Pardon me, just the unironically best game of the decade coming through
Pardon me, just the unironically best game of the decade coming through
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This baby is criminally underrated.
I myself ignored it for years. Boy was I a moron.
The DLC campaign is even better than the main one. Tough as balls too.
Visuals are pretty, OST epic as fuck, and story / themes / whatev can make you think. Really.
I also looove the HUEG options menus this game has! Perfect for benchmarking computers, and it also scales down to ridiculously low-spec devices.
>SAM 4 coming out soon
>Talos 2 confirmed to follow already years ago
Croteam is the sole reason I'm cautiously optimistic for the 2020s.
I'll never understand how the witness got more press and hype than an objectively superior puzzle game.
Just bought the special edition in the sale. How is the bonus content?
I was too brainlet and I quit eventually.
I should probably retry.
Jonthan Blow has star power / meme status
>Shitty verison of the witness
Probably because The Wtiness gatekept your ass and you felt stupid, right?
Westerners can't handle slavic might
They still paying you well?
what's the bonus content exactly?
The Road To Gehenna DLC is amazing at least.
"Bait" is just a faggot's term for "uncomfortable truth"
The DLC was too hard so I gave up. I also had to look up how to get all the stars in the base game. I'm too much of a casual brainlet.
The bonus content, besides road to gehenna is a mode where you have Serious Sam's voice replace Elohim's, with more comedic dialogue.
>devs well know for making action games
>their best game is a puzzle game instead
it's so crazy, I love it
not really.
JBlow thinks he's a genius for how "unstructured' and "open" the witness is, but when you really look at it, it's incredibly shit design, and he made the amateur mistake of assuming everyone thinks like him. But then embraces that as the gimmick of "oh eventually you'll find your way :^)". But even worse is how technically unpolished and lacking in atmosphere it is, and you have invisible walls everywhere. It reinforces the fact that you're playing a game every step. Wheres TTP has the whole package and doesn't skimp on one part of a game in favor of another. it ACTUALLY understands player freedom. And nothing in the witness has real time puzzles that require immediate input at certain times.
Can we talk about The Witness some more?
>playing it today
>discover the area's gimmick
>it's really cool, having fun
>get to new puzzle
>I am utterly stumped
This is the trend for the entire game so far. I've got 2 lasers pointed at the mountain, and 2 very close to done, but it just gets so hard at a certain point I get filtered.
You should be on the look out for puzzles in the environment
Pretty much, you basically have to pixel hunt for what looks like puzzles. It wouldn't even be so bad if the world wasn't so static and boring.
It kinda passed under the radar because it had no strong unique mechanic like Portal. Rather it was just a classic puzzle game very well done.
Yeah, I just kinda feel like the previous user was right: If you don't see Blow's obscure hint for the harder puzzles, there is no way to solve them. This in contrast to stuff where you're given a set of tools to carve out your own solution like zachtronics just feels inferior. I mean I'm cool with it to an extent but it really does get needlessly cryptic and feels like at times no amount of thinking will help, because you just don't -see- it like Jon Blow. I still like it of course.
It's good, but I'm kind of tired of this kind of puzzle game. It's probably one of the games that burnt me out.
I still like other types of puzzle games. Zachtronics-like games require some genuine creativity. Stuff like Picross is entirely logic-based and fairly simple. Adventure games like Myst don't push you quite as far and can be more arbitrary, but there's the fact that every puzzle is a different situation, with different visuals and possibly a different story behind it.
The Talos Principle (and many other games) falls somewhere between. The puzzles don't allow for the completely open creativity of a Zachtronics game, and they don't have the variety or plot significance of an adventure game. You're constantly fiddling with the same tools, trying to find the right combination. It's not an objectively bad kind of game, in fact I enjoyed my time with it, but I feel like some of the satisfaction has been lost.
>Can we talk about The Witness some more?
>t. unable to comprehend the genius behind The Witness
it's like jblow learned absolutely nothing from braid.
but i also agree youtube """""""""""""""""""""""''critics""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are even worse.
>got drunk after work and realized I had this game
>internet goes out due to winter storm so I might as well play this instead of doing nothing
>live far enough north that it stays dark for a
>start up the game and become completely immersed into the game
>the next 48 hours become some weird blurr of playing the game while sleeping at my desk
>somehow manage all the puzzles without help, I might have used one of those shrines
>literally crying as I watch the ending cinematic, thinking humanity can go on now
>step away from my computer finally, feeling hungry, thirsty, and sore
>look out my window and see the sun rise over the snow covered trees after having gone 2 days without seeing the real sun
Because of a bunch of weird coincidences, this game was a legitimate religious experience for me. I have been putting off playing the dlc because I'm certain I won't have the same experience. Are the puzzles at least just as good?
The Witness was a FUCKTON better than this.
The Talos Principle is pretty much just a Portal knock-off re-using some assets from the Serious Sam games. Yeah, there's no portal gun, but otherwise the game structure is really similar, you go from one "test chamber" to another, carrying a lot of boxes and rearranging laser beams. Gets really stale after awhile since the story is nowhere as engaging as in Portal and the game is long af, it seriously overstays its welcome. Basically, it's like Portal but BOOOORING.
