Will he ever make a game where you can literally do everything?

Will he ever make a game where you can literally do everything?

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You see that landscape all the way over in the distance there. You can build a mountain there and then climb it!

He tried but gamers wouldn't let him


I don’t know about that. With games like no man’s sky getting as much hype as it did clearly shows people eat up empty promises rather well still.

Why does he look so happy?

Because he recently planted an acorn

I wonder if he has seen the videos of Guru Larry

I thought he got out of the game industry ever since that journalist made him cry

I want to see that.

>that journalist made him cry
tell me more

I can't seem to find the exact article, just articles talking about what happened. But iirc he agreed to do an interview and the guy kinda ambushed him and brought up all the shitty stuff Peter had done with over promising stuff and how he's a hack. I think there's a guardian article that talks about it

>a game where you can literally do everything?

Just install Unity or Unreal engine

never mind I'm dumb. It's the RPS interview

And the pastebin:

well that was awkward...

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Convince me that Todd and Molyneux aren't the same person. Have you ever seen them in the same room? Of course not.

That was a hell of a shitshow interview.
I almost feel bad for Peter even if he deserves the hate.

i just want another the movies game

now read the article about the guy who 'won' curiosity and suddenly molyneux deserves it again

Man I loved the movies. I made a bunch of awful shit but it was MY awful shit damnit

Except No Man's Sky is the sort of game where vague details cause stupid hypetards to imagine things about the game that will never be in there and then they set themselves up for disappointment when the game is out.

Exact same happened with MGSV.

This interview was shit. They would never do that to their ex boss who made shittier games. Peter like Howard is a lier but at least he made good games (even if it was thanks to bullfrog)

Peter absolutely did not deserve this. He is as much a conniving liar about games as is Todd or Kojima, but unlike them Peter has always had a passion for trying something different with games. He delivered unfulfilled promises because he made the mistake of thinking the developers working underneath him were equally as passionate.

I think the difference is that Peter always over promised because he doesn't really understand the limitations of games whenever he does it. So he promises all this shit and the actual coders have to scramble to try and implement all this shit that can't be done and it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it's completely fair to compare him to todd

Shit like this and Schreier attacking George Kamitani is the reason games are falling into an abyss of hyper-corporate servie models. Instead of confronting the problems that need addressing, these cowards go and attack has-beens or indie devs who are incapable of defending themselves. Disgusting.

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both true

I love Peter. I'd genuinely like to work for him on a game, pick his brain about Bullfrog and the like.
But the guy is a fucking liar.

The entire basis for saying that is that the stories he tells in this video contradict other versions of the same stories he told elsewhere, mainly about how he got into games.
He previously said at GDC that he got into games by accidentally taking deliver of some computers meant for a company sharing the name of his baked bean export outfit, but in this one, he's invited to the manufacturer and given a tour or something? It's been a while, but the guy's a compulsive liar.
