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character limits are a bitc
he loves getting cucked
It's nothing, there is pdf of an interview some did, they say the update is just coming whenever with no indacation of it's priority.
I need some help.
My younger brother was scammed by assholes on a community server. He gave them his password and now his account in family view.
What can I do to fix his dumbass mistake?
I don't understand why any valve dev would even talk to this faggot
I fucking hate Valve.
candlejack is a old me
Please help me, Yea Forums.
how old is your brother
pm'ed you the answer ;)
Thanks, brah.
I know how to fix TF2:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months
Oh I get it
why would you let your little brother play unsupervised
I didn't think he was so foolish to ever do anything like that. I was never scammed and neither were my other brothers.
It seems like he's the dumb one.
But I still need to fix this.
The email account associated with the account is no longer his, so I can't do anything from his side, but I did email Steam from my account explaining my situation. But I have no idea if that will work at all.
Do any of you have any idea of what I could do? I trust you, Yea Forums.
Steam support
Also call the accounts out.
>tfw valve could make TF3 or TF2.5 on the new engine but they won't because retards keep buying keys and valve loves free money
Fuck you.
He doesn't know the accounts responsible.
Did they get his email as well?
Yep. He changed it.
In the Discord logs, they even asked for his fucking credit card number. Luckily, he didn't give it to them. The only value they could get would be his TF2 cosmetics.
i get it too
Hey its that guy that's wrong about everything
Subtle yet daring
suscribe to pewdiepie
Hey guys Tyler Mcdicker here. TF2 is dead. Oh wait it's back. Oh it's dead again and there are only two members on the team despite it being Valve's usual vacation time. And I just now saw this email from Gabe himself that HL3 may be on the way. Oh it was faked, let me delete this real quick. Speculation: We will get a TF2 update within the year. Also I'm gay.
And I still read all that in his voice
>tf2 on life support
>is in the top 10 most played steam games
what's their damn problem
wow damn when you put it like that, you really get a much clearer picture on just how gutted and shit overwatch is
Remember when we said, girl,
Please don't go and how I'd be loving you forever
The "popular", or supposed "majority" community is full of dramatic, whining people who are never pleased, and in all actuality, are the minority in their wants, and pushing for competitive support. They're partly responsible for bitching, bitching, and bitching until Valve delivered a few harsh blows to make the game more "mainline" and thus, popular with their group. You see this with their complaints about crits, or almost anything, really. They won't critique hats, and ridiculous cosmetics which butcher the intended art-style; no, if anything, you'll notice they partake in that sort of gambling behavior which enables Valve to continue on in the first place.
they're stupid whiny fucks who try to dramatize things to make it seem the game is in some disastrous state and anyone tf2 "youtuber" spouting opinions on twitter of all places should be taken with a grain of salt
If anyone has any idea on what I could do bedies just messaging STeam Support, tell me at Fellow older brothers especially appreciated.
"TONIGHT IS NIGHT" fits Heavy better
Taught you 'bout hanging tough, as long as you got the right stuff.
Didn't we girl? Oh-oh
Dign't we girl? Ah-ah
have you tried two factor authentication? Disabling the entire account?
wait what?
There is a tf2 team?
Dont let 11yo unsupervised access to the internet you fucking cunt
Its free money for 0 effort.
Gaben doesn't care at all about TF2 anymore and just sees it as an old cash cow, too bad Overwatch is a horrible game, maybe that could have pushed them to make a new game.
If you like TF2 gameplay, there is literally nothing else to play BUT TF2, its sad but Valve knows it has its userbase by the balls.
TF2 Switch port
They're just mad they won't kill it to make room for an Overwatch killer like those 2017 rumor shitters were trying to push.
His account is now in 2-Factor authentication, which the scammer started, so I can't get in.
How could I disable the whole account?
This is what I meant.
Too late to complain about that now. I really thought better of him.
Have you tried using this instance to properly teach him opsec and how to recognize scams and phishing on the internet?
Because this is the one chance you have to enlighten a child that's fresh to the internet
I've yelled at him more than enough. He will never trust anyone he's not related to again.
I just found the report VNN is talking about and it's a waste of time
>OMGGGGGG thank god you kicked the mic spammer!!!!!!!!
It's his twitter unless his other stuff like yt was all hacked and secretly edited, user.
i can't believe it took me until the very last change to get it
imagine still playing tf2.....yikes....get with the times
what's wrong with titanfall?
