ITT: Things that trigger Yea Forums

ITT: Things that trigger Yea Forums.

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That doesn't trigger me, I feel genuinely sad for the dude. Being alone is horrible.

this desu


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Please tell me this got a happy ending

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Black hylians...?

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Why did Nintendo get so blacked all of a sudden?

yeah I know the feeling, all my family, mom and dad included forgot my birthday,never been a big fan of my birthday but no one remembering hurt so fucking bad

was actually so fucking close to commiting suicide that day

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Isn't there a tranny in this or something? I've seen people say that the person who gives link that trap outfit is a crossdresser who gets mad when you call them a he.

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It's not being alone that's that horrible, it's being alone & having unrealistic expectations about it, which leads to things like OP's Pic. My birthday was 2 days ago and I didn't get a single call, gift, or cake, but i'm used to it, so it's not as sad as OP's Pic.

No one over 15 should be having a birthday party

Yep a bunch of people felt bad found out his address and sent him happy birthday messages and gifts.
Here's the kicker...
they were Yea Forumstards

t. bitter faggot

true, but a quick 'happy birthday dude' from people would still be nice, maybe make some plans to head out for a movie or shopping if you got the friends for it

I'm sorry your parents ruined fun for you user

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Yes it is.

>seething over others peoples happines

keep it up and youll kill yourself soon

What a shitty suicide note, blackpilled fags are the worst. The only reason to kill your self would be being born HIV positive in some African shithole.

>Yea Forums
What is this picture supposed to mean?

What happened to Yea Forums?

Around 2006-2008 or so people used to spam this image on Yea Forums with the caption "Your birthday will never be this awesome."

Not even his father?


It's supposed to be speculating about the "weeaboo" phenomenon. Mostly resetera weeaboos.
The sad part is it's probably accurate for a number of people, thankfully I'm not one of them.

some anons got together to wish him a happy birthday

You are supposed to be hanging out with friends and getting drunk, not cutting cake like a kid

Hope he's found himself a good group of friends

I would be his friend even though my chances of being the victim of a crime would increase 10 fold I doubt he's the type

I had F U N today.

i dont have friends so i just drink alone home and shitpost in Yea Forums because it hurts so much inside me

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Not even a nigger deserves to be alone on his birthday.

imagine if you weren't afraid of dying


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Since when is the term "birthday party" exclusive to kids parties?

Go to the bar, get drunk, talk to people

That simple, beer will give you more courage to talk too

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bars are too expensive in my country so i will always be alone no matter what


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At least 4 by 3 seems happy

dragon dildos have been dead for quite a while now, haven't they? I haven't seen them in any battlestation or unboxing threads in a long time.

Everything is relative

The good news is that this story ended in a good note. Dude got celebrated.

fappening and trump. Also newfags not going through newfag school

>john wick movie game
>not an rpg anymore
>essential npcs
>no customization
yes I am mad

I agree. Anime does not belong on Yea Forums and never has.


Seems like you haven't graduated yet either. You forgot gamergate.

For my last birthday I went to a sushi buffet with 6 friends and afterwards we went to the arcade and played racing games

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Yes I did, and you reminded me of it, fuck you

Fuck this shit makes me nervous and remember when I was a teenager. Good think I have lots of good friends and am not an autistic spaz anymore. Social gainz is the best thing to focus on in life.

Not quite as triggering as

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>not an rpg anymore
There are no true rpg games.

Just look at his eyes.

This place was mainstream since 2010, user.

Based retard, the fact it's barely an rpg is what has people angry

If you take all the chocolate from neapolitan ice cream you're a hero. The vanilla and strawberry are the best parts.

i have been loner for so many years i just cant socialise anymore

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Dilate, sweaty

Is that david sheratt?

>his idea of a degenerate dystopia doesn't have trannies in it
Dumb cuck. You built up a game in your cyberpunk mount and blade based on a CGI trailer from 2013 and got mad the final product wasn't exactly like it.

