It's not even that much smaller. All I wanted was a real handheld, fuck the Switch.
It's not even that much smaller. All I wanted was a real handheld, fuck the Switch
Pray for the 4DS.
I don't want games like Etrian Odyssey to be ruined on the Switch.
Get a vita and play Catherine
You must have very tiny hands
It's significantly smaller. At least the screen is. 5.8" would have been perfect. A lot of third-party games don't scale the UI elements well, even on the normal Switch.
>real handheld
Buy a 2DS then bitch ass nigga
> It's not even that much smaller. All I wanted was a real handheld, fuck the Switch.
It’s a handheld now, what the fuck do you expect? It doesn’t even connect to the tv.... fucking moron.
What a shitty way to show size comparisons. Fuck
I don't own a switch, but I'm concerned the screen size will be too small on the lite. I've seen video of people playing some games in handheld mode and on the normal switch it looks pretty fucking small on that screen.
>can't even compare the screen sizes
looks too fucking small tho
I do believe if you read what you quoted, it will tell you exactly what he expected. Idiot.
Personally, I don't mind the size, but I'd rather have a bigger screen.
Is there a comparison with the Vita?
Also handheld is a bad word to use. You can hold practically anything in your hand, even the Virtual Boy
I did read it, he said he wanted a real handheld, it doesn’t connect to the tv.... it is a handheld now.... KYS
>Regular Switch just barely big enough to play most console-style games in handheld mode
Already have one and it's dead now, nothing new and no real successor in sight.
>Excludes the Width of the N3DSXL
I expected something comparable to that of Nintendo's previous handhelds
Should have phrased it better want something that I could fit in my pocket comfortably
So a laptop is a handheld?
I feel like my hand would get tired holding it if i was in bed
All laptops connect to a TV
and besides, it sits on top of your lap, it's not held in your hand
>joycons infamous for breaking/analog sticks drifting
can't wait for my switch lite to be unusable in 6 months.
Goddamn keep moving that goal post.
This is a discussion about physical size and form factor. Is a 19-inch laptop a "real handheld"? No. This is obviously about the smaller redesign still not being small enough. Removing TV-out does precisely dick to alleviate that issue. A smaller system with TV-out intact would still be more of a "real handheld" for that reason. Now get with the program and actually discuss the system's size or shut the fuck up.
Laptops are barely portable, why do you think it's a handheld
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you had the Autism. The user said and corrected himself, but he did say a real handheld. You are idiot.
literally the biggest screen on a handheld.
yeah and the smallest screen that console games ever get played on.
And all I want is a new NVIDIA Shield TV.
I guess we can't have all we want
then get the regular switch. this is simply another option. making the screen smaller is one of the ways they made the lite cheaper.
The lite looks so plasticy. Even the vita has a more premium look and feel to it. What the fuck happened to the glossy plastics of the 3ds?
>What the fuck happened to the glossy plastics of the 3ds?
What do you think?
It was discarded because glossy is terrible for handhelds for a multitude of reasons, most notably grip.
while making a lot of games basically unplayable
The vita works perfectly well
>he did say a real handheld
Exactly. Meaning size, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together easily figured out the instant they entered this thread. Nothing to do with the ability or inability to use TV-out functionality, which is why no one else, even with those who disagree with his assessment, brought it up. Now once again, you blithering inbred mouthbreathing crosseyed cocksmoker, get on-topic or shut the fuck up.
can't read text that's designed to be looked at on a 30+ inch screen, can't see small details, have to strain your eyes to differentiate some enemies etc.
Why is it excluding the width of the 3dsxl I wonder?
It ain’t that bad user. Sounds like you’re cherry picking and looking for non existent issues
Wait is it actually allot smaller than the normal switch?
wtf are they thinking
You retard of course I can hold my bulky ass Xbox one launch or my heavy ass full size gaming pc but I can't fucking play it while I'm holding it.
yeah the screen is basically the same size as a vita's
>The vita works perfectly well
Yeah which is why later versions also abandoned it.
The vita was probably the worst system to have a glossy finish because combined with the pill shape it made it a literal pain to hold, god forbid you're also someone who gets sweaty palms or if you play it during summer.
what's a real handheld?
There won't be a 4DS. Massive library so they'll support the DS line for a while, but DS is predecessor to the Switch and the Switch Lite. Sucks because I like clamshell handhelds.
A handheld that is small, and easy to carry around.
You know the 3 and 2 DS got their names thanks to the stupid 3D feature (on the 3DS) and the fact it lacked one on the 2DS. I don’t think we’re getting games in the 4th Dimension
I think he’s talking about the fact the Virtual Boy being market’d (and classified) as a handheld device despite everything being the contrary to it being one
That and Nintendo has learned their lesson about letting names stick around too long.
I just realized Nintendo killed EO
deez nuts
That's not bad at all. I can afford a Switch now, granted without the switch function.
Not with that attitude.
It was bound to happen.
This. They should have changed the analog design because having to replace a fucking console every 6 months ain't good.
>liking glossy finishes
Are you braindead?
You can barely read text on the nornal switch and you want an even smaller screen?
There are already complaints that the Switch Lite screen makes it hard to read.
>You can barely read text on the nornal switch
You might need some glasses.
>There are already complaints that the Switch Lite screen makes it hard to read.
Except no one has used one.
It fits in my pocket now. thats all that matters.
They were thinking true portability. The fuck were you thinking? That this "lite" version would be bigger? The fuck outta here.
What are these shitty pasty looking colors? Give us some rich colors you fucking assholes, I've been waiting for so long with a plain black switch.
I want a atomic purple opaque one already, or the opaque n64 colors. Fucking jews are just waiting to milk that too.
I love how, they're literally gunning for the tiny Asian hands gacha market. Unironically. Do you guys realize how small the fucking joy cons are? This shit, is EVEN smaller? Switch lite might as well be fucking called Switch nip. Anybody, with fucking normal, man sized hands, this shit is going to be a god damn nightmare. Don't get me wrong, this shit is going to sell and DO BANK, but I guarantee you it does absolutely insane money in nipland.
>Switch nip
ok I laughed, mother fucker
based retard