The Witness was a masterpiece and there's nothing like it.
Why do you care more about the people making the game rather than the game? I don't know shit about Blow besides he made Braid and The Witness, both 10/10 games, and that he thinks he's a god. I don't give a damn about that last part, just make more good games.
Maybe you should adopt the mindset of actually playing a game rather than going through each creator's biography just to bitch about their work?
Love the game but it gives me motion sickness from hell. I never usually get sick playing vidya but this game was bad for it
Sounds like you got filtered and missed the clouds / mountain / stream / etc. that are supposed to be one of the biggest "oh shit" moments in gaming and changes the entire way you perceive The Witness, and then can't get over it. TTP is great, don't misunderstand. Both are absolutely worth playing. But you just seem straight up butthurt about not being smart enough / not paying attention enough to get the entire point of The Witness.
The DLC puzzles are hard.
But Talos feels way more like a game than the Witness, especially once you activate your first laser
>had the twist spoiled for me
feels bad man
it was definitely my GOTY when it came out. really great game.
this game was really fucking bad, I love puzzle games but this was just unplayable
how is it unplayable?
>The Witness was a masterpiece
Wow, you have shit taste.
Hi Jo-Blow. You're game isn't that good. Sorry.
All these Portal clones (QUBE, Turing Test, Chromagun etc etc) lack a strong mechanic like the portal gun. It's either piss easy like e.g in TP you point 2-5 laser beams to open a door in the earlier chapters, then late game it's exact same except you have 15 lasers and mirrors and also need to use the extremely annoying timed ghost mechanic. It's just tedium at that point.
Not to mention the lack of a strong narrative and high production values that could carry the game, like it did for Portal.
This and the witness are really good games. I used to shit on the witness but the more I played of it I started to like the more abstract kind of puzzles, as opposed to talos' pure logical puzzles. They're both really good, for completely different reasons.
Talos, The Witness, and Spacechem are the holy trinity of puzzle games. I'm currently longing for more quality puzzle games, but I haven't found anything that matches these.
Post count never goes up when someone attacks Witness. Get a fucking life, dude.
Let's just agree the stars puzzles are complete bullshit
>Uh actually to solve this puzzle you were supposed to stand in that precise spot of the area, where your character would suddenly find themselves able to jump four meters with no run-up, to get the cube out, and then you can bring the cube to a half-ruined wall that is very very VERY similar to every half-ruined wall in the map, except that with the cube you can climb over it now
I only looked up the clock puzzle because it was bullshit. The stars in the DLC was some shit. I loved staying up trying to figure it out one puzzle for hours because the world and music was so comfy and it was the perfect environment to foster philosophical background thinking.
The Talos Principle had a great narrative, did you just ignore all of it?
most of them were fun to figure out. once I knew what to look for I just worked backwards from the solution to see what puzzles were nearby and went from there.
>it's another tetris puzzle that seems literally impossible given the space you have
>Stars were bullshit
I liked most of them.
The Talos Principle is what nier automata wanted to be
*blocks your path*
Anybody actually bothered reading the terminal entries? I gave them a try at first, but they were so laughably pretentious, I couldn't stop cringing.
>Thought it didn't make any sense at first
>Tfw shooting lasers through windows and stuff to beat puzzles even quicker
>Tfw playing a second playthrough let me discover ways to bea tpuzzles I didnt think of before
Have you finished the game?
I love both games but honestly The Witness is more unique. Talos doesn't really have a puzzle mechanic to call its own, weighing down switches and redirecting light beams is all shit we've done in Zelda and Tomb Raider and Soul Reaver a million times before.
Talos is better overall because doesn't have anything as bullshit as Witness' colour/audio puzzles. It's pure logic and spacial awareness. At least so far, I've nearly beaten world C and haven't started climbing the tower yet. Maybe the bullshit comes later.
I just wish there was more indication of where the star is. Are the signposts supposed to show you which puzzle the star is closest to?
seriously I am literally seething at these puzzles and how restrictive they are. the worst part is you can never be sure you're being stupid or if there's some outside element you don't see that would make it trivial if you noticed it. what the FUCK I only have two lasers how am I supposed to platinum this shit
The only problem with that puzzle is that the QR code is fucked in game and you have to use an a secondary device to read it.
Yes, both the golden gates and the tower endings. Didn't bother with the stars though. I think collecting them all just gives you another bad ending where you become one of the helpers.
Lmfao filtered
You don't deserve to platinum it if you're this stupid
i got this for VR without ever having played the original version of the game, just what the hell am I in for
There are two gold gate endings? I thought there was only one.
20 hours of putting boxes on switches and directing laser beams.
I don't think anything brought up in the talos principle were pretentious. It does a great job presenting you with various interesting philosophical problems, which if you actually spent some time thinking about you would realize have great depth.
The Witness on the other hand just felt like they wanted to shove a bunch of "DUDE SO DEEP" quotes down your throat.