Ironically Overwatch doesn't have this problem. Unironically the name of the game has changed. It's much more fun to make people tilted on purpose and get there account banned for toxicity
this just proves the micspammers are correct
reminder only weebs started micspamming so they could fit in with other weebs who want act like they are so wapanese
>reminder only weebs started micspamming so they could fit in with other weebs who want act like they are so wapanese
reminder that weeb faggots and pathetic 26-36 year olds get mad at micspamming chads
>he has a credit card or access to one
Nobody is retarded enough to tell a ten year old where a credit card is.
All you can do is go to steam support and bitch on steam reddit. If you bitch about it and male a sob story on reddit they will help you faster.
Anons how do I mic spam?
Reminder if you are complaining about micspam when the game has a built in mute feature, you're as soft as tissue paper and you are what's part of what's ruining online gaming to the point everyone must be treated like a special fucking snowflake online.
He doesn't, just our mom's.
I don't use Reddit.
I knew the day Overwatch started heavily enforcing hatespeech and SJW propaganda that things would go south. Almost every platform get's policed now. What happened tot he days where you had a dedicated mute feature and communities policed and ousted faggots themselves? On most servers if you we'[re going to be a shit, the community in that server would never stop tormenting you until you either left or stopped.
Yeah but what if the mic spammer has something important to say?
Steam employees do look at reddit so it is good to make a temp account to make a sob story since they will go though it faster that way.
drive off a bridge
GGEZ and spamming emotes is not hate speech, lmao.
I mean ousting and calling out anyone who doesn't agree or goes along with there agenda. In other games people just simply didn't give a fuck. Now it feels like everyone gives a fuck.
t. seething numale
guys lets be honest
its only a matter of time before Volvo implements a BR mode
You will have to get ahold of steam support then they will probably ask you some personal questions to know its you who really owns the account. Offer to tell them the full card number among other things.
I want to play a huge multiplayer open world TF2 game I can rocket jump around in.
>arena mode 2
BR has passed unless they do it in the next update
Would it hurt to offer untradeable rewards for ranking up in comp or leveling up in casual? Or finish the in-progress maps? Or try to take advantage of season shit that BR games are doing? Or add more decent rewards for all the mvm campaigns that are not fucking Two Cities?
stupid fucking gosling poster
And compete with the excellent BR mode "Danger Zone" in CS:GO?!?
I think not
stupid fucking no image poster
>complaining about TF2
>not CSGarbage and DOTA
>he still believes this
It's a F2P game, the actual numbers for those who are playing the game and not just bots idling in menu are a lot more telling.
Here are the actual numbers.
>You see this with their complaints about crits, or almost anything, really.
I'll never understand why faggots continue complaining about this. It's been a complaint since the game was in beta in mid 2007. If Valve didn't listen to the numerous TFC fags crying about random crits over 12 years ago, they sure as fuck won't listen to some whiny fucker who started playing the game in 2013-15.
I've been teleporting bread
I didn't realize what this was until half way down the list.
well played user, well played.
So when is Tyler going to eventually kill himself?
What do you want in a TF3? Mechanics? What aesthetic? Class personalities?
here's an idea I had in a dream:
10 classes, demoman and demoknight have been split. Apart from that its the same 9 we've had since 1996.
the Demoman and Demoknight are the TF2 Demo's twins a son and a daughter.
Scout has a kid that believes the stories of grandeur its father told them, and thinks it can never live up to Scout's legacy even though most of what scout told it is an egotistical lie.
TF3 soldier is soldier and Zhanna's son who has the a similar brash personality has his parents.
Medic is someone new entirely, except not really. its someone unrelated to Medic but the TF2 medic actually transplanted his conscience into a nurse that was taking care of him in his dying moments.
thats as far as I got in the dream, pyro was the same TF2 pyro. Spy, sniper, heavy, and engie were absent from the dream
I have conflicting thoughts about this every time when it comes to a sequel to TF2, one thing that makes each generation of mercs special is that they have no relations to the previous bunch. Its a pretty good dynamic the comics sorta delved into, but man on the other hand it would be such a waste to throw away so many memorable characters.
agreed on all fronts
I don't want a TF3
I just want a TF2 Pure Edition
I want TF2.5.
TF2, updated, new maps and weapons, tons of fixes and buffs, new gamemodes, some new story-type stuff, etc.
No TF3 ever. It would be ruined.
>TF2 classic on Source 2
But there have been only two real teams, and the comic-only original team.
And the TF1 teams includes Engie's father.