm still pissed
How did this not get more hate for outright lying to people what the gameplay would be like in the E3 demos?
Fuck it, I still loved it. The setting and story were amazing, and pretty much carried the game. I'll admit the ghost mom business was a slog to play through, but at least the music was really spooky
>shortly after
I hated it an hour in when it turned into everything I didn't want it to be
I thought it was amazing to start and was on pace to be a masterpiece until they started time traveling and the plot went to shit and started making zero sense and also went off the rails from the previous sistopic theme of 1 and 2. Not to mention they just straight up copied the ending to the movie Looper which is pretty unforgivable. I love all he Bioshocks for different reasons and despite my problems with Infinite I still enjoyed my playthrough. Atmospherically it was my favorite though that has a lot to do with being in the clouds and the era it was trying to replicate ('wholesome' 20th century America)
>game forces you to use gamebreaking dlc shit
Not even the devs respect their game.
Once the prettiness of the visuals were gotten used to people judged the game by its mechanics, revealing it to be shallow compared to previous games
That and a lot of people realized that 'confusing' does not mean deep
Contrarian niggers on Yea Forums started being loud and newfags think that the game is hated en masse when it's not.
It's a good game no matter whatever the low IQ brainlets will say
>judged the game by its mechanics, revealing it to be shallow compared to previous games
Except it wasn't. At all. You just had people too dumb to not realize how the game works and fell into repeating a single pattern of fighting over and over again when they had dozens of options available to them
SS2>BS1=Minerva's Den>BS2>>>>>shit>>>>>>Infinite
Eventually even the brainlets realized the plot was retarded and the developers went out of their way to kill Elizabeth as punishment for making SFM porn of her angering no end of people.
Infinite > Bioshock 1
Only people who disagree are retarded nostalgia fags
Removing hacking, the two gun limit and checkpoints instead of save games ruined it for me.
>BS1=Minerva's Den>BS2
Retard alert, retard alert
MD >>> BS2 > BS1
200 IQ post