I've just finished Darkwood, and holy shit it was great to say the least
I've just finished Darkwood, and holy shit it was great to say the least
I played for 20 minutes and liked it but felt I seen everything in the game and that doing the cycle over and over and over for 15 hours would be boring as hell
Prove me wrong
Lmao brainlet
You haven't seen anything dude
Are you even progressing the plot or just messing around in the forest?
>plot in procedurally generated minecraft horror
I absolutely loved the atmosphere of this game, the first few nights legitimately horrified me. But I just couldn't get into it because of the gameplay, which is a shame
>he thinks it's procedually generated
What a retard.
>map stays the same but objectives and points of interest change
it's boring as fuck
Dunno, I loved the gameplay too
Maybe after a good amount of days having to go to the refuge while you are exploring to avoid dying can be a bit annoying and anticlimatic, but I think you get enough new options and things to keep it fresh
yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I've just never been a fan of top-down games. I give this game credit for drawing me in with the world and atmosphere alone
You... never left the first area?
Game seems way too monotonous and frustrating to fail each day to me. The days are like 5 mins long and you spend it just grabbing wood and building a wall around you (like my life). What happens when you fail? Just seems stupid and not fun.
It's sad that the procreduraly generated part of the game pushes people away thinking that it's some shitty roguelike were you only have to survive as long as you can, while it's more of a plot driven game with a map that you explore. They really couldn't have sold that in a worse way
That made me doubt about playing it too, but for those that think the same I recommend to just keep exploring and progressing through the forest, it's really worth it
You did get the true ending, right?
I reached the prologe where the guy leaves the woods and goes to sleep, is that the one you mean?
Look around some more.
So there's even more? I guess I will have to replay then
You don't know what you're in for.
>he went to sleep
I played it for 20 minutes, realized it was one of those games where I had to run back and forth to collect garbage and uninstalled.
you only have to replay the last portion.
Played for 2 hours and nearly shit myself.
Fucking awesome! 10x better then majority of modern day hide and seek horror game.
The prologue? I don't wanna get spoiled by looking at a wiki
just explore a bit around the town at the end, and go to the basement of the building, when you go to your home after doing it, you should notice something different
just explore a bit around the town before going to bed
Nice man! My favorite horror game of the last couple years for sure. I'm on my second playthrough now, doing limited lives and siding with the Musician instead of the Wolf. Making different decisions.
It holds up on repeat playthroughs.
Only complaint so far is that I'm really not a fan of how you can only bring one inventory's worth of stuff through the underground passage and never return. The Bike man doesn't work anymore either.
Oh boy is there more. Look around the apartment complex at the end thoroughly. Check everything. Things are not as they should be.
Did either of you even play it? The plot is the central factor of the game, and it's not procedurally generated. Nor does the map remain the same.
Oh, I did that and found some jam and a radio in a cell, but then I just went to sleep. I'll explore the town some more tomorrow then, I'm gonna actually go to sleep now
>I played for 20 minutes
Your opinion doesn't matter.
I mean, it's literally proceedurally generated though
I hated the gameplay loop for that game and couldn't bring myself to finish it.
Best fucking art direction I've seen in ages though. Give me a more traditional linear third person survival horror experience and I'm gold.
Everything picks up at area 3, all the enemies there require guns if you don't want to get fucked; yeah yeah I know, "it picks up at the end" sounds dumb but it's true.
Procedurally generated means it's generated as you proceed. Like Minecraft, where as you render a chunk for the first time, it decides what it will be like and saves it.
At the start of a Darkwood run it makes the area and puts everything where it will be for the rest of the game. It's fixed for each playthrough.
>when you finally git gud at dodging chompers
Actually, I just looked more into it and it seems I was wrong with my definition. The "procedural" aspect is system-side, rather than the player. My mistake.
What did you dislike about the loop? It was the closest thing I'd found to STALKER in years and I was entranced by it. Biggest complaint was the late-game weapon balancing and how slow nights were, but overall I adored the loop.
Shame you didn't finish it if you liked the art direction. Some of the designs and characters in the latter half were surreal.
>drunk and high with friend
>it's night time and I'm huddled in the corner with an axe ready
>hear shit moving
>I'm spooked
>we scream
Good times.
>argues semantics just to be contrarian and right, completely understanding what the other user meant anyway
>was still wrong anyway
holy shit, fuck off Johnathon Blow
The whole having to stunt your progress to find shelter for a timed event and gathering resources.
I want to explore, forcing me to wait 10 minutes for the sun just makes nights dull and tedious.
Very spooky, the true ending really made me think.
>spend 20 minutes gathering resources, maybe 2-3 exploring
>either live and waste 20 more minutes
>or die and you've now wasted 40
:^) sooooooo good guys
Why are Chompers the most bullshit enemy of this game? They attack faster than you can raise your piece of shit shovel, they take half a handgun magazine to kill and are almost impossible to dodge.
*bites down*
Dude, semantics are everything when it comes to computer terminology. You have to be exacting when talking about them.
And no, I didn't know what he meant. He might have thought the world was generated around you as you progressed, and I was letting him know the game wasn't. I even corrected myself with research and apologized before anyone pointed it out. How messed are you to take issue with that?
The trick is to use your backstep and turn right as they lunge at you. Then you use a quick attack and back off until your stamina replenishes. Rinse and repeat.
Kill yourself
>either live and waste 20 more minutes
The entire night cycle isn't even 5 real minutes long. It's 270 seconds.
>or die and you've now wasted 40
Dying actually saves time. Your inventory just drops where you were and you wake up in the morning, skipping the night. The material downside is that you gain no reputation with the trader, and if you're on harder difficulties you're closer to permadeath. But there's no wasted time.