Game improves over time and becomes more interesting and complex

>game improves over time and becomes more interesting and complex
>nostalgiafags hate it

Attached: 1513101196585.png (954x814, 1.47M)

>Needing to read a novel to understand what a card does

yeah... Id rather be a nostalgia fag

I feel like there's a point where a game becomes too complex.

I followed Yugioh from the start and I do believe it peaked at GX in terms of ease of entry and complexity.

Based. Only smooth brains and faggy 4Kids secondaries disagree. If you don't like reading don't play card games and stop complaining about the game not being as "UNGA BUNGA MY ATK BIGGER" as it used to be.

>A novel
The font is just really small, there's no more than 2 lines of text in that.

>bullshit effects so convoluted that even the creators of the game don't know proper proceedings when used in combination with other effects
No thanks.

more gimmicks =/= more interesting

Can someone make an image that has relinquished as the then and pic related as the now? I would do it but I am busy right now

Attached: Check this out.jpg (457x671, 45K)

>game is dictated on who won the coin toss and managed to draw the first card with endless chain summoning effect monsters, graveyard jumping, and the race to OTK with cycling card less synchro fusion

but unga bunga, am i right?

That was resolved with the new problem-solving card text. Following what a card does is something even a toddler can do.

Links killed Yu-Gi-Oh. Forcing that fucking mechanic on everyone was a mistake. Not to mention they made them so generic that you can link climb for days and turns will take over 3 minutes. They're BARELY starting to add shit like "can't be used as a link material", but it's too late, the meta is already too cancerous to salvage.

more complicated=/=better. The best games are simple. I quit Yu-Gi-Oh around Ancient Sanctuary and I'm glad I did, it just became way too complicated to the detrement of the game. When I played there was at least a variety of decks in tournaments. Now, everyone uses the same deck. just sad

Theres so much bullshit, it feels like a parody at this point.

>what are hand traps

>yugioh cards nowadays need a second text box for their extensive effect

Attached: 1562713739996.gif (380x280, 3.78M)

>I summon La Jinn and play axe of despair
>I win this fair contest of who draws their steroid and beater first

Play Magic like an adult, stop finding Konami's bullshit which is even more Jewish than regular TCGs

studying law and its interpretations (civil law country) kinda brought me back to when I argued with my friends about the meaning of the card description

>Something something summoned skull....

Someone post the pasta already.

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Yugioh is the worst designed major card game ever created

The issue is this "complexity" doesn't actually provide any depth or real gameplay, it's just bullshit like and they have no idea how to write anything concisely or consistently so it's just a load of fluff that requires a magnifying glass in your deck box and leads to indistinguishable interactions that have to be clarified by Konami. In contrast, MTG writes everything programmatically using keywords that mean specific things so pretty much any interaction sorts out its own rulings.

>If you don't like reading don't play card games
Ironic because YGO is the only card game that pulls this shit, all the others actually have clear consistent writing and actually use keywords

What if I told you old yugioh and modern yugioh are both shit in different ways

Remember when cards didn't have this much text?

Attached: TDMG.jpg (342x500, 43K)

>What if I told you old yugioh and modern yugioh are both shit in different ways
Then I would agree with you but say I prefer modern

>2 lines of text
what? There is at least 11 with 130+ words user

just don't have a bad hand bro
go fuck a stalagmite

Oh no no no

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I got you

Attached: checkTHISout.png (954x814, 1.62M)

Beastard the second box is only for pendulum monsters that have a spell mode and a monster mode so there is an effec for each box

Attached: Pina has been missing for so long that he forgot he wasn't a card.jpg (458x670, 48K)

YGO is in desperate need of keywords and whatever autist savants WotC started hiring a decade ago to word cards concisely.

That should all be compressed to half that amount of text.

Is... is that a dick joke?

magicfags are also filled with pedophiles

Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution?