I'm convinced that people actually considering the witness a great game is a literal meme
I meant I got both the golden gate ending and the tower ending.
t. ESL (don't bully)
The people who hate the witness are usually people who play it for 5 minutes and give up because they think it's all just a bunch of line puzzles over and over again (which is true in a sense but there are so much stuff layered on top of them).
>tfw was a hardcore materialist
>the talos principle made me rethink my worldview
fun puzzle game, but also based in general
good 3d puzzles.
"Are androids people?" is just such an old and trite 2deep4u trope that I can't really take it seriously. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" came out all the way back in 1968. Are we seriously still doing this?
Yes, they are, if they're intelligent enough. Anything sentient would be a person. Whether it's an alien or a high tech robot. Or a talking cat.
it was excellent i agree!
Fuck this terminal. Just screenshot the four maze solutions. Just tedious. Couldn't figure out how to fill out the opposite side one.
not the guy you replied to, but i figured out the environment puzzles/ obelisks before even encountering that clearly designed puzzle to make you pay attention to the environmental puzzles. it was pretty obvious to me. quite hyperbolic to say it's the biggest oh shit moments in gaming...
I actually beat the game though.
Yes its not "only" line puzzles, there are optional ones and environmental ones too, its still a 8/10 at most while being pretentious enough to make an art curator puke.
The game literally has videos on how you should live for chirst sake
I wholeheartedly agree with you OP, it's an incredible game.
Has anyone played this in VR? It's the one game that looks very appealing to me for VR.
so he watched 30 seconds and completely dismisses the video despite everyone using that video as a great critique of the witness.
>Are we seriously still doing this?
Yes we're still doing this because there are various philosophical problems involved in the question of whether machines can be conscious. There are different kinds of consciousness, it's just not the matter of if something can behave a certain way with complex enough programming, there's the question of whether it can have qualia, how we have qualia, what qualia is and how it arises (basically that it's like something to be you, that you experience sensations from a first person perspective as opposed to all the parts you're made of simply doing its thing without any subject there to experience anything). This is the hard problem of consciousness.
If you think the answer to any of these question are obvious then you haven't spent any time thinking about them.
the adulation for portal really eludes me. it's a fun physics based puzzler but none of it is particularly hard or even challenging. it's just the portal mechanics that is it's novelty.
Meh, XING: The Land Beyond was more entertaining
explain your answer
Played some of this on PSVR and I found it pretty uninteresting. What did you like about it?
does anyone have any of those hi res talos principle wallpapers. i lost mine to a sudden PC crash this year.
k, I am mad. The right one was what I was stuck on, since there was no indication you could rearrange the shapes in the larger chunk of the puzzle you would form. I wasted 20+ minutes for not somehow deducing this arbitrary rule exists.
Mainly the environmental puzzles and the different powers. It also had a chill atmosphere.
did someone really feel the need to explain the fucking option settings of a video games?
That's such a surface level interpretation of the game it's just sad.
came out of nowhere, the core mechanic is interesting and instantly recognizable despite being underutilized and underdeveloped
What are you whippersnappers talking about?
tragically underrated, best puzzle game of all time
that's my shit right there.
talos sucks
>I watched thirty seconds of it and he doesn't understand
>I won't even say what he doesn't understand, he's just wrong, I have no argument at all but I'm not going to argue any points because he's just wrong
These people are the worst.
Too much reading for the brainlets that play video games these days.
i wish obduction was good
r8 my list of favourite games:
The Talos Principle
Half Life 2
The Outer Wilds
My main gripe with witness is the really good parts where mechanics combined were too short; the tower and timed gauntlet were the best parts of the game by far but made up a tiny portion of the game. Also some areas mechanics weren't fun to solve like the bambo sfx area with lack of control on the audio clips or the light reflection area.
this. The political / philosophical debates with the terminal were great + actually interactive.
I am replaying it in VR and it is just as awesome. Only solution I had to look up online was haircut. I am sorry but I spent hours on it and could not figure it out :(
The indication of that is that you previously already had the left as a puzzle type and this is clearly different... So figure out what is different, which should IMMEDIATELY go to "oh I can arrange them when I couldn't before". What the fuck else could be different dude?
I was stuck here too and thought it was bullshit, but right after the first few panels there's a section behind them that teach you about it.
The game never does that up until this point, it doesn't introduce new mechanics in the middle of a section that you have to figure out to progress until now. I assumed it was a, "Here's the same thing but harder" kind of deal with a really tricky solution.
>but there's no room for a normal solution
Yeah, but there's other times where a real solution seems impossible until you stumble upon it, so I kept working at it. This is my main issue with The Witness - it's so dead set on making you figure out all of its mechanics, but then obtuse stuff like this comes along and you're supposed to anticipate it will happen. The game is still fun, don't get me wrong, but that's not where the difficulty in a puzzle game should come from.
>in the middle of a section
lmfao pay attention
Fix your game, Jonathan.
Have you tried antichamber?
Can't get past the fact this game is named after a god in Oblivion to ever consider it.
bruh... Talos is part of greek mythology, where do you think Bethesda got the name?
probably bait but