What is the "Joe Rogan Experience" of video games?
What is the "Joe Rogan Experience" of video games?
That nigger glows in the dark.
well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
COD and he wasn’t very good
Technically after 10 years you are dead and gone and what remains is just a clone that was slowly copied over you the past decade.
You aren't you
Your mother isn't actually your mother
Sophomoric level philosophy. Check.
Entertaining for a little while. Check.
Baffling level of popularity for what it is. Check.
Main character has a huge fucking head. Check.
Ape Escape.
He said Joe Rogan, not The View
Go back shills
There's a difference?
Toe Fungus and Earl
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Can he be contained?
What's his problem? DMT isn't the answer to everything. Joe would snap his leg, then tell the doctor that he can walk out with no recovery, all because he tripped on some acid and a magic ape told him so
So your saying I can fuck her
He knows too much, he's dared to look upon the truth.
>the time Joey Diaz accidentally outed him and Joe got visibly nervous
Certainly feels that way
any warhammer game
joe is cool but too easily influenced. lots of people he has on are hacks though
mossad simulator
Alex Jones in a hat looks like Chris Sabat
>30 years ago when I was in boulder...
>Easily impressed retard
Hideo Kojima
>Lemme tell you something joe rogaine you know i love you man new york city in the 1970s
Quake, you dumbshit.
>8-ball of coke on the coffee table
It's true for most of your body, but not for your brain cells. Your brain cells don't change at the same rate. It would take several lifetimes for them to completely replace themselves.
is Joe Rogan even worth listening to? Is he more entertaining than Jason Ellis?
>is Joe Rogan even worth listening to?
>Is he more entertaining than Jason Ellis?
>It's a Joey tells a story about a time he took a shit episode
No, he's like Bill Nye for dudebros
No, but both Alex Jones podcasts are must-watch. Just wait for the getting choked-out and living an entire lifetime in medieval England.
Quake 4 for some fucking reason
Have you heard of the machine elves?
The only people I know who watch it are conspiracy nutbags or people who play games like Euro Truck Simulator or Elite Dangerous and need something to fill the void.
>Alex says insane bullshit every few minutes
>provides source every fucking time
Joe Rogan is what happens when someones life revolves entirely around MMA, Weed and Conspiracy theories
Damn they sound pretty based
>too scared to go to the ice wall
what a fucking pussy
My friend mentions Joe Rogan all the time and all he plays is Smash Ultimate
The weak should fear the strong
>Couldja believe that, Joe Rogan?
Joe "Quake" Rogan
They become rich and famous?
I need to start watching more MMA.
Ask him if he thinks the moonlanding was faked
It is the biggest podcast in the world.
Those numbers are fudged by the CIA to get people to tune in and listen to Joe address the list of bullet point topics they gave him.
he was also a very successful comedian
>a very successful comedian
Jamie is a floppy-wristed, latte-swilling male feminist. I'm so glad when guests treat him like the total bitch he is.
Go away Joe
It's true. He is a successful comedian. That doesn't necessarily mean he's funny.
t. Crowder
Stop making my dick hard I know you're a boy
He's sucked at least 3 dicks.
>you know the kids don't know this these days but back in the day the consoles, you know, they would talk about the bits. you had ya 8 bit, ya 16 bit, 32 bit, then the Nintendo 64, they called it that cause it was 64 bit, you remember that right joe.
Hey that's not fair, he got an A in physics
The CEO of the company I work in recommended JRE to me
He is funny though. I watched some of his standup recently and laughed a lot
>you now realize all your mother will die in her sleep posts were correct, it's just a very gradual process
>gullible dudeweed who blows every pseud that he platforms because he's physically incapable of forming independent thoughts
A toss up between David Cage and Kojimbo.
Not him, but that doesn't void anything he just said.
i fucking love uncle joey. i miss watching his podcasts with lee but i had to give them up when i got sober because watching them go deep on the edibles and the bong all the time makes me wanna go back to it.
>segment about the cops who got in trouble for playing that game where you make a circle with your thumb and forefinger and punch people who look
>Jamie says it means white power
>Guest explains that it's just a game
>Jamie's argument is "But these guys are adults."
>Jamie goes on to explain that he and his friends still play that very same game
of course he did
I guess so, he is a bit of conspiracy nutbag
'Memba dat time in La Brea where we got those CIA cocksuckas drunk and they gave that tranny a stabbin, Joe Rogan?
though the atoms and material that make up your brain cells is still replaced on the regular
goddamn it i miss him. sober life is nice but it can't beat getting fucked up to da gills with joey and lee.
i ain't gay but i love eddie bravo such a cool dude
Yeah, I read the comments section sometimes, too.
He has some interesting guests on every now and then, and he tends to be good at just letting them talk and tell their story. Towards the end of every "interview" he starts to interject more and that's usually when I turn it off.
Listen to some Zeppelin, dawg. Jimmy Page drops it like a FUCKING SOLDIER.
I have to rewatch Joey Karate every now and then, it's pure genius
>The bucket is an effective weapon
I didn't know anyone here watched Joey. This is cool as fuck.
call of duty
joe rogan thinks anyone who uses big words is smart and correct
Joe rogan. Lemme tell you something, I was in Spider-Man 2 dawg.
>when the cops come ya put the bucket over your head, nobody can find ya
>that fucking bucket sound every time he hits him or blocks with it
it's time to rewatch joey karate again cocksucka.
>yfw the bucket technique actually fucking works in vidya
people here hate him because he's too eccentric and doesn't immediately dismiss everything he hears. most episodes are entertaining enough and have good talking points, but take everything with a grain of salt as you should with anything in life
The story of the fucking coke fuelled odyssey he went through for the 5 seconds he was in basketball was incredible
>Kept stealing rollerskates to sell for blow
>Turned up for acting drunk and high on 3 hours of sleep
>Didn't know what his mark was
>Since he kept selling the rollerskates he had to mime rollerskating away
>it's a joey diaz blurts out that he helped his step dad with murder episode
>he doesn't screech correcting people like a stupid drone
I don't even like rogan but you are a faggot
>These fuckin stories could get me killed
>I dont talk thats how I was raised in a CUBAN. HOUSEHOLD
>Okay cocksucka so heres what happened
I swear between the avalanches of blow hes done and those fucking stars of death that he eats like gummy bears his brain must be fried, i'd be surprised if he was able to walk, talk and remember how to breath at the same time