Many thanks user may you never brick again

*saves modern ygo*

Attached: 644.jpg (2733x3010, 2.22M)

>Must be [specific summon type] summoned and can't be summoned by other ways
Why isn't this a keyword?
>Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.
Why isn't this a keyword?
>Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects.
Why isn't this a keyword?

The only reason this shit game's font has to be so small and the cards are so unreadable is because they don't use keywords for ANYTHING and they just paste it all in one continuous blob of text instead of separating individual effects. This isn't hard to fix. I would say it's an issue of translation, but the original Japanese cards have the exact same problems.

The creator literally said the players SHOULD read

>game adds unnecessary gimmicks and power creep
>newfags will defend it
>op will suck dicks

>ruining the good card artwork because muh wall text effect

I stopped playing Yu-Gi-Oh when it became like playing Solitaire with an opponent who throws the table whenever you make literally any play.

Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters your opponent controls cannot activate their effects. Once per turn, when your opponent adds a card(s) from their Deck to their hand (except during the Draw Phase or the Damage Step): You can destroy that card(s).

Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card is Special Summoned: Destroy all cards your opponent controls. Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can Special Summon 1 "Supreme King Dragon" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck. If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone.

And the creator is a retard who understands nothing about basic graphic design. Your point?

Yes, because back in the days Yata-Garasu was such a balanced card, right?

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I also don't like Kazuki Takahashi's art but that's a pathetic stretch

Im retarded and dont play YGO, but whats with all those summoning types and could the card be trimmed down a little as to have less text?

If the designer thinks this kind of shit writing and text organization is okay, he's an idiot. Full stop. No other game does this because it's objectively bad.

I like magic better.


not even elastic girl can stretch that much

>no argument
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

Since toon monsters have the same text rules why didnt they put a chunk of the rules on the toon world card itself?

That would have saved loads of space

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I decided to build a Yugioh draft cube which is essentially a Yugioh Greatest Hits compilation. With singles of all the best and banned cards like Graceful Charity, Cyber Jar, and Torrential Tribute. No extra decks, rituals, or other weird shit. Just plain old Monster, Magic and Trap cards. All randomized for me and my bros to have unique duels against one another.

I don't play YGO but even i know that shit can be shortened, you can read the entirety of Moby dick and Art of war in the time you finish a game of YGO if both players haven't memorised all card effects.

The art is still fine even with the extra text

Attached: Master Cerberus.jpg (340x500, 56K)

i bet you can design a better card layout mr graphic designer

Is banishing still the top tier way to fuck people into the ground?
God what a shit mechanic.

How does Shadowverse fare compared to yugi and magic?

I already did
See It's not hard, there's no excuse for this

reprint wightmare

anyone who defends nugioh is a literal stinky autistic

>nitpicking = designing
phew! you must be sweating from all that hard work

Why is she so perfect?

Attached: firewall_dragon.jpg (720x621, 81K)

I think casual but dedicated is the best way to play yugioh. Keeping up with new stuff but still playing on a none try hard level is fun, there are plenty of low tier/rogue decks that are affordable and fun to play in a modern yugioh setting

- Fusion Summon exclusive
- Effect untargetable
- Effect indestructible

- When summoned, destroy all cards your opponent controls.
- When this card kills an opponent's monster, you can special summon 1 "Supreme King Dragon" from your Deck or Extra Deck.
- When this card dies in the Monster Zone, you may place this card in your Pendulum Zone.

See how much clearer this is? This is literally what I just fucking explained, I shouldn't have to spoonfeed you like this.

Here, I trimmed it a little. You need to know what a Nomi monster is though.

Non-Pendulum Extra Deck Monsters your opponent controls cannot activate their effects. Once per turn, when your opponent draws any number of cards (except during the Draw Phase or the Damage Step): You can make them discard those card(s).

This is a Nomi Fusion Monster. When this card enters a monster zone, destroy all cards your opponent controls. Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Your opponent cannot target this card except by battle. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can Special Summon 1 "Supreme King Dragon" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck. If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone.