Complete oposite for me, always been more of a Vanilla or Strawberryfag than a Chocolatefag.
Fuck off though, that shit is mixed for a reason.

I mean, yeah, but you can't deny that those two events brought in huge numbers of new users


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baby steps, mate. Just try and say good morning/afternoon/evening or whatever to as many people as you can everyday. Of course don't just say it to random strangers, but like cashiers and the people you work with or see at work.

Anything BotW related.

40% yourself

female protagonists

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Here we go again

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You just don’t have any friends.

You dont got dive bars? Where the hell you live

I don't mind the tranny shit as cyberpunk should be peak degenerate society but there are trannies that think this inclusion validates their mental illness

>tfw you channeled your autism to get good at talking to people by having imaginary conversations with anime characters in the shower and reading Platonic dialogues until confident enough to talk to real people
>tfw this somehow fucking worked
I can still barely talk on the phone with people or order at a drive through but at least I had sex

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I'm too old now to waste money on joke sex toys to make anonymous "friends" happy for thirty seconds. It was a fun ride a decade ago though.

I do, except we arent cutting cake and singing happy birthday like faggots

not a single female protag being made today looks like that
give her a trenchcoat and burka then it'd be accurate

My last birthday I went out and eat a burger with my friends, they only talked to me once in 2 hours, after that I just wanted to give up

Then they're retarded since it's clearly a dystopia setting, but that's to be expected when they were trannies to begin with.


get yourself one of these

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what message does this image try to convey?

Someone in another thread said he died in a car accident around the spring. I really hope they were just talking out their ass..

I'm more of a vanilla and strawberry fag now. Even more when I noticed that when neapolitan ice cream melts and mixes together all you taste is chocolate and that would happen every fucking time we got those big ass ice cream buckets.

I win

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What female protag is wearing a burka?

>havent had any friends since 7th grade
>26 now
>last three birthdays, nobody remembered and even sent a "Happy Birthday" text
>recently found out my family has been getting together and not inviting me
I get that its a bummer having an autistic social reject be there, and I wouldn't want to be there either, but it hurts even more than it would from friends.
Genuinely considering changing my name legally and moving out of the state and letting the last time I saw them be the last time they ever hear from me


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It's 100% an RPG

My last birthday I flew across the country to a state I'd never been to and got shitfaced with strangers I met at some bar. I was pretty sure I would have killed myself if I stayed home so I just went somewhere else that would have distractions.


No idea who that is. She hot though.

From all sides of the political compass. Most fags need to lurk for at least a year, Maybe two. Not that it matters now anyway because they have already been here for a few years, Time flies.

Nice. Hang on to your friends user. Having a small group of close friends is the best

Call of Duty is an RPG.

>libtards want to destroy this

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a regular 40cl cheap brand lager is $8 at bars here, I know his feel

Man, 6 was so fucking terrible, and it's a shame because Leon's campaign was so perfect, it was exactly what I wanted from a modern RE game (although i'd rather have classic).

Once I jumped into playing as Chris it all went downhill.

Khazar milkers

>imagine still celebrating your birthday

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Scandinavia? Norway/Sweden/Denmark are so fucking expensive I almost stopped being an alcoholic during that part of my yurop trip.

Why is she so sad? Mayo some time make foods tasted better.

>Tfw 25th birthday is tomorrow
>No GF
> Have worked tons of jobs in the past but now I live and work with my parents
>Get paid $400/mo to pay my bills so income is basically $0/year
>Wish for nothing more than to have a place on my own and a stable job that pays well

I wish things were different but I don't know if it ever will be.

No no call of duty HAS rpgs


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Is Va11 HallA a good game? Considering buying it.

It got in her ice cream :(

I at least buy myself a beer.

I like beer.

A little too much.

Ben Shapiro's sister.

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no, it's a first person shooter with no character customization or progression. also, character skill is non-existent.


Being alone is horrible for people who want to be social and have friends and people that care about them. I, for whatever reason, have always been more content to be on my lonesome.


>he doesn't assemble the lads and go on the sesh for his birthday

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