>game has unreadable text

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Take me back to pre-DUEA bros......

>All those effects
So basically at that point you should just forfeit?

>interesting and complex
first turn kills are not good design period.
also, yugioh was fucking KNEECAPPED by mtg's copyright of shortened terms.

yugioh caveman era is still superior tho.

lol both of those cards are fucking shit though

Just summon Utopia and attack

Attached: NumberS39UtopiatheLightning-LCKC-EN-ScR-1E.png (479x697, 788K)

No user, what’s stopping you from summoning a powerful monster too or cause effect damage or destroy his deck

>also, yugioh was fucking KNEECAPPED by mtg's copyright of shortened terms
I don't believe that. I bought some boosters today and they seem to have shortened some of the text down with key words like (Quick Effect) and abbreviate Graveyard as GY. But is that for real? What a bunch of cunts.


get with time, gramps.

Attached: Number39UtopiaDouble-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (1081x1593, 3.67M)

Just Kaiju it, retard

Lightning is outdated.

Utopia Double is the new hotness that's taking the metagame by storm.

In my days 5K atk was enough...

>becomes more interesting and complex

Attached: BaitDoll-BP01-EN-C-1E.png (400x588, 481K)

I prefer when cards didn't have a paragraph of effects

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So you never liked YGO?

>used to be
it didn't even use to be like that. anyone remember this fucker?

Attached: yatagarasu.png (455x669, 849K)

Your turn.

Attached: banned demon of no victory.jpg (419x610, 124K)

Keywording Z-ARC up based on common effects:

Pendulum effect:
Effect Seal - Fusion, Synchro, Xyz
[Trigger - Optional, Missable, 1/turn] Card added from opponent's deck to hand outside Draw Phase or Damage Step -> Destroy that card(s)

Monster effect:
[Summon Trigger] Destroy all cards opponent controls
[Untargetable, Indestructible] Opponent's card effects
[Triumph Trigger - Optional] Special Summon 1 "Supreme King Dragon" monster from your Extra/Deck
[Pendulum Reincarnation]

Yugioh is really cool because old cards still see usage and all the art and archetypes are so different. It's fun to see dragons and knights fighting against fucking trains.

Savior of worlds.

what a retarded post

Best to just stick with normal monsters.

Attached: DMG 3.png (1200x3800, 1.84M)

Just among my friends and I, our main petdecks include:
>Dragons and their albino cultists
>Japanese gods in weird light-body forms
>Chibi mecha with office/school supplies as weapons
>Bird people
>Psychic alchemists with vehicles that transform into power armor

What an even more retarded post. You know nothing about DM-GX metas and you probably think that playing with unsleeved 80 card decks full of random Yugi/Kaiba starter deck cards in the school library is "real Yugioh"

dumb magicfag
get a brain

As soon as they added syncro cards it was over for me. Now they have tuners and all these other dumb specific cards that require 18 other cards but are way better than old shit.

*melts your brain*

Attached: 1558891401599.jpg (309x450, 54K)

How about
>literal hanafuda cards
>little gear dudes that control different vehicles and giant mechs
>lovecraftian gods
>stuffed toys getting torn apart by various sharp objects
>a society of cake/dessert people
>literal demons from Dante's Inferno

Genuine question, do you have a mental disability?
Level 3 Tuner + Level 5 non-tuner = Level 8 Synchro

Look up PSTC and try to understand why it's used.

>Cardians and Geargia

Post your deck masters

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Sadly, today the game is super fast. People doing bunch of combos while I just want to normal a monster, maybe special summon 2 times, place some traps... Nope Lets Extra Link and have effects that don't even let you play the game

>tfw I got a PhD in Quantum Mechanics last year because my reading comprehension isn't complete shit thanks to this jew-trap of a game

Thanks Yugioh, I may not play as often anymore but I still like collecting cards

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Can't tell if bait

Great counter argument